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711 days after Fukushima changed the world forever on 3/11/11

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posted on Feb, 22 2013 @ 11:03 PM

19 February 2013

Today we face enormous challenges and opportunities.

The challenges are extraordinary as our civilization and survival as a species are in jeopardy from the unfulfilled promise of “to cheap to meter” nuclear energy. There are now two broad paths before us: the unsustainable one we are currently on which will ultimately lead to disaster and the sustainable one we must strive for which can lead to life and prosperity for all in a nuclear-free world.

What effect will these unprecedented challanges have on the future of humanity?

If the nuclear dragon is not faced square-on and vanquished, the future of humanity looks rather bleak, considering the nuclear industry’s track record of a successful resolution to the ever-increasing waste conundrum.

Just where do you put something so deadly to all forms of life on our fragile Mother Earth? And, more importantly, what just what do you put this eternally-deadly poison in to keep our precious environment safe for thousands of years? We all want the answers to these life-altering challenges.

9 April 2011

These and other questions of utmost importance will be addressed at the EARTH AID Forum, to be moderated by Miles O’Brien as a possible Frontline and PBS Special. Dr. Helen Caldicott is invited to give the opening plenum on “The Challenges of Nuclear Energy - 70 Years of Deception.”

This looks to be the ultimate ‘Texas Holdem’ - 'Run what you brung' forum for the devotees of nuclear energy pitted against their detractors - a formidable bunch including folks like Dr. Helen Caldicott, Dr. Michio Kaku and Arnie Gunderson. This should prove to be rather interesting, as we will invite the Chairman of the NRC Allison Macfarlane as well as many of the industry spokespersons to answer to the people on live, interactive worldwide television.

Even though the concept of EARTH AID is to educate the peoples of the world as to the challenges and solutions of nuclear energy, increased knowledge doesn't guarantee increased understanding.

We must also strive for deeper insights into ourselves and each other, as well as the mutual recognition of our shared past, current mutual interests and common future. In so doing, we will be poised for a major leap in the evolution of humankind which will be used to literally save the world from the continued nightmare of nuclear energy.

Everyone on the planet will ultimately get involved - whether to celebrate a resounding renunciation of nuclear energy in favor of sustainable alternatives, the Earth and Life itself, or forced to address the never-ending nuclear waste death-spiral and the still-spewing triple melt-throughs at Fukushima, Japan.

Humanity’s ultimate survival and success may well be determined by the choices and actions we collectively take over the next few years. Humankind will either finally develop true wisdom or may well perish.

FALLOUT CLOCK - Time since Mar 11, 2011 2:46 PM Fukushima

No one will be immune to an event of this magnitude in our live, global village, patterned after the hugely successful LIVE AID, with many of the same production friends lending a helping hand in this interactive, worldwide, multimedia production.

A successful EARTH AID and celebrations, however, are only part of the story. Marking the cessation of nuclear power also means an obligation by all people of Planet Earth to first commit to realistic, serious conservation, all-the-while taking the necessary steps to ensure the success of various forms of non-nuclear energy.

This presents each and every one of us with a unique opportunity to reflect on the past, address the challenges and opportunities of the present and shape a positive, nuclear-free future together. EARTH AID is for everyone!

We can each take up the challenge and address the future with vision and goodwill through a special EARTH AID project or initiative happening at the local level.

With our new tools and potential wisdom we may finally be on the verge of a truly new world - a world that can deliver the eternal dream of humanity which has been unfolding since our ancestors first looked up at a starlit sky.

[font=times new roman][size=5pt][color=fuchsia]The dream of a peaceful, harmonious world and a healthy, vibrant earth.

[color=magenta]Peace Love Light
[color=magenta]Liberty & Equality or Revolution

posted on Feb, 22 2013 @ 11:11 PM
US has over 100 of nuclear reactors.... are they safe? Chernobly wasnt, Fuku wasn't, where next??

Wonder what would happen between 711 and by 911 days mark, if the US tptp do have some method to celebrating or invoking madness/disaster

posted on Feb, 23 2013 @ 12:01 AM
Its burning again. Note: you might want to turn down the volume to watch the film. Potty mouth music. lol

posted on Mar, 3 2013 @ 08:52 PM

Originally posted by tropic
US has over 100 of nuclear reactors.... are they safe? Chernobly wasnt, Fuku wasn't, where next??

