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Lee Harvey Oswald, Assassin or Patsy?

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posted on Jan, 30 2013 @ 11:06 AM

Level 1 Project: Lee Harvey Oswald



Hello and welcome all to the very first research project of 2013 - A look at the infamous Lee Harvey Oswald, the claimed assassin of the 35th President of the United States, John F. Kennedy in 1963. It's an incident which quite literally shaped and traumatized a nation, the removal of John F. Kennedy and the arrival of Lyndon Baines Johnson the previous VP.

Many conspiracy theories also surround the case and are seriously debated over to this very day, now months before the 50th anniversary. And to this very day the all important question still firmly remains - Was Lee Harvey Oswald, the man claimed to have fired all 3 shots, 2 of which struck the President, one of which further traveled to strike Governor John Connally almost killing him, the assassin firing from the 6th floor as the official story claims? It's not clear and to this day not been conclusively proven.

Jesse Curry, chief of police, once quoted by Tom Johnson as saying "We don't have any proof that Oswald fired the rifle, and never did. Nobody's yet been able to put him in the building [Texas School Book Depository] with a gun in his hand." With this project we'd like to shed a little bit more light on this particular aspect of the entire case and present it to our fellow members.

Thank you to all those who read.

Project Goal
The goal of this project is simple. Lee Harvey Oswald is the man the Warren Commission claimed as the sole assassin of John F. Kennedy, their conclusion coming in 1964. With this project we want to bring this conclusion into doubt and highlight why Oswald could not possibly have been acting alone, if responsible for firing a shot at all.

My personal goal in this project is to look into the events which occurred on the day of the assassination of JFK. Notable incidents include the bringing of the rifle into the Texas School Book Depository building, the assassination itself, and also the murder of J.D. Tippit leading up to Oswald's own arrest.

Research Participants and their goals
Trexter Ziam
Participant Goal
The goal of this participant is to look into the various possible connections Lee Harvey Oswald made in his short lifetime. Particularly connections with Cuban Exiles, Intelligence work for the United States, connections to Jack Ruby prior to both of their deaths - which the Warren Commission claimed was non-existent, and finally his alleged connections with the mafia which the commission once again claimed was non-existent.

Participant Goal
The goal of this participant is to look into the history of Lee Harvey Oswald and the events leading up to November 22nd, 1963, the date of the assassination of JFK, which the Warren Commission blamed squarely on Oswald. Notable events this participant will look into will involve his move to the Soviet Union, the meeting of his wife, the attempted assassination of General Walker and anything else of significance.

Participant Goal
The goal of this participant is to look into the ballistics information involved in the assassination, the skill, or potential lack of skill, of the shooter in question, Lee Harvey Oswald, and also the key, crucial information of the 6.5 mm Carcano rifle capabilities. The goal here is not to look into an event in particular, but instead crucial in-depth details surrounding important information in regards to whether a shot was possible and likely.
edit on 31-1-2013 by Rising Against because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 31 2013 @ 09:51 AM

Internet notes and sources have been condensed to avoid as much repetition as possible. Both pro-conspiracy and debunking sources will been included (where available) so that the reader has a full array of information. Links to pictures and videos might be included but not embedded to prolong the clean appearance of this research. In time, links go dead as well and we have no control over that. The research links are based on material still available online during January and February 2013. Text material from links that fall dead in the future MIGHT be found through the Wayback Machine if you submit the appropriate URL.

Oswald's connections or lack of connections to the elements - Cuban exiles, Intelligence, Jack Ruby and the Mafia - cannot be neatly excised from each other as many are interdependent elements; so, this research will be presented from the macroscopic view. The work will be as brief and concise as possible.

To find truth, one must look fairly at all of the evidence available, even that evidence which doesn't fit into one's preconceived ideas. This very small subset of Oswald's connections is far from complete; so, this research is by no means "all of the evidence available."

In 2017, the last "one percent" of the JFK ACT of 1992 files will be made available. See also, which states, "according to Section 5(g)(2)(D) of the Act, all records in the Kennedy Collection will be opened by 2017 unless certified as justifiably closed by the President of the United States. "

In the end, only you can decide what feels most correct to you.



My Assignment:

Oswald's Connections, or Lack of Connections to Cuban Exiles, Intelligence Work, Jack Ruby and the Mafia.

In this initial post, I will briefly set the historical scene of the times in America's turbulent near past, specifically 1963.

We were just emerging from official McCarthyism ; but, the McCarthy Era and its 'Red Under Every Bed' mindset was fully entrenched and carried over in the American mindset until well past the JFK assassination.

We were in a Cold War with the U.S.S.R. The Soviets had their propaganda machines, we had ours. The Soviets had gone to space, so we did too. We had the atomic bomb, so they had theirs as well. While the Space Race was initially benign, the Arms Race and the concept of Mutually Assured Annihilation was all pervasive. To most Americans, the Soviet Threat, the Domino Theory, the Cuban Missile Crisis, Castro and the Bay of Pigs were all the proof needed that the McCarthyism mindset should still be the rule and not the exception.

While Vietnam and France's Charles de Gaulle were on the periphery of daily news, more domestic affairs took front page prominence. Our daily television news included the value of the Yen and the Stock Market Reports with the Dow Jones rises and falls, so, I presume the economy was of concern to some. Of more importance though were the Civil Rights Movement, the Jim Crow Laws, Desegregation and School Integration Reform which took center stage by day while The Klan ran the South by night.

Last, the MK-Ultra programs were in full swing but still mostly unknown to the common public at this time.

This dark time in American history described above, is when President John F. Kennedy was assassinated, but it's not just a 'time'. It's the all pervasive atmosphere that should be taken into account when reading any material on the JFK assassination.

