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If FOX Said This About Jews, Muslims, Or Christians, They'd Go Bankrupt.

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posted on Feb, 17 2013 @ 11:54 PM
A university has added Wiccan holidays to the roster of holidays. This has the FOX Gods angry, of course. But instead of focusing on littering the year with official holidays (which they didn't do anyway), FOX decided to put their bigot hats on once again and spend three minutes and twenty-two seconds berating a religion. They act as if it's some small cult when it is officially the fastest growing religion in America right now. This sort of public prejudice is inexcusable. I doubt any readers on ATS labor under the illusion that FOX is an actual news agency or anything more than a propaganda hate machine but... c'mon. This is just disgusting.

Here are quotes from the clip. Imagine if they were talking about Judaism or Islam.

- "I don't know any Wiccans. I think on a really bad day, I might turn into one."
-- Ok... so she sets us up telling us that she is obviously not a subject matter expert on Wicca. Yet she proceeds to spew lies right after saying it. Par for the course at FOX.

- "Diluting the dynamic of what's important in peoples' lives."
-- Because only Christians are people, right? Gotcha.

- "If you are Wiccan or Pagan, you are anti-establishment. I don't think the establishment needs to recognize ya."
-- Yeah... because it's in the Wiccan handbook to be Libertarian, right? Isn't the GOP proud of calling themselves "anti establishment"? Don't they also insist on having Christmas trees in town centers and complain about a "war on Christmas" every year?

- "Who could name eight Wiccan holidays? I doubt your average Wiccan could."
-- Really? Wow. Just straight up telling the world that an adherent of a particular faith has no clue what their faith is about. But FOX does. Yep.

- "There's ten of them. They outnumber the other religions. You know, the actual religions."
-- "ACTUAL RELIGIONS"?! Does this seem right by any measure to say? Seriously. That is beyond ignorant.

- "Isn't every day a holiday? If you are celebrating nature, that's an everyday experience."
-- I bet she celebrates the FOX Jesus. Isn't that an every day experience? Is she saying her relationship with her faith is only on holidays?

- "Our traditions are what allows Wiccans and Pagans to live their lives. Good luck doing that in any other country."
-- Like freakin' where?! You can practice any religion you want in any 1st world nation. I think her freedom fries are clogging her brain.

- "You wouldn't want to see the Wiccans when they're angry."
-- I don't even...
edit on 17-2-2013 by Cuervo because: Sleepy as crap.

posted on Feb, 18 2013 @ 12:13 AM
reply to post by Cuervo

Oh... and apparently they can sink lower into their ignorant hate. Instead of being ashamed of it, they feature it on ANOTHER FOX PROGRAM! What the heck?!

FOX news is becoming less and less relevant for Americans. They are killing themselves.

posted on Feb, 18 2013 @ 12:34 AM
LMAO! I like when the lady mockingly identifies the solstices and equinoxes. Yeah lady! Earth's position in relation to the sun is crazy people talk. Meanwhile, I'm going to rub dirt on my forehead because a man-god was killed and came back from the dead. REAL TALK

posted on Feb, 18 2013 @ 12:46 AM
it's just sad to know that people actually watch this kind of garbage and agree to what is being said.

posted on Feb, 18 2013 @ 12:57 AM
Thanks for the link, I heard about this earlier and couldn't find a video of it.

I could rant and rave, but this is hilariously bad.
Seriously not understanding how FOX is still on the air.
Said by the moron:
"This is what happens to a country that has been too rich for too long..." ... Facepalm.

posted on Feb, 18 2013 @ 01:17 AM
Who cares? The Fox viewers probably believe this stuff before somebody takes it to the camera. More preaching to the choir and confirmation bias.

My advice would be: don't watch Fox. Unless you get some kind of thrill with being outraged, then blustering up on the Interwebz to get into an outrage with other people who think you like. What's the name for that? Circle something..?

posted on Feb, 18 2013 @ 01:26 AM
Christians cop the same sledging all the time, we even accept wiccan/pagan holidays

posted on Feb, 18 2013 @ 02:18 AM

Originally posted by borntowatch
Christians cop the same sledging all the time, we even accept wiccan/pagan holidays

To be fair, I agree. Christians do get a lot of flack from people. Individuals, though. Not national "news" organizations.

I'm not complaining that somebody is being a bigot. People do that all the time and it's their right. The reason this is such a terrible thing is that it's being spewed by an "authority" and there might be somebody in this nation that this station still influences.

posted on Feb, 18 2013 @ 03:47 AM
reply to post by Cuervo

aren't a lot of these news people in secret societies like knights of malta where much doctrine is connected to paganism and witchcraft

must not be these lot I guess

posted on Feb, 18 2013 @ 04:32 AM
Christians take an enormous amount of crap too from media, so I suppose what's prudent to say at this point is:

Welcome to the club!

posted on Feb, 18 2013 @ 04:42 AM

Originally posted by DaTroof
LMAO! I like when the lady mockingly identifies the solstices and equinoxes. Yeah lady! Earth's position in relation to the sun is crazy people talk. Meanwhile, I'm going to rub dirt on my forehead because a man-god was killed and came back from the dead. REAL TALK

No, what's really crazy is when people who proclaim to have mileage, have never read the book they;re shaming, or have never examined the people they're condemning. Ithink you should examine why you fear Christians. It's actually not helping your material wedge to "dig"

posted on Feb, 18 2013 @ 08:21 AM
They don't say anything at all about Christianity, but they bash Paganism. The irony being that Christianity was actually derived from Paganism LOL. So they might as well be bashing Christianity.

posted on Feb, 18 2013 @ 09:46 AM

Originally posted by NOTurTypical
Christians take an enormous amount of crap too from media, so I suppose what's prudent to say at this point is:

Welcome to the club!

