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The atrocity of child sacrifice

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posted on Feb, 1 2013 @ 10:49 AM
reply to post by Ophiuchus 13

now THAT i understand lol Gotcha bud!

posted on Feb, 1 2013 @ 10:50 AM
reply to post by Divinefavor

I don't want to 'write your nation off' but out of the 2 Ugandan female students I worked with (who'd quit their course so technically shouldn't be working) both were permanently disfigured by Leprosy & BRANDING via HOT IRON repeatedly as children...

There have been quite a few ritual child sacrifices in Britain by parents and witch 'doctors' - Nearly every one of these cases involved Ugandans - All involved Africans.. Just to continue with this so as to be equally racist / anti-culturalist:- Infanticide by Muslims beating children for not learning the Koran passages adequately and White Trash heroin addicts killing their kids for a psychotic LAUGH or for LESS HASSLE occur in the UK too... Of course there are also those 'fine, upstanding' MILITARY families who PUSH their children into the army for PRESTIGE... Not quite a true 'sacrifice' and a soldier is a young adult (in the UK, at least) but certainly DEATH by TRADITION / CULTURE with many DEATH RITUALS...

posted on Feb, 1 2013 @ 10:53 AM
reply to post by windword

Im conflicted on crowley , Ive heard a lot of really bad dark stuff about him........

But then on the other hand, the guy was a showman, liked attention , and also liked to spread rumors just to see how people reacted......

I get the strong sensation that he was as much his own best publicist a he was a practicer of magic....

In summation, i believe he probably wasnt nearly as bad as he was made out to be, and im sure he had lots of chuckles about his supposed "exploits"

posted on Feb, 1 2013 @ 10:55 AM
reply to post by Screwed

Starred on that. I want off too. On the other hand, while here, want every single person safe, first of all, growing and learning in safety. Being healed by good positive loving environment. Did I mention safe? I live in trauma day after day, with my only thoughts, what to do, how to help, prayer, meditation, for I have health problems, attempting to heal them, to gain energy to Serve and Protect, to do all I can within my capacity which is limited. So many who are aware, who can see, are not positioned to do something, and I challenge that in prayer, meditation, knocking on my soul, all the time. Its torture to live aware in this world, feeling for every single person here. And knowing also, that the ones lost in their dark side universal laws and black magic, are harming themselves so much, they don't understand, everything they do to another they do to themselves.

For the one passing over, in horrendous circumstances, they'll never be coming back here. But if you've done something that harms many in the most horrendous ways, woe unto you, for that huge file is waiting and how you can't realize that, with just simple logic, is beyond me. Maybe they trust the dark overlords to protect them from things when they die, but its like trusting a bigger version of the Joker. If they're golf ball sized Jokers, they think the basket ball sized even meaner ones will protect them?

edit on 1-2-2013 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 1 2013 @ 11:01 AM

Originally posted by Divinefavor

Originally posted by Battleline
reply to post by Divinefavor
"child sacrifice is bad but not as bad as it looks" WOW I read that and my jaw dropped...........and from a Christian.........again WOW.

edit on 1-2-2013 by Battleline because: (no reason given)

Ok, what I should have said is, it's not as wide spread as it looks.
Just like, let say, gun violence in America has not reached the epidemic proportions that the media shows it to be.
Like in your first post you seem to be attempting to defend your country and its traditions by ridiculing the U.S., not once have you said anything about "we are trying to put a stop to this".
I guess as long as you have another country to implay may be just as bad ............then two wrongs make it right.............i see your point , how else could you defend something so heinous.

posted on Feb, 1 2013 @ 11:16 AM
reply to post by Ophiuchus 13

There could be a global force dispatched to areas like these who balance these energies, but maybe these energies are being permitted to keep some from development here. Its sad

These beings play with these majikz and dont even clearly know what they are allowing access to EA*RTH (sapiens sapiens issues) and then if these unknown energies gain strength through innocent bio material envokataz spiritual access whos fault is it if these energies overcome the physical of gain mass manipulation over.

ET_MAN shared a lot wiht me about what is going on, not that I didn't already know this. Sleeper's threads are very very informative.

Those who are conducting these atrocities are doing so to block development of souls, to lower frequency, to give access to various negative elements. They understand, use and abuse universal laws, and dump consequences on people, on their children, it is claimed, who are not even aware or guilty, giving further access.

Those who harm or kill innocents have full consequences, but they extend this to humanity. (and I find that really interesting, as they set themselves up as judge and master and think they can determine who is innocent and guilty and that their judgments count, their judgements are nails in their own coffins. We are ALL EQUAL PARTS OF INFINTY!)

In Bruce Lee's words, "Under the Skies, under the Heavens, we are but ONE FAMILY).

What I don't get at all, is how anyone really believes that its just a machine and they can just manipulate it like that.

There is something beyond this, beyond what I was told taking place, and I argued with what was told me, because I knew inside, that what is on the surface is an illusion somehow, they believe, they are creating a kind of law for their own minds, due to their own programmed beliefs, and they need to free their minds.

