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Gun Control Fail

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posted on Feb, 1 2013 @ 12:47 AM
This is a prime example on why gun control does not work. California does have some of the stupidest gun laws in the nation. You can own an AK it just cant look like an AK, same with other rifles the state claims are "assault weapons".
It also shows that no matter what new laws are passed, they will not be coming for yours anytime soon.

State agents gave a lesson to lawmakers on what kinds of firearms are lawful and unlawful in California and the ammunition that goes with them.

Then came the stunning revelation: Californians who aren't supposed to own guns do. The Department of Justice even knows about them because the Arms Prohibited System, known as APPS, has identified them. There's just no money to confiscate the weapons.

"We ought to get those guns out of the hands of people who are prohibited," said State Sen. Darrell Steinberg (D-Sacramento).

Steinberg asked how many people and weapons were on the list.

"As of yesterday, there was 19,784 identified in the Arms Prohibited System. That's basically our backlog. They're linked to 38,682 handguns and 1,640 assault weapons," said Stephen Lindley with the California Department of Justice.

So yeah more restrictions, maybe they still will not be able to do anything about it. This is a big reason why they do the gun buy back so often, its basically just saying "we can't go take your illegal gun from you but if you just give it to us -no questions asked- we will give you a cupon'.

I found this part interesting too

Still, lawmakers want to do more in light of the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre, such as banning detachable magazines.

So in other words they feel the need to pass a law for PR purposes even though they KNOW they cant enforce existing laws.
edit on 1-2-2013 by Superhans because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 1 2013 @ 12:53 AM
There's something that people keep confusing. The following is true:

1) Gun control works.

2) Gun control will not work in the USA.

For gun control to work you need to actually have control. With 270 million guns that is not achievable in the foreseeable future. I think if the aim to to eradicate guns then they need to cease all production and sale of ammunition first, since bullets are useless after use and guns are potentially everlasting. Even then it would take a very long time. The USA will get worse either way, that's inevitable.

Also anything within the US is a bad example, because anywhere in the US is surrounded by guns.
edit on 1-2-2013 by SpearMint because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 1 2013 @ 12:56 AM
Yeah but federal gun control legislation has magical federal powers.

posted on Feb, 1 2013 @ 01:00 AM
reply to post by Superhans
and thus the stomach churns, for this is not a real gun grab but a farce just to drive the Prices up and make every one buy ammo, yes some laws do get passed take NY but then if you have the smarts you will not tell nor show. Is there a plan for a gun grab yes will it work no.

posted on Feb, 1 2013 @ 01:06 AM
reply to post by Superhans

When you shake the US all the crap tends to go outwards towards the coasts. Progressives should take a hard look at the states and cities they control. How is Detroit these days.

Progressive rule will always fail. Hitler,Stalin....etc. Even China will fall under its progressive weight. Europe is just waiting its fate. People who call themselves progressives should ask themselves one question.....Do you care about freedom.

If so you are not a progressive after all. When the people see what the progressives plan really is they will be pissed off. They have bought into a big fat lie. Conservatives are waking up in huge numbers when will the liberals?

posted on Feb, 1 2013 @ 01:09 AM
Earth is a random system of trillions upon trillions of variables. All happening at once.

That is not controllable.

Whoever thinks they can even put a dent in that, with whatever piece of paper or group of employees going around arresting people or whatever, they are nuts. It cannot be done with any reasonable success. Plus reactive strategies only buy time they don't solve the root cause like a preventative strategy will.

Just imagine all of the chaos around us. It orders itself, and every time any of us try to "force order" upon it, we actually screw it up worse. This is a pattern that repeats and can be measured.

posted on Feb, 1 2013 @ 01:11 AM
reply to post by SpearMint

Police do not stop crime. Police arrive after a crime has been committed to take a report and abuse the victims. Armed citizens stop crime. Too many people want to blame guns, gun manufacturers, ammo makers, and legal gun owners when a crime is committed with a gun. The person who should be blamed is THE CRIMINAL WHO USES THE GUN!!

Gun control is not necessary. Gun crimes will stop when we start putting the criminals who use guns in the electric chair. As it stands the penalty is not severe enough to deter criminals.

