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Question for long-time members. Times changing?

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posted on Feb, 28 2013 @ 01:04 PM
I've only been a member here for a few weeks, and my delving into conspiracies has only be for about a year or so. I started down the rabbit hole with the JFK/RFK/MLK assassinations, and all it did was open a huge can of worms.

Would it be safe to say that events in the last year or so are significantly different than what we've seen in the past?

I find it hard to trust or believe almost anything I see in MSM and even here, when somebody posts a link to support an argument, even if their argument is quite convincing I can't hardly trust the link. Seems like everything out there that at one time you might consider a valid tool for supporting an argument now either has a spin or you just can't trust it enough to know whether it has spin or not.

A lot of recent events are making me think that it wasn't just a timing thing for me personally, of when I started down the government conspiracy trail. The recent gun grabs, failure of both US and Europe economies, bolstering of population control policies and proposed legislation seem to be happening very rapidly now.

Is there something going on or has it been going on all along for many, many years and I was just too ignorant to notice it?

Thanks in advance.

posted on Feb, 28 2013 @ 01:09 PM
Two options.... Either it really has been going on for a long time and they are just not caring anymore about secrecy.

Or, the paranoia has reached an all time high.

I venture that it's option number two. But I'm a shill so who knows.

posted on Feb, 28 2013 @ 01:09 PM
It has been going on for many years now, but with the advent of the internet, people are able to share their opinions, and share alternative views on material presented.

It's just lately all of the incremental things they did prior to now, are starting to come to fruition. But it doesn't matter how late you joined the game, the best thing you can do is read all the material available and draw your own conclusions. just my 2 cents.

posted on Feb, 28 2013 @ 01:12 PM
It's been going on for a long time, it's just that now with digital media, info happens and gets passed around a lot quicker now. Back in the day, you had to know where to go for resources. -- obscure book stores, etc.

These days info is flying around at the speed of light and it comes with both pros and cons.
(Unverifiable sources etc)

But food for thought, and general waking up is a good thing.

posted on Feb, 28 2013 @ 01:17 PM
I am, by no means, a long time member.

ATS has provided me a great resource for interpreting alternative news and allowing me to form my own opinion.

Would I say things are picking up? I'd say things have been about the same for a couple years now. The Economic outlook, the wars, everything. It's just that you're becoming more susceptible to seeing these things, as you frequent an alternative news / conspiracy website.

Being on a website like this, which is flooded daily by catastrophic "end of times" prophecies (which fail to come true), has a way of turning your perspective of this planet to a negative one. Which, in my opinion, is a tool used against us. Perception is everything.

Take everything with a grain of salt, research with diligence the topics which interest you, and utilize this website as a way to help guide you on your path to life.


posted on Feb, 28 2013 @ 01:18 PM
I personally feel like it has been going on since Lincoln was president.

People realized how politics and business could be used together and build super fortunes.

So in short I think it gas always been screwed up. We just get distracted from the truth with all the BS.

But what do I know, I am just a paranoid peon. Also known as a pawn in a rich mans world.

posted on Feb, 28 2013 @ 01:19 PM
Its a combination of all three OP...

It has been going on a long time, they care a whole lot less of late (due to the apathy of the Public) and Paranoia IS at an all time high.

Much of the Paranoia is not justified , but after being lied to for so long through the structured system, many who realize this begin falling into the "alex jones" trap (not picking on Jones- That is what I call it) where they begin to believe everything non-mainstream and see the "Illuminati" behind every bush.

posted on Feb, 28 2013 @ 01:21 PM
I think times are changing and without any doubt of that. Two major things.... Crisis are coming back to back to back and if one isn't naturally available, one will be MADE to fill the gap. So long as people are anxious and stressed in jumping from one to another, it seems the goal is accomplished.

