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Talk of USA collapse going mainstream!

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+86 more 
posted on Feb, 10 2013 @ 11:28 AM
More and more the mainstream media is including talk of global collapse. The question now if not if, but when it will happen.

Consider the video below. The interviewer tries to get something positive out of this guy buy fails. Then she turns to framing him as a paranoid loon. If you are paying attention to the news, this guy is exactly right. There is no way for a recovery and stories put out by the government try to hide that in bogus numbers.

edit on 10-2-2013 by Mike.Ockizard because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 10 2013 @ 11:43 AM
but for real we all knew a major collapse was coming. I live in europe and just look at the status here. The SHTF in Greece, Spain, Italy. In the Netherlands another bank (SNS) got a bailout. Only 3 banks are left but they will fall 2 sooner or later. The whole world is in the crapper financial. I just hope people are not gonna flip out when all comes crashing down. But looking at how people act these days it looks like riots and killing is gonna be the main thing when SHTF on a global scale.

+37 more 
posted on Feb, 10 2013 @ 11:44 AM
Ha, it's like trying to tell these people to get off the beach when clearly there is a tsunami coming but they are too busy picking up fish because it's not everyday the water recedes so far and fast.

posted on Feb, 10 2013 @ 11:54 AM
They will continue to damage control fighting immediate smaller problems at the expense of creating larger, and even more unsustainable problems for future baboons to attempt to damage control.

The hope is that we have a surge of technological innovation which creates new sectors to cover up the systemic corruption, and make these whoopsies go away for good.

I think it's not just ballsy, but indicative of incompetent leaders whose minds are likely corrupted by greed and grandiose visions of being a savior than anything else.

They will continue to sink the ship for several years yet. I think we still have a while yet to go.

posted on Feb, 10 2013 @ 11:55 AM
seeing this reminds me of the great depression, know you know why your grandparents kept money stashed under the bed mattress or in cans buried in the back yard. Is it really going to come to this.

Interesting fact about the candian's dollar being backed by the US Dollar and the Candians sold all there gold, they must have some, some where, which this relates back to another thread about Germany wanting all there gold back in country they had stored around the world during the cold war.

posted on Feb, 10 2013 @ 12:04 PM
It's getting serious when the numbers are so blatant and unavoidable that even average 'man on the street' interviews include it despite reporters coaching answers in other directions.

Can't change the reality, however hard some in power would try to rip the fabric of reality itself in the attempt. We've entered what is very much like a great depression sans the hurting markets.....and how they are riding high on total fantasy land numbers this long is beyond me.

The ACME safe is falling alright. Everyone try not to be under it when it lands on those who weren't ready. (Like this idiot reporter)

posted on Feb, 10 2013 @ 12:16 PM
reply to post by Mike.Ockizard

I think more and more people are turning towards what was once considered conspiracy, or fringe media information.

The media is just joining the bandwagon like they did on UFOlogy before the time when channels like Science Planet, Discovery and history channels began to present evidence to the public without being termed nutjobs but alternative.

People are less interested in talking heads and the lies they concoct then getting at the crutch of matters, especially when it comes to the globalization/fall of the monetary system because it directly involves them and their futures.

Everything is manipulated from Unemployment and inflation to weather changes and the social networks have aided in bringing issues to the surface once buried by msm.

Scare tactics? You bet because when people are scared they tend to over spend, they look to movies and vacations as ways to combat the fear and falsely create continuity with the familiar.

posted on Feb, 10 2013 @ 12:28 PM
reply to post by Annunak1

The surprise for me was Japan. I knew about Fukashima and understand it is under reported but never put that together with their economic situation. I am conspiracy adverse lately and see it more as overwhelming greed thats fueling our decline.

posted on Feb, 10 2013 @ 12:30 PM

Originally posted by cybro
Ha, it's like trying to tell these people to get off the beach when clearly there is a tsunami coming but they are too busy picking up fish because it's not everyday the water recedes so far and fast.

