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Tunnels Under New York - Incredible Photos

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posted on Feb, 24 2013 @ 02:45 AM

Originally posted by Blackmarketeer
reply to post by pianopraze

Well you have a point, I was in Boston when they had that Big Dig going on, and yeah everyone in the vicinity felt some vibrations from the machines - but they also knew exactly what was causing it, so not really a 'strange earthquake' - in fact not at all like an earthquake. If you think about it, an earthquake or anything that felt like one would be a disaster for the tunneling team, and nothing short of the tunnel collapsing would produce such an effect. Tunneling, or for that matter pile drivers, steam shovels, large trucks, earth movers, etc., don't really produce earthquake-like sensations. Fracking, on the other hand...

The people around the area of the cave Jessie went into reported it went from hardly none to hundreds of small earthquakes during the time period they were making these caves.

But, it could all be fracking too coincidental to timing of building these caves...

posted on Feb, 24 2013 @ 02:51 AM
the scale of this project amazes me... some of those caverns are astonishingly huge.. changes the way I think about underground complexes.

posted on Feb, 24 2013 @ 02:53 AM
Here if you really want yo know what there doing....

You know not everything being done in this country is a conspiracy...

Also there is this...

ALso this has nothing to do with fracking or anything else nefarious, sorry but just normal construction for the LIE(Long Island Railroad)
edit on 24-2-2013 by tsurfer2000h because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 24 2013 @ 02:54 AM

Originally posted by cartesia
the scale of this project amazes me... some of those caverns are astonishingly huge.. changes the way I think about underground complexes.

It really does.

Notice the trucker in the second video I posted talked about other caves he worked in as a Marine...

It is so nice to see these videos from New York from non classified digs. It helps people understand the scale of what is going on.

posted on Feb, 24 2013 @ 02:58 AM

Originally posted by tsurfer2000h
Here if you really want yo know what there doing....

You know not everything being done in this country is a conspiracy...

Also there is this...

Who implied "everything" was a conspiracy? Were you not the first to use such language?

Here is the complete official photo collection I believe of the dig: Flickr.

posted on Feb, 24 2013 @ 03:02 AM
reply to post by pianopraze

It is so nice to see these videos from New York from non classified digs. It helps people understand the scale of what is going on.

Why would building a train terminal be classified?

Funny but this has been going on since 2007...

A huge public works project is currently under construction in New York City, connecting Long Island to Manhattan's East Side. Deep underground, rail tunnels are extending from Sunnyside, Queens, to a new Long Island Rail Road terminal being excavated beneath Grand Central Terminal.Construction began in 2007, with an estimated cost of $6.3 billion and completion date of 2013

Did you do any research concerning these pictures?

posted on Feb, 24 2013 @ 03:06 AM

Originally posted by tsurfer2000h
reply to post by pianopraze

It is so nice to see these videos from New York from non classified digs. It helps people understand the scale of what is going on.

Why would building a train terminal be classified?

Funny but this has been going on since 2007...

A huge public works project is currently under construction in New York City, connecting Long Island to Manhattan's East Side. Deep underground, rail tunnels are extending from Sunnyside, Queens, to a new Long Island Rail Road terminal being excavated beneath Grand Central Terminal.Construction began in 2007, with an estimated cost of $6.3 billion and completion date of 2013

Did you do any research concerning these pictures?

Who implied the New York tunnels were classified? Why do you keep insisting someone did?

I said it is nice to see unclassified digs like the one in New York, so that people can understand the scale of digs that are going on — including classified ones, like the ones referred to by the ex Marine in the video I posted.

I am in awe of what they are doing in New York.

posted on Feb, 24 2013 @ 03:18 AM
reply to post by pianopraze

Who implied "everything" was a conspiracy? Were you not the first to use such language?

Makes you wonder about all those strange earthquakes we're having all over the country....

Missouri comes to mind... Jessie Ventura even went and drove through miles of underground caverns that he snuck into.

No, your right nobody is implying a conspiracy at all....That is why you posted these on a conspiracy website,correct?

BTW Jesse didn't sneak into those tunnels he drove through an entrance.

posted on Feb, 24 2013 @ 03:21 AM
reply to post by pianopraze

Who implied the New York tunnels were classified? Why do you keep insisting someone did?

