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Live Tests, Flaxseed (Omega), Vit-C, Coconut Oil, Apple Cider Vinegar, Kombucha Tea(Updated)

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posted on Feb, 3 2013 @ 11:51 AM
Let me start by explaining why i put this in the conspiracy forum. Basically because everyone is saying that this stuff works for this and that and i wanted to give people some live trial results and maybe someone could add some ideas that we can try live and have actual proof from the person trying it. Thanks.

Ok so i have been doing live trials on myself with various things to test their potency. First let me tell you about myself for perspective. I am a professional mixed martial artist and professional boxer, and i have a winning record. I have been a competitive combat sports athlete for 10 years having my first amateur competition in 2003. Now i am training for a competition coming up in a few months so i am in good physical condition and i tend to be more aware of the results then someone who is not as athletically challenged as myself. Not bragging just giving some background information for perspective(and of course always bragging a little). Now here is a breakdown of what i have found works for me and a little information on what i have been taking and how.

Lets start with Kombucha because that is my favorite and i get the best results from the tea. Here is a link to the company whos Kombucha i buy weekly.


I drink 3 full bottles a week, i split them up by half. Sometimes i drink 4-5 bottles depending on how i feel and sometimes i drink 1-2, but i drink it consistently every week. One of the major benefits i have noticed from it is my MOOD. Yes my mood, for some reason when i drink kombucha i tend to have happier more focused thoughts. I read a study awhile back on ATS about how the bacteria in your stomach reflects in your general altitude. I think this may have something to do with it. I notice this affect the strongest when i STOP drinking it for a period of time, which i immediately respond by getting a bottle from my local store.


Now lets go to the apple cider vinegar which i drink more sparingly.


Typically i drink locally made apple cider vinegar that tends to be on the more pulpy side, but during the winter i drink bragg. I tend to drink this more sparingly and in smaller doses. I also use this as an energy booster in the morning if im feeling a little sluggish. I find that when i drink the vinegar i pee a lot. This is one of the reasons i use it more sparingly, this is because i need to be super hydrated for training at night. I find that the apple cider vinegar is a great detox and i use it to help me cut weight. IT DEFINITELY KEEPS ME CLEAN. I don't know what it is but it cleans out my intestines and helps my metabolism kick into gear. This i can FEEL. I also use the vinegar when im sick or hungover(not often).


Next lets cover the flaxseed oil.


So i take the flaxseed oil/grains as often as i think of it because i feel the affects almost within the hour. This has increased my energy levels overall, my levels of focus, it has helped my joint pain, brain function and i can't even think of what else. I highly recommend any omega supplements such as flaxseed to anyone for any reason. This supplement has truly helped and i LOVE it! Oh i take it by the recommended dose on the bottle but who cares take as much as you want its great.


Next lets go over the emergen-c packets.


I take these everyday sometimes twice a day depending on when and how much i sweat. I don't know about these. The affects of these may be more subtle then i think and i realize i need the trace minerals to support all of my functions and absorption of everything else.

So far i am on the fence with this. Further trials with other products are needed.


Coconut oil. Well who knows about this one.

I made a thread about coconut oil and treating my grandmothers Alzheimer's here.

So i personally don't care much for the oil i use it to cook now sometimes and haven't really gotten noticeable results from it. Still it taste good and i enjoy cooking with it.


So these are my results, if you have any suggestions please reply. If you could recommend me a better vitamin-c solution i would appreciate it.
edit on 3-2-2013 by onequestion because: (no reason given)

edit on 3-2-2013 by onequestion because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 3 2013 @ 12:11 PM
Thread updated with the actual information i wanted to add.

