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New Video Game Portrays Dorner as Hero

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posted on Feb, 16 2013 @ 11:57 PM
reply to post by Starling

ok dude you are just like all the sandy hook victim bashers you make me really annoyed as well i rather mourn over a fiction then be mistaken and bash the real deal common sense and logic dude macho has nothing to do with it
edit on 16-2-2013 by GRS1234 because: (no reason given)

edit on 16-2-2013 by GRS1234 because: (no reason given)

i have no problem being mislead when common sense dictates that i should
edit on 17-2-2013 by GRS1234 because: more substance

edit on 17-2-2013 by GRS1234 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 17 2013 @ 12:01 AM

Originally posted by GRS1234
reply to post by Starling

ok dude you are just like all the sandy hook victim bashers you make me sick as well i rather mourn over a fiction then be mistaken and bash the real deal common sense and logic dude macho has nothing to do with it
edit on 16-2-2013 by GRS1234 because: (no reason given)

edit on 16-2-2013 by GRS1234 because: (no reason given)

It's dudess!

posted on Feb, 17 2013 @ 12:05 AM
reply to post by Starling

im sorry its my speech im sorry i call every one dude i had no intention of offending and name calling im sorry but i stand firm on my opinion on your cia remark ms dudess

edit on 17-2-2013 by GRS1234 because: (no reason given)

edit on 17-2-2013 by GRS1234 because: punctuation

posted on Feb, 17 2013 @ 12:05 AM
double post
edit on 17-2-2013 by GRS1234 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 17 2013 @ 12:08 AM

Originally posted by GRS1234
ok for one dont twist my words

I'm not.

two i said im tolerant of it

I know, you're okay with GTA.

three i like em but i dont like what they do to other people

Neither this game or GTA do anything to anyone.

and 4 im talking about statitcal numbers in crime that i believe is a DIRECT result of the media and poverty

What numbers about crime, media and poverty, and how do they relate to video games?

im not personally ok with any of the above mentioned stuff

According to you, yes you are okay with it. If you're tolerant of it you're okay with it. It's not as if I'm saying you're actively supporting it.

like i said im tolerant to a point

I know. You're okay with virtual mass murder, theft, drug use, and prostitution.

you dont know me

So? i know what you've said, that's all that's relevant here.

and yes this mod is disgusting

Yeah, at least on par or a little less so than GTA, which you are okay with.

your publicity arguement has as much wieght as a piece of papper or a feather

Why? Because you don't like it? So far I've cited the Streisand Effect as evidence of my argument. You have provided, what exactly? Feelings? Beliefs?

making a mod of somthing is glamorizing it

So you're mad at both? The media and the people who made it?

and it depends on the media coverage to much of one thing reported is glamorizing it in my book

This is literally the first time I've heard of this game being reported on.

pal dont twist my words

I'm not.

and yes if you dont like it dont play it thats your right whats your point?

That not playing it will help more to make it go away than talking about how much it has outraged you. You are personally helping this game's popularity.
edit on 17-2-2013 by forgetmenot because: for the South!

posted on Feb, 17 2013 @ 12:12 AM

I don't see anything wrong with it. The Jury is still out on exactly what happened and why.

Unless dead people come back to life, they died for someone else's sins. Period.

No police, jury, or court got to hear their side of the story.
They are dead.

Are they dead because of who they knew and were close to? Seems to be the case, for now.

How about a video game of innocent until proven guilty by association?

posted on Feb, 17 2013 @ 12:18 AM
reply to post by forgetmenot

Why? Because you don't like it? So far I've cited the Streisand Effect as evidence of my argument. You have provided, what exactly? Feelings? Beliefs? ......

YES this is my personal opinion take it or leave it and i have no intintion of schooling you on statistical numbers of crime and how our media and natonal poverty has affected it if you dont know im not going to teach you my patinence has run thin since your attacking my opinion and no im not okay with it tolerant and ok TO ME are to totally opposite things im done indulging you in trolling

and this little statment here you made...That not playing it will help more to make it go away than talking about how much it has outraged you. You are personally helping this game's popularity.

if thats your belief then its yours not mine im not afraid to talk about things and debate whether or not action should be taken its what the whole voting system and politics is based on im not saying i trust em im sayng the founding fathers had the right idea anywho w/e im done responding to this thread i have no more patience

oh and by the way i stand firm on my arguement about the 17 for mature is waaaay to young for people to play these games and also that they affect our society as a whole because i think thats why you are attacking my opinion and this is my opinion and self evident truth take it or leave it

also have fun with getting the last word in

edit on 17-2-2013 by GRS1234 because: (no reason given)

edit on 17-2-2013 by GRS1234 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 17 2013 @ 12:23 AM

