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My Child threatened on bus today (Gun Violence)

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posted on Feb, 2 2013 @ 04:11 PM
Makes totally good sense to me yes.

Someones threatening to kill children?what do you do?

You don't call the police? no of course not, you come to ATS and talk about it.

Pure fantasy from an attention getter, or a gun control nut.

Good entertainment though.

Originally posted by woogleuk

Originally posted by lnfideI
Sorry to be honest here but.

Your whole story seems sketchy and poorly planned out before you started typing.

Which part seems sketchy, sounded perfectly plausible to me (and obviously others who have participated in the discussion)

It is my opinion your just a drama queen, who has made up some cock a mamy story about some fictitious kid planning a school shooting.

That may be your opinion, but given the seriousness of the issue is it necessary to throw insults about?

You have no credibility in my eyes, do you know why? Here let me tell you why.

You have a kid getting threatened with death, you have some other kid planning a shooting at school, and what do you do?



In a real situation like that, thinking ATS first would not happen. Fantasy island, that is where your story has come from.

ATS is a source for good advice sometimes, there is people here from all walks of life. Not everybody in this world has someone they can turn to in real life for the type of advice you can receive here, and given the amount of threads on shootings and gun control, there is obviously a lot of educated people here on the subject.

Please log off the internet for a few months, I think you may have taken all this to seriously.

Just saying.

Please log off the internet for a few months, or at least until you learn some civility.

To the OP, I don't have much to add that others haven't already said, so I will just agree with other posters that the authorities should be informed just in case there is any truth behind the young boys may save lives.

I hope your child and the other children at the school stay safe.

posted on Feb, 2 2013 @ 09:18 PM
reply to post by lnfideI

If it was a 16-17+ year old....perhaps, but a 13 year old threatening to shoot people might seem a bit strange to some people, and they would probably seek other opinion on the subject before making any rash decisions.

Sometimes kids say things which if said by an adult would be interpreted as suspicious, but as a child may be nothing more than fantasy.

posted on Feb, 2 2013 @ 10:34 PM

Originally posted by woogleuk
reply to post by lnfideI

If it was a 16-17+ year old....perhaps, but a 13 year old threatening to shoot people might seem a bit strange to some people, and they would probably seek other opinion on the subject before making any rash decisions.

Sometimes kids say things which if said by an adult would be interpreted as suspicious, but as a child may be nothing more than fantasy

If it was a 16-17+ year old....perhaps
Perhaps what? perhaps it may happen?

but a 13 year old threatening to shoot people might seem a bit strange to some people
Yeah maybe eh? if one has an IQ over 20.

and they would probably seek other opinion on the subject before making any rash decisions
Seek advice on a chat forum before or after the kids brains are spread on the ground??

Sometimes kids say things which if said by an adult would be interpreted as suspicious
You think that threatning a shooting would be interpreted as suspicious?

but as a child may be nothing more than fantasy
Maybe maybe not, but lets risk it and run to a internet site for clarity.



posted on Feb, 2 2013 @ 11:44 PM
reply to post by antar

Dear Heart,

You are a wonderfully caring person who obviously endeavors to be responsible to those you love.

Beating yourself up is counterproductive.

Besides, there's evidently a whole gaggle of

PROFESSIONAL CONTRARIAN, SNIPE-Y, HOSTILE, GRITCHY, HAUGHTY, KNOW-IT-ALL harpies hereon who are happy to do it for you.

Sometimes, it seems like such behavior has become the standard SOP for virtually a majority of frequent posters. What rubbish.

Ignore em. They are not walking in your shoes and don't appear to have as much as 0.00000000000001% capacity for empathy.

And without empathy, any advice anyone would give would be AT BEST horrifically suspect and probably crass and harmful.

You remain in my prayers.

I do think the idea of getting as many of the parents of all those threatened together as possible should work. It may be that your daughter could contact such folks by a social networking site or email or cell phone. It's CONCEIVABLE (advisable, workable and fitting are a whole different set of factors worth considering and checking out FIRST) that the police could help call such a group of parents together.

Anyway--am happy to be kept up to date. If you wish to do it by PM to avoid the hostile poo flingers--feel free.

posted on Feb, 3 2013 @ 12:21 AM
Dearest BO XIAN

Here is the deal ok. You may not like it much, but its the deal, the reality deal.

People come on here all the time, trying their hardest to be some form of hero, or know it all, or drama queen/king, creating artificial drama, that somehow fills a void in their lives. They tend to draw on the hot topics of the day, in this case, gun control.