Wonder what would happen between 711 and by 911 days mark, if the US tptp do have some method to celebrating or invoking madness/disaster
Three Mile Island was safe, and it melted down anyway, due to human error. Chernobyl was basically a combination of human error and an unsafe reactor and containment design.

The only "accident" was Fukushima and Tepco's own scientists warned of the disaster three years before it happened. So the three years of inaction was once again, human error, so in that sense all three disasters resulted from human error.

If we had somebody smarter and more reliable than humans to design, build, operate and maintain them, they'd be a lot safer, though we'd still have the problem of nuclear waste.

posted on Mar, 4 2013 @ 03:08 PM

Live Mt Fuji webcam

Potential eruption of Hakone would trigger the eruption of Mt. Fuji | Fukushima Diary

FUKU DIARY FUJI DOOM: A professor emeritus Kimura from Ryukyu university commented the potential eruption of Hakome may trigger the eruption of Mt. Fuji because these two volcanos share the same ground.

Experts are trying to research low‐frequency earthquake. Low‐frequency earthquake occurs just before an eruption or after. It’s caused by the movement of magma. Magma comes from south volcanos, Miharayama and Miyakejima to Hakone.

Kimura comments these two volcanos (Miharayama and Miyakejima) have already erupted, it wouldn’t be strange even if Hakone erupts too, which may trigger the eruption of Mt. Fuji.

posted on Mar, 8 2013 @ 04:51 AM
Amazing post! Truly! It is still a bit sad over here. The gov. just keeps playing games even as Fuku keeps being a serious problem. They all act like nothing is happening and nothing is wrong.

posted on Mar, 11 2013 @ 07:27 PM

posted on Mar, 15 2013 @ 03:12 PM
Lest we forget

[align=center][font=impact][color=fuchsia]After Fukushima Changed the World[/font][/align]
Japanese doctors warn of public health problems caused by Fukushima radiation.

Residents of Ohkuma-cho attend a memorial service for the victims of the March 11 earthquake and tsunami on 24 July 2011 in Ohkuma-cho, Fukushima Prefecture, Japan, 20 km from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant (photo: EPA)

Scientists and doctors are calling for a new national policy in Japan that mandates the testing of food, soil, water, and the air for radioactivity still being emitted from Fukushima's heavily damaged Daiichi nuclear power plant.

"How much radioactive materials have been released from the plant?"

asked Dr Tatsuhiko Kodama, a professor at the Research Centre for Advanced Science and Technology and Director of the University of Tokyo's Radioisotope Centre, in a July 27 speech to the Committee of Health, Labour and Welfare at Japan's House of Representatives.

'The government and TEPCO have not reported the total amount of the released radioactivity yet,'

said Kodama, who believes things are far worse than even the recent detection of extremely high radiation levels at the plant.

There is widespread concern in Japan about a general lack of government monitoring for radiation, which has caused people to begin their own independent monitoring, which are also finding disturbingly high levels of radiation.

Kodama's centre, using 27 facilities to measure radiation across the country, has been closely monitoring the situation at Fukushima - and their findings are alarming.

According to Dr Kodama,

[color=limegreen]the total amount of radiation released over a period of more than five months from the ongoing Fukushima nuclear disaster is the equivalent to more than 29 "Hiroshima-type atomic bombs" and the amount of uranium released "is equivalent to 20" Hiroshima bombs.

Kodama, along with other scientists, is concerned about the ongoing crisis resulting from the Fukushima situation, as well as what he believes to be inadequate government reaction, and believes the government needs to begin a large-scale response in order to begin decontaminating affected areas.

Distrust of the Japanese government's response to the nuclear disaster is now common among people living in the effected prefectures, and people are concerned about their health.

Recent readings taken at the plant are alarming.

When on

August 2nd readings of 10,000 millisieverts (10 sieverts) of radioactivity per hour were detected at the plant,

Japan's science ministry said that level
of dose is fatal to humans,

and is enough radiation to kill a person within one to two weeks after the exposure.

[color=chartreuse]10,000 millisieverts (mSv) is the equivalent of approximately 100,000 chest x-rays.

It is an amount 250% higher than levels recorded at the plant in March after it was heavily damaged by the earthquake and ensuing tsunami.

