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Senior Congresswoman: ‘Obama Has Put In Place’ Secret Database With ‘Everything On Everyone’

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posted on Feb, 15 2013 @ 07:51 AM
reply to post by burntheships

Didn't Bush enable that with his Patriot Act.

posted on Feb, 15 2013 @ 08:10 AM

Originally posted by Headband7
reply to post by burntheships

Didn't Bush enable that with his Patriot Act.

Shhhhhh all the little Obama haters don't like it when someone brings facts to the discussion. The government has been keeping tabs on everyone for decades.

posted on Feb, 15 2013 @ 08:13 AM
We all know they are here on ATS and on other sites. There are some who defend the government stance no matter the subject and Obama specifically at times. It's never a straight forward, "The government is always right" sort of defense, it's more "benefit of the doubt", or misdirection. I honestly think this is a shady way to make a living. I'd rather flip burgers than work for the government at minimum wage. I'm sure we're all on some list because of something we've said and I'm fine with that. If you're too chicken sh## to stand for what you believe in, go hide in a cave. My only comfort is, they think they're on the inside and immune to the things that can be done with the information they gather. Love to be a fly on the wall when they find out different.

posted on Feb, 15 2013 @ 09:16 AM
Big Whoop! If you continue to obey the law then what do you have to worry about?

posted on Feb, 15 2013 @ 11:52 AM
reply to post by Headband7

Bush enabled the Patriot Act after 9/11, and I am in no way defending him.
However, Obama has kept extending it...and its my understanding that
Waters is not talking about Echelon...she is referring to Obama and his cyber

posted on Feb, 15 2013 @ 03:48 PM

That has been active since nearly 10 years ago.
Did everyone forget Echelon? The program just went underground is all.
It's all part of the same system that began with Echelon.

It's not a new Obama initiative, though he should be ridiculed for not stopping it.
Blame that one on Bush and his cronies... again. They began this Orwellian nightmare.
Truthfully, Obama doesn't have the power to stop it though, even if he wanted. It's
beyond the presidency at this point.
edit on 15-2-2013 by pirhanna because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 15 2013 @ 03:54 PM

There is a safety valve in place, however. The larger the data set gets, the less apparent individual anomalies become. IE the days of looking for keywords are waning. That is an improvement in individual liberty... less of a chance that a random FB post is going to get one visited by men in sunglasses and cheap suits. The trade-off is that an already pliable public becomes exponentially more pliable now.

Sometimes I wonder if all it would take to knock this particular 'weapon' out of the sky would be for everyone to insert random terrorist-type words into their emails and web postings.

Not that the 'real' terrorists haven't long since started to use a more cryptic form of communication. The phrase, 'gramma made an apple pie' could mean ANYthing.

What will undoubtedly happen is that, like supposedly with 9-11, the intercepted communication won't be translated until a convenient day later... and we'll keep financing this round of escalating insanity.

Maybe in the end they're planning on powering the future with the friction off George Orwell's spinning corpse.

posted on Feb, 15 2013 @ 03:55 PM

Originally posted by jazzguy
this shows you exactly how corrupt politics is,

why would an administration do this? to spend so much money on something that the next administration can simply remove?

ive always asked this question...what would stop a winning party from using all their power to make sure they stay in office for generations?
the answer is.. not only do they do this but its been happening since before bush senior its the same party with the same agenda, thats the only way they can make their newworldorder come true.
and looks like they pulled the wool over our eyes yet again

And that is exactly what they are doing, no longer concerned with checks and balances, their agenda is to have it their way or the highway,

It looks like House Republicans are finally getting it. The reason why Obama hasn’t disassembled his campaign operation is that there is another important election to win in 2014. This might have already been obvious to anyone who doesn’t reside in the Republican bubble, but congressional Republicans had adopted the mantra that the worst was over now. (For example, Mitch McConnell’s crackpot declaration that there will be no more discussions about revenue.) Republicans were kidding themselves if they thought that President Obama was going to sit back and let them run out the clock until 2016.

posted on Feb, 15 2013 @ 03:59 PM

Originally posted by HawkeyeNation
Big Whoop! If you continue to obey the law then what do you have to worry about?

Only that there are millions of laws, ignorance of any given law is considered not an excuse, and as the cops get ever-more militarized, the old laws (like habeas corpus) end up nullified or subsumed under the actions of the newer totalitarian laws.

This is how Hitler, Stalin and Lenin got their start.

You must be very young to not understand this?

posted on Feb, 15 2013 @ 05:05 PM
reply to post by pirhanna

Again, I really dont think Waters is referring to the NSA, and Echelon (which by the way
is outdated, look up Menwith Hill )

It seems pretty obvious this is propietary to the Democrats, and something that
is Obama alone. She is really clear on that.

And yah, lets blame Bush but Obama gets a hall pass?

posted on Feb, 15 2013 @ 08:27 PM

Originally posted by pirhanna

That has been active since nearly 10 years ago.
Did everyone forget Echelon? The program just went underground is all.
It's all part of the same system that began with Echelon.

The funny thing is what the articles of this thread are actually talking about is not even close to the scope of Echelon.
Yet the usual Obama haters act like what he did is worse than Echelon and never even thought of before Obama.

posted on Feb, 15 2013 @ 08:28 PM

Originally posted by signalfire

This is how Hitler, Stalin and Lenin got their start.

You must be very young to not understand this?

and you must be senile if you think Obama is anything like Hitler Stalin or Lenin.
(and I don't agree with hawkeyenation's comment, I just disagree with your response)
edit on 15-2-2013 by Ghost375 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 15 2013 @ 10:10 PM
reply to post by Ghost375

Obama may be trying hard to seem fuzzy-touchy-feely but his actions are worse than GWB's because he purports to know better. The very best that can be said for him is that he's a smarter puppet.

