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Should domestic cats be eradicated to protect wildlife?

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posted on Feb, 3 2013 @ 01:34 PM

Originally posted by Char-Lee
reply to post by ollncasino

Not eradicated but required to be spayed or neutered. There should be a license for them so they care can be tracked. Our neighbor abandoned their kitty when they moved and we have a dozen strays wondering and having kittens on just this street alone.
my advice, unsolicited as it is, but based on hard experience, call animal control to deal with this quickly before it grows from dozens into hundreds. I know it seems heartless because they most likely will not be adopted and will be euthanized, but at least that will be more humane than the treatment they are likely to encounter from random humans and dogs.

I grew up in a neighborhood where evictions and abandoned animals were a huge problem, which is why my parents went into colony management with advice from Alley Cat Allies. But where I disagree with AlleyCat Allies is in the thinking its a good thing to let even a neutered colony exist. They run into barbaric fates. It's better to just get them off the streets before they turn into too many cats for one citizen to deal with in a productive humane manner.

I've rounded up strays and turned them in to the county shelter. It IS heart wrenching. But worse is coming across the maimed and killed bodies. Sometimes the raccoons kill them (dogs and cats), sometimes dogs, sometimes people. It's never pretty.
edit on 3-2-2013 by SheeplFlavoredAgain because: In to, not into. I'm not able to do transfiguration spells and turn cats into a building!

posted on Feb, 3 2013 @ 01:37 PM
No, Cat owners should be regulated like dog owners are. I live in New Zealand, and while cats DO have an impact, a big one, it is nothing compared to Humans (including the Maori). So what is next shall we eradicate Humans? They are non native to New Zealand and have had a horrid impact. Between the collonization by the Maori and then Europeans, many species are gone.

Mr Morgan is also a total twat. So I am usually against his ideas. I looked at this one, and I am also against it.

posted on Feb, 3 2013 @ 01:39 PM
I tried doing my bit to save the environment, but could not source any kitten poison, not localy anyway, anyone have any tips on how eliminate this environmental menace from wreaking further havoc?

posted on Feb, 3 2013 @ 01:42 PM
reply to post by Tuttle

And you can guarantee the wildlife you are trying to protect wont accidentally ingest the And can you be sure little kids won't accidentally get into it, either? Just trying to save you a potential lawsuit or jail sentence!

In my county, it is quite simple, residents must keep their dogs leashed in public (though most dog owners seem to think this law does not apply to their lovable dog who is trying to bite the ear off my leashed dog ) and cats must be kept licensed as well and indoors or under control (somehow fenced in) outdoors. Otherwise, animal control can and will round the cats and the dogs up that are not in compliance.

Interestingly enough, my county has a huge mouse and rat problem. We have enormous rats that wander out in public parking lots and in beautifully manicured gardens, just as fat and sassy as you please. We have mice everywhere. I don't know anyone who hasn't dealt with mice infestation. But we don't have very many stray cats or dogs! Yay for us!

edit on 3-2-2013 by SheeplFlavoredAgain because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 3 2013 @ 01:45 PM

Originally posted by Tuttle
I tried doing my bit to save the environment, but could not source any kitten poison, not localy anyway, anyone have any tips on how eliminate this environmental menace from wreaking further havoc?

Maybe just put your "Monsanto" hat on, get your ass in the lab and develop "Kitten Roundup"yourself!

posted on Feb, 3 2013 @ 01:47 PM

Originally posted by Tuttle
I tried doing my bit to save the environment, but could not source any kitten poison, not localy anyway, anyone have any tips on how eliminate this environmental menace from wreaking further havoc?

Originally posted by ForestForager
I've killed several cats in my time that I've found wandering around my old neighborhood that may have been someones pets, I didn't care... if it's not on a leash or in a house, I consider it a stray and a threat to local wildlife.

Originally posted by SteveR
Yep, pet cats are routinely hunted here... I salute you for your work and foresight ForestForager. Every little bugger that is hunted and killed makes a good day. It is the owner's fault for letting the cat out. Incredibly irresponsible people. Angry pet owners who come looking around here find more than they bargained for.

I am convinced ATS is the largest magnet for sociopaths on the internet.

posted on Feb, 3 2013 @ 01:48 PM
The problem with feral cats is they multiply at a quick rate. They are good hunters and eat any meat they can capture. That would present a problem down the road if left unchecked. Good luck eradicating them though. The problem exists in the US too and they kill them as quick as they can capture them. Still the population is growing.

Some people in the US are weird hoarders of animals and let them multiply like rats in their home. Iv'e seen it on that "Hoarders" show. Crazy weirdness. Like intentional feral cat machine or something.

If New Zealand goes the gentle route of control they will be buried in cats in no time.
If New Zealand has the highest ownership that makes it even tougher to deal with. Cats are master escape artists. Also people raise them wrong from cute kittens and then shoo them out the house to get rid of them when they turn mean. People also let them out at night to run and thats when they get impregnated.

Limit ownership and spay or neuter every new cat by law. Kill all the ones you find outside. Your wildlife is at stake.

posted on Feb, 3 2013 @ 01:49 PM

Originally posted by gangdumstyle

They are nuisance animal that is why the chinese eat them.. Maybe we should pick up on the culture cue.

The Chinese will eat ANYTHING that moves and it doesn't matter how many legs it has

posted on Feb, 3 2013 @ 01:50 PM
reply to post by Olivine

I think it is more that ATS is a magnet for trolls. I've seen so much trolling on this site, it's one reason I took a very long break from visiting for awhile. But I missed interesting and thoughtful members so I'm popping in for a visit. But I think my days of long stays here are over.

posted on Feb, 3 2013 @ 01:53 PM
Lol at the knee jerk reaction off "cat people" who clearly cannot differentiate between someone who is probably not really being serious and someone who is.