The operator of Japan's crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO), that took the reading, used equipment to measure radiation from a distance, and was unable to ascertain the exact level because the device's maximum reading is only 10,000 mSv.

TEPCO also detected 1,000 millisieverts (mSv) per hour in debris outside the plant, as well as finding 4,000 mSv per hour inside one of the reactor buildings.

The Fukushima disaster has been rated as a "level seven" on the International Nuclear and Radiological Event Scale (INES). This level, the highest, is the same as the Chernobyl nuclear disaster in 1986, and is defined by the scale as:

"A major release of radioactive material with widespread health and environmental effects requiring implementation of planned and extended countermeasures."

[color=magenta]Peace Love Light
[color=magenta]Liberty & Equality or Revolution

edit on 15/3/2013 by thorfourwinds because: color

posted on Mar, 15 2013 @ 03:30 PM

Gundersen: Level 8 on INES Scale is needed for Fukushima-like disasters (VIDEO)

Arnie Gundersen: There is a citizen scientist in Pennsylvania who has suggested, and I think it is a great suggestion, that we add a level to the international nuclear scale to address the fact that when more than one nuclear plant is having an accident, the whole world needs to mobilize to solve the problem.

I am sure you know that Fukushima Daiichi and Chernobyl were both considered Level 7 accidents which is the worst that could happen.

it was a multi-unit accident and it also affected many sites. Well, that affects how many resources are brought in from outside and that is why Scott Portzline’s recommendation that we add a level to the nuclear accident scale is so important.

So Mr. Portzline is recommending, and I agree with him, that we really need one more rung on the international emergency scale.

We need a Level 8.

the International Atomic Energy Agency needs to admit that there are circumstances beyond a Level 7, a Level 8, where international co-operation is critical.

If only the international community had had a Level 8 and recognized that it was not just a single plant or a single site that was in jeopardy, and that, in fact,

[color=chartreuse]14 nuclear reactors at 4 different sites were in jeopardy.

The world might have been able to minimize the consequences at Fukushima Daiichi and minimize the exposure to the Japanese population if only the international community had acted faster.

The Fukushima and Chernobyl disasters are the only nuclear accidents to have been rated level seven on the scale, which is intended to be logarithmic, similar to the scale used to describe the comparative magnitude of earthquakes.

Each increasing level represents an accident approximately ten times more severe than the previous level.

Doctors in Japan are already treating patients suffering health effects they attribute to radiation from the ongoing nuclear disaster.

"We have begun to see increased nosebleeds, stubborn cases of diarrhoea, and flu-like symptoms in children,"

Dr. Yuko Yanagisawa, a physician at Funabashi Futawa Hospital in Chiba Prefecture, told Al Jazeera.

She attributes the symptoms to radiation exposure, and added:

We are encountering new situations we cannot explain with the body of knowledge we have relied upon up until now.

"The situation at the Daiichi Nuclear facility in Fukushima has not yet been fully stabilised, and we can't yet see an end in sight," Yanagisawa said.

Because the nuclear material
has not yet been encapsulated,
radiation continues to stream
into the environment.

[font=Georgia][color=fuchsia]Gee whiz, Wally, where do you think it’s going?

Health concerns

Al Jazeera's Aela Callan, reporting from Japan's Ibaraki prefecture, said of the recently detected high radiation readings:

'It is now looking more likely that this area has been this radioactive since the earthquake and tsunami, but no one realised until now.'

Workers at Fukushima are only allowed to be exposed to 250 mSv of ionising radiation per year.

Junichi Matsumoto, a TEPCO spokesman, said the high dose was discovered in an area that does not hamper recovery efforts at the stricken plant.

[color=limegreen]Yet radioactive cesium exceeding the government limit was detected in processed tea made in Tochigi City, about 160km from the troubled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant, according to the Tochigi Prefectural Government, who said

radioactive cesium was detected in tea processed from leaves harvested in the city in early July.

The level is more than 3 times the provisional government limit.

edit on 15/3/2013 by thorfourwinds because: color

edit on 15/3/2013 by thorfourwinds because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 15 2013 @ 03:51 PM
Yanagisawa's hospital is located approximately 200km from Fukushima, so the health problems she is seeing that she attributes to radiation exposure causes her to be concerned by what she believes to be a grossly inadequate response from the government.

From her perspective, the only thing the government has done is to, on April 25, raise the acceptable radiation exposure limit for children from 1 mSv/year to 20 mSv/year.

