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Anatomy of a Scam

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posted on Mar, 2 2013 @ 04:36 PM
reply to post by Crakeur

Funny enough I had thought of doing the same. The supporters parrot that the filings are un-rebutted, would that claim still stand if someone filed against the trust?


Some notes I've made over the last week of just reading through all the OPPT nonsense.

- Kenneth Wayne Leaming (Washington State sovereign) was found guilty yesterday of filing false liens against public officials. Hope readers pay attention to that. If the 'courtesy notices' that the OPPT is urging be filed against the judge in the Patrick Cody Morgan case are considered 'false liens' people can get into some real trouble with those. Also note that Leaming is the one that was filing OPPT documents (repeatedly) with the court and even wanted to subpoena Heather & Caleb.

- According to some earlier transcripts and interviews the USA CVAC is established. Yet recently Heather gave an interview and indicated that the CVAC centers would open when people opened them. Also individual people can be a 'CVAC'.

- I read one website this past week that seem to indicate that people need to file UCC documents inorder to receive their share of the gold/money and be part of the new system. (goes right back to fourthmeal's statement people would be 'left behind')

- The gentleman running one of the OPPT bullhorn blogs not only asked for donations for his rent (covered in Vkey's thread) but also this past week made his final car payment. In the blog post he repeatedly stated he DID NOT follow the OPPT approach. If he's preaching it, why isn't he practicing it?

Here is my thing. If the supporters were just advocating love and light and working together, I wouldn't care. But they seem to be actively encouraging people to do things that could cause them legal and financial problems.

Which always brings me back to the statement that got me involved with Vkey's thread:

Originally posted by fourthmeal
The game may involve people going to jail. The system has teeth. So what.

posted on Mar, 2 2013 @ 06:18 PM
reply to post by OneisOne

I think you missed my point of my post. You might have missed the point of most of my posts, actually.

Let's break it down some. Kauilapele (KP) would be the human being you are referring to here. I'll note that I read KP's blog daily or thereabouts. Yes, KP chose to do what his heart told him was right. And what happened for him was exactly what needed to happen, and since he deals with energy and light in his own way (sees it and feels it), he served how we could in that DMV office, because that's what felt right to him. See his blog for the actual details if it interests you. Point is, and don't misconstrue, the OPPT is about being who you want to be, and doing what you want to do. Every one has free-will choices to make, at all times. KP made his choices, and it was exactly what needed to happen for him. I'd also like you to note that KP asking for help is not for anybody else other than KP.

ATS members in opposition to OPPT have a nasty habit of lumping people together, it seams. See, I just lumped ATS members right there! But no, really, let's look at that. OPPT was lumped in with freemen and sovereigns. OPPT was lumped in with "Dove of Oneness", whatever that is (don't care.) OPPT was lumped in with NESARA, and while I contend it matters which NESARA you are speaking of (there are 2), I'd like to remind all here that really OPPT is just doing their own thing. Heather and the trustees have, as part of the People, done what they felt they needed to do. The rest of this has been all the People and what they are called to do. The other websites, radio shows, paperwork, court stuff, etc has all been the People. They are DO'ing and BE'ing how they feel is best.

Cody going to jail is a great example. Cody had a POSITIVE life-changing event in prison. He was reached by another being, who was also called upon to serve. And that person changed Patrick Cody's life in a positive way. The outcome of what will happen here is yet to be decided. If any of us thinks we know how this will all end, we are lying to ourselves. We don't know. Cody might end up being a great leader in the future, galvanized by his previous experiences. I know my previous experiences have empowered me to be who I am today, and I bet many of you would say the same if you look at the core of it.

Big point here is we are all called to do what we are to do. And you have to follow that. Its the flow. These Courtesy Notices, that's really for those that want to do that. For those that don't feel called to, cool. I've done my own thing with this, what I feel called to do at this point. Everyone needs to do what they feel is right and good. If you are getting bent out of shape because this stuff is going on, that's your issue. The tools are here, do what you feel you need to do.