How many people have we killed in other countries since he took office? If tyrants have the ability to fly drones over their own people to spy on them, and intercept and sift through EVERY personal communication, and kill citizens without a trial, exactly how does this describe anything BUT a totalitarian government? What would George Washington and Thomas Jefferson say about our present situation?

They'll tell you (if you can get them to tell the truth for a second) that they're trying to protect you from the dozens of lost suitcase nukes that are roaming the planet and currently being used as bargaining chips and blackmail- ransom collectors, but the reality is, they, meaning the governments of the world, created that scenario with their fascination and expenditures on nukes; now it's become quite the underground problem.

What do you think, 'see something, say something' is all about? They're terrified of a 'Sum of All Fears' scenario, especially one near where they live. They long ago lost control of their own weapons, and the result is utter insane panic.
edit on 15-2-2013 by signalfire because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 15 2013 @ 10:16 PM
And just for the record, I don't hate Obama anymore than I hated GWB, which was considerable.

I hate traitors pretending to be patriots.

Obama had his chance to arrest, interrogate and imprison the people who took this country down to its present horrific state. He was probably sat down and told, 'this is how it's gonna be or look at this Zapruder film again, real close up now..'; and he choked and decided he couldn't fight the system that has been in place since Eisenhower, at least.

For that I fault him. Running for President isn't for the faint of heart, you are putting yourself and your family on the line. He should have done what he could to take the people that are really running things and eliminate them. There's truly not much time left, and it's probably too late for the planet as a whole.

posted on Feb, 15 2013 @ 11:13 PM

Originally posted by HawkeyeNation
Big Whoop! If you continue to obey the law then what do you have to worry about?

Ask the people who are put on no fly lists for no reason or because they have blogs or Facebook pages that are explaining about and making others aware of political issues within the current administration. In some cases this has caused them to be on a watch list.That just as a starting example!

You may think you haven't done a thing wrong but there's always open interpretation especially if you are categorized from what you say and do.

You are missing the point that the article is sharing more than that.

Originally posted by burntheships

There was another section titled “Divert, Disrupt and Destroy,” listing “how to’s” in certain cases.

They will be ruining conversation that they determine a threat. While trolls and just general people may with different opinions contribute to sway of conversation, outright manipulation in itself should be a main concern. Propaganda at it's finest.

posted on Feb, 16 2013 @ 11:57 PM
reply to post by burntheships

That's not the first time Maxine has let the cat out of the bag. She wants to Socia...uh uh... basically take over all the private oil companies. She's totally in with the program of creating a Socialist One World Totalitarian govt. I wonder what they paid her to do it.

posted on Feb, 17 2013 @ 12:00 AM
reply to post by dreamingawake

Ask the people who are put on no fly lists for no reason or because they have blogs or Facebook pages that are explaining about and making others aware of political issues within the current administration. In some cases this has caused them to be on a watch list.That just as a starting example!

It's really Soviet style communist KGB stuff. People are accepting it without realizing and they think O is this fantastic advocate for the little people.

posted on Feb, 17 2013 @ 12:00 AM
reply to post by ThirdEyeofHorus

Good point, what is her Senior Congresswomans salary
a year? She is still a little fish in a huge pond, however she
did manage to shoot off her mouth so we will all never forget she said it.

posted on Feb, 17 2013 @ 12:15 AM

Originally posted by Ghost375

Originally posted by pirhanna

That has been active since nearly 10 years ago.
Did everyone forget Echelon? The program just went underground is all.
It's all part of the same system that began with Echelon.

The funny thing is what the articles of this thread are actually talking about is not even close to the scope of Echelon.
Yet the usual Obama haters act like what he did is worse than Echelon and never even thought of before Obama.

Echelon was created during the Cold War in the 60's to monitor the Soviet Union and it's allies. It was TIA which was the database they wanted to create to link traffic, health records, credit card transactions and other databases to more easily create profiles on citizens. They were using the Black Box aka Carnivore to attach to individual ISPs to monitor an individual of interest. However, Bush Jr did use Echelon after the PATRIOT ACT passes.
Obama reportedly has something called Einstein. The person who let that cat out of bag was Howard Schmidt, formerly President of ISSA

I think Howard prefers private sector solutions to Big Govt though.

The Einstein program is billed as Intrusion detection and prevention. This is terminology well known to network administrators and has a valid application for the security of all networks. However, applied to DHS, I suspect it goes a bit beyond just detecting unauthorized intrusions in govt networks. It does involve deep packet inspections of network traffic.

But in its Privacy Impact Assessment from March 2010, DHS wrote, Einstein 3 "will draw on commercial technology and specialized government technology to conduct real-time full packet inspection and threat-based decision-making on network traffic entering or leaving these executive branch networks. The goal of Einstein 3 is to identify and characterize malicious network traffic to enhance cybersecurity analysis, situational awareness and security response. It will have the ability to automatically detect and respond appropriately to cyber threats before harm is done, providing an intrusion prevention system supporting dynamic defense."

To me, the implication is that this inspection would be done at all the major backbone networks providing access to all the Internet in the US. I am saying this though based on the known desire of the govt to spy on American citizens.
edit on 17-2-2013 by ThirdEyeofHorus because: (no reason given)

edit on 17-2-2013 by ThirdEyeofHorus because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 17 2013 @ 12:17 AM
Echelon and Carnivore are both old tech. Einstein may well even be dated at this point. But the specific name of the current project is less important than the fact that the software does exist, is being used actively, and is, like all other tech, obeying Moores law... getting exponentially more complex and powerful with each passing day.

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