"This has caused controversy, from the medical point of view," Yanagisawa told Al Jazeera. "This is certainly an issue that involves both personal internal exposures as well as low-dose exposures."

Junichi Sato, Greenpeace Japan Executive Director, said:

'It is utterly outrageous to raise the exposure levels for children to twenty times the maximum limit for adults."

The Japanese government cannot simply increase safety limits for the sake of political convenience or to give the impression of normality'

[font=comic sans ms][color=fuchsia]But it will encourage the little ones to go swimming in Fukushima Prefecture.[/font]

Fukushima reopens beach after nuke crisis

FUKUSHIMA prefecture has opened its first beach to swimmers since last year's nuclear disaster after judging the water to be safe.

Not everyone agrees with the idea.

About 1000 people descended on Nakoso beach on Monday.

The beach is about 65 kilometres south of the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear plant, where three reactors melted down after the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami.

The opening was celebrated with beach volleyball games and hula dancers from a nearby spa.

Cheers returned to a beach in Fukushima Prefecture for the first time in two years Monday after all bathing beaches in the northeastern Japan prefecture were closed last year after the March 11 earthquake and tsunami and resultant nuclear crisis.

Iwaki city official Joji Kimura says negligibleradiation was detected in water at the beach. Airborne radiation was measured at 0.08 microsieverts per hour, far below dangerous levels.

Swimming had been banned at all beaches in Fukushima prefecture since March 2011.

On the Marine Day national holiday, the Nakoso beach in Iwaki was filled with families with children as well as young men and women.

While the prefecture has 17 bathing beaches, Nakoso is the only one that was reopened, because debris disposal and facility restoration have not proceeded well.

Beside the conventional water quality check, the Fukushima prefectural government measured radiation levels in late June. [color=limegreen]No radioactive cesium was detected in sea water, and air dose rates at the beach were low at up to 0.07 microsievert per hour.

Yosuke Shirado of Iwaki said he is concerned about radiation levels due to the nuclear crisis at Tokyo Electric Power Co.'s disaster-hit Fukushima No. 1 power plant.

[font=courier new][color=fuchsia]Lest we forget:[/font]

Fukushima Daiichi Radioactive Seawater Update

Radioactivity levels in the seawater outside of the troubled Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant continue to ignite concerns over the spread of highly radioactive material in the surrounding seawater.

From the Washington Post:

“Samples taken 360 yards offshore from the plant Friday showed radioactive iodine levels 1,250 times the legal safety limit.

The levels of iodine-131 in the water had been closer to 100 times the limit this past week.

Attention has turned to cleaning up stagnant, highly-contaminated water found in turbine rooms outside the reactors. Pools of the radioactive water have been found at the plant’s units 1 and 3. Similar standing water at units 2 and 4 is being tested for radioactivity.


Stagnant, highly-contaminated water has been found in turbine rooms outside the reactors at all four units... and where will it go?

edit on 15/3/2013 by thorfourwinds because: color

posted on Mar, 15 2013 @ 04:13 PM
reply to post by thorfourwinds

Just wanted to say thank you for the updates and the research you have done. I have followed this event closely from the beginning, and even wrote a ten paged paper for a class on it last year. My works cited was 6 pages long, so it was actually 16 pages. It was the only paper that I have ever actually enjoyed writing. I put tons of research into it and really enjoyed it, and it paid off with a 97%.

I hope to see some kind of resolution to this, because, even though the world seems to have forgotten, this mess is far from over.

I will continue to follow the thread, thanks again.

posted on Jun, 20 2013 @ 10:48 AM
reply to post by daryllyn

Greetings 'old' friend daryllyn:

Thank you for the kind words.

Care to share that paper?
It sounds rather interesting and we are always interested in what other views are of this disaster.

We feel it would be considered ON TOPIC because we, the authors, asked for it.

[color=magenta]Peace Love Light
[color=magenta]Liberty & Equality or Revolution

posted on Jun, 22 2013 @ 06:08 PM
Next major NWO event is imminent, I believe within 1 week

posted on Jun, 26 2013 @ 05:22 PM

Originally posted by hiddencode
Next major NWO event is imminent, I believe within 1 week


And how does this tie in with Fukushima, recent terrorist attacks in the Homeland, present-day world events?