Now then, let's dig in a bit more about what Heather and the trustees have done. They did the paperwork. They are doing the CVAC paperwork and bringing them online. That's really it. The lame accusations of blaming Heather for this or that, is just outrageous. If you don't like what was done, then fine. What will happen will happen, with or without you. Consent is not required to proceed.

Instead of constantly berating the OPPT Trustees for doing what they feel they needed to do and continue to need to do, how about doing what you feel you need to do? Do you want to hold the contrast? Is that your calling? Do you feel good about putting other people down or making false accusations with partial info? I guess that tells a lot about who is who, here. In the end we're all equal. In the end, we'll all be answering to ourselves, and whoever we feel is above us, if anything or anyone, by our own free will.

Final note on this point. There's been a lot of members just making stuff up about other people and making their minds up about them on that. aka JUDGEMENT. I warn you all, that judgement of another does nothing but show where you your own weakness and failures are. Everything is but a mirror for your own existence, to serve you. Things will continue to happen for a reason, regardless.

posted on Mar, 2 2013 @ 06:55 PM
reply to post by fourthmeal

Some fact checking for you Fourthmeal:

FACT: Heather Tucci is related by family marriage to Irwin Schiff, a convicted Tax Protester/A4V Scammer
FACT: Heather claimed to have had all the worlds gold transported off the planet by aliens
FACT: Heather is hiding out in a country with no extradition treaty to the United States
FACT: your "courtesy notices" are recycled "fee schedules" from the Sov'Run movement
FACT: Heather in her first interview claims our government came from the Orion System
FACT: Patrick Cody went to jail for scamming banks and ruining people
FACT: the UCC is not Universal in it's overview and therefore cannot be used as Heather claims
FACT: Heather will not engage any interviewer that has tough questions
FACT: Heather started this thing with Charles Miller another convicted fraudster.
FACT: There is no gold for her to distribute because none of it was "taken by aliens" from anywhere.
FACT: Not one person that has attempted to use Heather's ways have succeeded.
FACT: There's no such thing as a "dissolved" court case, there's always a record even if there's a dismissal
FACT: All OPPT sites refer to other OPPT sites for validation, there's no real external investigation.

I have more, all you need do is ask.. The simple fact is that it's one person full of herself thinking she's all that when in fact she's a former lawyer, who lost her home due to foreclosure and went off the deep end. Keep that in mind before you respond claiming that this is legit.

posted on Mar, 2 2013 @ 06:55 PM

Originally posted by fourthmeal
Let's break it down some. Kauilapele (KP) would be the human being you are referring to here. I'll note that I read KP's blog daily or thereabouts. Yes, KP chose to do what his heart told him was right. And what happened for him was exactly what needed to happen, and since he deals with energy and light in his own way (sees it and feels it), he served how we could in that DMV office, because that's what felt right to him. See his blog for the actual details if it interests you. Point is, and don't misconstrue, the OPPT is about being who you want to be, and doing what you want to do. Every one has free-will choices to make, at all times. KP made his choices, and it was exactly what needed to happen for him. I'd also like you to note that KP asking for help is not for anybody else other than KP.

KP didn't utilize the OPPT because KP knew it wouldn't work and, with one payment left, he didn't want to lose his car. All the BEing and DOing nonsense is an excuse, nothing more.

Originally posted by fourthmeal.

ATS members in opposition to OPPT have a nasty habit of lumping people together, it seams. See, I just lumped ATS members right there! But no, really, let's look at that. OPPT was lumped in with freemen and sovereigns. OPPT was lumped in with "Dove of Oneness", whatever that is (don't care.) OPPT was lumped in with NESARA, and while I contend it matters which NESARA you are speaking of (there are 2), I'd like to remind all here that really OPPT is just doing their own thing. Heather and the trustees have, as part of the People, done what they felt they needed to do. The rest of this has been all the People and what they are called to do. The other websites, radio shows, paperwork, court stuff, etc has all been the People. They are DO'ing and BE'ing how they feel is best.

OPPT has elements of each of the above referenced scams. if it looks like a duck..