Well did you not say this...

It is so nice to see these videos from New York from non classified digs. It helps people understand the scale of what is going on.

Why say these are non classified pics, what would make one say that if theyt aren't implying that these may have been classified at one point?
edit on 24-2-2013 by tsurfer2000h because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 24 2013 @ 03:54 AM
reply to post by The_Phantom

I agree 100%.
Look how small that man is compared to the size of the tunnels!

DUMBS don't seem that crazy to me anymore.

posted on Feb, 24 2013 @ 06:26 AM
Totally amazing pictures mate! SnF.

Now imagine what's possible with the addition of Nuclear Subtarine boring machines and nuclear explosives that create 1-5km spherical cavities, thats how "They" build DUMBS!
edit on 24-2-2013 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 24 2013 @ 07:16 AM

Originally posted by Iwinder
Very interesting, the second picture gives me the creeps if figure it is the red lights but non the less it spooks me.

Makes you wonder if this construction that is simply for "us" the public, just imagine what they are capable of with the never ending military budget..

Trillions for the F35 program they now don't even fly and most countries have cancelled all orders for these flying pieces of junk.....All 51 one of them in existence!

The scale of this project boggles the mind but yet, just imagine what lays below unknown to us peons!


Regards, Iwinder

Its the other way around
Sr71, the F117 Stealth, U2, etc are the fronts for the stuff that can do sublight or basically ET craft.

posted on Feb, 24 2013 @ 07:28 AM
reply to post by andy06shake

They don't use nukes to create cavities lol

Read your link, a patent exists that proposed using nuclear powered borers to melt the rock as it tunneled.

If it exists or not is debatable.

Nukes would be terrible at creating tunnels and DUMBs, you need a slow, heaving explosive like anfo.

posted on Feb, 24 2013 @ 08:07 AM
reply to post by Chadwickus

"If it exists or not is debatable."

Well that is what we do here on ATS is it not? LoL

I was using the link more to Illustrate the possibility that they may have built nuclear tunnel boring machines(Nuclear Subterrine).

The USA has in the past explored the possibilty of excavating underground chambers using nuclear devices under Operation Plowshare. Who knows how far they have come?

Operation Plowshare
edit on 24-2-2013 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 24 2013 @ 10:24 AM
first of all ..... wow... great photo's ... secondly i wonder why some big budget film company hasn't used them in any films ... they would make a great backdrop to a good sci-fi movie imo
would give you a star for the photos but not sure how to do it yet hehe


posted on Feb, 24 2013 @ 12:29 PM
I regret not taking a job as a sand hog when I had the chance even though its very dangerous. If you don't die on the job you'll probably get black lung. The pay is very good though.

You guys sit there and argue about seeing signs if there actually were dumbs. We have no idea what is capable one way or the other. Maybe Phil Schneider was right and they are capable of laser rock deflagration. He said they use a combination maser-laser to melt holes. Then whats left over is used to line the tunnels iirc. Im not sure if his story was ever proven to be a hoax, but supposedly he was strangled to death with piano wire in a hotel room. His wife wrote a letter after he was suicided that was convincing.

I personally know someone who was in the army and drove trailers down into dumbs. He said they had swimming pools down there and fully stocked ponds. Who knows what else they had or how deep they went.

posted on Feb, 24 2013 @ 01:00 PM
Nice pictures.

We could live under there in amazing designs with the tunnelling technology, smaller tunnels would be better.

posted on Feb, 24 2013 @ 01:09 PM
reply to post by Chadwickus

New York kinda did have a quake a little while ago, buddy.

posted on Feb, 24 2013 @ 05:48 PM

Originally posted by Chadwickus
reply to post by pianopraze

Makes you wonder about all those strange earthquakes we're having all over the country....

No, not at all.

What strange earthquakes and why none near New York?

How can you link earthquakes elsewhere when there aren't even any at the place being tunnelled??

Also there is no correlation between tunnels and earthquakes.

posted on Feb, 24 2013 @ 09:33 PM
reply to post by pianopraze


Good find!

I found a few pics you might like..
they are here in this PDF,

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