Next, a brief biography of Lee Harvey Oswald

Born in New Orleans, Louisiana in 1939, Oswald was a mere 24 years old at the time of the assassination and his own subsequent death. His father passed away two months before he was born so he was reared by a widowed mother. He had an older brother and an older half-brother so he was the youngest.

His early childhood was troubled. He was an avid reader and claimed Marxism by age fifteen
(refuted by his best friend as untrue) and then dropped out of school at the beginning of the tenth grade.

He attended the Civil Air Patrol briefly and then joined the Marines in 1956 as a radar operator with a mere "Confidential" clearance. He was stationed in Japan. He was court martialed twice, (one weapon related which inflicted self-injury by accident and the other for fighting), spent time in the brig, and was demoted to the lowest rank. He was punished for a third incident, also weapon related which seems like an accidental misfiring into the jungle. He was a very poor marksman with incredibly low qualifier scores in the military, twice. He never got anywhere near as high as "expert rifle".

He received a "hardship" discharge (later amended to "undesirable") and a month later, traveled to the U.S.S.R. on a one week visa. He tried to defect and renounce his American citizenship vainly offering Marine secrets of which he had little to none; and then, ended up marrying, having a child and returning to the U.S. for the nightlife and entertainment venues he missed.

He and his new family moved to Dallas/Fort Worth, Texas where his mother and brother resided. In 1962. he met George de Mohrenschildt who we will discuss later in this research.

In March of 1963, Oswald forged an identity which he used for two gun (a rifle and a handgun) purchases as Alek J Hidell. He shot at anti-communist U.S. Major General Edwin Walker from a window in his home with his new rifle and was never caught. Oswald's wife claimed the rifle used in this unsucessful assassination attemp on Edwin Walker was buried. This is the same rifle claimed in the Warren report to have been used to assassinate JFK.

A month later he returned to his birthplace New Orleans, and turned his eyes upon Cuba and anti-Castro organizations called the Crusade to Free Cuba Committee and the Fair Play for Cuba Committee which we will discuss later in this research, along with a Cuban exile named Carlos Bringuier, and an anti-Castro FBI agent Guy Banister whose address was co-opted by Oswald.

By September 1963, he was off to Mexico to see about a visa to Cuba which was granted but never used. The intention was to stop in Cuba on his way back to the U.S.S.R. Cuba had reservations about allowing an anti-Castro activist a stopover visa for Cuba, but eventually did grant it.

By October 1963, Oswald was on his way back to Dallas where he got a job for the Texas School Book Depository.


And now a brief biography of Jack (Jacob Leon Rubenstein) Ruby who killed Oswald.

Born in Chicago, Illinois in 1911, Ruby was a 52 year old at the time of the assassination. He was born to Orthodox Jewish parents and had seven siblings. His name change from Rubenstein to Ruby was to hide his Jewish origin. He moved to Dallas, Texas in 1947 and made it his home though he never got married.

Like Oswald, he had a troubled childhood, dropped out of school and served in the military though by draft. He never ranked higher than a Private First Class; but, he did receive an honourable discharge. Ruby was enamoured with gambling, horse racing, strip clubs and nightclubs.

His resume is much briefer than Oswald's because Oswald never held any job for long. Ruby sold racing forms, moved on to business agent for a Union, then on to managing nightclubs. He befriended the Dallas Police Department and several Mafia members.

Ruby's business interests in Cuba were Mafia gambling house related and for gun-running to Castro's guerillas.

Ruby was a Schmoozer with a capital "S".


Other Brief Biographies

For an extended biography of Lee Harvey Oswald, please see:
ATS thread by Rising Against
A Look Through the Mind of an Assassin

edit on 31/1/2013 by Trexter Ziam because: (no reason given)

edit on 1-2-2013 by Rising Against because: Corrected date as per request.

posted on Jan, 31 2013 @ 11:17 AM
Non-participants post removed.
edit on 31-1-2013 by Rising Against because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 31 2013 @ 09:30 PM
As a participant in this project I have been given the task to research the history of Lee Harvey Oswald and any events leading up to November 22nd, 1963, the date of the assassination of JFK.

This of course encompasses a broad array of historical proportions, however I will be focusing a section of the research on his move to the Soviet Union, and if at all possible any connections he may have had prior too or gained through his traveling there.


To trace the steps and follow the timeline Oswald chose. The timeline will begin when he departed from New Orleans September 20, 1959, to his arrival in France on or about October eighth where he then boarded another ship to Southampton, England. It is presumed from this point he boarded a British Rail train en-route to Waterloo Station, arriving late in the evening on the ninth.

After departing London Airport on or about the tenth, the next day, Oswald landed in Helsinki, Finland, and booked into the "Hotel Torni." The next day Oswald left Helsinki by train , crossed the Soviet border at Vainikkala, and arrived in Moscow on October 16, 1959.

He stayed in the Soviet Union for roughly two and a half years before heading back to to the United States in May of 1962. This period in Oswald's life from September twentieth of 59 too May twentieth of 1962 will be a objective or goal to investigate as part of my research into understanding if Lee Harvey Oswald was an assassin or patsy?


Also included will be the attempted assassination of General Walker, Lee Harvey Oswald's role, and any other possible links or characters that may have been involved or know information pertaining to the attempt on Walker's life.


Investigate the Warren Commission's claims surrounding the incident, obtain any information that may help to identify Oswald or another assailant at the scene, look into the life of General Edwin Walker, view testimony from Marina Oswald, locate any photographic and firearm identification alleging Oswald's involvement...ect.