Originally posted by fourthmeal
Cody going to jail is a great example.

Of how OPPT doesn't work

Originally posted by fourthmeal
Cody had a POSITIVE life-changing event in prison. He was reached by another being, who was also called upon to serve. And that person changed Patrick Cody's life in a positive way.

No, he positively had a life-changing event in prison. He's going to spend the next 27 years without his wife and kids. He will, probably, be reached by another being but, odds are, Cody will be forced to serve and the way this man will change Cody is anything but positive.

Kenneth Wayne Learning will go to jail for following this garbage, just like Patrick Cody Morgan. All the being and doing and kumbayaing isn't going to change that. KP knows it's bunk, thus he didn't try it.

I am now willing to take $2,500 for the right to all my OPPT gold. Any takers?

posted on Mar, 2 2013 @ 07:07 PM
reply to post by Crakeur

Sounds good, I'll put my gold up for that too.. someone will be very rich if this is real.

posted on Mar, 2 2013 @ 08:38 PM
Line by line

Originally posted by vkey08
reply to post by fourthmeal

Some fact checking for you Fourthmeal:

FACT: Heather Tucci is related by family marriage to Irwin Schiff, a convicted Tax Protester/A4V Scammer
Wow, didn't know that you judged people by their family history or by who married whom.
FACT: Heather claimed to have had all the worlds gold transported off the planet by aliens
Prove this statement. What you are doing is taking other people's comments and conjecture, and claiming them as Heather's own words and actions.
FACT: Heather is hiding out in a country with no extradition treaty to the United States
Her husband happens to be from Morocco. What is your point?
FACT: your "courtesy notices" are recycled "fee schedules" from the Sov'Run movement
The Courtesy Notice and the info therein came from Scott and Ken Bartle, who did their own research and learned of the truth and then documented it. If you have a problem accepting the truth they discovered, that's on you.
FACT: Heather in her first interview claims our government came from the Orion System
And this is a claim that could well turn out to be true, with proper information of our history. What is your point?
FACT: Patrick Cody went to jail for scamming banks and ruining people
Really? Cody spent years helping people. Ask anybody who was aorund him. Those that know him love him and think he has done a great thing. Those that just read stuff about him from, say, a newspaper clipping about his trial, probably aren't getting the whole picture.
FACT: the UCC is not Universal in it's overview and therefore cannot be used as Heather claims
Prove it. This isn't fact, and there's UCC filings from other corporations around the world, yet you say this. Again, not factual. Again, a quick look into the work that Ken and Scott Bartle have done would show you otherwise, as would a quick glance into other UCC filings from other corporations.
FACT: Heather will not engage any interviewer that has tough questions
REALLY? You haven't been listening to the radio shows then. This is completely false. Besides, if you have a tough question, please call in and ASK IT.
FACT: Heather started this thing with Charles Miller another convicted fraudster.
It started before him, but there is truth in this. Now what fraud he was convicted of is important. You say "fraud", I say fighting bankers. But whatever, this part is at least true.
FACT: There is no gold for her to distribute because none of it was "taken by aliens" from anywhere.
Again, this is a lie perpetrated by someone who commented on this, and you've construed as something she said.
FACT: Not one person that has attempted to use Heather's ways have succeeded.
What are "Heather's Ways"? To me, "Heather's Way" is to DO and BE exactly how you feel you should, and come from the heart. This is what I got when I listen to her speak, nothing else. Tell me, have you actually gone and listened to some of the audio conversations that have transpired?
FACT: There's no such thing as a "dissolved" court case, there's always a record even if there's a dismissal
That may be true, I lack any court experience and you might be right. I've heard those words used when people were talking about their encounters with this, and they may have either been lying (didn't sound that way), calling it a term of their own choice, or some other thing I don't fully understand yet.
FACT: All OPPT sites refer to other OPPT sites for validation, there's no real external investigation.
Your definition of "OPPT sites" must differ from what I would call an OPPT site, then. As stated before but apparently forgotten, OPPT doesn't "run" sites, other than of course the information site with the filings at, and that site is not meant to be user-friendly or a place for the people to gather in forum or for new posts to show. The rest are by the People. It is a grassroots People's movement. came from Brian at American Kabuki and Lisa of the Collective Imagination. Other sites like Removing the Shackles, American Kabuki, and Kauilapele's blog are not OPPT sites, but they certainly do support the work, no question. Andy of Wakeup-world, Angel Lucci, Gwen Caldwell, Mel Ve, Max Igan, Ron Van Dyke, Tony of Global FACT Radio, and many more are all doing their own thing. This is all fact.