The other is more difficult to put into words but it's no less real, IMO. Perhaps it's the most troublesome aspect. It's the compression of time and events. Where once, 6-12 months wasn't long at all for crimes or scandals to have happened and still follow or be pissed about? Now...1 month is like 6 and 6 is like a year or more. Benghazi, for instance, happened VERY recently...but who'd know it? It even feels like old history and it's absolutely not.

Statements and positions made or taken by leaders and bloggers alike these days are forgotten or 'shouldn't count' if made just weeks or months before. It's like we're living in a never ending series of mulligans or do-overs. Endless...

^^THAT all IS new, IMO and it's nothing positive. It has everyone so mushy minded in thinking through the non-stop stress that it's hard to even hold a train of thought. Look at reporters for examples of that and it's almost pathetic to see them fumble, tumble and generally get lost of basic facts right in the middle of broadcast reports.

Indeed... times are changing. It's sure not your imagination.
edit on 28-2-2013 by Wrabbit2000 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 28 2013 @ 01:23 PM
reply to post by lynxpilot
Valid concern and keen observation from my point of view.

I was once in disagreement with some people about what was to come a year ago, I am now finding myself telling them "you were right".

We are in the midst of the flipping of a script. In a way.
What we see happening now, has been planned some time back I believe.
edit on 28-2-2013 by Sek82 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 28 2013 @ 01:23 PM
Meh...I understand you a point.

Dirty underhanded crap has been going on all along but today it's easier for the word to spread and spread a lot faster.

But I agree with you on the notion that it's very-very difficult to find simple facts without an editorial spin. Every single issue these days has someone's spin on it. True journalism for the sake of facts is now officially extinct in my opinion.

It is irrelevant the topic as, medicine, social information and politics. Nothing is above spin. About all you can do is check every source you can find and look for consistencies and discrepancies...and then...extrapolate your own opinion. Doesn't always mean you have the correct info, but it's about as close as you are going to get.

posted on Feb, 28 2013 @ 01:24 PM

Originally posted by QUANTUMGR4V17Y
I am, by no means, a long time member.

ATS has provided me a great resource for interpreting alternative news and allowing me to form my own opinion.

Would I say things are picking up? I'd say things have been about the same for a couple years now. The Economic outlook, the wars, everything. It's just that you're becoming more susceptible to seeing these things, as you frequent an alternative news / conspiracy website.

Being on a website like this, which is flooded daily by catastrophic "end of times" prophecies (which fail to come true), has a way of turning your perspective of this planet to a negative one. Which, in my opinion, is a tool used against us. Perception is everything.

Take everything with a grain of salt, research with diligence the topics which interest you, and utilize this website as a way to help guide you on your path to life.


I actually avoid the 'end of the world' topics, and I'm at least sharp enough to know that big government conspiracies have been going on for ages. My look at JFK/RFK/MLK alone relates to events that are 50 years old. What really concerns me, however, is how rapid things seem to be falling into a NWO-esque scheme, whether there is a mastermind to the whole thing or not. I'm trying to suss out if it's just my recent look, or if there actually has been an escalation.

posted on Feb, 28 2013 @ 01:24 PM
reply to post by lynxpilot

Question for long-time members. Times changing?

I think I would have reworded that to read: Old People! The times they are a-changing... again?


Yes... as they are constantly a-changing. At times, they change slower than others. At other times, it can feel like a handbasket ride into hell.

But, again, yes. They are a-changing.

posted on Feb, 28 2013 @ 01:26 PM

This has been going on for thousands of years.

posted on Feb, 28 2013 @ 01:52 PM
There's nothing new under the sun. Many of these conspiracies have been bones of contention for hundreds of years: The Illuminati, the Masons, even the NWO/PTB schtick. Here at ATS they tend to recycle over the months. We have huge threads on Steven Greer or Billy Meier where every sentence they ever spoke is analyzed ad infinitum. It finally simmers down and goes below the fold, then someone new will come in and say, "How about that Billy Meier!" and here we go again. The one thing you can be sure of on ATS is that nothing ever gets SETTLED. It's the nature of the beast.