By the way, karma as something in our lives to teach us is a bit of truth but I don't believe in Karma/Dharma as they do. Free your minds!

Anyway this is a big sting operation but its horrendous, the pain and suffering is horrendous, and it has to stop.

It will only stop when people make it stop!

There is something that is true in what I was told though. Whenever they open a negative stargate, which happens via the sacrifices, the Good comes in too. And they are the only HIGHER UPS. In other words, they're basically not off any hooks, they or the renegades they let in. They're all going to be rounded up when its their time. Usually that is not in the physical, and that remains the problem.

I want them blue beamed up in the physical, thrown in a holding tank, and taken off for massive counseling and retraining, right now! ASAP!
edit on 1-2-2013 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 1 2013 @ 11:24 AM
Because the Good always comes in, but there is actions and intentions that bring forth more positive interaction. That implies, we are not left alone in the horrors being done. We need to unblock our good, by being good to each other. So, ciitzens groups, dealing with homeless, give give give give! The more you give, the more Good operates in this world, and this will no longer be permitted if we can get a flow of people giving to one another and growing up and watchdogging this world.

I don't want to just hear about this, I want to see people doing something together. United.

posted on Feb, 1 2013 @ 11:31 AM
What I want to know is whether Africa really does have the most evil people in the world, or if their lifestyle, with lack of food, water, sanitation, etc., breeds all types of violence. I have wondered that for a while. We saw in Columbia and now in Mexico that money is the root of much evil, and this probably plays a part in Africa as well. Has all of the aid that has been sent there actually helped anybody? Probably has, but the population is steadily increasing, which is a joke considering that if a mother knows she cannot feed a baby, then she shouldn't have sex.

Are child's lives valued so little in a place like that where they can be sold for sacrifices? I suppose it happened all over the world in the past, but in today's modern age, it is much more shocking to see, even in such an undeveloped country. That is my opinion anyway.

posted on Feb, 1 2013 @ 11:36 AM

Originally posted by Battleline

Originally posted by Divinefavor

Originally posted by Battleline
reply to post by Divinefavor
"child sacrifice is bad but not as bad as it looks" WOW I read that and my jaw dropped...........and from a Christian.........again WOW.

edit on 1-2-2013 by Battleline because: (no reason given)

Ok, what I should have said is, it's not as wide spread as it looks.
Just like, let say, gun violence in America has not reached the epidemic proportions that the media shows it to be.
Like in your first post you seem to be attempting to defend your country and its traditions by ridiculing the U.S., not once have you said anything about "we are trying to put a stop to this".
I guess as long as you have another country to implay may be just as bad ............then two wrongs make it right.............i see your point , how else could you defend something so heinous.

What can I say?
I spend about 2 hours everyday on
And i know that the ATS audience is mainly western and the majority American.
With all the news and talk about gun control it was the first comparison I could think of that the majority would relate to. And that was a view i got from a Yahoo article quoting expert opinion. That was the third time I read that opinion.

About doing something, as Christians we've been praying and are still praying, we have our share of problems.
Joseph Kony of KONY 2012 if you remember is out of the country with only a few attacks that are far between. Efforts are still underway to capture him and the US is helping with that too.

We have wide spread corruption that appears to be from the top down but we vote and pray for the right people to get into office. Just the other day our long serving president was trying to scare the people with talk of a military coup. Not every problem goes away with an instant miracle like I'd like it to but progress is being made.

The thing is, looking at something for too long may make it seem bigger than it is and you tend to forget the good that still exists. Even if it exceeds the problem by far.

And another thing, there are many of those occult people who left what they were doing and converted to Christianity, evangelical Christianity.
edit on 1-2-2013 by Divinefavor because: another thing

posted on Feb, 1 2013 @ 11:39 AM

Originally posted by Ophiuchus 13
this is why the rebalance of the evol energies cannot be compressed into this side... WATCH them and as they cross hmm REMIND THEM

Sorry for targetting your posts, its not intentional. I just always see so much in them. You touch on some of the issues that are really in the mindset of the elites, what they believe, their religion if you will, very good posts.

And they think with such error, so much distortion.

Balance in the school/universe/earth/our bodies, is the starting point. Then you're tested. A progressing soul would get to work at resisting the negative and overcoming the balance and bring earth home.

Its not about maintaining any semblance of it.

Your posts are very deep on many subjects, they reveal their gnostic beliefs.

I was told some of them think they're doing the right thing, when they do the opposite, but the whole elitist thing to begin is the anti christ energy. Styles and elitism and division, separating man.
edit on 1-2-2013 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 1 2013 @ 11:46 AM

AOM 47


(Senator) John DeCamp 1 of 5

posted on Feb, 1 2013 @ 12:03 PM
And its not all "child" sacrifice, and its prevalent, for example, I avoid movies, will not idolize the criminally insane, sorry.

AOM 49

I'd watch ever single one of these. Uganda? They're being abused by the Global Elite, the ones we see in the news, they're the ones. We're letting them walk over all the nations and just turn a blind eye. We turn a blind eye to everything. Its got to stop. There are consequences to this, and should be ashamed of ourselves. Its always been our responsibility. Why is everyone so brainwashed by the media? Its because no one wants to do anything, and doesnt even check the bad info with their families and friends, it begins with those who are aware and the rest shouldn't be asleep.