I have more, all you need do is ask.. The simple fact is that it's one person full of herself thinking she's all that when in fact she's a former lawyer, who lost her home due to foreclosure and went off the deep end. Keep that in mind before you respond claiming that this is legit.

I guess I need to ask for more then, because your "facts" are riddled with holes and are paper tigers at best. You continue to make stuff up that just isn't true. So much for giving you a chance.
edit on 2-3-2013 by fourthmeal because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 2 2013 @ 09:50 PM
I'm glad you asked, because I'm sure many people will agree with me when I give you the basics of investigating something.

1) You check everything that is publicly available about the person, In this case, Heather seems to have been around a LOT of the same people that are currently doing or have just finished doing time for these scams.

2) You listen to EVERYTHING they say, Heather herself commented that Aliens had teleported the gold off the planet and were holding it until the CVAC's came up, it's out of her own mouth, there's been a lot of backtracking since then, the gold isn't really gold but some imaginary construct symbolism and all that, heck you even claimed the Gold had feelings and rights and was sentient...

3) You look at the WHOLE puzzle.. Funny that she won't return to Washington State now that they are on to her filings and are in the process of sending her rejections on them all, as they were written in such gibberish that they violate UCC Revised 9. Funny that she just HAPPENS to be hanging out in Morocco right now as they are doing this, my husband was from France, but if something big was going on, and I needed to be on top of it, I certainly wasn't going to go jetting off to Marseilles to hang out until whenever just because he was from there.

4) Patrick Cody Morgan was convicted BY A JURY OF HIS PEERS.. That's important in all of this, because they saw the bank statements, they saw where he got people with good credit to go and get loans, turn them over to him and he just didn't pay, ruining their good credit and costing them hundreds of thousand of dollars. A JURY thought he was guilty, UNANIMOUSLY. Meaning 12 jurors, picked from his community saw all the evidence and judged him... that alone should close the book on it, not one person convicted of a crime, admits they did anything wrong, the guy in the Shawshank Redemption put it best, "In here no-one is guilty"

5) There is nothing in the Constitution of the United States that implies it is a trust of any kind to benefit the economic well being of any person. Just that the Government is trusted to do what they say. It doesn't work that way, and while people seem to not fully understand how a Government works, it's all there. 1770's English and 2013 English are slightly different, the meanings of things back then aren't exactly what we mean now. Cherry picking the document and leaving out the important stuff, not good.

6) Going back to her connections, in any investigation, someone's connections are looked at. Had it just been Charles Miller I may have overlooked it, but the fact that she has been hobnobbing with scammers for YEARS just well, lets say it doesn't do her any favors, especially because some of her crap is verbatim from the two of them.

7) I truly expected you to come up with excuses for every point, it's inevitable, you have a lot to lose if this doesn't pan out, and it won't pan out, she can claim all she wants that her CVAC's are up and running, until we all get our "prosperity funds" no-one is going to take it seriously. So far it's all magic words and pretty sayings and lots of New Age crap.

8) You forget one important thing about Heather, prior to giving up her law license, she was an Ambulance chaser, one of the lowest and most verminous types of lawyers out there.

9) Hard questions would be ATS LIve doing the interview, not some blogtalk radio show where the interviewer is joking with her and asking soft questions and agreeing with everything she says.. She refuses to come on here, so it raises more flags... even to register, I have Crakeur's assurance he would reopen my thread for her if she just came on to explain and take our questions. But she won't.. she can't and still keep the illusion going.