I'm sure that other things may come into play as I begin to dig in and uncover alternative information about this tragic event. I'm going to try an tie or piece as much of what I uncover together as seamlessly as possible. Hopefully this can provide for a smoother read to anyone browsing or trying to understand events surrounding the assassination of JFK and any peculiar persons or happenings leading up to that day.

Here are a few sources that I am using to begin my research, I would like to say thanks to Rising Against for pointing me in the right direction to a solid source. Also to my fellow ATS member researchers who are on board dedicating their time to this project, happy searching. Oh Yeah, thanks Trexter for setting the scene in your opening post, good job.

The following resources I am posting are not just for myself, but for my fellow researchers as well. Thanks again to everyone and especially ATS for providing a well structured environment to make this happen.


Spartacus Education

History - Matters

edit on 31-1-2013 by Daedal because: Edit

posted on Feb, 2 2013 @ 10:17 PM
As a participant in this research project my assignment is to provide information about the weapon used in the Assassination of President John F. Kennedy, to provide the technical aspects of the conditions involved in firing such a weapon, and to determine if Lee Harvey Oswald had the training and ability to shoot such a weapon.

I've organized my research into several categories, and while fact may be presented with conjecture, it's been almost 50 years since this event took place. For every fact presented, there is another theory to counteract it, so I will do my best to stay within a few defined parameters. During my presentation, I will use two disparate methods for identifying information.

One will be FACT:

One will be OPINION:

Of course, during my research, I've realized that there are far fewer facts in this case, than there is speculation involved, so as such, I have chosen labels to identify the two.

I've chosen these categories to place my research in:

Oswald's Weapon Experience.

Information about the 6.5 mm Carcano.

Scopes and Sighting Information.

Why Oswald was not an assassin.


(provided for the Team Leader's input, and responses to errors in research amongst team members. Basically a label to post under for team members, during a project, for input from other team members, stating information that's relevant to the project.)

I've used HEADLINE tags, as a demarcation for information, as I think it is a good way to denote sub-categories of research.

It would be interesting to see the Errata headline tag used amongst team members, as it would allow them to share information within a project, and allow for posts that are relevant to the topic. It seems to me, at least, that it would allow a more collaborative effort WITHIN a project, without detracting from the project at hand. This is completely out of place here, and I was introducing my format, but I'll place my thoughts more in depth in the main Research Thread.


Oswald's Weapon Experience.

Fact: Oswald enlisted in the Marine Corps in October 1956, a week after his seventeenth birthday. He scored 212 on his first qualification, in 1957, making Sharpshooter, and 191, in 1959, making Marksman, by one point. In the Marine Corps, there are three levels of qualification, Marksmen, the lowest, Sharpshooter, the 2nd tier, and Expert, the highest. Oswald never qualified in the Expert range. Marines take a YEARLY qualification test.

Fact: My own brother was in the Marine Corps, and has recently joined ATS, as member neodruid66. He doesn't post a lot, but has his Marine Corps Certifications still. As a reliable source, I did a quick phone interview with him, asking him what he qualified at on the shooting range. He said, Expert, every time. He has the records to prove it. My brother and I are both the spawn of a Vietnam Era Veteran, and while I never followed in my father's footsteps. my brother did. He's built rifles from kits, and has extensive knowledge of firearms.

Opinion: During the phone interview, I asked him if he would make fun of someone who had shot a 191 on the range, during his service years, and he responded with a resounding yes. He continued to tell me that anyone under a high sharpshooter score was ridiculed as well.

Fact: Oswald's experience in the Marine Corps was only with "open sight" weapons.

The weapon used in the assassination had a "scope" on it, as recovered from the Texas School Book Repository on the 6th floor.

Opinion: There are references that during his defection to Russia he joined a hunting club. There are references that the only weapon he used during those hunting excursions was a shotgun. There are also references that when you go hunting in Russia, you catch a bottle of Vodka, which indicates a leisure activity, and no serious sighting of accuracy.

Opinion: When Oswald returned from his defection, there are references to hunting with his brother Robert. These occasional excursions were with .22 rifles, basically varmint rifles, and that they were also mostly social events with no serious hunting involved. There are rumors that Robert also thought Oswald was a lousy shot, even with a low caliber hunting rifle.

No evidence indicates proficiency with a high caliber rifle with a scope mounted on it, and we'll see why there are so many problems with that. Oswald had no sniper training, just the basic training all the Marines receive.

In my following categories, I'll explain the technical information dealing with having a scope mounted on a rifle, and how it was impossible for someone to disassemble a rifle, carry it into the TSBR and reassemble it, and make an accurate shot.

posted on Feb, 3 2013 @ 12:09 PM

Information about the 6.5 mm Carcano.

Fact: The rifle used to murder JFK was a Mannlicher-Carcano 6.5mm rifle, Model 91/38, manufactured in 1940, 23 years before the assassination. It was designated with serial number C2766. It could be fired either hand loaded, a single bullet at a time, or used with a six round clip. The weapon was found on the 6th floor of the Texas School Book Depository, with the clip installed, and 1 round in the chamber. It has a muzzle velocity of 2000 feet per second.

Fact: The rifle found in the TSBD was purchased from Klien's Sporting Goods of Chicago.

Fact: On October 9, 1962, Lee Harvey Oswald rented post office box number 2915 in Dallas, Texas.

Opinion: Only LHO was authorized to receive mail at that PO Box. In part three of the application, there is a place to list people authorized to receive mail there, and there is no evidence that A. Hidell was listed there.

