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Are YOU a terrorist?

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posted on Feb, 10 2013 @ 04:57 PM
So, I have been considering the fact that the US Government now has the right to kill any American citizen the Government believes is affiliated with a terrorist organization. Regardless of how preposterous this recently uncovered Justice Department white paper statement is, I thought it would be interesting to compile a rudimentary list of who the Government has already declared to be potential terrorists.

I invite others to add to this list so we can all decide for ourselves if we are on the new Government hit list, especially since the DHS has added 1.2 billion+ hollow point bullets to the Government arsenal. These bullets are banned by international treaty, but apparently are fine to be used against their own citizens. Police departments in the US already use this illegal ammunition against those they serve, but now the Social Security Administration needs hollow point bullets and so does the National Weather Service.

SSA Link


NOAA2 Link

Now to the good stuff. Who is considered a terrorist by our Government?

March 2009 – Department of Homeland Security writes: “... the return of military veterans facing significant challenges reintegrating into their communities could lead to the potential emergence of terrorist groups or lone wolf extremists capable of carrying out violent attacks.”

March 2009 – Law enforcement report from the Missouri Information Analysis Center labels Ron Paul supporters, libertarians, and people sharing movies about the Federal Reserve as domestic terrorists.

January 2011 – Department of Homeland Security suggests those who pay cash for a hotel room might be terrorists.

August 2011 – Justice Department and FBI identify those having more than a seven-day supply of stored food as being potential terrorist threats.

August 2011 – Vice President Joe Biden equates Tea Party supporters with terrorists.

So basically don't store food in your home, pay for hotels with Cash, don't be affiliated with Ron Paul, Libertarians or the Tea Party and don't be a military veteran. Personally I feel much more afraid of my Government than I do of criminals. I am on this list several times. Who else is a 'terrorist'?
edit on 2013/2/10 by Metallicus because: Spelling

posted on Feb, 10 2013 @ 04:58 PM
I prefer the term "Freedom fighter"

posted on Feb, 10 2013 @ 05:00 PM
the most realistic answer is, i think, 'not yet'. but times change, and the definition of a terrorist seems subject to free interpretation by some who seek to capitalise on the 'terrorist threat'.
edit on 10/2/13 by RoScoLaz because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 10 2013 @ 05:01 PM
reply to post by Metallicus
Due to the law changes in both our countries it does not matter if you are or are not.

If you are suspected of being a terrorist then you are and you have little redress to the law. To me that makes governments the real true terrorists because the aim of a terrorist is to instil fear and terror.

posted on Feb, 10 2013 @ 05:02 PM
It depends on who you ask. According to the regime, YES I am a terrorist.

posted on Feb, 10 2013 @ 05:09 PM

posted on Feb, 10 2013 @ 05:12 PM
I'm there!

On many counts.

Nobody said life was fair. I have no doubt whatsoever that since the formation of the federal reserve in what, 1917-ish?, that our illustrious government has not been representative of what the average citizen would consider to be 'good', much less representative.

The progression of events, laws, economic disaster, false-flag wars, assassinations, suicides and accidental deaths that were actually assassinations, coups d'etat here (US) and abroad, have all convinced me that there is a driving force that is beyond political party that has been in power since formation of the federal reserve most likely, and at least since the formation of the CIA in the late 40's.

I'm also convinced that every US president from Eisenhower onward with maybe the exception of Carter, has been complicit.

When they label us as potential terrorists, use MSM to bolster their cause, introduce legislation and executive order that makes us defenseless, how could anybody come to any other conclusion than the federal government is targeting anybody who is not completely compliant with their master plan to be marginalized as a terrorist and fall under the unconstitutional laws that they think make it legal to eliminate the threat.

So if they label me as a terrorist, so be it. They will, however, have a fight on their hands.

posted on Feb, 10 2013 @ 05:18 PM
reply to post by Metallicus

I really don't think that it is a secret that the government is preparing for massive civil unrest when we as a nation are going broke and face imminent collapse. There will be groups that form for one reason or another with an agenda to fight the US government. That's not a mystery, it's common sense. So the next time you ask yourself why government departments are arming themselves. Just take a look at the news. You will find that we are in deep doo doo.

The government agencies arming themselves does not necessarily mean that there's going to be an all out offensive on the American people. But when the time comes that a fringe group attacks a federal building or commits some kind of act of terrorism, that proper agencies are armed and ready to respond.