10) every site you mentioned, parrots the other sites in that little ring.. Its hardly objective, and I can't wait til Oppt-in publishes their first Treason Tracker person, and the feds come a knockin for conspiracy charges.

The fact that you cannot or will not take advice upon years of experience, and anyone who is against them is somehow the enemy, (i refer back to the love and light crap they push it's a way to keep people from looking objectively because who can argue with being nice) is just raising the final flags this needs to be one big clustercau.....

Think about it logically for one moment.. If this were true, she could have given everyone their money, and noone would be in debt RIGHT NOW, not at some unknown point in the future..

Her internet is good enough to do interviews for the friendlies, now it's time for her to go out in the world and face the rest of us.. the people who are DO'ing our part to make sure noone gets hurt by her theories...

posted on Mar, 3 2013 @ 06:19 AM
reply to post by Crakeur

Sounds insane mate.

So am I right in thinking that when you say Freeman, you're talking about the people who claim to have gotten off at court and made judges stand down and wimper away and so on... are un-arrestable because they don't admit to being called the name that they are given at birth, that don't have to have a driver's license because of Common Law and Law of the Land etc etc.

Like these guys and Freeman


OK cool.

Never really looked into it to be honest, certainly never heard about the gold angle??

Very strange indeed.

I'll go look at some of the threads, thanks very much for the explanation.

edit on 3/3/13 by blupblup because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 3 2013 @ 06:47 AM
reply to post by blupblup

that's the one. Vkey's thread has the most info, unless you prefer your facts to come from YouTube and podcasts with supporters, and no opposition.

posted on Mar, 3 2013 @ 07:51 AM
Something I forgot in my response to Fourthmeal's excuses:
- .... . --- .--. .--. - ... - --- .-.. . -- -.-- --. --- .-.. -.. .-.-.-

Then the Bartle Boys are guilty of Plagiarism these "fee Schedules and Notices" have been around a LONG time.

Fee schedule The notice of understanding is typically followed by a "fee schedule" or "penalty schedules," listing a series of acts and associated penalties the freeman will attempt to levy against the government for perceived transgressions. If the state arrests or incarcerates a freeman against their will, they will then attempt to charge the state a fee for this action. This does not work out in practice and has attracted penalties in return.

- Rational Wiki

And another off the side thing I found while i was reading and wanted to add to my thread, but cannot at this point, bears putting up, as I've seen a few refer to "standing under" or other gibberish.

Notices (e.g., those issued by courts, the police or some government agencies) are supposedly written in "legalese," the deliberately deceptive technical jargon language of "a company called the Law Society."The claim is that legalese looks like English and uses English words, but is not English. For instance, freemen assert that the word "must" in legalese is synonymous with "may" in English, "summons" means "invitation," "demand" means "offer," and "understand" (as in "do you understand?") means "stand under," as in "do you stand under these words?" (i.e., accept the terms of our contract).They claim that all these terms are sneaky ways of getting you to contract with the government without realising. No source is provided for this use of language; and some of it is demonstrably incorrect. The English word "understand" derives from an Old English word meaning stand in the midst of - under deriving from the Proto-Indo-European root *nter-, meaning "between" or "among", from where the modern English prefix "inter-" also derives.

edit on 3-3-2013 by vkey08 because: (no reason given)

edit on 3-3-2013 by vkey08 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 3 2013 @ 12:02 PM
reply to post by vkey08

I don't have time to line-by-line correct you each time you lie. This is tedious. Again your posts reek of negativity and it comes through loud and clear.

What are you talking about Heather being an ambulance chaser? More made up derogatory comment by the opposition? How does investigating corporate fraud = ambulance chasing?

Look, you can wedge and angle all you want, ATS is making itself more irrelevant every day by not actually discussing this issue up front and honestly. Calling it a scam sets the tone. Bottom line, call in and ask the tough questions. Nobody will stop you. And you'll get your answers. IF, however, you've actually listened to each and every discussion and the progression of information, as well as the energy of the conversation and the truthfulness of those speaking, you probably wouldn't say what you've said thus far.