Originally posted by GRS1234
and yes this is more disgusting than gta

No it's not. You get to do more depraved and vile things in GTA than you do in this mod

even though its a bad game for youth in developement

Then don't let the developing youth you are responsible for play the games. Simple.

because where is the FING HONOR FOR THE ONES HE KILLED

Africa. That's all I have to say about that.

why make a fing mod over this

Because they wanted to? I would guess it's to get a rise out of people, which it obviously has.

its really appauling

But GTA isn't?

now i do agree with you on one thing and thats the Streisand Effect


right back to glamorizing ty you made a self refuting arguement pal

No I didn't. If the journalist is worth anything, simply reporting something exists does not glamorize it. That's more or less the claim that I made, which is not refuted by the Streisand effect.

as did i

Doesn't surprise me.

what you gonna do about it though its called life and karma

I'm not "gonna" do anything about something I didn't do.

posted on Feb, 17 2013 @ 12:36 AM

Originally posted by GRS1234
YES this is my personal opinion

I kind of figured, you haven't even made an attempt to back up any of your claims.

take it or leave it and i have no intintion of schooling you on statistical numbers of crime and how our media and natonal poverty has affected it if you dont know im not going to teach you

You won't because you couldn't even if you wanted to. You're arguing from anger, not logic.

my patinence has run thin since your attacking my opinion


and no im not okay with it

Yes you are, at least more so than the Dorner mod. And GTA is worse than this mod.

tolerant and ok TO ME are to totally opposite

If they are total opposites, you don't understand at least one of those words.

things im done indulging you in trolling

if thats your belief then its yours not mine

It's not my belief, it's a fact that I've presented and backed up.

im not afraid to talk about things and debate whether or not action should be taken its what the whole voting system and politics is based on im not saying i trust em im sayng the founding fathers had the right idea anywho w/e im done responding to this thread i have no more patience

This doesn't have anything to do with anything.

oh and by the way i stand firm on my arguement about the 17 for mature is waaaay to young for people to play these games and also that they affect our society as a whole because i think thats why you are attacking my opinion and this is my opinion and self evident truth take it or leave it

You're opinion is self evident truth now?

posted on Feb, 17 2013 @ 12:42 AM
reply to post by forgetmenot

ok to put emphasis on the the tolerant i can tolerate some ammount of pain dosent mean im ok with it staying like that hmm really looks to me like your just being an ass hat and trying to make me look stupid i can take care of that myself buddy your just making your self look stupid

posted on Feb, 17 2013 @ 12:47 AM
reply to post by forgetmenot

how about you comment the thread and not my comment

PS i see how you get your kicks
edit on 17-2-2013 by GRS1234 because: edit

posted on Feb, 17 2013 @ 12:49 AM

Originally posted by GRS1234
reply to post by forgetmenot

ok to put emphasis on the the tolerant i can tolerate some ammount of pain dosent mean im ok with it staying like that

You're personal definitions don't really matter. You're still more tolerant of GTA than the Dorner mod, despite GTA being allowing you to do horrible things along with the mass murder.

hmm really looks to me like your just being an ass hat

Says the person throwing out childish insults

and trying to make me look stupid

Nope. Just trying to follow your "logic".

i can take care of that myself buddy
You said it, not me. And I'll never be your buddy.

your just making your self look stupid

Did you say you were done responding?

posted on Feb, 17 2013 @ 12:53 AM
reply to post by forgetmenot

yes i did but sometimes i do the opposite of what i say im human and if you want to follow my logic well maybe you should have done it diffrent because my name calling should have been your first clue that my logic is gone comment the thread not me in other words next time you see me comment on anything leave me alone

and well its really wise to sit there and bicker over semantics with some one who is angry over the subject that automatically makes you look childish GL with your trolling endeavor
edit on 17-2-2013 by GRS1234 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 17 2013 @ 12:58 AM
So this is my first ATS post. After years of lurking, i've finally felt compelled enough to say something.

As it has been said, this is simply a MOD.

It isnt even a stand alone video or computer game.