Great analogy. In our case the fish are bling (cars, media, sex etc) and the receding waters are the housing bubble

+6 more 
posted on Feb, 10 2013 @ 12:30 PM
Sadly, many Americans aren't just passengers in the vehicle heading over the cliff, many are active participants!

posted on Feb, 10 2013 @ 12:31 PM
reply to post by nomnom

I keep hearing 2 to 3 years in the mainstream media but I'm pretty sure thats the point where it's no longer safe. The real decline is in process. Like a train wreck in slow motion.

posted on Feb, 10 2013 @ 12:35 PM
reply to post by 19KTankCommander

I've been following Jim Sinclair on gold. I see him as pretty reliable as he has a history of being correct on Gold. He's saying that the end of this quarter will be big news in terms of gold. Claims the price is being manipulated down but that the end of the quarter will be a turning point. Not much into date predictions but I'm watching and preparing in my own ways that I wont discuss publicly.

posted on Feb, 10 2013 @ 12:39 PM
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

Empires last on average around 200 years is what I hear. If true than we are on thr brink. See my other post about the documentary The Four Horsemen

Very professionally produced and didnt stay in theaters long. Wonder why...?

posted on Feb, 10 2013 @ 12:42 PM
reply to post by beezzer

...and dont even realize it I might add. This all gives clearer meaning to what living in the illusion is talking about. People are waking up but it's too late. Things will only get worse before they get better I'm afraid.

posted on Feb, 10 2013 @ 12:46 PM

Originally posted by Mike.Ockizard
reply to post by nomnom

I keep hearing 2 to 3 years in the mainstream media but I'm pretty sure thats the point where it's no longer safe. The real decline is in process. Like a train wreck in slow motion.

What do you mean, "safe"?

The decline has been in the process since 2000 as far as I can tell.

It could continue on for perhaps 20-30 years, or 20-30 days. It depends on decisions not yet made, and reactions not yet fully assessed.

If the end of 2012 was anything at all, it was the point in which predictions became utterly useless. There is too much chaos, psychosis, and potential game-changers out there to accurately assess the state of... anything complex.

posted on Feb, 10 2013 @ 12:46 PM
Anyone who has a clue about the intrinsic value of metal coin as opposed to paper currency will know that this is the way of all "civilizations" in the past. It happened in Germany once upon a time too.

The crack in the Matrix is growing...


You can take all that paper and use it to block up the sewers in a storm or keep you warm in the winter. At some point all of it you can wheelbarrow around will buy you less at the corner market than... pre 1964 US silver dollar.

+8 more 
posted on Feb, 10 2013 @ 12:49 PM
Well, you voted for it. Change. Well, you got change. The destruction of America is key to the NWO. You elected the man that wants to see it through. He plays golf and parties with Hollywood stars while Rome burns. The thugs are looting America right now. No budget? They can't loot if there's a budget. Only a miracle will save America and the rest of the world will fall like domino's when it does. The Treyvon Martin case is taking longer than i would think it should. Could that case be a trigger? Riots? No doubt.

posted on Feb, 10 2013 @ 12:53 PM

Originally posted by nomnom

Originally posted by Mike.Ockizard
reply to post by nomnom

I keep hearing 2 to 3 years in the mainstream media but I'm pretty sure thats the point where it's no longer safe. The real decline is in process. Like a train wreck in slow motion.

What do you mean, "safe"?

When I say safe, I'm talking about safe to walk the streets in a suburban area. I can still sleep pretty secure. When SHTF I dont plan on hanging around the suburbs...

posted on Feb, 10 2013 @ 12:55 PM
reply to post by intrptr

Old silver coins and physical gold.

posted on Feb, 10 2013 @ 01:00 PM
reply to post by jimmiec

I started out democrat when I was old enough to vote. Then went independent even though I knew the system was rigged/broken. A real vote for change this last cycle would have been a vote for the ones that were prevented from getting coverage from the MSM. We as a people failed because so many are asleep.

This is historic. The decline and fall of western civilization will be in history books one day. I just wonder who will be telling the story.

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