Keep judging though, I'm sure that'll turn out well for you.

You have mentioned ad nausem this article 9 revision. I'm well aware of it. I'm also well aware of it being too little, too late, and would have been rebutted had it been something of importance. But keep on dreaming and getting your information from what you consider substantiated sources, like the fellas at Quatloos or something. I'm sure they know all the angles.

posted on Mar, 3 2013 @ 12:55 PM
reply to post by fourthmeal


facts and documented proof are useless.

out of curiosity, has there been any additions to the "success" section on the OPPT court tracking forums or is it still devoid of all entries? Heather talks of victories, why aren't there any shown as shining examples of how well this works?

I'm dropping the sale price, again, on my right to my 10 billion in gold. I'll sell it for $ 750. $10 billion from heather in exchange for $750 useless old power that was money to me.

Want to take the deal?

posted on Mar, 3 2013 @ 01:35 PM

The "BEing and DOing" aspect of this is, at root, moral ambiguity and is nothing at all new. Crowley championed the same philosophy in the words "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law". Anton Szandor Lavey regurgitated it in his Satanic Bible in the form of his "Nine Satanic Statements" - and a plethora of new age cults have their own versions of the premise. Regardless of phrasing, however, it all adds up to the same message...

"I" matter more than all else. It is a brainwashing tool to reinforce the ego over the evidence and to rid people of that pesky little thing known as a conscience. With conscience removed, and the ego made even more central than it naturally is - many of our inherent psychological defense mechanisms are rendered useless. Specifically and most importantly those that deal with instinctive behavioral boundaries.

Part of our built in behavior software is wired so that we use reflection as a basis for behavioral control. We act and then look to others to either accept or reject that act. In this we learn what is appropriate and what is not. By focusing solely upon self we lose that system of check and balance. In that, we lose perspective.

If one doesn't relinquish their perspective they might see the inherent flaws in this entire scam. The most glaring, to me, ignoring all laws, loopholes, and the rest, is this. If every person, tomorrow, were given ten billion dollars, simple economics dictates that the value of that money would be instantly cancelled out. Ten billion dollars would immediately be worth nothing. A simple Google of the words "hyper inflation" will explain this.

On the other hand, if Heather and the OPPT get past this by explaining that only the chosen will get their ten billion in gold - thus preventing its immediate and total devaluation? Well then you're really only trading one evil system of exclusion for another. That kind of takes the love and light out of the whole equation and paints it as more of a vengeance based paradigm.
edit on 3/3/13 by Hefficide because: typo

posted on Mar, 3 2013 @ 01:40 PM
Sad thing about these scams is they throw off discussion about revamping the tax codes.
edit on 3-3-2013 by MidnightTide because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 3 2013 @ 01:49 PM
Fine, show me the transcript or audio show that explicitly states that Heather stated the gold has been taken off-world for safe-keeping.


posted on Mar, 3 2013 @ 01:56 PM
And as to Heather not answering tough questions.

Keep it up guys, ATS is not fairing well with this one but contrast is necessary so people who read this can realize what their true path is.

posted on Mar, 3 2013 @ 02:11 PM
reply to post by fourthmeal

who the hell is winston?

Some questions Heather has yet to answer.

1. with all this stated transparency, where is the trust document naming her as trustee, naming all the beneficiaries and naming the terms of the trust.
2. how many times, in a real court, has the OPPT program worked? (if you say once, or more, please cite court data that can be confirmed).
3. why are you in Morrocco when your followers are going to jail for following the OPPT plan?
4. where, specifically, is my gold. you stated, in an interview, that it was offworlded by aliens, who has it?
5. when Patrick Cody Morgan's sister asked for your assistance, why did you offer love when, given the OPPT plan works, you could have saved his family the agony of losing their husband and father for 27 years?
6. Will you be assisting Kenneth Wayne Learning, who is also going to spend a long time in jail for, among other things, using OPPT documents in a real world court of law?
7. Why does the "success" section of the OPPT court tracking forums have zero entries?
8. Why won't anyone of promoters utilize the oppt method? even your mouthpiece, american kabuki, admitted to not using it.
9. why does another mouthpiece of OPPT, KP, need to ask for donations for their rent if they are not obligated to pay it and, more important, you are holding 10 billion dollars in gold for them?
10. Why won't you respond to ATS live's repeated request to have you on a radio show that will feature a conversation amongst oppt believers, yourself and some experts in sovereign cases, ucc law etc?