They do it for attention, to look cool, for S&F, when in reality, there is a BIG void in life called reality.

You see? a lot of posters realities are not up to par with the fantasy they can draw on here.

And this OP is a clear cut case of it.

False Drama
Attention Seeking
Life void filling

Nothing she has posted here makes any sense. It does not add up, it is absurd to the umteenth degree.

She should be embarrassed, I would be embarrassed if I was her as well.

And even if it had a thread of truth, it would be so utterly ridiculous and off, that alone should say droves to anyone with a clue.

Get a life already. 17k posts herein a few years? wtf do you do with your time?

I dont mean to be mean to the OP. Idont know her from adam, I could care less about her. The bilge pump on my sailboat means more to me.

You could of came in here with your cock A maimy story, and just said your brother was threatened on a city bus, or something. But you had to involve kids, and as a result you have my hackles up over you. Despicable.


edit on 3-2-2013 by lnfideI because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 3 2013 @ 01:38 AM
reply to post by lnfideI

I just have to note here that Antar is a well respected, well established and well liked member. She's also one that has more than one true friendship on here which transcends the simple bickering on the open threads. I imagine, given my experience with her over time, she has a great deal more than just me as the one I KNOW for sure.

That Writer/Fighter tag under her name ... for instance. Unlike the "expert" tag you typed in on yours or the "Seeker/Guide" tag I put into mine, she EARNED those two tags by going well above and beyond the general banter of whatever topic happens to be up that day to banter about.

When someone just goes off with no provocation of any kind and gets outright nasty as some of this has on this isn't the respected and long term member which has respect issues from others afterward. It's those who have taken joy in attacking which lose whatever respect might have previously existed.

That's absolutely an accurate thing to say here ..and I got general with the last part because it is multiple that have pretty well torn into this nice lady with reckless abandon over an issue that is real, serious and important for at least SOME of us to be aware of.
(This isn't a Heavenly place...maybe some would feel more comfy in such spots around the net)

(Hops off soapbox)
edit on 3-2-2013 by Wrabbit2000 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 3 2013 @ 02:10 AM
reply to post by Wrabbit2000


It is PRECISELY Antar's long time at this forum and work put in as a member that should make you question what she is saying. It doesn't add up. The fact alone that her Step-daughter should be a high-schooler by now, and therefore not hanging on a bus with a 13 year old should make all of her "friends" here say "what?". The added fact that she lives in a small farming community and apparently cant get in touch with other parents int he community should bring a double "what?". I have been on this forum for as long as she has. I don't often post, but am always here, reading, taking it in, and today I spent time taking in MANY of her threads going back to her joining the forum, and I am left with nothing but confusion on how any of this particular thread adds up.

Might I just START by bringing your attention to her gun control thread from just a week or so ago?

Deny Ignorance, right?

posted on Feb, 3 2013 @ 02:33 AM
reply to post by Layla

I'll note one thing and leave it here because not EVERYTHING is mere fodder for debate to make points with or burn people on to be publicly "right", regardless of how proper it may be to do in getting there.

There are reasons I care very much on this story and it hit a chord where it matters above the average. It's more than the fact I personally respect the member involved here but it shouldn't have to be. That ought to be enough.

Outside of what that may refer to for reasons why I care about THAT incident in particular?

I have to say...murder is getting to be a regular thing and right around where I live too. It was just a few years ago and 30 miles north of me where some teens and pre-teens for ages, suckered a fellow kid to a house, tortured him for very lengthy period and then threw his mangled body off a bridge into a local river. That was 100% about the "snitches get stitches" B.S..

I read daily where kids are increasingly wolf packing adults to beat and/or kill them for pure amusement. There was a thread on here within the last week or so I believe with a few girls who did precisely that to a mother putting her little girl in a school bus.

In this climate...anyone should ignore an overt threat to murder other kids? I also don't know Antar's situation. Do you or anyone else know it well enough to base personal attacks on? Does she only have 1 child? I don't know...nor is that something I think is proper to ask as if she were being interrogated or on trial? (I know you haven't attacked her the way. Some have just had a ball doing that here...but that's all the basis?)

posted on Feb, 3 2013 @ 02:34 AM
Hey Rabbit.

I am sorry if I pissed you off, and really I could care less if she owns ATS, or was the first person to sign up. It is irrelevant.

I have been around the block more than a few times and I am a professional at sniffing out BS. And this whole thing does NOT add up, there is no part of it that is normal or rational OK?

And you know? if it was not for the KIDS thing and the words DEATH I would of never opened my mouth.