Fact: On March 12, 1963, A. J. Hidell ordered a rifle with an attached telescopic sight from an advertisement in the February 1963 issue of the American Rifleman magazine (official publication of the National Rifle Association), paying $19.95 plus postage and handling. It was paid for by a Money Order, in the amount of $24.95.

Opinion: The MO has no stamps to indicate it was ever paid, just an endorsement by Klein's to deposit the funds into their account. It never was stamped by the processing institutions, and

The money order was never paid by any financial institution. Had the money order been processed by the First National Bank of Chicago, the bank would have put its DATED stamp on it.
Financial institutions stamp checks and money orders in order to ensure that each institution pays only once on each item. Without the stamp, there's no proof that the money was actually paid by the bank and credited to the customer's account. The stamps also assist law enforcement in tracking finances in criminal cases. This money order should have had on it the DATED stamps of all financial institutions that handled the document.

Fact: The rifle was shipped to Oswald's PO on March 20, 1963.

Opinion: Since Hidell was not listed as authorized to receive mail there, the package arriving there should have been marked "returned to sender". There are no postal clerks that have come forward stating that they delivered a long package to anyone during that time frame.

Opinion: There are pictures showing Oswald posing with a rifle in his backyard.

but there are problems with the shadows, the chin, and the rifle identification itself. The most glaring inconsistency is the placement of the lanyard rings (sling holders), in the photographs, which appear to be bottom mounted:

The pictures of the rifle found in the TSBD obviously has side ring mounts:

Fact: The rifle found in the TSBD was stamped with a serial number.

Opinion: It was never considered that the serial number, being exclusive to the rifle, was modified. Why is the last six in the serial number stamped askew? Is it possible the actual number was C276, and the last digit was added later?


In November 1983, Life Magazine was granted permission to photograph the evidence stored at the National Archives to commemorate the twentieth anniversary of the assassination. Although he was not permitted to handle the evidence, the photographer (Michael O'Neill) was permitted to photograph the rifle.

Which produced a discrepancy in the actual barrel design, and the font used in the serial number stamp,

and there is no other explanation for these discrepancies other than the modification of several different rifles.

Side by side comparisons yield different results, which indicate that there are several rifles involved.

In conclusion, for this segment of my research report, there are too many unexplained discrepancies concerning the rifle to positively say that Oswald was the owner of serial number C2766, and that he used it to commit the crime that he was accused of. Relying strictly on evidence, and the fact that the rifle was shipped to Washington D.C. on the evening of the assassination, being later returned to the Dallas Police Department, coupled with the "mishandling" of said evidence, one can only determine that there is an abundance of inconsistencies with the official Warren Commission Report.

posted on Feb, 3 2013 @ 01:52 PM

Scopes and Sighting Information.

The rifle presented to the Warren Commission appears to look like a fairly normal rifle from the side.

I'd like to present that this rifle has a rather unusual configuration.

Top View:

This is called an offset scope configuration. There is no way to mount the scope on top of the receiver, as it interferes with the bolt action (loading and unloading rounds). It must mounted to the side, and requires a slightly different aiming posture.

Rearward View (with bolt open):

Notice that the bolt, when open, extends past the end of the scope, and scant centimeters away from your face.

Here are two non-scoped Carcanos that indicate how far the bolt actually extends, which it must do in order to load another round:

It is nearly impossible to sight this rifle without moving your cheek from the butt of the rifle, while loading another round, because the bolt extends very close to your head.

There are a few technical terms I'd like to address while continuing:

Windage: How far left or right a rifle shoots when aiming at dead center bullseye.

Elevation: How far up or down a rifle shoots when aiming at "bullseye".

FOV (Field of View): The area that you can see when you look through a scope. It requires skill to look directly through a scope and experience to visualize a complete field of view, with only a slightly dark border around the edge of the scope sight.

Notice that the center of the reticule, the "cross hairs" are crisply in focus, with blurring occurring in the rest of your vision. This indicates proper "eye relief".

Recoil: The amount a rifle "jerks" when expelling a round. This will affect accuracy with every shot. It takes skill to control this, and often re-sighting, after every round shot. Opinion varies on the amount of recoil the 6.5mm Carcano has, from "Like a Mule", to none at all. The recoil of a rifle is somewhat reduced by tightly bracing the weapon against your shoulder.

Sighting in, or "Zeroing": The process by which rounds are fired at a stationary target, in groups of three, in order to perceive accuracy and make adjustments to the scope. The rifle is fired three times at bullseye, and adjustments are made, for windage and elevation, until the rifle is able to hit bullseye with every shot. Disassembling a rifle, bumping the scope, and weather conditions all affect the overall accuracy.

Eye Relief: The distance your eye must be from the scope in order to see through it properly. This is called "sighting" through the scope.

This gentleman is properly holding his Carcano replica, and is ready to take a shot. His cheek is rested against the butt of the rifle, and his hand is on the trigger with the rifle braced against his shoulder. His "eye relief" would be typical for anyone shooting this style rifle. Also note that he will have to move his right hand from the rifle stock in order to load another round.

Here is a video of an individual actually rapid firing a Carcano Replica:
Watch closely at the 21 second mark. (It's only 59 seconds long.)

He loses his eye relief, and has to re-sight. There is also no indication that he was hitting the target at all, merely proving that you can rapid fire. Rapid firing a rifle through a scope is no indication of accuracy. I will say this fellow appears to have practiced a lot.

Onto the accuracy bit, which is very important.

I've marked in red lettering the windage and elevation adjustments on the same style scope used on the C2766 Carcano.

Here is a more modern scope, indicating the adjustments:

Notice the 1 click = 1/4" at 100 yards? That is saying the scope is factory set to 100 yards, and the user must make adjustments to "zero" their rifle at different distances. Real snipers make adjustments before they take a shot, but have formalized training and thousands of hours of training and certification.

