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Barack 'Hussein' Obama

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posted on Feb, 1 2013 @ 11:22 AM
Ok, you know who you are, the guys that quote 'Hussein' in the American Presidents name as if to prove some sort of point. Well this will be a short rant but to the point, doing this only indicates to me that I should not bother reading the rest of your post and it also indicates to me that you have some form of Xenophobia as you are clearly afraid of the name Hussein, like it is actually of any significance.

Just a few questions to those that do this, to finish off my rant.

1) Why exactly do you quote his middle name like that?

2) and what do you hope to acheive by doing so?

3) Do you not think that Barack Obama alone is enough to indicate that he may have foreign roots, or is it his reference to Sadam Hussein, or Islam that you are trying to portray?

Rant Over.
edit on 1-2-2013 by michael1983l because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 1 2013 @ 11:27 AM
reply to post by michael1983l

I don't use his name like that I just want to know why you feel you need to call these people out? Who cares? I get the frustration part for you but what are you going to accomplish from this? Nothing at all. How bout try to focus on something that you do like or makes you happy. I mean I could rant all day about stuff from traffic to work but I don't....why....because nobody cares.

posted on Feb, 1 2013 @ 11:27 AM
reply to post by michael1983l

Because he was/is a muslim and that's a muslim name. A ring was found in his fingers which had an 'islamic' figure.
Not telling that it was bad or something.
People need to reminded about about it from time to time.

1. Barrack Hussein Obama was born to Generations of Muslims
2. Barrack Hussein Obama was raised for years in Muslim Nations
3. Barrack Hussein Obama attended Muslim schools, where he was registered as a Muslim
4. Barrack Hussein Obama wants you to believe that his opportunistic conversion to Christianity after being born to generations of Muslims who raised him for years in Muslim nations where he attended Muslim schools has completely eliminated his Islamic Roots and changed his Muslim sympathies.
5. Barrack Hussein Obama’s church of 20 years gave many awards to the radical, anti-white, pro-Islamic, Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan.
6. Barrack Hussein Obama has been praised and endorsed by the Islamic terrorist group Hamas
7. Barrack Hussein Obamahas been praised and endorsed by Palestinian Rashid Khalidi, who also has held a fundraiser for Obama. Khalidi is a harsh critic of Israel, has made statements supportive of Palestinian terror and reportedly has worked on behalf of the Palestine Liberation Organization while it was involved in anti-Western terrorism and was labeled by the State Department as a terror group.
8. Barrack Hussein Obama has praised and endorsed, in his autobiography, the founder first President of Nation of Islam President Malcom X
9. Brother: Muslim ”Barack Obama’s brother Roy opted for Islam over Christianity, as the Senator recounted in his book when describing his 1992 wedding. “The person who made me proudest of all,” Obama wrote, “was Roy. Actually, now we call him Abongo, his Luo name, for two years ago he decided to reassert his African heritage. He converted to Islam, and has sworn off pork and tobacco and alcohol.”Abongo “argues that the black man must “liberate himself from the poisoning influences of European culture.” He urged his younger brother to embrace his African heritage.
10. Sister: Muslim In an interview with the New York Times, Maya Soetoro-Ng, Obama’s younger half sister, told the Times, “I don’t want to deny Islam. I think it’s obviously very important that we have an understanding of Islam … my brother has been a Christian for (only) 20 years.
11. Father: Muslim Barack Hussein Obama Sr. (Senior) was born in Nyangoma-Kogelo, Siaya District, Kenya.
12. Step Father: Muslim Lolo Soetoro Mangunharjo ws a devout Muslim and Obama went to Mosque on Fridays with him.
13. Mother: Muslim The evidence seems to quite clearly show that both Ann Dunham and her husband Lolo Soetoro Mangunharjo were in fact devout Muslims themselves and they raised their son as such.”
14. Grandfather: lived for a time in Zanzibar, where he converted from Christianity to Islam. He was one of the first Muslim converts in his village.
Grandfather, for whom Obama was given the middle name, Hussein, was “fiercely devoted to Islam.” He had at least 3 wives: Helima, who had no children, Akuma who gave birth to Sarah Obama, Barack Hussein Obama, Sr. and Auma Obama.
15. Obama’s teachers and the principal from the 1970′s: Obama actively took part in the Islamic religious lessons during his years at his school in Muslim Indonesia. “I remembered that he had studied “mengaji” (recitation of the Quran)” “The actual usage of the word ‘mengaji’ in Indonesian and Malaysian societies means the study of learning to recite the Quran in the Arabic language rather than the native tongue. “Mengagi” is a word and a term that is accorded the highest value and status in the mindset of fundamentalist societies here in Southeast Asia. To put it quite simply, ‘mengaji classes’ are not something that a non practicing or so-called moderate Muslim family would ever send their child to. To put this in a Christian context, this is something above and beyond simply enrolling your child in Sunday school classes.”
16.The Obama Campaign: told the LA Times he wasn’t a “practicing Muslim.” (3/14/2007). Why didn’t Obama’s campaign just say he wasn’t a “Muslim”?
17. Lebanese Raplph Nader Called Obama Pro-”Palestinian” Washington, D.C. (February 25, 2008) — In remarks made by Ralph Nader on “Meet the Press,” Nader added to the debate on Senator Obama’s views on Israel and the Middle East and raised serious doubts and questions about the true leanings of Senator Obama on these important issues.