I wish this lady well, but really, she dropped the ball on this one, thinking you and a few of her friends would be here all bleeding hearts and the drama wagon can continue on.

She was/is very surprised that someone showed up that can see through BS when they see it.

Someone threatens to kill a kid, and you run to a internet site first and not call the police? are you ^^%$$##@ kidding me?

To much time here and your reality has been skewed somehow, stop making stuff up and lay off the BS. Go out and take a walk, learn how to sail, go get ^^%%$$#, do something.

Anyhow, me kicking this around any longer is not going to be productive for anyone.

Good luck.

posted on Feb, 3 2013 @ 03:18 AM
reply to post by lnfideI

Well, I'm happy you're so knowledgeable about the personal lives, habits and thought processes of other people. You say you've been around but your account info says otherwise for this site, this community and this situation.

Now I see people on here frequently that I don't much care for the opinion of. It's a natural thing. It's a BIG BIG site. When it's a factual issue for a topic I have factual basis and sourcing to support it? I'll jump in and say a few things on those I think are flat wrong too. Otherwise? Jumping in does nothing but add hate to a situation which likely doesn't need more of it as it is. In THIS case? It's a situation that didn't really have hate like this until your posts brought it here. I can't say it any simpler because that's the truth. A little Mogwai disgrees too.....but I respect him. He built that respect over time and by NOT tearing into people with no basis or logic to support it. Each on a case by case.

The difference between what you did here and that? You've pretty viciously attacked a member I've never seen be anything but kind and decent to other people. I don't know what the gun control thread you speak of is about. No idea..and I really could care less. I wouldn't have several of the RL friends I do if I judged their their political opinions before I considered them friends.

I guess I just don't go tearing into people like a hungry man to a big steak ....with nothing to gain by it. Nothing to show and sure nothing to 'show off to anyone else in doing. This is just outright hateful and ugly....and you've totally lost all respect I had for you. No question there, whatsoever.

With that? I'm off the thread. When this much ugly hate has been brought in? It's become toxic and this is about as NICE a thing as I can say anymore on it. That's definitely the sign I need to find other topics......but damn sure, this much needed said. ATS isn't...or wasn't anyway....a place where vicious PERSONAL attacks on other members were tolerated. Never used to be anyway....... It's a VERY bad thing to see THAT changing this way.

posted on Feb, 3 2013 @ 09:07 AM

Originally posted by Wrabbit2000

reply to post by lnfideI

Well, I'm happy you're so knowledgeable about the personal lives, habits and thought processes of other people. You say you've been around but your account info says otherwise for this site, this community and this situation.
. . .

The difference between what you did here and that? You've pretty viciously attacked a member I've never seen be anything but kind and decent to other people. I don't know what the gun control thread you speak of is about. No idea..and I really could care less. I wouldn't have several of the RL friends I do if I judged their their political opinions before I considered them friends.

I guess I just don't go tearing into people like a hungry man to a big steak ....with nothing to gain by it. Nothing to show and sure nothing to 'show off to anyone else in doing. This is just outright hateful and ugly....and you've totally lost all respect I had for you. No question there, whatsoever.

With that? I'm off the thread. When this much ugly hate has been brought in? It's become toxic and this is about as NICE a thing as I can say anymore on it. That's definitely the sign I need to find other topics......but damn sure, this much needed said. ATS isn't...or wasn't anyway....a place where vicious PERSONAL attacks on other members were tolerated. Never used to be anyway....... It's a VERY bad thing to see THAT changing this way.


2. I, TOO, for 35-40 years of professional life was tasked with interviewing a wide diversity of people and having to judge where the truth was in each person's version of reality.

3. My assessment of this mother's narrative is that she's plenty congruent and authentically candid.

4. The RECREATIOINAL BLOOD LUST ASSAULTIVENESS that has become such an obviouisly Standard Operating Policy of so many on ATS is a stench.

5. It doesn't hurt to give folks the benefit of the doubt a good long time. Eventually the truth will out. In most cases, what difference does it make. Most attention whore fantasies are silliness anyway. I don't lose anything by letting them think they got away with it. Nor does anyone else. Obsessively attacking at first PERCEIVED hint of an incongruency, out of SOMEONE'S FANTASY THAT ANOTHER NARRATIVE IS A FANTASY--is perniciously absurd.

6. I asked my PhD Dissertation Chairman his advice for life. He had a very Biblical one: Be kind. Certainly sometimes kindness = stern TOUGH LOVE. Most of the time, it doesn't. It's warm and fuzzy--at least gentle and understanding.