Where I live it is a 30 min to 2hr response time before you have law enforcement at your door. It is much longer for folks who live farther out in the country. How many times can a criminal shoot you in that time? How many times can he rape you? How many times can he bash your head in with a cricket bat? How many times can he stab you with a screwdriver? How many times can he pour acid down your throat? How many times can he break your legs with a hammer? How many times can he sodomize your children?

posted on Feb, 1 2013 @ 01:15 AM
reply to post by SubTruth

So true.
The Mayor of LA was initially onboard the whole gun control thing, according to him saying that its okay to own guns is just using the constitution as an "excuse"-true story.
Earlier this week, at the National Press Club, Villaraigosa attacked members of Congress and others who use the Constitution as an excuse not to act

He decided not to meet with Bloomberg and instead decided making illegal immigrants full citizens is the real issue that everyone should be focused on.
The irony is he talks about second class citizens and how there shouldn't be any yet LA county will not issue a permit to carry concealed weapon unless you are super rich and white. So he wants all the illegals to be citizens but he does recognize that the rich need guns on their person to protect themselves.

edit on 1-2-2013 by Superhans because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 1 2013 @ 01:19 AM

Originally posted by groingrinder
reply to post by SpearMint

Police do not stop crime. Police arrive after a crime has been committed to take a report and abuse the victims. Armed citizens stop crime. Too many people want to blame guns, gun manufacturers, ammo makers, and legal gun owners when a crime is committed with a gun. The person who should be blamed is THE CRIMINAL WHO USES THE GUN!!

Gun control is not necessary. Gun crimes will stop when we start putting the criminals who use guns in the electric chair. As it stands the penalty is not severe enough to deter criminals.

Where I live it is a 30 min to 2hr response time before you have law enforcement at your door. It is much longer for folks who live farther out in the country. How many times can a criminal shoot you in that time? How many times can he rape you? How many times can he bash your head in with a cricket bat? How many times can he stab you with a screwdriver? How many times can he pour acid down your throat? How many times can he break your legs with a hammer? How many times can he sodomize your children?

Crime rates don't suggest that this is true, and murders are through the roof. I'm not blaming guns, it's always the persons fault, but guns are made to kill and they make it very easy which is a motivator. Your examples don't require a gun, these things are also rare (especially sodomizing your children, why did your mind go there?) but are heightened by guns being so easy to obtain in the first place. Other countries do fine without them.

I already said it won't work in the US, because there is no control (don't take that as a freedom, it's a bad thing). When there is control then it does work. I think it's too late for the US.
edit on 1-2-2013 by SpearMint because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 1 2013 @ 01:20 AM
I saw a car wreck in front of the gas station the other night...

What laws prevented it? All of these things to protect us but it still happened right in front of me? I saw that truck get rear ended and it slammed into some tree or pole of some sort. It was dark, and very loud and startling.

All of these regulations, but it didn't actually matter. Bad drivers are still bad drivers, and no license scheme can protect you from reality. That sometimes someone looks to the side and doesn't see you hit your breaks in time and they rear end you and your car hits that pole on the side. That's real life, I saw it with my own eyes and heard it with my ears.

I bet that instead of all of these laws which don't amount to anything but a control freaks paradise, we could just teach people self responsibility from an early age, instead of dependence and victim mentalities. Had that person been a responsible driver, and paid attention, there would have never been a wreck.

Sharing knowledge and embracing chaos and freedom will improve our odds.
The vast majority of these "regulatory" laws only allow us to live in denial, escaping that personal responsibility issue.

I hope I don't jinx myself here, but I have driven over 100k miles personally, and never hit a single thing. Avoided many wrecks. I actually fear death and pay attention to everything possible at all times. Sometimes it's unavoidable and there is nothing you can do. Hope that other person does the right thing and pays attention too. Gonna require team effort to make society better. But forcing it? Never gonna work. We gotta convince each other to act of our own volition through logic.

I'm sure it's too late in the game for this but I might as well say it anyway hah.

posted on Feb, 1 2013 @ 01:21 AM
reply to post by groingrinder

Where I grew up if someone was breaking into your house and bashing your head in it meant that the cops were already there.

posted on Feb, 1 2013 @ 01:23 AM
If you didn't get all of that rambling above I'll simplify:

Trying to "Control" something that already exists is a reactive strategy and does not work effectively.

