Sir John D Aubernoun
Lion at feet - bravery, valour, nobility, courage
Chevron - protection, has built a church or fortress or has accomplished some work of faithful service
Alianora de Bohun - Duchess of Gloucester
Swan - Poetic harmany, light, love, grace
Fleur de lys - Flower of the Lily, royalty, purity, perfection, holy trinity
Thomas Boeleyn, 1st Earl of Wiltshire
Griffon at feet - mystical creature, guardian of the divine, death defying bravery, guard over treasures
Knight of the Garter - Order of the Garter
The Most Noble Order of the Garter, founded in 1348, is the highest order of chivalry existing in England and is dedicated to the image and arms of
St. George as England's patron saint. Chivalric orders are societies and fellowships of knights founded in imitation of the military orders of the
Now I want to point out a common symbol that seems to appear on these brasses. This one is particularly interesting to me. I am drawn toward this
because it takes me to a place I am at for the moment. I am focusing intently on finding my inner peace, my balance, just a path I am taking now and
probably will ponder for the rest of my time on the earthly realm. Nothing out of the ordinary. I'm not claiming to know anything.. just focusing
myself on positive things to bring calm to my life and my focal point is Inward. Now I am not certain that this is what the symbol(s) were meant to
be. I did however do research and found that the objects I've pointed out on the brasses to my eye look to be the respresentation of the dorje,
mandala, rose or quatrefoil.
Here I have pointed out the symbols from the Brass Rubbings that I am referring to.
MANDALA: State of enlightenment, The attainment of englightenment, Radiating from a central point, Visual expression of the universe. To raise
consiousness. Most mandalas are based on a circle encompassing a square or cross. Meditation.
DORJE: Indestructible, brilliance like a diamond, thunderbolt or lightening, thunderbolt of enlightenment, an abrupt or pivotal change in
consciousness, the fixed solidness of the point of power around which all else turns, the hub of the world
ROSE: The love of God, the Virgin Mary, The Cross (if shown with four petals), Love, Faith The shape of the rose is round and centered, like a madala,
symbolizes perfection and Heaven. The shape also resembles a wheel, recalling the flaming wheels of the book of Daniel.
QUATREFOIL: Four leaves, The quatrefoil is an ancient symbol of good luck, a Celtic symbol representing "the wheel of being," as well as a Christian
symbol of the cross. Equal proportion, harmony, symmetry, global oneness. It doesn't intrude, it fills, it is whole. It does not divide, it is a
symbol of inclusivity.
Now I will bring up something else that could tie in to the four symbols above. Ezekiel's Wheel. Notice the famous four points of Ezekiel's Wheel to
make the connection.
The infamous account of Ezekiel 's wheels, often misinterpreted as a primitive description of a UFO encounter, is actually a vision of the hybrid
living creatures who populate the celestial narrative. Ezekiel saw four-faced cherubim and the wheels which were assigned to them the four faces of
the cardinal points of the zodiac, and a reference to their movement through the heavens (the higher mind).
Ok well there you have it. I feel these symbols (dorje, mandala, rose, quatrefoil) all point toward the same concept. Being or Becoming
Enlightened, Cosmic Conscousness, Finding Balance, Inner Peace ... so on so forth. I know all this stuff has been around for ever, I'm not saying
I've made any type of discovery here. I just thought the Brass Rubbings were really cool and when i started looking at the symbols and researching
them I found it interesting.
I hope you have enjoyed the thread and the beauty in the details of the rubbings.
Do some digging on your own if you so wish. If anyone has anything to add I'd love to hear it.
edit on 18-2-2013 by leolady because:
edit on 4/10/2016 by Blaine91555 because: (no reason given)