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Is america a nation of terrified people ????

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posted on Feb, 2 2013 @ 05:58 PM
reply to post by region331

I have a gun for self defense. It's only a common sense thing to do when you're a female who lives alone, so I'm not going to entertain anyone's thoughts about why I shouldn't own one.

If anyone truly wants to know what is wrong with America, look no further than this man's interview:

The first step he discusses in how to destroy a nation is to erase all of its morals. If anyone is scared in America, it's the parents who have every right to be. The music industry, which is global, brainwashes our young children to think that sex and partying is what makes a good life. These kids grow up thinking that their appearance is what makes them who they are while they sleep with everyone who winks at them. This leads to them feeling worthless with extremely low self-esteem. If someone has low self-esteem, of course they're going to feel intimidated by the world because they think that they don't fit in and everyone's looking down at them.

Anyways, just listen to what is said in the interview and you'll see that the mission has most certainly been successful and that what we're looking at in America is composed of a lot more complicated downward spiral than simply a bunch of scared people.

Here's another link to those who may not click the other link because it belongs to the Tea Party movement:

edit on 2-2-2013 by Afterthought because: (no reason given)

edit on 2-2-2013 by Afterthought because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 2 2013 @ 06:01 PM

Originally posted by region331
reply to post by Afterthought

In defence of the OP there do seem to be a lot of Americans that openly state that they feel they would be at great mortal risk without a gun. They may well be, I offer no opinion on this. Also there seems to be a lot of Americans that appear to believe that a tyrannical government is just around the corner.

I think offence was taken to the use of the word 'terrified' and was too strong a term. But I can see why the question was asked.

thank you. maybe a different word might have been better. more people have understood what the original post was about but a few have no idea. i just think there has been a "conditioning" of the american people that has happened over the past 3 generations.

posted on Feb, 2 2013 @ 06:08 PM

Originally posted by Afterthought
This thread makes me want to start a thread asking if Austalians are delusional people who think they're better than everyone else, but I try not to stereotype an entire population.

well the conditioning i speak off has worked a charm on you....your an angry little ant who needs to go back and re-read the entire post.

this was NEVER about us being better than anyone else.

posted on Feb, 2 2013 @ 06:23 PM
reply to post by bellagirl

An angry little ant? Yeah. You don't think you're better than anyone else.
Did you even visit the link to the video I posted? It's worth a watch even if you think you have all the answers.

You know, I don't know a lot about Australians and I won't pretend to, but there has been a movement conducted by sinister forces that have caused the deterioration of America. Just please don't think Australia is immune to their plans. Australia is simply a lot larger than America, but they'll infect it, too. Just wait and see.
edit on 2-2-2013 by Afterthought because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 2 2013 @ 06:27 PM
reply to post by Afterthought

I watched the first film. Help me understand this. Is the suggestion that the Soviets engineered the Modern American Culture? Or have I missed the point completely?

posted on Feb, 2 2013 @ 06:35 PM
reply to post by region331

Something like that. What he's talking about is, I believe, an extension of the Cold War. If you go on YouTube, there's more parts of the interview, which will give you the complete picture.

Essentially, he's talking about the infiltration of the entertainment industry to brainwash the public in order to get rid of all of their morals. This is what America has become in my eyes. There isn't anymore wholesome family values. Single mothers are the norm. Trash TV is what everyone prefers. Heck, just look at what's on TV now. I'm surprised that other countries don't think we're all a bunch of red necks who fight non stop and get our daughters into beauty pageants!
If you look at the UK, even though they are mostly devoid of guns, their moral values are at the same level of Americans' if not worse. This is the main problem I see. It's not that we are a country of fearful people, we have lost our way and, what I fear, is that we've reached the point of no return.

posted on Feb, 2 2013 @ 07:14 PM

Originally posted by Afterthought
reply to post by region331

Something like that. What he's talking about is, I believe, an extension of the Cold War. If you go on YouTube, there's more parts of the interview, which will give you the complete picture.

Essentially, he's talking about the infiltration of the entertainment industry to brainwash the public in order to get rid of all of their morals. This is what America has become in my eyes. There isn't anymore wholesome family values. Single mothers are the norm. Trash TV is what everyone prefers. Heck, just look at what's on TV now. I'm surprised that other countries don't think we're all a bunch of red necks who fight non stop and get our daughters into beauty pageants!
If you look at the UK, even though they are mostly devoid of guns, their moral values are at the same level of Americans' if not worse. This is the main problem I see. It's not that we are a country of fearful people, we have lost our way and, what I fear, is that we've reached the point of no return.