Oswald wasn't shooting at the hundred yard default. He was shooting at 88 yards, and even if he had sighted in the rifle at 100 yards, it would not have been able to hit the target. He would've needed to adjust the elevation before shooting. Also, his rifle would've needed to be test fired to ensure accuracy as well.

Did he honestly reassemble a rifle, make the adjustments required, and make a perfect shot without testing the accuracy first?

Opinion: With my experience in sighting rifles, it's impossible to say that the rifle found in the TSBD was shooting accurately. In fact, it wasn't test fired until much later, and the shots that Oswald allegedly made have never been duplicated yet. You can either have rapid fire, or accuracy, but not both.

posted on Feb, 3 2013 @ 02:56 PM
Hello there and welcome to my first post in this brand new research project posted right here on ATS. This week we’re looking at, as a 4 man team that is, the infamous Lee Harvey Oswald, the alleged assassin of the 35th President of the United States, John F. Kennedy. As a team, and I notice some of my fellow team members have already posted, we’re attempting to look into the key, important areas of his life specifically in regards to his end.

In layman’s terms, we’re looking into the claims made about him in regards to the assassination of JFK, and whether there really is any involvement from this individual at all, as far as we can see anyway and as is claimed in the highly controversial and often discussed, even today just shy of 50 years on, Warren Commission. For some clarity at this point, here is the exact claims made by the commission which was investigating the assassination in relation to Mr. Oswald:

(4) The shots which killed President Kennedy and wounded Governor Connally were fired by Lee Harvey Oswald.

(5) Oswald killed Dallas Police Patrolman J. D. Tippit approximately 45 minutes after the assassination.

(6) Within 80 minutes of the assassination and 35 minutes of the Tippit killing Oswald resisted arrest at the theater by attempting to shoot another Dallas police officer.

(7) The Commission has found no evidence that either Lee Harvey Oswald or Jack Ruby was part of any conspiracy, domestic or foreign, to assassinate President Kennedy.

(8) In its entire investigation the Commission has found no evidence of conspiracy, subversion, or disloyalty to the U.S. Government by any Federal, State, or local official.
(9) On the basis of the evidence before the Commission it concludes that, Oswald acted alone.

These are the official claims. And as a research project team here on ATS I must stress that we’re not for a second setting out to wholly disprove this either. To prove the official story false without any doubt anywhere at all, thus proving Oswald did not act alone, is to quite literally change America and to render thousands upon thousands of books, documentaries and online posts/threads quite pointless. That’s an unrealistic goal and not one we aim for here.

Instead, what we do want is to look at the case, and many of the team members here are new to this case and are absolutely looking at it from a fresh, unbiased perspective, and as an end goal we want to come up with our own conclusions based on nothing but the facts. If that approach bring’s us to claim the official story is "likely correct", or if it is "likely inaccurate", so be it. It will be what it will be. But, It must be stressed.. our aim is to avoid un-bias and we aim to look at nothing but the facts with this. And with this in mind, allow me to continue.

My personal goal here at this stage of this project, my first post, is to look at solely the morning of November 22nd, 1963. This roughly translates to the morning of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, allegedly at the hands of one Lee Harvey Oswald, the primary topic of this project. According to the official version of events, this morning Lee Harvey Oswald carried the rifle, which was disassembled, he used to assassinate President Kennedy in a brown paper bag under the guise of carrying curtain rods. He previously informed a co-worker, who is discussed below, that he was fixing up his apartment and was given help by Ruth Paine (help as in given curtain rods).

That morning he was seen by approximately 3 people in relation to this story, this according to the official version of events still. These people were Buell Wesley Frazier mentioned above, a fellow employee and someone who drove Oswald to work from North Beckley every morning, Linnie Mae Randle, older sister of Wesley, and Jack Doughtery, another employee.

According to the commission we have 3 witnesses. So, what do these witnesses actually say about what they saw? Well first off only 2 of these, Wesley and Linnie, saw Oswald prior to his arrival at work so let's start with them. According to the commission they both bring the length of the bag carrying the rifle into some doubt. This from chapter 4 and page 133/134 of the official Warren Commission report:

In deciding whether Oswald carried the assassination weapon in the bag which Frazier and Mrs. Randle saw, the Commission has carefully considered the testimony of these two witnesses with regard to the length of the bag. Frazier and Mrs. Randle testified that the bag which Oswald was carrying was approximately 27 or 28 inches long,162 whereas the wooden stock of the rifle, which is its largest component, measured 34.8 inches.163 The bag found on the sixth floor was 88 inches long.164 (See Commission Exhibit No. 1304, p. 132.) When Frazier appeared before the Commission and was asked to demonstrate how Oswald carried the package, he said, "Like I said, I remember that I didn't look at the package very much ...

Page 134

but when I did look at it he did have his hands on the package like that," 165 and at this point Frazier placed the upper part of the package under his armpit and attempted to cup his right hand beneath the bottom of the bag. The disassembled rifle was too long to be carried in this manner. Similarly, when the butt of the rifle was placed in Frazier's hand, it extended above his shoulder to ear level. 1 Moreover, in an interview on December 1, 1963, with agents of the FBI, Frazier had marked the point on the back seat of his car which he believed was where the bag reached when it was laid on the seat with one edge against the door. The distance between the point on the seat and the door was 27 inches.167

Mrs. Randle said, when shown the paper bag, that the bag she saw Oswald carrying "wasn't that long, I mean it was folded down at the top as I told you. It definitely wasn't that long." 168 And she folded the bag to length of about 28½ inches. Frazier doubted whether the bag that Oswald carried was as wide as the bag found on the sixth floor,169 although Mrs. Randle testified that the width was approximately the same.170

When officially questioned by Joseph Ball on behalf of the Commission's investigations on the 24th of July, 1964, Wesley is on regard as saying the following:

Joseph Ball: When did you first hear of Lee Harvey Oswald, first hear the name?

