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Discrediting Conspiracy Theorists

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posted on Feb, 7 2013 @ 12:30 PM
reply to post by luciddream

I couldn't agree more. I think it's like the boy who cried wolf. If everything is a conspiracy all the time, when actual conspiracies happen, no one believes it because it's coming from the same group.

From my investigations valid conspiracies are:

The government hiding retrieved crashed alien tech/UFOs. Is every light in the sky an alien vessel, probably not, but there are enough cases, in Bluebook alone, that defy any reasonable explanation. Add to that the Condon Committee fiasco, where they already knew what their end position was going to be, and the Majestic 12, and you have a conspiracy. Roswell, Kecksburg, maybe one or two others I am not familiar with, my feeling at least in the first two is something crashed, the government went and got it and covered it up. I think Roswell was definitely ET tech, Kecksburg possibly the Nazi Bell, but maybe ET tech. In conclusion, I think they are slowly building us up to disclosure by letting us find ET on our own terms. Rather than just having an alien land on the White House lawn.

The Kennedy Assassination. Something just isn't right about this, we have photo evidence, audio evidence i.e. actual evidence. I don't think it was a massive government conspiracy, but like alien tech, just a small group of people who were in the know/executed the plan. Maybe it was a few rogue military people, in concert with the mafia. I think we only have about 20 more years until we find out conclusively.

9/11. I am sorry, 20 mostly-known hijackers don't just disappear four planes without someone knowing about it. And if our military didn't know about it, that doesn't give me too much confidence in our safety here in mainland USA. We already know Bush knew something beforehand. But, just how much did he and others in power know? Who knows?

Waco, Texas. The government definitely shot first.

NOT conspiracies:

Sandy Hook. Adam Lanza clearly walked into an elementary school and shot people. No doubt about it. No conspiracy here. The parents weren't actors, neither was the gentleman who helped those kids and the bus driver. I know some are tempted to believe in this one, but I just don't see it. I need more evidence than "OMG that guy whose kid was shot is laughing, it must be a cover up." Or, people claiming that a girl who was shot's sister was her, kids in the same family often look alike at certain ages. So far, I haven't seen or heard anything credible that makes me want to question the events.

Aurora. Have you seen the pictures of Holmes? He looks crazy, I bet he is. Did you read about how he booby trapped his apartment? He was crazy. Again, people can claim MK Ultra type brainwashing, but there isn't anything credible or concrete to lead me to question this.

Finally, I feel let down by some of the more extremem members here. Where are the Alabama kidnapping conspiracies? I mean clearly this was the government trying to make all Doomsday/SHTF Preppers look bad, right? Do I have to think of everything?

posted on Feb, 7 2013 @ 12:36 PM
reply to post by DarkKnight76

For sure! appreciate the response. I do believe that James Holmes was a product on Monarch MK-Ultra mind control tho. The evidence is there. The psychiatric help of ex military, anti-depressants, the fact he called himself the joker fits the 'alter' persona, and the fact he says he doesn't remember it. Not to mention it sparked the gun control debate nearly immediately. but other than that i would have to agree with everything you are saying fam!

posted on Feb, 7 2013 @ 12:37 PM
Most rational people accept the fact that there will always be some people that tend to go off the rails on a crazy train. We allow them to express their theory, however, and then we blow it off as too extreme or irrational, while keeping an open mind about the possibilities.

BUT, reasonable people also understand that SOMETIMES there really is, if not a conspiracy, a manipulation of an event to take advantage of the crisis. Then, those who are highly intuitive and who tend to research, analyze, and evaluate will begin to see actual patterns that connect certain dots. Pay attention to these folks and don't allow the fear of a label to keep you from "seeing with seeing eyes and hearing with hearing ears", as the saying goes.

posted on Feb, 7 2013 @ 12:40 PM
reply to post by queenofswords

Hit the nail on the head!

posted on Feb, 7 2013 @ 12:43 PM
It is pretty easy to discredit in the method that is used.

I have posted about this several times. It is incredibly easy to manipulate when you are in a position of power, and are even remotely trusted by the majority of people. The people dont even need to like the person(s) in that position, just trust that they wouldnt do anything truly nefarious. Then, they can literally get away with anything they want. Its even better if said person(s) arent even known by the public, but are able to manipulate policy using things like money, special interests, campaign funding, etc.

It doesnt require some huge massive organized plan, or any of that nonsense. People are extremely predictable in pretty much every way. Those that are not so easy are such a small percentage that its very straight forward on how to dismiss them outright, and have the majority of the population follow right along.

Basically, its setup in a way that society does all the work. All the person(s) in power need to do is plant a very small seed somewhere along the line, and the population will take care of the rest of their own free will (even if its manipulated, its still a choice!).