How can we as a people, arm ourselves and assemble preparedness packs. Then turn around and question why the government and it's agencies are doing the same? It makes no sense to me... Or better yet, Why do we as a people assume the government is going to attack it's own citizens because they are arming themselves? And then we turn around and question why the government thinks we are going to attack because WE are ARMING ourselves? The hypocrisy is in abundance.

posted on Feb, 10 2013 @ 05:20 PM
reply to post by lynxpilot

Here is an excellent documentary on propaganda that may interest you. It's done by NBC dateline. It's ironic that they made this documentary years ago when THEY are part of the same propaganda machine. VERY interesting nonetheless.

posted on Feb, 10 2013 @ 05:28 PM
According to the federal guidelines that put a person on a watchlist, of course I am terrorist. But then so is everyone else that is over age 16 or so.
When they start whacking us with drone-launched missiles, the young ones will be referred to as collateral damage.

posted on Feb, 10 2013 @ 05:56 PM
reply to post by butcherguy

I'm surprised they didn't use that Chris Dorner fugitive as a reason to allow killing by drones... Who knows, maybe they will..

posted on Feb, 10 2013 @ 06:04 PM
reply to post by lynxpilot

Eisenhower tried to warn us of the Global Scheme . JFK was assasinated after making a speech outing the Globalist Scheme and trying to battle the Fed Reserve by creating Silver Certificates through the Treasury Dept. LBJ was a NWO munkey who helped them rob the Social Security Administration . Nixon was an attendie and player along with Ford giving our jobs away. Carter gave away our interest in the Panama canal and our National Parks to the UNESCO bunch . Bush Sr was a mainstay for the NWO especially with his NWO speech .Clinton was in bed with the UN and his wife too . Bush Jr who was a face man for Cheney both of them were up to there chins in it . Obama was hand picked by the NWO bunch . Guess who he will work for .
Anyone not for the New World Order and Agenda 21 is a terrorist .

posted on Feb, 10 2013 @ 06:04 PM
reply to post by foodstamp

They already are...


posted on Feb, 10 2013 @ 06:06 PM
reply to post by SimonPeter

Anyone not for the New World Order and Agenda 21 is a terrorist .

Sadly, you are dead on.

posted on Feb, 10 2013 @ 06:09 PM
I have a Goatee..

And I own a towel..

I must be a Terrorist too....

posted on Feb, 10 2013 @ 06:22 PM
reply to post by lynxpilot

A list came out that was sent to local law enforcement agencies from the Dept. of Homeland Security that defined Domestic Terrorist . When it became public knowledge people went ape about it . Homeland Security retracted it and expunged it from the Net . This list defined the following people as potential domestic terrorist . People who were against illegal immigration , Socialism, Global Government . People who were religious ( Christian ) people who held the Constitution and Bill of Rights , owned Guns , Veterans ,survivalist , wanted to cling to the American way and against homosexuality .

Any one who didn't want to give up their sovereignty and freedom were terrorist . That should tell you who the Homeland Security is .

posted on Feb, 10 2013 @ 06:23 PM

Originally posted by SimonPeter
reply to post by lynxpilot

Eisenhower tried to warn us of the Global Scheme . JFK was assasinated after making a speech outing the Globalist Scheme and trying to battle the Fed Reserve by creating Silver Certificates through the Treasury Dept. LBJ was a NWO munkey who helped them rob the Social Security Administration . Nixon was an attendie and player along with Ford giving our jobs away. Carter gave away our interest in the Panama canal and our National Parks to the UNESCO bunch . Bush Sr was a mainstay for the NWO especially with his NWO speech .Clinton was in bed with the UN and his wife too . Bush Jr who was a face man for Cheney both of them were up to there chins in it . Obama was hand picked by the NWO bunch . Guess who he will work for .
Anyone not for the New World Order and Agenda 21 is a terrorist .

You're right on Kennedy, and I omitted him in the exemption. I disagree, however, with Eisenhower trying to warn us. Eisenhower invented the coup d'etat using the CIA during Ajax in Iran, taking advantage of Truman's creation of the CIA. Eisenhower started the whole 'keep the 3rd world countries in unrest' thing with Ajax, repeated it in Guatemala, started the ball rolling in Viet Nam with 'advisors', and laid the Bay of Pigs thing in Kennedy's lap when he left office. I still don't think Carter was a player. Had he made sweeping moves like Kennedy did to stop the trend (NWO, 3rd world disruption, etc) he would have been offed like Kennedy was. Instead, he was just plain ineffective and they tolerated him until he left.

What is really revealing, disconcerting, and hard for an american public to grasp, is that the real evil that wants complete control, to disarm the public, work toward global government, and the whole ball of wax spans both parties. We tend to grow up aligning ourselves with Republicans or Democrats, we dismiss independent parties and people as extremists or nutcases, but in fact the true evil contains both parties that have maintained power in the US for time immemorial. So being conservative or liberal doesn't really matter any more. You are either a globalist, and you might get by, or you are and extremist, and will be marginalized and eliminated.

posted on Feb, 10 2013 @ 06:30 PM
reply to post by SimonPeter

Are there any sources of this information still on the web? That list is shocking.

posted on Feb, 10 2013 @ 06:37 PM
reply to post by Metallicus

Yes, I'm aware he's the first to be pursued by drones. However, I'm specifically commenting on drones that are used to kill..

posted on Feb, 10 2013 @ 06:39 PM
reply to post by SimonPeter

Yes, Hell hath frozen over when a potential terrorist is someone who makes reference to their own constitution. You would think that would get the attention of freedom loving authorities nationwide and start a grassroots effort to do something about it.

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