Buell Wesley Frazier: I first heard, I never really did know his name, we just called him Lee around there. But the first time I ever saw him was the first day he come to work.

Joseph Ball: Had you heard he was coming to work before he came to work?

Buell Wesley Frazier: I will say, you know, talking back and forth with the bossman all the time and from being around and getting along real fine and so he told me, I assume the day after he hired him that he was going to have him come in on Monday and he asked me had I ever seen him and I told him then no; I had never seen him.

Joseph Ball: Had your sister told you that this fellow Lee was coming to work?

Buell Wesley Frazier: Yes; she did. She said one afternoon when I went home she told me she found out from one of the neighbors(Ruth Paine) there he came over for that interview with Mr. Truly and Mr. Truly had hired him.

Joseph Ball: On the way back and forth did you talk very much to each other?

Buell Wesley Frazier: No. sir: not very much... probably in your line of business you have probably seen a lot of guys who talk a lot and some don't and he was one of these types that just didn't talk. And I have seen, you know, I am not very old but I have seen a lot of guys in my time, just going to school, different boys and girls, some talk a lot and some don't, so I didn't think anything strange about that. About the only time you could get anything out of the talking was about babies, you know, he had one and he was expecting another, that was one way he had him get that job because his wife was pregnant and I would always get something out of it when I asked him about the babies because it seemed he was very fond of children because when I asked him he chuckled and told me about what he was doing about the babies over the weekend and sometimes we would talk about the weather, and sometimes he would go to work and it would be cloudy in the morning and it would come out that afternoon after work, sometimes during the day and it would turn to be just one of the prettiest days you would want anywhere, and he would say some comment about that, but not very much.

Joseph Ball: When you got in the car did you say anything to him or did he say anything to you?

Buell Wesley Frazier: Let's see, when I got in the car I have a kind of habit of glancing over my shoulder and so at that time I noticed there was a package laying on the back seat, I didn't pay too much attention and I said, "What's the package, Lee?" And he said, "Curtain rods," and I said, "Oh, yes, you told me you was going to bring some today." That is the reason, the main reason he was going over there that Thursday afternoon when he was to bring back some curtain rods, so I didn't think any more about it when he told me that.

Joseph Ball: What did the package look like?

Buell Wesley Frazier: Well, I will be frank with you, I would just, it is right as you get out of the grocery store, just more or less out of a package, you have seen some of these brown paper sacks you can obtain from any, most of the stores, some varieties, but it was a package just roughly about two feet long.

Joseph Ball: It was, what part of the back seat was it in?

Buell Wesley Frazier: It was in his side over on his side in the far back.

Joseph Ball: How much of that back seat, how much space did it take up?

Buell Wesley Frazier: I would say roughly around 2 feet of the seat.

Joseph Ball: From the side of the seat over to the center, is that the way you would measure It?

Buell Wesley Frazier: If, if you were going to measure it that way from the end of the seat over toward the center, right. But I say like I said I just roughly estimate and that would be around two feet, give and take a few inches.

Joseph Ball: How wide was the package.

Buell Wesley Frazier: Well, I would say the package was about that wide.

Joseph Ball: How wide would you say that would be?

Buell Wesley Frazier: Oh, say, around 5 inches, something like that. 5, 6 inches or there. I don't.

Joseph Ball: The paper, was the color of the paper, that you would get in a grocery store, is that it, a bag in a grocery store?

Buell Wesley Frazier: Right. You have seen, not a real light color but you know normally, the normal color about the same color, you have seen these kinds of heavy duty bags you know like you obtain from the grocery store, something like that, about the same color of that, paper sack you get there...

Joseph Ball: What did he do about the package in the back seat when he got out of the car?
Buell Wesley Frazier: Like I say, I was watching the gages and watched the car for a few minutes before I cut it off.

Joseph Ball: Yes.

Buell Wesley Frazier: He got out of the car and he was wearing the jacket that has the big sleeves in them and he put the package that he had, you know, that he told me was curtain rods up under his arm, you know, and so he walked down behind the car and standing over there at the end of the cyclone fence waiting for me to get out of the car, and so quick as I cut the engine off and started out of the car, shut the door just as I was starting out just like getting out of the car, he started walking off and so I followed him in.

But, of course, as we know, when Frazier tried to replicate the way in which Oswald was holding the rifle, as described by Frazier, this in a controlled test using what we know was the disassembled rifle, he couldn't replicate it. It was indeed by far too large.

What does Linnie Mae tell us of events that morning while being officially interviewed on behalf of the commission report:

Mrs. RANDLE. He crossed Westbrook.

Mr. BALL. And you saw him walking along, did you?

Mrs. RANDLE. Yes, sir.

Mr. BALL. Was he carrying any package?

Mrs. RANDLE. Yes; he was.

Mr. BALL. What was he carrying?

Mrs. RANDLE. He was carrying a package in a sort of a heavy brown bag, heavier than a grocery bag it looked to me. It was about, if I might measure, about this long, I suppose, and he carried it in his right hand, had the top sort of folded down and had a grip like this, and the bottom, he carried it this way, you know, and it almost touched the ground as he carried it.

Mr. BALL. Let me see. He carried it in his right hand, did he?

Mrs. RANDLE. That is right.