7. I find the mother's story a whole lot more congruent than the carping and harping are congruent with the T&C and with any normal construing of what it means to be civil and kind.

8. I choose to err on the side of kindness and giving the benefit of the doubt. Regardless, in this case, the mother has demonstrated convincingly to me that she's authentic, genuine, sincere.

9. At everyone's life review on graduation from this life, we'll all find out where the truth was.

10. For now, I'm quite comfortable and confident that this dear mother and her situation are just as she's presented herself and them to be. Have I 100% of always been 100% accurate in such discernments? No. The vast majority of the time, I have. I expect the future to show that I have been accurate this time.

posted on Feb, 3 2013 @ 01:10 PM
Oh stop with the drama, your beginning to sound like the OP.

Perhaps you need to head my advice and log off for a while as well,your taking this all way to serious for it to be healthy.

Vicious personal attack? for what? calling her BS exactly what it is?

BS is BS, no matter if your at 100 posts or 17,000posts. And it is exactly what this whole website is about, denying ridiculous ignorance.

I have denied it, you don't like it, tough nuggets, move along.

Vicious personal attacks? ppppppppppppppftttt! move along.


You have lost all respect for me here and that is a fact?
Listen to yourself. Come back to reality for a second please.
Ive been here a few months and have 100 posts. You have been here for years and have 12,776 posts.
For you to have lost respect for me, makes as much sense as not calling the police when lives are threatened.

Fantasy island is the ugly side of the Internet. This should not be a full time hobby, and it certainly is not a life. Stop blubbing.

Originally posted by Wrabbit2000
reply to post by lnfideI

Well, I'm happy you're so knowledgeable about the personal lives, habits and thought processes of other people. You say you've been around but your account info says otherwise for this site, this community and this situation.

Now I see people on here frequently that I don't much care for the opinion of. It's a natural thing. It's a BIG BIG site. When it's a factual issue for a topic I have factual basis and sourcing to support it? I'll jump in and say a few things on those I think are flat wrong too. Otherwise? Jumping in does nothing but add hate to a situation which likely doesn't need more of it as it is. In THIS case? It's a situation that didn't really have hate like this until your posts brought it here. I can't say it any simpler because that's the truth. A little Mogwai disgrees too.....but I respect him. He built that respect over time and by NOT tearing into people with no basis or logic to support it. Each on a case by case.

The difference between what you did here and that? You've pretty viciously attacked a member I've never seen be anything but kind and decent to other people. I don't know what the gun control thread you speak of is about. No idea..and I really could care less. I wouldn't have several of the RL friends I do if I judged their their political opinions before I considered them friends.

I guess I just don't go tearing into people like a hungry man to a big steak ....with nothing to gain by it. Nothing to show and sure nothing to 'show off to anyone else in doing. This is just outright hateful and ugly....and you've totally lost all respect I had for you. No question there, whatsoever.

With that? I'm off the thread. When this much ugly hate has been brought in? It's become toxic and this is about as NICE a thing as I can say anymore on it. That's definitely the sign I need to find other topics......but damn sure, this much needed said. ATS isn't...or wasn't anyway....a place where vicious PERSONAL attacks on other members were tolerated. Never used to be anyway....... It's a VERY bad thing to see THAT changing this way.

edit on 3-2-2013 by lnfideI because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 3 2013 @ 01:41 PM
reply to post by Layla
I choose not to get into this debate about the truthfulness of the OP as I do not know her that well, however I can add some information that may be helpful. In my town of just under 13,000 people children from 5th grade through 12th grade absolutely DO ride the school bus together so I imagine it is accurate that the OPs step-daughter does indeed have regular (most likely daily) contact with 5th grade students, especially with it being a much smaller community. In fact we have a few very small communities in my area where ALL students (Pre-K through 12th grade) all attend school on the same campus. It is not uncommon in many suburban and rural areas.

posted on Feb, 3 2013 @ 03:36 PM
reply to post by littled16


You're absolutely right, however, I'd guess that the high schoolers likely sit together, and the grade schoolers do the same, and more so, I don't believe that is is common at all for a high school student to be so intimidated by the ramblings of a 13 year old that they would keep it a secret for a week.

Beyond that, there is still the question of a very small town (population 230 by OPs count) and there being so much difficulty getting in touch with the parents of the other kids involved.