Embracing "Freedom", and sharing information freely, is a preventive strategy and has proven to work many times.

posted on Feb, 1 2013 @ 01:27 AM

Originally posted by muzzleflash
If you didn't get all of that rambling above I'll simplify:

Trying to "Control" something that already exists is a reactive strategy and does not work effectively.

Embracing "Freedom", and sharing information freely, is a preventive strategy and has proven to work many times.

Embracing "freedom" is what caused the gun problem in the first place.

posted on Feb, 1 2013 @ 01:31 AM
reply to post by SpearMint

so perhaps we should embrace another holocaust instead?

posted on Feb, 1 2013 @ 01:33 AM
I know a lot of people are in total denial about this issue and will blame mental health, or other total cop outs, but here is the real deal.

Most of these shootings happen because people are jerks. Because life sucks for most people.
They want stuff, and people get in their way.
Or people treat them like crap, and they want to punish them for it.

Just snapping and shooting people for no reason, that's the rarest of all reasons imaginable. The only reason it's even on the table half the time is because people are in total denial about how huge of jerks they really are to others in real life every day at their jobs or whatever.

It's bound to happen eventually, if not with a gun with something else. And to tell the truth I'd rather be shot with a gun in the head than hit with a hammer 50 times.

We are going to have to improve ourselves if we want a better world. We cannot force others to improve we can only inform them and hope they see the light and improve on their own.

Let's aim for being nice to each other. That should be our focus. We are way too big of jerks about everything anymore. Failing to treat humans with dignity and respect is the underlying issue here.

posted on Feb, 1 2013 @ 01:45 AM

Originally posted by txinfidel
reply to post by SpearMint

so perhaps we should embrace another holocaust instead?

That's actually apparently what most of the power trippers secretly want.

I point to my comment above about everyone being huge jerks and pushing each other around all of the time.

They will deny it, but that is the end game of all control fantasies. They realize they cannot control so they want to destroy, yes, maybe destroying it will make it go away.

Look at all those regimes through history that were hell bent on controlling the population. They ended up having to kill them because control is not feasible. Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Hitler, etc etc.

Look at our society. At our wars.
We are teaching our kids, hey if you have a problem, kill it.
Terrorists? Attack with military force. Kill the problem.
Criminals on the loose? Get your guns we may have to kill the problem.

I am not saying we can avoid it, but just diving head first into it is sickening you gotta admit.
We could actually maybe try diplomacy and negotiate more often rather than being hard liners seeking control of everyone else's actions.

posted on Feb, 1 2013 @ 01:47 AM
reply to post by muzzleflash

google internment resettlement operations..

posted on Feb, 1 2013 @ 01:49 AM

Originally posted by AwakeinNM
Yeah but federal gun control legislation has magical federal powers.

Super Federal man....making the illusion of omnipotence of government a reality since "you wish"...

No, not magical....SUPER!!!!

Super fed man will make the world better now that you have the will to give him the power to do so. Your will to consider retarded gun bans has shown him that there is a place in this world for super heroes to enforce those things that man can only think of with his douchey friends over unjustifiably expensive coffee and tasteless "health" food.

Super federal man has a weakness though. If ever an evil budget oversight committee should try to limit his power source, pallets upon pallets of tax dollars, he must then be invigorated by throwing at him twice or three times his original budget until he is once again able to do those things you can only dream of.

The power is not yours!

posted on Feb, 1 2013 @ 01:52 AM

Originally posted by SpearMint

Crime rates don't suggest that this is true, and murders are through the roof.

Nah, the crime and murder rates were way way higher inside the USSR, never mind the fact it was usually "sanctioned by the state". Still murder though.
That's easily provable within reasonable doubt.

We could find dozens upon dozens of examples where there was far more chaos and killing going on, and it was typically a result of political/economic/religious struggle and instituting control paradigms upon unwilling populaces.

Organized mass killing is the result of that.
Sure you may have a few deaths here and there in a mostly free society, but the organized mass killing is much less intense or commonplace.

We are sinking into the control paradigm slowly but surely, that's probably why you see things getting worse, so if we can maybe revoke most of these unneeded restrictions and regulations than we can swing back to the freedom paradigm whereby crimes will assuredly decrease rapidly.

posted on Feb, 1 2013 @ 01:52 AM
OH CRAP its super federal man!! Everybody RUN!!!!!

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