Mr. BALL. And where was his hand gripping the middle of the package?

Mrs. RANDLE. No, sir; the top with just a little bit sticking up. You know just like you grab something like that.

Mr. BALL. And he was grabbing it with his right hand at the top of the package and the package almost touched the ground?

Mrs. RANDLE. Yes, sir.

Mr. BALL. He walked over to your house, did he?

Mrs. RANDLE. Well, I saw him as he started crossing the street. Where he come from then I couldn't say.

Mr. BALL. You don't know where he went from that?

Mrs. RANDLE. Where he went?

Mr. BALL. Did you see him go to the car?

Mrs. RANDLE. Yes.

Mr. BALL. What did he do?

Mrs. RANDLE. He opened the right back door and I just saw that he was laying the package down so I closed the door. I didn't recognize him as he walked across my carport and I at that moment I wondered who was fixing to come to my back door so I opened the door slightly and saw that it--I assumed he was getting in the car but he didn't, so he come back and stood on the driveway.

Mr. BALL. He put the package in the car.

Mrs. RANDLE. Yes, sir; I don't know if he put it on the seat or on the floor but I just know he put it in the back.

According to an FBI report the day after the assassination however, we find this snippet:

RANDLE stated that about 7:15 a.m., November 22, 1963, she looked out of a window of her residence and observed LEE HARVEY OSWALD walking up her driveway and saw him put a long brown package, approximately 3 feet by 6 inches, in the back seat area of WESLEY FRAZIER's 1954 black Chevrolet four door automobile. Thereafter, she observed OSWALD walk to the front, or entrance area, of her residence where he waited for FRAZIER to come out of the house and give him a ride to work.

RANDLE stated while at the Dallas Police Department on the evening of November 22, 1963, officers of the Dallas Police Department had exhibited to her some brown package paper, however she had not been able to positively identify it as being identical with the above-mentioned brown package, due to the fact she had only observed the brown package from her residence window at a distance.
(Source) Emphasis is my own.

So it seems as though so far the only close up testimony out of the two comes from Frazier. What about our last witness, Jack. According to Jack Dougherty

Mr. DOUGHERTY - Yes--when I got inside the building it was 7 o'clock.

Mr. BALL - You parked your car?

Mr. DOUGHERTY - I don't have a car---I have to ride ,the bus.

Mr. BALL - Did you see Oswald come to work that morning?

Mr. DOUGHERTY - Yes---when he first come into the door.

Mr. BALL - When he came in the door?


Mr. BALL - Did you see him come in the door?

Mr. DOUGHERTY - Yes; I saw him when he first come in the door--yes.

Mr. BALL - Did he have anything in his hands or arms?

Mr. DOUGHERTY - Well, not that I could see of.

Mr. BALL - About what time of day was that?

Mr. DOUGHERTY - That was 8 o'clock.

Mr. BALL - That was about 8 o'clock?

Mr. DOUGHERTY - Yes, sir.

Mr. BALL - What door did he come in?

Mr. DOUGHERTY - Well, he came in the back door.

Mr. BALL - Where were you then?

Mr. DOUGHERTY - I was---sitting on top of the wrapping table.

Mr. BALL - Now, do you remember that you gave a statement to the Federal Bureau of Investigation and to a man by the name of Ellington, or a Mr. Anderton, the day after---the 23d of November?

Mr. DOUGHERTY - Yes---I talked to so many of them--it is kind of hard to remember.

Mr. BALL - And there is a statement that they took when they talked to you and in it you said, "I recall vaguely, having seen Lee Oswald when he came to work at about 8 a.m. today."

Mr. DOUGHERTY - I did---that morning.

Mr. BALL - That seems to be dated the 22d day of November 1963.

Mr. DOUGHERTY - That's right.

Mr. BALL - The full statement is, "I am employed by the Texas School Book Depository, 411 Elm Street, Dallas, as an order filler, and reside at 1827 South Marsalis Street, Dallas, Tex." Did you tell them that?

Mr. DOUGHERTY - Yes, sir.

Mr. BALL - "I started to work today, 11-22-63, at about 7 a.m. o'clock".
Did you tell them that?


Mr. BALL - The statement says, "I recall vaguely having seen Lee Oswald, when he came to work at about 8 a.m. today."

Mr. DOUGHERTY - That's right.

Mr. BALL - Now, is that a very definite impression that you saw him that morning when he came to work?

Mr. DOUGHERTY - Well, oh--it's like this--I'll try to explain it to you this way--- you see, I was sitting on the wrapping table and when he came in the door, I just caught him out of the corner of my eye---that's the reason why I said it that way.

Mr. BALL - Did he come in with anybody?


Mr. BALL - He was alone?

Mr. DOUGHERTY - Yes; he was alone.

Mr. BALL - Do you recall him having anything in his hand?

Mr. DOUGHERTY - Well, I didn't see anything, if he did.

All in all here when we look at events which took place that morning in relation to the rifle being brought into the building we have 1 witness who saw Oswald actually on arrival into the building itself, this through a side door. This witness saw Oswald come in alone - Frazier seemed to be a little bit behind him, far enough for it to appear as though Oswald was coming in completely alone - he also didn't see Oswald well and also didn't see any package being brought into the building by him either. In fairness, we have to assume he was mistaken when he said Oswald was not carrying anything.

We have 2 witnesses prior to arrival who both claim he did have a package with him at least when meeting Frazier prior to the ride to work, although one of these - the sister - saw him from a distance. Both of these 2 witnesses have shown their doubt publicly about the rifle being able to fit the package, more so Frazier than Randall with Frazier being our only close up witness. Only 1 witness saw Oswald all the way to the depository building, this was Frazier.