Sort of. I know that Christians take a lot of crap so I'm always a bit extra vigilant when defending them (the good ones, anyway, heh heh).

The difference here is that this particular brand of bigotry I posted is very direct and very public and perpetrated under the guise of a "news" agency. I know you can probably dig up instances of liberal media perhaps taking a jab at select groups of Christians, but I've never seen any other example of a modern major news corporation allowing views this ignorant to go on the air.

posted on Feb, 18 2013 @ 01:06 PM
reply to post by Cuervo

You don't watch Liberal news then.

Just last week a lady on one of the networks was asking if the meteor in Russia was due to global warming and if we'd see an increase in them.

Ignorance is everywhere. Usually on TV and in movies the Christian is portrayed as a crazy nutjob.

posted on Feb, 18 2013 @ 04:13 PM
I stopped watching tv in 2001.

It is most disheartening to see the standard of reporting decrease, while the idiocy of the reporters increases.

Most of the time they don't even know how stupid they sound. It really is baffling to me.

posted on Feb, 18 2013 @ 05:49 PM
That is one of the most bigoted things I have *ever* heard on TV. There is no excuse for it, and if I had the means I would definitely sue the crap out of FOX news.

I am a Christian, by the way. And while it is true that I hear things like this spoken about my religion every day on ATS--as so many have pointed out--I have never heard it on a national news program, not even one as horribly biased as FOX obviously is. But then, I am one of those nonexistent people who can name 8 Wiccan holidays off the top of her head, plus I don't watch TV, so maybe I don't know what is going on. But crap like that is a) untrue, and b) heartbreaking for a person of faith to hear.


Oh hell, that's only six. And the spellcheck hates all of them except Yule, go figure. But anyways, I just want Witches to know that not all Christians are backwards ignorant apes. In fact, some of us respect, care about, and love you.

posted on Feb, 18 2013 @ 08:25 PM
I hope I didn't kill the thread. I'm bad about that. Sorry.

posted on Feb, 18 2013 @ 11:41 PM

Originally posted by heyitsok
That is one of the most bigoted things I have *ever* heard on TV. There is no excuse for it, and if I had the means I would definitely sue the crap out of FOX news.

I am a Christian, by the way. And while it is true that I hear things like this spoken about my religion every day on ATS--as so many have pointed out--I have never heard it on a national news program, not even one as horribly biased as FOX obviously is. But then, I am one of those nonexistent people who can name 8 Wiccan holidays off the top of her head, plus I don't watch TV, so maybe I don't know what is going on. But crap like that is a) untrue, and b) heartbreaking for a person of faith to hear.


Oh hell, that's only six. And the spellcheck hates all of them except Yule, go figure. But anyways, I just want Witches to know that not all Christians are backwards ignorant apes. In fact, some of us respect, care about, and love you.

You're one of the awesome ones, thanks.

Also, six out of eight isn't bad at all for a cowan.

posted on Feb, 20 2013 @ 02:50 AM
Sigh! What are you going to do with Mundanes? In the context of what they're talking about, I can't see what point they're trying to make. So, they are going to add 'Pagan' holidays to they're school calendar. As Doctor Zoidberg would say 'Hoorwray'! When I walk through Veterans cemeteries, I see headstones with a Pentagram. It makes me feel good, not because these Vets have passed into the Summer Lands, but because, they were people of faith, pre-Christian faiths, who's holiday's are now mostly adopted as 'Christian' holidays. My wife is 'Wiccan', she's a high priestess. If she didn't say so, you'd probably never guess (Unless of course you spied some of here tatts!
. I went to Catholic school, for 8 yrs, and now I'm a Pagan. I know lots of Catholics, and they are friends, Know lots of Christians, same thing. Had a Muslim Son-in-law, no biggy. I am happy that people have faith. I have a hard time understanding Aethism, it's not a religion, but it is a leap of faith. My wife was born in a small farm village in Scotland. She never even went to a church until she ws about 10 yrs old, and that was in the US, were a 'Man of God' asked what she believed, she was told she'd burn in Hell. Her step-father told her that she probably would. Her Mom told her, don't pay attention to the man, he's daft. Leap of faith is probably the best any of us can do. But I think we also believe, that whats between our 'Creator' and ourselves, is all that really matters, and that all we're supposed to really do is be good to each other as best we can.

edit on 20/2/2013 by CarbonBase because: spelling, context

posted on Feb, 20 2013 @ 03:37 AM
You have the NERVE to accuse Fox News of promoting bigotry and ignorance?!?!


*end sarcasm*

Seriously though, anyone that believes more than like 10% of what Fox News (actually strike that....all of MSM) spews is the embodiment of bigotry and/or ignorance, so I would just take it with a grain of salt. More people probably still listen to Milli Vanilli than them.

No offense meant to Milli Vanilli fans, but even you guys must know how selective of a crowd you reside in.

edit on 20-2-2013 by Darkphoenix77 because: EDIT

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