This mod was most likely made by one to a handful of anons from 4chan in a night or two. It really isnt rocket science or anything. making this mod was equivalent to someone writing a story, or shooting a film. this article as a whole is grossly misrepresented.

this mod has NOTHING to do with the major video game industry as a whole. in fact i wouldnt even go as far as to call this a full fledged "video game". i mean some guy(s) simple applied different skins to the levels, characters, and weapons. THATS IT.

its not like this is even worth any of our time.

im amazed how people constantly rag on video games. its simply another form of media. a 12 year old cant buy Skyrim alone. he cant see R rated movies alone. yet and 12 year old can walk into a public library and check out "Mein Kampf" no questions asked.

i fail to see how this could be considered a priority to humanity at the moment. Korea is launching nukes. Obama is making presidential decrees left and right which he has no power to do. The media is shoving mass murder shootouts down our throats. and people are once again blaming video games as a whole, when it has nothing to do with video games as a whole.

this pathetic work of fiction was probably developed in some guy's mother's basement.... theres more important stuff going on guys. seriously.

posted on Feb, 17 2013 @ 12:59 AM

Originally posted by GRS1234
reply to post by forgetmenot

my name calling should have been your first clue that my logic is gone

I am not responsible for what you write. Don't post if you can't talk like an adult.

comment the thread not me

I'm commenting on your comments in this thread. Calling people names because you don't agree with them is commenting on the poster, not the post.

and well its really wise to sit there and bicker over semantics with some one who is angry

I'm not responsible for anybody else's mood, or how it might affect their posts.

that automatically makes you look childish

the irony of this is side-splitting

edit on 17-2-2013 by forgetmenot because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 17 2013 @ 12:59 AM
reply to post by miniatus

It's AT LEAST tasteless.

But a mod about columbine? Come on. How is that right?

There has to be a line drawn.

What if somebody made a mod about Hitler killing Jews and conquering the world?

IMHO, ideas can be dangerous too. But it all depends on your perspective. From some angles, I'm horrified that we would police thoughts or freedom to create things. But... sometimes... I'm just not sure when an idea becomes an action. I know I've had lots of ideas in my head that might be perceived by others to be dangerous. And yet I know I'm not dangerous to others. I know that there's reality and there's my imagination. A police state that controls thoughts and freedom is an ever present thing. It scares me on the one hand and on the other I can almost understand it.

I'd NEVER understand somebody who'd play a mod like this. There're lots of gamers I don't understand. I game sometimes too, but there's just something wrong with this.

Something about this is lacking the thing that makes us human.
edit on 17-2-2013 by jonnywhite because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 17 2013 @ 01:04 AM
reply to post by GreenManXphile

i totally agree with you and yes i know about modding as i mod games aswell and you are correct it probaly was made overnight the fact of the matter is this behavior is disgusting to me even so just because i can dose not mean i should and the prioirity level of this is low on my list of things to worry about i should not of even come to this thread but anywho i stand firm on my statements about this behavior and how its affecting society but then again no one cares or refuses to believe that as is their right.

posted on Feb, 17 2013 @ 01:06 AM
reply to post by jonnywhite

it isnt right. but taking away freedom of speech, even 4chan griefer's, is far more serious. we all have every right to disagree with these mod's content. however remember what is important. protecting their rights protects yours as well.

we cant condemn these people without condemning ourselves in the process. but guess what?!

WE OUTNUMBER THE WEIRDOS WHO MAKE THESE THINGS! they arent accomplishing a thing if we simply dont react to worthless garbage like this.

posted on Feb, 17 2013 @ 01:07 AM
reply to post by GreenManXphile

you do actually have a point made me stop and think there star for you

EDIT although it i may be wrong i can condemn all i want in my book lol its still sick wrong is wrong and right is right
edit on 17-2-2013 by GRS1234 because: more input

posted on Feb, 17 2013 @ 01:12 AM
reply to post by GRS1234

oh sorry if i can off aggressive. i should have worded my post better. i was kinda speaking generally. oh and i was criticising the source. not you whatsoever.

and you are totally right to be disgusted. i am as well. but in a relatively free society, we gotta just accept the annoyances for the greater good. we are only better if we dont hate these people for these types of things. how will they ever learn to change if we dont show compassion and reason?

getting mad just delays the process. anyone happen to know the names of the devs involved? perhaps we can open a communication with them and ask them what their point was. it would be more productive than us all simply talking about how awful it is. maybe we can change their minds overtime and solve this problem a little bit.

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