I have 3 cats, Maximilian, Mister Twat and my Bengal, Big Daddy Snuggles[who is female]

posted on Feb, 3 2013 @ 01:53 PM


posted on Feb, 3 2013 @ 01:53 PM
I don't think i've met anyone who hates cats or dogs that I like or would trust to any degree. Very odd people, usually with undiagnosed and serious mental issues.

These people who treat such animal as vermin should be watched closely, because they're only a logical conclusion away from seeing humans as vermin and violently killing us in the same vein.

posted on Feb, 3 2013 @ 01:57 PM

Originally posted by Theflyingweldsman
I think The Cat, not homo sapien, is the only animal which kills for fun.

I am constantly chasing the neighbours Cat out of my garden.

I feed wild birds and have a Goldfish/Frog pond at the back.

Yesterday I found "Share" and "Yamun", my sons Goldfishes,

lying in the garden near the pond. Freshly Murdered.

Share's abdomen had been sliced open and her guts were hanging out.

Yamun looked untouched, but was further from the pond. He looked almost alive.

They had been fished out and left to flap about and suffocate to death...

This cat is well fed. The fish were as valuable to it as a £1 rubber toy. Maybe less.

All you People claiming pet-rights for cats ignore the rights of other peoples pets to live in peace.

Cats are predetors and as such should be regulated like dogs, if not more so.

There is no place in nature for a thoughtless, heartless, evil animal like the domestic cat.

No place in nature for a thoughtless, heartless, evil animal like the domestic cat?

Do I look evil to you?

posted on Feb, 3 2013 @ 02:00 PM

Originally posted by GrandStrategy
I don't think i've met anyone who hates cats or dogs that I like or would trust to any degree. Very odd people, usually with undiagnosed and serious mental issues.

These people who treat such animal as vermin should be watched closely, because they're only a logical conclusion away from seeing humans as vermin and violently killing us in the same vein.

Yes...I agree. Many serial killers started out killing and torturing animals when they were young children and teenagers; then they graduated to humans.

What people think about and how they treat animals is very telling.

posted on Feb, 3 2013 @ 02:01 PM
reply to post by ollncasino

That's both really interesting and hilarious particularly given that your avatar, is a dog!

They (the cats) should definitely be confined in those areas where they pose a risk to the indigenous wildlife, absolutely. We made them after all.

And in the sealed cat realm (cage), just to be fair, we should release some mice every now and again..

It's a cat eat mouse world, but for your sake and ours let's hope it's not also a dog eat dog world, strictly eat or be eaten nothing more.

posted on Feb, 3 2013 @ 02:02 PM
People are too selfish to ever give up cats, the human race is parasite on the earth.

People need to start looking past their own selfishness to see the bigger picture.

It will never happen though
So my suggestion would be, to let your dogs loose and let the cat owners watch as your dog tears it apart

The irony in this though, is that when a cat would go tearing apart a bird, the owners will not bat an eye lid. Yet when a dog tears open a cat it's somehow so much worse. lol
edit on 3-2-2013 by dmsuse because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 3 2013 @ 02:06 PM

Originally posted by NewAgeMan

That's both really interesting and hilarious particularly given that your avatar, is a dog!

Dogs and cats can be friends you know!

On topic, I imagine that cats do cause a lot of damage. As another poster pointed out, even trying to eradicate cats would be a hopeless battle but then a soft approach is almost certainly destined to fail entirely.

I don't know. Cats can cause a lot of damage.

posted on Feb, 3 2013 @ 02:09 PM

Originally posted by _Phoenix_

Originally posted by ForestForager
reply to post by ollncasino

I've killed several cats in my time that I've found wandering around my old neighborhood that may have been someones pets, I didn't care... if it's not on a leash or in a house, I consider it a stray and a threat to local wildlife. Don't get me wrong, I love cats, but they are predators, and need to be controlled. If you are going to let your cat out and wander, please collar it with an attached bell. That simple measure will spook its prey, and I may let it live to return to its semi-responsible owner (semi-responsible because any animals considered pets should NOT be wandering around off of your property).

Where do you live and what are you trying to protect? what is wrong with you?

I suspect that it's a troll. I hope so anyways for his sake. One of these days somebody will catch him doing that and he'll wake up that night to a burning house.

posted on Feb, 3 2013 @ 02:13 PM
reply to post by ollncasino

I don't know. Cats can cause a lot of damage

In all seriousness I like cats, but even the most militant "cat person" must understand the prolific rise of so many people attempting to domestic what is essentialy an Apex predator in nearly every environment its in is going to cause serious ecological damage.

I just dont get how people dont realise there fwuffy wuffy little bundle of rainbows has infact spent the better part of the day decimating the local garden bird population.

And this is a big issue, as we continualy destroy the wildlife around, the last refuge many birds have are peoples gardens, however with the extent to which people keep cats, garden are often a death trap, further compounding the ailing bird populations.

This is a good article on what you can do as a responsible cat owner. Though I do understand many "cat people" are basicaly blinkered to the fact what they have as a pet, is infact one of nature top killing machines.

posted on Feb, 3 2013 @ 02:16 PM

Originally posted by wmd_2008

Originally posted by gangdumstyle

They are nuisance animal that is why the chinese eat them.. Maybe we should pick up on the culture cue.

The Chinese will eat ANYTHING that moves and it doesn't matter how many legs it has

Their just as disgusting as feral cats that should be eradicated...

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