Now add in that ATS, despite all its bragging of having over 250,000 members, is at heart a small site with only about 5,000 members who have made over 100 posts, i.e.: Members who are fairly active on the site. Almost half the members have never madr a post at all, and of those 117 out of 154 thousand have fewer than twenty posts, meaning they have never started a thread and have likely moved on.

When you are in the midst of it all it sounds like a maelstrom of activity, but in actuality the bark is much bigger than the bite. I'm not complaining. I'm here a lot, obviously, but sometimes some perspective is needed. Though people here self-describe themselves as really bright, really enlightened, really aware and awake, the fact is that most of the rest of the world considers the subjects usually discussed here as off the wall and completely nuts. .

posted on Feb, 28 2013 @ 02:05 PM
Within a limited time frame I'd say yes.
But if you look at the long scope of history, things are happening exactly as they always have been.
There are some centuries of advancement, or at least innovation and freedom, followed by longer periods of autocracy. We get to witness the transition back to autocracy(What progressives call "social evolution"). Joy.

posted on Feb, 28 2013 @ 02:08 PM
reply to post by lynxpilot

I have been interested in conspiracy theories for a while now. Times are the same. Nothing is really different its just that everyone else is freaking out now. I think most conspiracy theorists have been pretty freaked out for a while. Ironically I think that we have mellowed out while everyone else is now starting to notice how convoluted and rotten our world is. You end up just seeing the bigger picture and knowing your place/ purpose in it all. . In the end it all comes full circle and ends with you and where you began. Fix you....
edit on 28-2-2013 by tadaman because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 28 2013 @ 02:15 PM
The entire planet is waiting for someone/thing to flinch.

That's a natural state to reach when the majority don't know who or what to believe anymore.

posted on Feb, 28 2013 @ 02:47 PM
I've just never seen the control issues come up as much before, even in my deluded memory. I've also never seen issues hidden and distorted as much as some recent ones. Sandy Hook comes to mind first, shortly followed by Christopher Dorner. On those two, the perps seem to be non-entities. There's been no serious analysis of thier history that might lead to a sensible conclusion on how to address the events. Instead, there's been this shoot-from-the-hip, knee-jerk response from both the media and the government, and the solution always leads to more control. And press coverage in both cases was enigmatic. So many legitimate questions came up, but anybody who dared ask them was painted with the conspiracy nut moniker.

-Drones and domestic surveillance.
-DHS ammunition purchases with utterly stupid excuses for them.
-Separation between state government and federal representation of the SAME state.
-Budget cuts from federal agencies EXCEPT those which can maintain domestic population control.
-Slander, disinformation, and ignorance against independent political candidates (Ron Paul).
-Bolstering of candidates and staffers who have proven poor records or at least questionable pasts that need looking into (Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, et al)
-Bizzarre raids on unlikely places (Mountain Pure Water, Little Rock AR)
-Sequestration has no effect on Congressional and Executive salaries (they get raises).
-Federal attacks, often masked under other premises, on things like prepping, small farms, raw milk, natural foods, local food production.

List goes on.

posted on Feb, 28 2013 @ 03:16 PM
reply to post by lynxpilot

Times are a changin.....Wiki is a trusted source for just about everything now a days.....

Youtube is about 99% of all videos uploaded now a days....

1 line posts are just about par for the course for all "newer" a days....

Still the best site on the internet, you just have to sift through the trolls, shills, and BS.....

posted on Feb, 28 2013 @ 04:03 PM
reply to post by lynxpilot

Have you ever read The Art of war by Sun Tsu. Well worth the read. It put a lot in perspective for me. Everything that is happening right now, it's almost like someone is using this on a mass scale. I might be completely off the mark on this one but that how it seems to me. If you don't like to read here's the documentary
Here's the full documentary The Art of War.

And here's the Audio Book
The Full audio book

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