Ties into the Royal Families of Europe/UK. He says it in the video talking about the narcotic connections and since I've known this for some time, thought it should be emphasized and underscored.

I feel so sorry for Uganda, for the Phillipines for North Korea, for all the areas, where the people are exploited and used by our Elites, under the scenes, in the bases, behind dictators and gangsters, they operate unfettered.

And we let them by our complicity.

edit on 1-2-2013 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 1 2013 @ 12:09 PM
American women (and participating men) who commit to voluntary abortion, partial birth or otherwise, which includes so-called "morning after" pills (abortifacients) that kill the living embryo are practicing child sacrifice. It is a pact with the devil made possible by turning from God. This turning away from Christ enables the weakened soul to commit such heinous acts of barbarism. A person whose committment is with the Lord couldn't do such a dastardly thing as infanticide.

In China there is a similar situation except that it is not as "voluntary" inasmuch as the act of abortion as described above is enforced by the state. Instead, in America social coercion is practiced through organizations such as Planned Parenthood, Acorn and the enforcement arm comes through legal (and some quasi legal) entities such as the ACLU, The Center for Reproductive Law and Policy (CRLP), The National Abortion and Reproductive Rights Action League (NARAL) and other such legal protectorates for the Pro-Choice movement. These pro-choice organizations practice subtle forms of mind control more along the lines of peer pressure, which then escalates to intimidation, humilation, and demonization etc., of women who take a pro-life stance.

Is it any surprise then that the number of sacrificial murders by means of abortion, etc., whether it be in the United States or China, are almost the same?

edit on 1-2-2013 by EequalsMC3 because: fix spell

posted on Feb, 1 2013 @ 12:17 PM
reply to post by EequalsMC3

Your opinion on abortions. I myself remember coming in and taking the womb, and it wasnt a cell dividing. I don't believe in abortions past the first trimenster, when they can suction the developing fetus out, ie when most of the natural abortions/miscarriages take place, I agree that later stage abortions are like ritual sacrifices and post that alot.

But to use this topic as an anti abortion campaign, its not appropriate.
edit on 1-2-2013 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 1 2013 @ 12:20 PM

"Play Me Backwards" by Joan Baez

Church Basements, eh? Altars even? Rings? Red/orange cars, most often?

edit on 1-2-2013 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 1 2013 @ 01:08 PM
reply to post by Skyfloating

S&F. Thanks for sharing. I'll watch the video later.

posted on Feb, 1 2013 @ 01:24 PM
reply to post by Skyfloating

Random acts of evil can only be countered with random acts of love. Be a blessing and spread love today, don't delay!

posted on Feb, 1 2013 @ 02:25 PM
There are "things" going on with children and babies that are unspeakable. I once thought that it was only happening in the mind of perverted conspiracy nuts, but NO. It is very real!

I once met an Irish lady who dedicated her life to abused children in SE Asia. My dad invited her to a TV talk show (he was a producer). She became a friend of the family. Initially, I thought she was mentally ill. Her stories, that she shared in private with us, couldn't be true. After I did a little digging on my own I started to see that there are really, really sick individuals among us. There are boats in International Waters in SE Asia that should be torpedoed, nuked, and send to the bottom of the sea ...

Evil is real. People who partake in those acts/rituals do gain power. (Don't ask me why God allows this. Food for thought for another thread). Most of them are absolutely untouchable. They are above the law, because some of them write the laws that apply to us, but not to them. They also hide in plain sight.

Hold your kids a little tighter tonight, and please educate them early on about the "bad guys".

posted on Feb, 1 2013 @ 03:42 PM
reply to post by Skyfloating

Lets not forget that western religion IE Christianity is based on a God who sacrificed his son for us. I think this idea is insane.

That being said, if educated and "civilized" countries can get behind the idea that the one true God of the universe sacrificed his son and something good came out of it then it is easy to understand how other "less civilized" countries could have doctrines of their own that espouse this horrific practice.

I don't want to hear Christians acting all horrified when their own religion is based on human sacrifice as well. They believe that God hates human sacrifice except when he does it. Sheeeesh!!!

posted on Feb, 1 2013 @ 03:42 PM

Originally posted by UnderGetty
reply to post by Logarock

It wasn't just them. Every nation around them did the same thing. This is one thing that actually set the Israelites apart. Their God did not require human blood sacrifice.

Yea he didnt. However they were warned not to engage but did anyway. In fact they became so bad that the nations around them were shocked at the depths and wanton maddness the Israelites had sunk into. They had a large venue just out side of the city within sight of the temple.....just for child sacrifice. The big show. It has been suggested that every family had to offer up a child at some point.....thier first born.....and it was a big deal. It is even specultated that the king himself had offered up his first born. This had become their domestic fashion.

Anyway, God destroyed them using outside forces and took what was left away, out of the land. And its a good thing. At the rate they were going they would have ended up bringing the show into the temple compound at some point.

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