Thanks for reading.
edit on 3-2-2013 by onequestion because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 3 2013 @ 12:26 PM
Add green tea to your regement,awesome immune support and anti-infammatory,both Apple cider vinegar and green tea keep your ph balanced,are anti-carcinogens,great for keeping weight in check and are fabulous for the skin
Vit c too,hugely important..i take 3 /500mg per day including multivitamin support
Dont forget a glass of red at the end of the day,reduces stress,tons of flavanoids,and the ladies like it too
And finally watching sports for guys isnt a waste of time after all,it increases testosterone,so wifey shouldn't complain,it gives you wings while mowing the lawn among other things
And i have to add WATER/excersize guys,uber important,without it nothing else matters.
Sun exposure,limit that s**t,might look good now but wait till your 60! :0
Other things to consider: (see maximum daily limit)
. Garlic(if you dare)
.Calcium suppliment
.olive oil
i could go on

edit on 3-2-2013 by all2human because: (no reason given)

edit on 3-2-2013 by all2human because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 3 2013 @ 12:37 PM
reply to post by all2human

What kind of green tea and what kind of vit-c are you taking?

posted on Feb, 3 2013 @ 12:38 PM
reply to post by onequestion

Hey thanks for the grunt work sir. I had to wait till you got your thread up to read it, but i'm glad I waited for it to be done.

You mentioned treating your grandmothers alzhiemers with the coconut oil. My old man has parkinsons and his doctor recomended that he incorporate it into his diet. He says that it slows his tremors and gives him a longer lasting energy throughout the day. Not necesarilly a burst of energy, but he says he can really notice it when he's done work (he works 12 hour shifts). Says he doesn't feel nearly as drained when the day is done.

ETA:I was curious about the kombucha. What exactly is in it?
edit on 3-2-2013 by openeyeswideshut because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 3 2013 @ 12:44 PM
reply to post by openeyeswideshut

I think the problem with my grandmother is that she is paste the point of no return. She is pretty far gone and at this point i don't know if anything will help her. The main issue being that i think she wants to passover. Keeps telling me dreams about heaven and all that.

As far as my personal experience with it, maybe its a subtle difference i will get some more time in with it and experiment more and see what happens.

ADD- Maybe i will do a solo run with it. Try it on its own and see what it does.
edit on 3-2-2013 by onequestion because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 3 2013 @ 12:46 PM
Thank you so much for this.

A few questions, what type of diet have you been eating while testing out these supplements? And overall healthy diet or a diet with some junk food? If you do eat some junk food, how do you feel after? Does taking these supplements often, help with digesting the junk food, making you feel less of the junk food effects?
With me, I feel dirty and have to cancel out junk food with a vegetable or an orange.

How's your skin quality? I ask because skin issues run in my family and I'm always looking for ways to improve. We juice fruits and vegetables and get wonderful skin results, but juicing can add up.

posted on Feb, 3 2013 @ 12:51 PM
reply to post by collietta

A few questions, what type of diet have you been eating while testing out these supplements? And overall healthy diet or a diet with some junk food? If you do eat some junk food, how do you feel after? Does taking these supplements often, help with digesting the junk food, making you feel less of the junk food effects?

I have tried these with both bad and good diets. Right now my diet is mixed. As i get closer and closer to competition i have to become FAR more disciplined with it. When my diet is on point im eating lots of green food, anything alive, fruit, no bread, no gluten, brown rice, boiled chicken, no red meat, alaskan salmon, certain sushi. Right its a mix. I ate pizza on friday for instance, today my diet is supplements, and oatmeal.

After i eat junk food, or anything with sugar or gluten in it, it seriously makes me feel like crap, mentally and physically.

YES. Taking those supplements does help with my digestion. In fact the vinegar does work to clean me out and keep me clean.

Eating junk food depresses me, makes me sluggish, poor sleep and kind of throws me out of cycle persay.

posted on Feb, 3 2013 @ 01:00 PM
Eat lemons, cleans your intestine.

And grapefruits they are like healthy crack for your body.
edit on 3-2-2013 by Tuttle because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 3 2013 @ 01:03 PM
reply to post by Tuttle

Actually ive heard a lot about grapefruits, but what is it about grapefruits thats healthy?

posted on Feb, 3 2013 @ 01:06 PM
reply to post by onequestion

Try it and let me know how it works for you. It might also have something to do with his parkinsons making it easier for him to notice. If you are fighting mma im sure your energy consumption and output are far greater than his, so it might also not be as strong of an energy source as the things your already using, hence you wont notice it as much.

posted on Feb, 3 2013 @ 01:25 PM
reply to post by onequestion

Thanks for your quick reply.