Enquiring minds want to know.

Thank you for your time and participation.

[color=magenta]Peace Love Light
[color=magenta]Liberty & Equality or Revolution

posted on Mar, 7 2015 @ 01:25 PM

fukushima deadlier than ever 2015
Published on Jan 11, 2015
Fukushima deadlier than ever 2015.

posted on Mar, 15 2015 @ 02:30 PM

Fukushima Molten Corium ~ "The Lava Lamp Effect" Some of it Still Oozing
Published on Mar 5, 2015

Here's one from February 23, 2015 with Dr. Bill Deagle and Chris Harris called Nuclear Engineer: New video appears to show molten corium that melted out of Fukushima reactor — “Some of it is still oozing” — We’ve been talking about criticalities going on and causing continued heat for a long time now” (AUDIO & VIDEO) the lava lamp effect.

Published: February 23rd, 2015 at 5:22 pm ET

Chris Harris, former licensed Senior Reactor Operator & engineer, Feb 19, 2015 (at 30:15 in):

The buildings are really in a state of disrepair at Fukushima. There’s been some new video released of what could be the molten – some of the corium – that has leeched out.

We talked a long time ago that some of it is not solid and still oozing in that respect.

And this video showed something, that if it weren’t just metal melted, but it sure looked like if it was corium, then it would be oozing. Which would lend credibility to our lava lamp effect that we’ve been talking about for a long time now, thus little criticalities going on and causing continued heat…

Certainly there were some pretty interesting images of it. You can see how frustrating the attempts are to contain the mess into some area, let alone treat it. The fuel was never designed to leave the cladding, that was the first line of defense.

Once that gets broken and then the containment gets broken, or even before that the reactor gets broken, the genie is long out of the bottle.

posted on May, 6 2016 @ 07:44 PM

Chernobyl 3828 - YouTube

Published on Apr 21, 2012
Military people call such places "FRONTLINE", liquidators who worked at the Chornobyl nuclear station called it "ROOF COATING".

It was the most contaminated, and therefore the most dangerous, place in the zone. The remains of the roof coating of the 4th reactor. The operation on decontaminating the roof lasted more than five months.

We will tell about only two days. About the most important two days in the life of an explorer - dosimetrist Valeriy Starodumov. He participated in this operation until it was over. He himself came out to the roof and led people there.

He himself planted the "victory banner" at the level of 75 meters, as the signal for the zone: the roof coating has been decontaminated! Now, 25 years later, Valeriy Starodumov comes back to the zone. Now Chernobyl is a tourist object. But not for him...

posted on May, 6 2016 @ 07:46 PM

posted on Jun, 13 2016 @ 08:42 PM
Can We say "Disclosure" ?
But wait, this was 5 years ago!

Airlines Need to Warn Fliers on Radiation -

By Robert J. Barish
Published: June 5, 2001

NEW YORK— Although airlines have consistently attempted to avoid the issue of in-flight radiation, the recent introduction of polar routes between North America and the Far East has created flights which receive previously unmatched levels of cosmic and solar radiation exposure.

Many of them don't know it, but for more than 10 years flight crew members in Europe and the United States have been considered 'radiation workers'. This classification allows the application of exposure limits which, when compared with those used for members of the public, are greater by a factor of 50 in the United States and 20 in the European Union. Many flight attendants and pilots receive a higher annual dose of radiation than workers at nuclear power plants.
Frequent fliers are also affected. Business travelers flying more than 80,000 miles (128,000 kilometers) per year are also exposed to in-flight radiation at levels that exceed the regulatory limit established for members of the general public.

Also, the news media need to report radiation issues more responsibly and intelligently. The spill of a teaspoonful of radioactive water, confined to the premises of a nuclear power plant, captivates media attention even when there is no potential public health risk. By contrast, a solar flare is ignored even if it will give 3 million airline passengers whole-body radiation doses that are many times greater than normal. Information about significant solar storms is readily available to all weather forecasters and they should provide this information when warranted.

The writer, a medical and health physicist, is author of The writer, a medical and health physicist, is author of "The Invisible Passenger: Radiation Risks for People Who Fly." He contributed this comment to the International Herald Tribune. He contributed this comment to the International Herald Tribune.

posted on Jun, 16 2016 @ 10:01 PM

FukUShima - the gift that keeps on giving, 24/7/365.


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