Its extraordinarily elegant in its way.
edit on 7-2-2013 by Serdgiam because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 7 2013 @ 12:55 PM
reply to post by DaTroof

Yeah, that's pretty messed up. I don't know what's going on with the Sandy Hook thing. It looks to me like there is something fishy going on but a lot of the things I watched have indeed been debunked. My suspicion is there is no conspiracy about Sandy Hook it's self. But the media coverage seemed excessive. Well, gun news in general seems excessive nowadays, probably to push the gun ban.
edit on 7-2-2013 by XLR8R because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 7 2013 @ 01:42 PM

Originally posted by Shneal
Thats not my point. My point is that the REAL theories never get any MSM light shined on them.

What "REAL theories"?

posted on Feb, 7 2013 @ 01:48 PM
reply to post by Shneal

. My point is that the REAL theories never get any MSM light shined on them.

That is wrong; I think what you actually mean is the conspiracy theories you believe in don’t get any attention. I don’t know if you are from the UK or not but our press regularly comments on what some would call “conspiracies” such as the conspiracies of the death of Diana or David Kelly and a number of other suspicious deaths, I have read articles about 9/11 truth or other big government cover ups and so on. That’s why I find it so hard to believe people when the assume that the MSN is in on it in some way when I see them openly discussing conspiracies.

Admittedly its not like its something that appears in every newspaper every day but they do show up.

posted on Feb, 7 2013 @ 02:08 PM
reply to post by OtherSideOfTheCoin

I am actually curious on this since it seems you watch the mainstream media enough to help me out with my question.

Have you seen Agenda 21 mentioned, and in what light is it portrayed? Were detractors brought up at all, and if so, how were they portrayed?

I dont think its so much that they dont mention them at all, but more how they flavor the story to appeal to the masses already set-in-stone perspective on the matter. Essentially just cementing the confirmation bias that already exists.

posted on Feb, 7 2013 @ 02:14 PM

Originally posted by starviego
Here's another example of how they take the furthest-out theories and use them to denigrate all conspiracy theories:
State dismissive of truthers' Newtown hoax claims
Connecticut's attorney general has swatted away multiple requests -- made by conspiracy theorists -- for a state investigation into whether the worst elementary school shooting in U.S. history was a hoax. ...
A Danville, Va., woman claimed to the newspaper that she recently contacted Jepsen's staff, State Police and the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner to ask them to separate fact from fiction. When reached on her cellphone Wednesday, the woman asked that her name be withheld from publication because she was fearful of retribution.
"There is no Sandy Hook Elementary School. It is not listed anywhere as an operating school," the woman said in an initial message. "I have raw footage from a helicopter" a news broadcasting service had taken just after the so-called massacre, which clearly shows the massacre never happened, either. ....


That's getting just a little too close to home for me! My mother lives there. Anyway that whole idea was based on comparing satellite images of another nearby school with Sandy Hook. Stupid woman didn't even notice they were taken on different days when the weather was completely different.

Conspiracy theorists are getting the same treatment Muslims have for years - a couple a stray nuts and the whole tree is bad. Such is the way of propaganda. It's to be expected. Just don't make any claims to being a conspiracy theorist, simply be a person with unanswered questions. Despite the demonization of all things conspiratorial many people I know who have never shown an interest before are suddenly asking me what's going on at Sandy Hook? People who are 2nd Amendment supporters couldn't help but notice how fast the whole anti-gun hysteria was thrown down as a gauntlet. The bodies weren't even cold before parents and politicians were speaking out about how bad guns are.

The only good thing (if you can call it that) to happen is at least we didn't wait years to begin asking serious questions like we did with 9/11. They broke our trust and people aren't waiting around for some blue ribbon panel to come out with explanations.

Any conspiracy theorist worth their salt should be spending at least as much time and energy trying to debunk theories as validating them.
edit on 7-2-2013 by Asktheanimals because: added comment

posted on Feb, 7 2013 @ 02:16 PM
reply to post by Asktheanimals

How long do you think it will be before "conspiracy theorist" is synonymous with "terrorist?"

It happens to an extent right now, but its more an insinuation than anything else at this point (IMO).

posted on Feb, 7 2013 @ 02:18 PM
I would like to take a moment to point out the obvious that is happening in this thread. Read all responses and take a few steps back and look.

Already I see responses that are discrediting even the fact that any Conspiracy Theories are valid in the first place.

So to the OP~ Answer recieved?

S&F because I had fun reading everyone's thoughts so far on this matter, though it's easy to tell which posters just want to insite a debate over which there is no victor.

posted on Feb, 7 2013 @ 02:46 PM
reply to post by OtherSideOfTheCoin

I mean i guess to each their own but i tend to deal in conspiracy FACT not theory. In evidence that is kept out of the public eye to progress the agenda. Whether everything i believe is true or not is yet to be seen and never will be but I am careful about my research and am a product of telling the truth, therefore able to recognize it IMO. Im saying that the wildest of theories get light shined on them while the 'way the world works' conspiracy 'theory' (fact) gets salt and peppered in here and there. I know from being in the music industry the stanglehold the illuminati have over every avenue of MSM n see the agenda unfolding. It is not THEORY to me. It is however labeled conspiracy and therefore pisses me off when wild theories affect the perception of conspiracy fact and evidence.