My entire k-8 life was spent at a school with 250 students. So, my school was bigger than the population of the entire town. Not only did I know all of the students, I knew most of their parents, and that was just from seeing them during school hours.

posted on Feb, 3 2013 @ 11:18 PM
reply to post by Layla

Sorry layla, have never seen you and have been here almost everyday for far longer than my join date says. I remember when the forum was nothing like it is today. If you had read the forum all these years then it is amazing you had to 'go look' at my post/thread history, lol, now come on, what is your truth?

posted on Feb, 3 2013 @ 11:31 PM
Sorry to see this thread go so ugly.

I will use the U2U system to update my Friends and fellow concerned members who have truly been a great support through this continuing event.

I have used many of the suggestions to the best of my ability, without them I do not think I would have come as far as I have nor had the nerve to do so.

I have always seen ATS as a microcosm of the outside world, and no matter what, it takes all kinds, as this thread has shown.

Standing up for my children and the rest of the children who were threatened as well as everyone who could be potentially affected, was so similar in real life as it was reflected here.

I do not like confrontation, and will avoid it every chance, but this is not about me, or what helps me feel comfortable, so facing mean and distrusting, uncooperative people to defend children, is not like this thread that I can chose to avoid, not participate in.

With that said, tomorrow is another day in this experience, so off to bed after a quick read on the forum.

Thank you falls short of my gratitude by this great community and the wisdom shared through brilliant minds and collective intelligence.

posted on Feb, 3 2013 @ 11:34 PM
reply to post by littled16

K-12 up to and sometimes more than one and a half hour per day one way. Yep.

posted on Feb, 3 2013 @ 11:44 PM

Originally posted by TKDRL
reply to post by facelift

Well, maybe I am a bleeding heart, although many that have called me a rightwing nutjob would disagree.......
All I am saying is maybe to try the parent route, before ruining a kid's future for running their mouth. I would be screwed as a kid, if I were in school nowadays. I said plenty I didn't even understand, let alone mean when I was a kid. I had a "hit list", people that picked on me for not being as rich as they were.

That's some of the worst advice I've seen in quite a while.

How do you expect the parents might react? Many parents think their little snots are perfect angels, incapable of wrong. Some parents barely know their kids. So they might have a very hard time accepting something like this. And lets say the parents do believe the story, and give their kid a major whooping. How do you think that already seemingly unstable child would then react? Some kids, especially in our ADD instant-gratification culture can't see more than 10 minutes ahead. Tell them they're grounded and they think their life is over. Clamp down hard enough on an already angry and unstable kid, in such a way where they know that someone snitched on them... when they threatened to kill that person for snitching?

And it wouldn't be the parent ruining the kid's future. If anyone ruined the kid's future, it would have been the kid himself, for running his dumb little mouth with some violent garbage. Paint it however you want, but IMO a kid like that isn't likely to have an awesome future anyway, if he's that unstable, without some kind of major change or intervention. Besides, At that age they are likely to get some kind of counseling (even if in a locked facility for a bit) rather than severe punishment, and records could be expunged upon arrival into adulthood. On the other hand, if the kid is serious, he could ruin a whole lot of other lives.

When I was in 6th grade, I knew a couple of my classmates had already experimented with needles, if you follow my meaning. And some did have access to guns. Around that age I had a knife held to my throat in school. And this was over 20 years ago. You can't just dismiss stuff like this, because you think the kid might just be running his mouth and not really mean it. If he is all talk, what's the worst that happens? He gets a serious wake-up call, a harsh lesson, and hopefully some psychological help. If he's not just running his mouth, what's the worst that happens?

What if Harris and Klebold told somebody, and they just shrugged it off?

What if "Lanza" told somebody, and they just shrugged it off?

posted on Feb, 4 2013 @ 12:19 AM
13 years old isn't actually that young to not know what they're doing. The kid knows exactly what he's doing. Threatening, pointing out who he's going to target, doing the throat slicing sign thing. He's not a nieve little kid. I wouldn't be sitting on my hands doing nothing but worrying. Call your local police and ask them what to do. I bet they'll say "glad you called them" Talk to the principle, insist they call the parents, insist this kid be repremanded, make sure there's reports in the district on this kid. Could this be a future killer? Or is he really starting early like he wants people to believe? This kid needs serious help and fast!

Don't sit back and do nothing, this is why stuff like mass shootings happen. People know but don't say anything.
edit on 4-2-2013 by shell310 because: spelling mistake

posted on Feb, 4 2013 @ 02:17 AM
reply to post by antar

If you didn't immediately call the police your an idiot.

seriously. don't even risk it. Keep your kid safe.

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