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What if it's a big hoax and we create a better world for nothing ?

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posted on Mar, 5 2013 @ 09:22 PM

As the question is above, so it is below...What if it's a big hoax and we create a better world for nothing ?

posted on Mar, 5 2013 @ 09:33 PM
reply to post by kloejen

because a better world is subjective
for "some" this world is already a paradise and doing the things that would make it better for most..... most certainly do not make it better for "some"

posted on Mar, 5 2013 @ 09:38 PM
what if it isn't and we don't?

posted on Mar, 5 2013 @ 09:38 PM
reply to post by kloejen

If you create a better world it will never be for nothing. A better question would be "How long can we abuse this planet before the effects are irreversible?" I am not a climate change believer, but I do see the effects that we humans have on the landscape of this planet, and I must say that it isn't pretty.

posted on Mar, 5 2013 @ 09:49 PM

Originally posted by kloejen

As the question is above, so it is below...What if it's a big hoax and we create a better world for nothing ?

By what, stopping the use of fossil fuels for transport and electrical generation, thus forcing billions to starve and die of exposure etc.... as all the suppossed green tech is a bad joke at best?

Sorry there is no green dream irl, it is all imaginary, why do you think all the solar farms will pay for themselves in a hundred years but are only good for less than 20 before they must replaced.

Oh wait you meant windmills, that cost more to operate than they produce.......oh you meant ethanol, which takes more energy to make than they get out of it when they burn it.....oh, I know, your talking about electric cars, that are way worse for the environment to make than regular cars, and way way worse to dispose of, and the power to operate them must still come from fossil fuels.

So exactly what are you going on about? None of the green crap is even real, this is like me claiming santa is gonna be able to save us if we only send half our rescources to the north pole, bith ideas will result in the exact same outcome.

Absoluteky nothing that will benefit man on the whole.

Are we really gonna have this idiotic conversation again?

posted on Mar, 5 2013 @ 10:44 PM
i believe in the change of the world to something renewable.

burning a fossil fuel or limited resource is kinda dumb.

BUT i dont believe in it because of anthropomorphic climate change, or any hippy reasons.

i just think its smart economically to find a resource that isn't limited. like fusion.

i DO NOT believe applying a tax to carbon is going to fix anything. before its even in place the carbon trading schemes are up and running to help big polluters buy carbon credits to keep pumping out the same amount of crap.

what kind of solution is that to the problem it aims to fix?

cmon fusion power, or something from way left field to make this world less dependent on monopolies

posted on Mar, 5 2013 @ 11:33 PM

Originally posted by okamitengu
i believe in the change of the world to something renewable.

burning a fossil fuel or limited resource is kinda dumb.

BUT i dont believe in it because of anthropomorphic climate change, or any hippy reasons.

i just think its smart economically to find a resource that isn't limited. like fusion.

i DO NOT believe applying a tax to carbon is going to fix anything. before its even in place the carbon trading schemes are up and running to help big polluters buy carbon credits to keep pumping out the same amount of crap.

what kind of solution is that to the problem it aims to fix?

cmon fusion power, or something from way left field to make this world less dependent on monopolies

Now that is one green dream I will happily get on board with, as it is based in reality, and could potentially work.

If only that guy from europe had really invented cold fusion instead of just being a tool.

posted on Mar, 5 2013 @ 11:53 PM
there are plenty of fusion experiments nearing the point of results.

aside from thorium its the one "green" energy i try to follow.

in the right hands, (eg not the power companies) it could free us from the limits of current power.generation.

imagine a world with small 5000mw generators pumping out pure clean electricity. for all

and i agree its sad cold fusion was never replicable... however there are some signs its not impossible

if you or i try to submit a patent for cold fusion, it would be rejected.. but the US navy has several cold fusion patents lodged...
not bad for a hoaxy scam ne?

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