posted on Feb, 7 2013 @ 02:54 PM
reply to post by JIMC5499

Poor word choice i guess. like i said in the post above. I tend to look at evidence. Truths that are kept from the public eye. Knowledge withheld because it is dangerous (in the eyes of the puppet masters) for everyone to know. The things withheld to keep us in the dark and progress the agenda. REAL 'theories', but they aren't theories they are FACTS. Then again, everyone has their own version of truth and are entitled to their own thoughts and opinions.

posted on Feb, 7 2013 @ 03:33 PM

Originally posted by Shneal
reply to post by OtherSideOfTheCoin

I mean i guess to each their own but i tend to deal in conspiracy FACT not theory. In evidence that is kept out of the public eye to progress the agenda. Whether everything i believe is true or not is yet to be seen and never will be but I am careful about my research and am a product of telling the truth, therefore able to recognize it IMO. Im saying that the wildest of theories get light shined on them while the 'way the world works' conspiracy 'theory' (fact) gets salt and peppered in here and there. I know from being in the music industry the stanglehold the illuminati have over every avenue of MSM n see the agenda unfolding. It is not THEORY to me. It is however labeled conspiracy and therefore pisses me off when wild theories affect the perception of conspiracy fact and evidence.

If you deal in FACTS and not THEORY, how do you expect to have any sort of credibility in saying that James Holmes was part of some sort of mind control experiment? You have no information that indicates this is a fact, only a theory about what the actual facts of the case indicate.

posted on Feb, 7 2013 @ 03:41 PM
reply to post by flyswatter

I also said i deal with evidence. There is plenty of THAT. He was under psychiatric care of an ex air-force doctor, was on anti-depressants (commonly used in MK-Ultra experiments). He has no recollection of the incident. When arrested he claimed to be 'The Joker' which fits the description of a monarch program candidate. They often are programmed with 'alters' or alternate personalities. Both him and adam lanza's fathers were also involved in the Libor scandal. When you know this type of thing exists and know how and why they are used it is a pretty fair assumption when you examine the EVIDENCE. again that isn't necessarily fact but all the 'normailites' for this type of programing are present and therefore I dont rule out the possibility. The FACT portion I am talking about is the EVIDENCE.. the conclusion is the theory.

posted on Feb, 7 2013 @ 03:45 PM
reply to post by Shneal

Many conspiracy theorists fall into this trap, the presume that it is a fact for example that Bin Laden was a CIA agent or that Aliens crashed at Roswell and the Mob killed JFK. These are not facts, they are theories some might be very good theories by they are not facts, now we can argue all day about what is a fact and what is not but it is not a fact to say that the Illuminati control the media that is a hypothesis at best.

You presume that the Media is covering this up because you don’t see it reported in the press, I would retort by asking you if you have ever considered that the reason it goes unreported is because it is not true and many of your “conspiracy facts” are actually “conspiracy conjecture”.

posted on Feb, 7 2013 @ 03:50 PM

Originally posted by Shneal
reply to post by flyswatter

I also said i deal with evidence. There is plenty of THAT. He was under psychiatric care of an ex air-force doctor, was on anti-depressants (commonly used in MK-Ultra experiments). He has no recollection of the incident. When arrested he claimed to be 'The Joker' which fits the description of a monarch program candidate. They often are programmed with 'alters' or alternate personalities. Both him and adam lanza's fathers were also involved in the Libor scandal. When you know this type of thing exists and know how and why they are used it is a pretty fair assumption when you examine the EVIDENCE. again that isn't necessarily fact but all the 'normailites' for this type of programing are present and therefore I dont rule out the possibility. The FACT portion I am talking about is the EVIDENCE.. the conclusion is the theory.

I have taken anti-depressants, given by a doctor that happens to be ex-military. I sometimes forget things. Doesnt mean that I am in a mind control program

Claiming to not remember the incident? Well, for one, he's lying and planting the first bases for a diminished mental capacity defense. It's a tactic that is a hell of a lot more common than some may think.

And "not ruling out the possibility" and believing that something is actually the case ... two different things. I do not rule out the possibility of the continued use of mind-control programs, but I also have seen no solid evidence that they actually ARE ongoing. Not being able to rule it out doesnt mean that it is ruled in.

posted on Feb, 7 2013 @ 03:52 PM
reply to post by OtherSideOfTheCoin

As far as the illuminati goes.. I am a product of experience. Ive taken my music to a level where i KNOW this goes on. It is a Hypothesis at worst. For that reason, the 'conspiracy conjecture' i tend to see as more relevant evidence then what we are told . Again to each their own but I KNOW a few things about how and why things are the way they are. I've experienced it first hand.

posted on Feb, 7 2013 @ 03:56 PM
reply to post by flyswatter

Well if i see you on the news being accused of some hideous crime you don't remember commiting, i'll sure as hell question the official dialogue.. Im not saying everyone under these conditions goes on a shooting rampage. I am however saying then when someone does go on a shooting rampage n fits all the criteria for a likely candidate and you see major legislation follow, there is a good chance something fishy is going on.

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