I think there's a common denominator, which is money. I think education is the sole root of pretty much all our social problems. I use that word in a more broader sense than just 'formal scholastic education'. The teachers can do their part but parents also need to educate their children in how to participate as a citizen in society.

Maybe the USSR played a part in it. Who knows? Maybe, maybe not, in fact that also might be part of the problem. After recognising that there is a problem, instead of taking responsibility for it ourselves, we find someone else to blame. That way we don't have to address it because it wasn't out fault to begin with.

posted on Feb, 2 2013 @ 07:25 PM

Originally posted by bellagirl

thank you. maybe a different word might have been better. more people have understood what the original post was about but a few have no idea. i just think there has been a "conditioning" of the american people that has happened over the past 3 generations.

I think there is something Cultural going on but it's very difficult to point you finger at just one thing and say it's that. I don't think it is just one thing.

There have been other episodes in Americas history that could also be perceived, with the distance of time and space, as irrational fear. McCarthyism for instance.

posted on Feb, 2 2013 @ 07:31 PM

Originally posted by tgidkp
it is predictable that so many responses claim, "I do not live in fear."

this is like a fish saying he doesn't live in water. when you are immersed in a thing, you are ill-equipped to properly identify and characterize it.

Well see in reality it takes very little to identify and characterize in the moment that is. Let us not complicate the simple.

Now if you want to talk about some gun free, "fear" free utopia thats another story. Boring and as trite as that discussion may be.

posted on Feb, 2 2013 @ 07:37 PM

Originally posted by bellagirl
reply to post by Logarock

you can keep replying with your spite and spit venom and i will keep ignoring you.

go away please...

Oh no friend. You want to open a thread like this and then filter the responce? You want to make indictments of sorts about a nation you dont even live end from your perch over there in gun free la la land. Excuse me but bullstuff is all you are flinging around.

posted on Feb, 2 2013 @ 07:39 PM

Originally posted by AthlonSavage
reply to post by bellagirl

for the last few months it has seemed that here on ATS and other places it has been a fight between the US and the rest of the world. i will be honest...we just dont get the whole gun/violence thing. here in australia i can go to the local pub and walk home at 2am laughing and chatting all the way home with friends without the fear of someone shooting me because they think im about to do a home invasion..steal their car...rob their house etc.

I live in Australia and its not completely safe to be walking around at 2am in the morning. I hear on the six oclock news bad things happening to people every night, many of them people who were wandering around by themselves late at night. In a group there is of course more safety but not everyone wil have luxuary of friends escorting them down dark streets at night. Im sure many of them victums would if they had the chance would of liked to be armed with a gun which for some would of meant remaininga alive.

Case closed. Thread ended here on page 2.

posted on Feb, 2 2013 @ 07:44 PM

Originally posted by Afterthought
reply to post by bellagirl

An angry little ant? Yeah. You don't think you're better than anyone else.
Did you even visit the link to the video I posted? It's worth a watch even if you think you have all the answers.

You know, I don't know a lot about Australians and I won't pretend to, but there has been a movement conducted by sinister forces that have caused the deterioration of America. Just please don't think Australia is immune to their plans. Australia is simply a lot larger than America, but they'll infect it, too. Just wait and see.
edit on 2-2-2013 by Afterthought because: (no reason given)

Well just remember this is a troll tread. Or otherwise know and an "education and propaganda" thread.

posted on Feb, 2 2013 @ 07:51 PM
reply to post by region331

After recognising that there is a problem, instead of taking responsibility for it ourselves, we find someone else to blame. That way we don't have to address it because it wasn't out fault to begin with.

Of course it's bigger than just one thing and I'm not saying that the KGB or other organizations are completely to blame, but we can certainly see where the ball got rolling. The schools are to blame just as much as the parents because they don't teach kids any critical thinking skills.
One question I have is if they put fluoride in the water in Australia. I just saw a report on my local news last night stating that fluoride lowers IQ. What did they recommend? They said there's filters available that can remove it. Don't you think a better answer would be to get on the government's butt to stop putting it in the water?!?!
So, yes. Psy-Ops and chemicals play a huge part in how America got to where it is now.
I wish I could agree with the Op, but I simply don't see any of what s/he's describing. I see a bunch of brainwashed people who are so destracted and disillusioned that they don't know which way is up anymore. I actually think most are too asleep to even feel real fear. Regarding the gun issue, I think some people are simply taking sides with whomever they associate with and aren't concerned with why this is right or wrong. It all goes back to Americans lacking in critical thinking skills. It's just easier for some to go with the mentality of the hive they associate with instead of contemplating the situation for themselves and making up their own minds to do what they feel is right even if it goes against the group's beliefs.

posted on Feb, 2 2013 @ 07:57 PM

Originally posted by bellagirl

so in conclusion.....are americans living in a constant state of fear that leads them to keep and carry guns ???