edit on 1-2-2013 by shivaX because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 1 2013 @ 11:29 AM
Because that's his name?....

posted on Feb, 1 2013 @ 11:29 AM
reply to post by michael1983l

I almost didn't click on this because I figured the author was going to be one of those guys you talk about. I think they do it to emphasize some sort of perceived connection with Saddam, but that's just how I take it.

posted on Feb, 1 2013 @ 11:34 AM
reply to post by StrangeOldBrew

Then why put quotes around the 'hussein' bit like I have seen written, if they are indeed just quoting his name innocently?

posted on Feb, 1 2013 @ 11:36 AM
reply to post by shivaX

Is being Muslim really of any significance either? And doesn't peoples fixation with this make them fearful of other faiths i.e. Xenophobic, like I have stated?

posted on Feb, 1 2013 @ 11:39 AM
reply to post by michael1983l

1) It's his name

2) He has used his own middle name numerous times, so why can't I?

3) To highlight the fact that he is at a minimum an Islamic sympathizer. His middle East policies also more than suggest this, considering the fact that his administration is putting the Muslim Brotherhood in power in Egypt and other places, and the one of their Leaders is welcome at the White House. His administration is also supporting Al Qaeda RIGHT NOW in Libya and Syria. His record speaks for itself.

4) Right after his first election, what about the indoctrination of innocent, yet soon to be impoverished debt slaves, children singing his praises "Barrack Hussein Obama...mmm...mmm...mmm"

and finally 5) It is well known that when speaking of a sociopath you use his first, middle, and last name.

posted on Feb, 1 2013 @ 11:39 AM

Originally posted by michael1983l
reply to post by shivaX

Is being Muslim really of any significance either? And doesn't peoples fixation with this make them fearful of other faiths i.e. Xenophobic, like I have stated?

If your faith is humble and loving. People will never be fearful of it.
However if your faith is an evil one which has contributed nothing to humanity in the last 1000 years and continues to kill people of other faiths, then obviously people will be skeptical about it.


posted on Feb, 1 2013 @ 11:40 AM
reply to post by michael1983l

1) Why exactly do you quote his middle name like that?

They're racist.

posted on Feb, 1 2013 @ 11:41 AM

Originally posted by WaterBottle
reply to post by michael1983l

1) Why exactly do you quote his middle name like that?

They're racist.

Never knew calling someone by their name is racist.

posted on Feb, 1 2013 @ 11:43 AM
reply to post by shivaX

Emphasizing the "Husein" in his name is nothing but xenophobia or racism. You can play dumb all you want, I don't care.

posted on Feb, 1 2013 @ 11:44 AM
reply to post by shivaX

Was/Is he really a muslim? And how is his religion even relevant?

I'm no fan of any religion and certainly no fan of your President Obama, this being said, Mitt Romney believes in magical underwear and Ron Paul in a talking snake... I thought the U.S. was a secular state anyways, so what gives?

Aren't there enough real topics to criticize the guy?
edit on 1-2-2013 by ColCurious because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 1 2013 @ 11:44 AM
reply to post by OptimusSubprime

If he was an Islamic Sympathyser doing all of those things you state, then why did the US navy Seals team recover documents from Osama Bin Laden, where Al Qaida had made assasinating Obama their highest priority. Also why, when Obama was initially voted in the first time, did he publically refocus the US's efforts on Al Qaida and increase the budget of the CIA to find him?

posted on Feb, 1 2013 @ 11:46 AM
reply to post by OptimusSubprime

To highlight the fact that he is at a minimum an Islamic sympathizer

Drone striking multiple Muslim countries is really being an Islamic sympathizer.

posted on Feb, 1 2013 @ 11:50 AM
reply to post by WaterBottle

I damn hope, Barack 'Hussein' Obama, doesn't bring any of his sympathy my way

posted on Feb, 1 2013 @ 11:51 AM
Because Muslims are the new boogie man cuz supposedly they were the ones who orchestrated a massive shutdown of the most highly weaponized and surveillance-oriented military power in the history of the world, and who managed to bomb the world's most incredibly financed military headquarters at least a half hour after they were warned that a missile was incoming, that's why.

And, it's real easy to get a bunch of ignorant Christians to hate someone who worships a slightly different god than they do, especially if they wear weird outfits that hide their faces and live on the other side of the world and stuff...

posted on Feb, 1 2013 @ 11:54 AM

Originally posted by ColCurious
reply to post by shivaX

Was/Is he really a muslim? And how is his religion even relevant?

I'm no fan of any religion and certainly no fan of your President Obama, this being said, Mitt Romney believes in magical underwear and Ron Paul in a talking snake... I thought the U.S. was a secular state anyways, so what gives?

Aren't there enough real topics to criticize the guy?
edit on 1-2-2013 by ColCurious because: (no reason given)

And how is his religion even relevant?

Its not relevant.

But his name is.

posted on Feb, 1 2013 @ 11:54 AM
reply to post by signalfire

The Irony on the issue of the hate of the Muslim faith by some Christians is that the Quoran itself aknowledges the existance of Jesus as a holy prophet.

posted on Feb, 1 2013 @ 11:55 AM

Originally posted by WaterBottle
reply to post by shivaX

Emphasizing the "Husein" in his name is nothing but xenophobia or racism. You can play dumb all you want, I don't care.

And that is your personal opinion.

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