She hasn't answered anything because the answers won't help her cause.

Again, not a single case has been won using this garbage because that's all it is. There is no gold.

Remove the bill and ted message of being good to each other and you're left with a nutless turd.
edit on 3-3-2013 by Crakeur because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 3 2013 @ 02:34 PM
reply to post by Crakeur

Thanks for this, i was reading the thread, while it was a interesting subject,
i didnt for a second believe it was true, just to many aspects to it that would be
near impossible to accomplish and prove.

I was hoping some didnt follow along without consulting their lawyer first. Times are tough
enough as it is, i would hate to see more out on the street.

even if in the off chance of never never land this was true, their would be no way
it would be possible. Not like the system is going to stop and the ones in power are
going to say "ooops my bad you caught us, her is your gold.".

Sadly even if something like this was proved true, it would have about the same effect as
proving obama was not a u.s. citizen. to little to late, nothing would be done about it.

but loving a good story i'll follow this thread.

posted on Mar, 3 2013 @ 02:47 PM

Originally posted by fourthmeal
reply to post by vkey08

I don't have time to line-by-line correct you each time you lie. This is tedious. Again your posts reek of negativity and it comes through loud and clear.

What are you talking about Heather being an ambulance chaser? More made up derogatory comment by the opposition? How does investigating corporate fraud = ambulance chasing?

Look, you can wedge and angle all you want, ATS is making itself more irrelevant every day by not actually discussing this issue up front and honestly. Calling it a scam sets the tone. Bottom line, call in and ask the tough questions. Nobody will stop you. And you'll get your answers. IF, however, you've actually listened to each and every discussion and the progression of information, as well as the energy of the conversation and the truthfulness of those speaking, you probably wouldn't say what you've said thus far.

Keep judging though, I'm sure that'll turn out well for you.

You have mentioned ad nausem this article 9 revision. I'm well aware of it. I'm also well aware of it being too little, too late, and would have been rebutted had it been something of importance. But keep on dreaming and getting your information from what you consider substantiated sources, like the fellas at Quatloos or something. I'm sure they know all the angles.

Let's see have you ever looked at the old lawyer referral services for that area that Heather was in? Obviously not if you believe the lie that she was a Corporate Fraud Atty, There are many statements from happy clients that she represented in her legal career, most if not all of them because of winning a lawsuit against this person or that person, and a lot of personal injury stuff..

There's no judging going on it's all just hard facts that are coming out, she put herself in the position to be looked up, and she cannot possibly hide all of the information that's out there.

As for the Revised 9 statutes, get this through your really thick skull for a moment..I'm getting really sick of having to repeat this.


Does that "resonate" with you? Seriously? You can't be that into this that you cannot understand the simple implication that if you file something that is fraudulent/unlawful to begin with that noone HAS to rebut it as it had no meaning to begin with.

Do you honestly want my opinion on what I hear when i hear Heather talk? I hear someone who's higher than a kite probably on some combination of opiates and amphetamines. She is disjointed, and makes little to no sense. I hear a woman that is so out of touch with reality that she cannot even begin to make a coherent statement.

Answering something in a message to American Kabuki is NOT answering the tough questions, again it looks disjointed, and like she's not all there.

Sorry Fourthmeal, but for someone who seems to be all into BE'ing and DO'ing you sure like to attack everything that may poke a hole in your new GOD.

posted on Mar, 3 2013 @ 02:48 PM
reply to post by Crakeur

Winston Strout.. Mr Accepted For Value.... known primarily for giving seminars on how to get around the system by filing UCC documents..

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