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Discrediting Conspiracy Theorists

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posted on Feb, 8 2013 @ 12:22 PM
reply to post by Tardacus

Thats what ni think is going on as well

posted on Feb, 8 2013 @ 12:23 PM
Unfortunately, the MSM can say and do whatever they want, because let's face it: The American Public is much like a Goldfish, with the exception that they can remember; yet only have a 30 second attention span, so few of them are capable of forming an original thought which is not spoon fed to them.

So yes of course, MSM will try and discredit whatever they wish, whenever they wish it. I like to think that people are intelligent, but they prove me wrong on a consistent bases. Honestly, I know 2/20 people that read non-fiction and I am one of them. Sadly, when information is traveling faster than anyone previously thought - the misinformation is traveling even faster...

posted on Feb, 8 2013 @ 12:25 PM
reply to post by ConspiracyBuff

Great point! Yeah, they keep our attention on irrelevant subjects, celebrity news, gossip, mindless nonsense while the important things go unnoticed and unheard.

posted on Feb, 8 2013 @ 12:46 PM
So let me toss this card out there. MSM, Ratings, Misinformation has created a lot of attention and thus higher ratings on all ends. Non Conspiracy and Average Joe's alike help feed them on a daily basis via us scoping out the news to see the next glitch in there flawed system. Wait that's it. It's a Flawed system the MSM has.

Like a game of matching cards as a child it took some card flipping to match that darn ball of yarn... Though growing older games like these became more easy to complete as our knowledge of the game increased. Thus you have individuals/conspiracy theorists too that have been fed the same equation of reporting for to long to really note.

So would the masses be waking up and the " Hunch " that a detective conspiracy theorist has, be waking up in the masses as well. Thus you have this forum now at above top secret with like minded.

Sometimes that hunch is all we have when were surrounded by a sea of disinformation.

I hope I didn't go off topic. I'm diggin this thread

posted on Feb, 8 2013 @ 12:47 PM
The mainstream media has always concentrated on the most farfetched theories to discredit the truth movement as a whole. It's as designed by the CIA following the JFK Conspiracy. It's the CIA controlling the media and spinning up these disinfo and smear campaigns. Just look at this CIA memo after the Warren Commission Cover-up:

"Presumably as a result of the increasing challenge to the Warren Commission's report, a public opinion poll recently indicated that 46% of the American public did not think that Oswald acted alone, while more than half of those polled thought that the Commission had left some questions unresolved. Doubtless polls abroad would show similar, or possibly more adverse results.

This trend of opinion is a matter of concern to the U.S. government, including our organization"

posted on Feb, 8 2013 @ 06:56 PM
The thing about any of this is, why does it matter what the MSM think, believe or how they want to portray anyone? They are part of the problem and many already know that. The only thing that should matter is what your intuition believes is the truth. The media is part of the deception. I thought that was a known fact?

Originally posted by Shneal
It seems as of late the MSM is stepping up their counter attack on conspiracy theorists. Its sad the misinformation that gets thrown around. Here is a yahoo news story as an example Yahoo News BS

I would argue that a TINY minority of people within the conspiracy 'theorist' label would say that the Aurora shooting and also Sandy hook NEVER OCCURRED. The problem with articles like these in my own opinion is that the 'Theorists' who look deeper into the evidence and see through the bull ish of the official story get generally categorized into the same group with these people. It seems like the MSM points out the most ludicrous of the 'Theories' and throws all conspiracy truthers in the same melting pot. They never argue against the conspiracy facts, only point out the flaws of ridiculous theories. No talk of Monarch programming, false flags, the fact James Holmes was under psychiatric care of an ex air-force doctor, the Sandy hook map in the Dark knight, the illuminati Wayne video with the 12 skeletons in the theatre,.. all the things that are right in our face and have validity.

Looking at the comments at the bottom of this article it is clear that their plan to discredit is working. PPL demonizing 9/11 conspiracies (which is plane (plain) ignorance), the Kennedy assasination, moon landings etc..

Its funny yet annoying to me that the MSM picks the 'far out' theories to drum up articles and make anyone with an opposing view a 'nut job'

Guess i could've put this in the rant section but oh well haha. Happy Theory-ing everyone!

posted on Feb, 9 2013 @ 09:20 PM
I think it's important to understand that they don't have to discredit conspiracy theorists. We never had any credibility to lose. Most people think we're idiots and worse and will readily tell you so if you so much as breathe a word of disbelief in anything that is generally accepted as true.

I think the agenda goes far deeper than just discrediting us. They could just keep doing what they've been doing for ages and completely ignore conspiracy theories. And believe me, nothing would change.

No. What they're doing (I think) is establishing a predicate for some kind of legal action to be taken. They have been harping on the issue of "mental illness" really hard lately (both in the context of the recent shootings and everywhere else).

Some have theorized that they are establishing an excuse to disarm those they deem to be "mentally unstable". And I'm sure that's probably a big part of it. But I don't think that's all. I think they want to force people into "therapy".

The really creepy part is that it almost seems completely reasonable. If I trusted TPTB completely. How many millions of people would simply not question this if they came out tomorrow and said that all the crazies would have to go into compulsory treatment? How many millions of people fully believe you're a raving lunatic if you simply dared to question 9/11?

posted on Feb, 9 2013 @ 10:35 PM
reply to post by Shneal

This doesn't belong in a 'Rant' section at all, it's a legitimate concern and profound observation.

posted on Feb, 9 2013 @ 10:41 PM
According to Gallup, 60 percent of the nation has very little or no trust for mass media to report the news in a fair and accurate manner.

So good luck media.

posted on Feb, 9 2013 @ 10:51 PM

Originally posted by Stormdancer777
According to Gallup, 60 percent of the nation has very little or no trust for mass media to report the news in a fair and accurate manner.

So good luck media.

That may well be but if you go around to various places online talking about conspiracies you will find a solid wall of opposition almost everywhere.

I have found that many people trust the MSM slightly more than they claim they do. I think they just don't like to look like mindless automatons when someone puts the question to them directly.

I personally know many people who claim they don't trust the MSM. But what they really mean is they don't trust Fox News. If the majority of people distrusted CNN and MSNBC and all the rest of them as much as they distrust Fox News, we'd be home free.

posted on Feb, 9 2013 @ 10:52 PM
reply to post by BrianFlanders

Brandon Raub was the first victim of this new policy. Absolutely appalling what they did to him. Strangely, it appears Ben Swann has made his video about it private, which is very strange. Here's a mirror of it:

posted on Feb, 9 2013 @ 11:54 PM
reply to post by Shneal

No talk of Monarch programming, false flags, the fact James Holmes was under psychiatric care of an ex air-force doctor

Where did you get that information? That is really very interesting and if true, leads some weight to my Columbine-connection theory...

posted on Feb, 10 2013 @ 02:48 AM
reply to post by Shneal

Just another case of divide & conquer by the powers that be.

Dividing conspirators and sheep.

Cops vs rebels. Conservative vs Liberal. Democrat vs Republican. American vs European. Black vs white. Boy vs girl. The list goes on and on.

Both sides argue, and both sides are right and wrong. So, while neither side gets disproven or proven entirely right, they keep fighting on and on.
edit on 10-2-2013 by XxNightAngelusxX because: (no reason given)

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