How's your skin quality, has it improved, even while eating poorly?

posted on Feb, 3 2013 @ 01:33 PM
reply to post by onequestion

dude, why don't you brew your own kombucha.That's what I do and it's so much cheaper! Seriously, I don't get why people would buy it.

posted on Feb, 3 2013 @ 01:36 PM
reply to post by Tuttle

and avocados, and Quinoa, which is THE food of the gods.. quinoa is better than rice, better than pasta, it's a seed, so it's doesn't make you fat.

posted on Feb, 3 2013 @ 01:39 PM
reply to post by onequestion

It's also really fun to make your own kombucha. You try different types of tea, different amounts of sugar. I use agave nectar. I could send you a piece of scoby to start your own brew.

posted on Feb, 3 2013 @ 01:44 PM

Originally posted by sebHFX
reply to post by onequestion

dude, why don't you brew your own kombucha.That's what I do and it's so much cheaper! Seriously, I don't get why people would buy it.

can you please share your receipe ... many thanks

posted on Feb, 3 2013 @ 02:57 PM
Good for you for doing the N=1 experiments, and for eating Real Food.

We are having a Superbowl party tonight. Nearly everyone is bringing the usual junk food. As for me, I just got done making coconut "cookies" and pumpkin "cookies" sweetened lightly with local raw unfiltered honey. And on the stove now is broth from a pastured turkey with grass-fed sirloin and a potato to make soup.
Can't wait until it's done.

Try some Liposomal Vitamin C. It's supercharged C!
edit on 3-2-2013 by davjan4 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 3 2013 @ 05:54 PM
Ill be on tomarrow to respond in texting this from my phone ATM.

posted on Feb, 3 2013 @ 06:25 PM

Originally posted by onequestion
reply to post by Tuttle

Actually ive heard a lot about grapefruits, but what is it about grapefruits thats healthy?

Grapefruit nutrients

Grapefruit contains toxin eating enzymes and compounds, lowers cholesterol, prevents kidney stones, protects against colon cancer, repairs DNA and in my case helps regulate flutuating thyroid levels and improve liver function.

Limonoids Promote Optimal Health
Phytonutrients in grapefruit called limonoids inhibit tumor formation by promoting the formation of glutathione-S-transferase, a detoxifying enzyme. This enzyme sparks a reaction in the liver that helps to make toxic compounds more water soluble for excretion from the body.

Grapefruit helps weight loss by reducing and regulating insulin production

The importance of this link lies with the hormone's weight management function. While not its primary function, insulin assists with the regulation of fat metabolism. Therefore, the smaller the insulin spike after a meal, the more efficiently the body processes food for use as energy and the less it's stored as fat in the body. Grapefruit may possess unique chemical properties that reduce insulin levels which promotes weight loss.

Contra-indications include interference with medication

Grapefruit also interferes with many medications. While taking certain medications your pharmacist or physician may recommend avoiding grapefruit. Something in grapefruit juice – no one knows what – blocks the action of specific enzymes needed to absorb and break down drugs

Hope this helps!

posted on Feb, 3 2013 @ 07:04 PM
reply to post by onequestion

Great thread!
Im fairly athletic myself and i attribute most of that to my diet.

Kambucha is awesome, but so is green tea. I tey to have 3-5 cups of green tea a day. I also use MSM twice a day. MSM is an all natural organic sulphur compound that is super antioxidant, great for inflammation, joint pain, immunity and energy and so much more.

MSM works synergistically with vitamin c. I use pure Vitamin C crystals by NOW. Super easy and potent.
I have an entire book on uses for ACV, that stuff is a miracle.

I've also been drinking a glass of tart cherry juice a day. It is antioxidant, good for digestion and helps repair muscle.

And like someone else said: water water water!

Now im craving some kambucha!


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