I do not arm myself because I am fearful. I am arm myself because I love life. I want to be able to protect myself, my family, my community, my country, and my liberties if need be. I do not want to be a victim of whatever act you can think of by my fellow man or my Government. There are sheep, sheepdogs, and wolves in this world sir. Sheepdogs protect the sheep from wolves. The people of America are told to fear something new each day, they aren't fearful but they don't know what to do. A lot of them just haven't spoken out and really could care less right now. I assure you though, if ever the time comes to prove if they are the fight or flight type you'll see the majority become the fighting side. We have a history of brave men and women, that's something people seem to have forgotten. These brave men and women have come and gone over the years but they are still among us.

posted on Feb, 2 2013 @ 08:12 PM
reply to post by zedVSzardoz

I see we have a fan of Herbert's book DUNE here. LOL!

Fear is the Mind Killer...the Little Death. I will Face my Fear and allow it to pass over me.

Split Infinity

posted on Feb, 2 2013 @ 08:18 PM
There's a saying that some people become psychologists to learn more about themselves.
Maybe those who are fearful try to point out the fears of others in order to find comfort and lessen their own fears.

We're all scared of something, aren't we? After all, it's just human nature.
It's just a bit ill mannered to be running around telling everyone who's scared and what they're scared of.

posted on Feb, 2 2013 @ 09:52 PM
reply to post by vtr99

Is this what you are referring to?

A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

A well regulated's talking about raising an army from the population to protect the country against foreign aggressors - not for shooting burglars and definitely not for overthrowing your government!

Back in the day (18th century) when your country was very young and didn't have a standing army, the government relied on the people to be armed, so they could be called upon at short notice.

It's not relevant any more.

You've got an army!

Thousands of innocents are slaughtered each year by crooks and deranged individuals.....because it's easy to buy handguns.

Can't you see that it's the easy accessibility to firearms which is at the root of this problem?

posted on Feb, 2 2013 @ 10:02 PM
reply to post by CJCrawley

If you aren't comfortable living somewhere where guns are, wouldn't it be easier to move somewhere like Australia instead of trying to change the many minds of more than half of those who occupy a country?

For example, I don't agree with polygamy and if I lived in a place where it was practiced, I'd just leave and go somewhere that didn't allow it. Moving to make myself comfortable is a lot easier than making everyone bend to my wishes.

posted on Feb, 2 2013 @ 10:18 PM
reply to post by Afterthought

If you aren't comfortable living somewhere where guns are, wouldn't it be easier to move somewhere like Australia instead of trying to change the many minds of more than half of those who occupy a country?

Is this what you thought when you heard about those poor children in Connecticut?

Sleep well, Afterthought.

With your 'constitutional' gun at your side.....

posted on Feb, 2 2013 @ 10:34 PM
reply to post by CJCrawley

Great way to avoid answering the question.
I just don't fear getting shot when I'm in public. It honestly never crosses my mind. If I end up getting killed by a crazed gunman or getting blown up in an airplane by a nut, that's just how the chips fall sometimes. You can't be taking everyone's guns away and molesting people in airports just to please the people who are afraid.

More people die in hospitals from botched surgeries than crazed gunmen. Are you going to avoid having surgery because you might die on the table due to someone's negligence? Do you know what they call a person who graduates at the bottom of their class in med school?
A doctor.

More people have been killed by drunks driving home from the bar than crazed gunmen, but do you see the government closing bars forcing everyone to drink at home? No.

Nice chatting with you and I hope you sleep well tonight, too.

Edit to Add:
I've changed my mind. I'm now in partial agreement with the Op.
Probably half of America does live in fear. They are in fear because they allow the government to scare them with all sorts of boogiemen when, in reality, you have a better chance of being hit by lightning than being killed by a crazed gunmen or getting blown up in an airplane. Yet, these frightened folks are more than happy to force innocent gun owners to be disarmed while these frightened people watch a Homeland Security lackey molest their children on their way to grandma's via an airplane.
edit on 2-2-2013 by Afterthought because: (no reason given)

edit on 2-2-2013 by Afterthought because: (no reason given)

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