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Market Research on the Freedom of Information act

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posted on Feb, 13 2013 @ 05:54 AM
ATS Mods - please move if you have to as I wasn't sure where it would go.

Firstly I wish to state that this is an idea I have had for a couple of weeks now and I have explored the information on FOI act as well.

I am conducting Market Research and I know its a bit of an odd forum but at least I know I'd get some answers form people concerned about information. And I feel that ATS is an ideal sounding board for FOI exercises.
So I hope that ATS Mods don't delete the thread ( pretty please).

I have known people in a situation when tying to submit an FOI to be uncomfortable ( especially as they work for the organisation they are requesting from, or that sometimes they would simply like to have a question answered but feel that they may be victimised for simply asking.

I have 3 questions that I would like to ask you ( for those that wish to answer) and this thread is not about the legality of the FOIA ( freedom of Information Act 2000) but a question on its usefullness to an individual.

We all know that the FOIA was introduced so that the people can have a (supposed) transparancy into the dealings of Government, Councils and 'official' bodies as well as Corporations as opposed to Personal information which comes under the Data Protection Act instead.

Question 1 : Have you in the past submitted an FOI request or in the future plan to?
( yes or No or Possibly)..

Question 2 : Would you feel comfortable submitting an FOI request or prefer if you could submit one anonymously through a third party ?
( yes I'd feel comfortable 1st or no I'd prefer to let someone else ask it 3rd)

Question 3: Considering the costs of Postage, Envelopes, Paper and the time you'd were to spend submitting an FOI if you were to do it yourself, however if there were an option online and if you instead decided to let a third party send it what would you consider a reasonable price to pay to have it done? (please answer in your local currency as the FOI is relevant practically over the globe - and yes I know there are some countries who wouldn't answer an FOI anyway).

If you are so inclined to answer can you please be reasonable and use Q1 Yes or No, Q2 Yes or No, Q3 £x or $x. Thank you.

I thank you for your time viewing this thread and the time spent answering.


posted on Feb, 13 2013 @ 07:53 AM
1. Yes, numerous times, numerous agencies, various levels of government.
2. Maybe, don't really see the point. I can FOIA on my own no problem.
3. Based on #2, I don't see any real viability as a commercial service. Maybe $10 for the timid.


posted on Feb, 13 2013 @ 01:04 PM

Originally posted by DataWraith

Question 1 : Have you in the past submitted an FOI request or in the future plan to?
( yes or No or Possibly)..


Question 2 : Would you feel comfortable submitting an FOI request or prefer if you could submit one anonymously through a third party ?

I would feel comfortable submitting an FOI request

Question 3: Considering the costs of Postage, Envelopes, Paper and the time you'd were to spend submitting an FOI if you were to do it yourself, however if there were an option online and if you instead decided to let a third party send it what would you consider a reasonable price to pay to have it done? (please answer in your local currency as the FOI is relevant practically over the globe - and yes I know there are some countries who wouldn't answer an FOI anyway).

I argue with any price being placed on either information, or freedom of its distribution.

If you are so inclined to answer can you please be reasonable and use Q1 Yes or No, Q2 Yes or No, Q3 £x or $x. Thank you.

I thank you for your time viewing this thread and the time spent answering.


I couldnt see a way to answer in the format you desired. I just got in from work and am a bit frazzled, however, I have attempted to be as reasonable as possible.

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