Frazier is - whether we like it or not - to be relied upon heavily here and even he has expressed some considerable doubt about the size of the package in relation to the weapon. Something corroborated by another witness, albeit one at a distance.

Was Oswald carrying a rifle? From the above we have to assume it was possible but in my opinion relatively unlikely. Looking at it from a completely unbiased point of view that is, especially as our one and only witness has expressed a fair amount of personal doubt. We also have to assume the one witness was mistaken and he was indeed carrying something there, be it his lunch, curtain rods or a weapon.
edit on 3-2-2013 by Rising Against because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 3 2013 @ 11:35 PM
Part II
Post #1 toward Part II

Now we shall move on to George de Mohrenschildt; who along with his wife, became friends of the Oswalds. The lingering question is whether Mohrenschildt was Oswald's CIA 'handler' or not; and if not, how was Oswald's "babysitter" connected to the CIA. Did Oswald have solid connections to American intelligence agents?

Brief Biography of George de Mohrenschildt

Mohrenschildt was born the same year as Jack Ruby, 1911, so he was also 52 years old when JFK was assassinated. Like Ruby, he was a 'people person' who collected friends and contacts. Unlike Ruby though, Mohrenschildt was much more sophisticated and refined. Where Ruby collected 'people' for profit, Mohrenschildt collected 'people' as a more natural by-product of his magnanimous and out-going nature. Other than this social attitude, the two had little in common.

Mohrenschildt was born in Russia before the Bolshevik Revolution. His father was arrested by the Bolsheviks and sent to Siberia for a life sentence but he escaped and took the family to Poland where George de Mohrenschildt spent his early years before getting a degree in Belgium.

At the age of 27, Mohrenschildt immigrated to the U.S. in 1938. British intelligence suggested to the U.S. that George may be involved in German intelligence.

George lived briefly with his older brother in New York who was an anti-communist OSS ( Office of Strategic Services ) agent and had OSS/CIA friends. The older brother had set up at least two of the OSS/CIA's European anti-communist radio propaganda stations.

George acquired a job working for Shumaker in America which had another employee,
Pierre Fraiss, who was connected to French intelligence. Their job was to collect information on oil lease bids by German company employees, so they could outbid the jobs. George stated he was not a member of the French intelligence though the company he worked for did provide assistance for French oil lease contracts (French interests).

Warren Commissions Volume IX Page 183

George applied to work for the OSS but was denied because of American intelligence suspicions that he may harbor pro-Nazi sentiments, again, untrue. Richard Helms even went so far as to label him a Nazi espionage agent. George was anti-communist but was not pro-Nazi.

George's allegiance to his new home (America) was called into question because he had worked for his cousin who was an anti-communist, pro-Nazi sympathizer. George denied having the pro-Nazi leanings of his cousin. His proof being that he (George) was involved with fundraising for the Polish Resistance and not sympathizing with Nazis.

He went on to acquire his geology degree which is valuable to the Texas oilfield industry.

Back to Mohrenschildt's people-personality. During his lifetime, he befriended Jackie Bouvier, her aunt, Oswald and some say George H.W. Bush. Mohrenschildt was the Dallas, Texas community's version of the neighborhood greeter (aka 'Welcome Wagon') for the Russian immigrant community. Zapruder - the filmmaker who captured the classic JFK assassination clip was also counted among Mohrenshildt's friends.

Bruce Campbell Adamson - Geneologist and Historian


President George Bush signed into law The JFK Assassination Records Review Board Act and did not disclose that he knew George de Mohrenschildt since 1942.

See also where both Zapruder and George Bush are tied into this Adamson version of the conspiracy with loads of juicy details. Where is the documentation? Oh, to get details there's yet another book to buy? Gee. Sorting out fact from fiction, profit from academics, bias and other factors is a monumental if not impossible task.

Zapruder, a Russian immigrant and friend of Mohrenschildt who lived in the Dallas Russian community and made the famous clip we see the most. Undamaged Zapruder Film by Abraham Zapruder

His offices were in the Dal-Tex Building, directly across the street east of the Texas School Book Depository.

So far, what we see here is that Mohrenschildt was a prominent person in the Dallas area's Russian immigrant community.

Defending Posner (Lone Gun Theorist)

10) Page 86n. Posner claims that the CIA has "provided sworn testimony" that there was no relationship between Oswald's friend George De Mohrenschildt and the CIA. This is to supposedly debunk the idea that De Mohrenschildt was Oswald's US intelligence handler. (33) Dallas CIA official J. Walton Moore (who was a frequent guest at the De Mohrenschildt home) claimed Oswald was "perfectly all right" when asked by George if it was safe to associate with the Marxist former defector. (34) CIA Domestic Contacts Division agent Moore testified to the House Select Committee on Assassinations that, from 1957 on, he met with De Mohrenschildt for "debriefing purposes." (35) (L)
(33) Jim DiEugenio, "Posner in New Orleans: Gerry in Wonderland," Dateline Dallas, November 22, 1993.
(34) HSCA Vol. 12, p. 54.
(35) HSCA Report, p. 217.
My opinion - I'm confused by this one. Posner claims on page 87, (with a footnote) that Moore did not see or speak to de Mohrenschildt after 1961, before Oswald even returned to the U.S. Unfortunately I don't have the references to check both claims.

New information - Page 217 of the HSC report, which is the source cited by both authors, reports:

"De Mohrenshchildt indicated that he had asked Moore and Fort Worth attorney Max Clark about Oswald, to reassure himself that it was "safe" for the deMohrenschildts to assist hum and was told by one of these persons, "the guy seems to be OK. "

HSCA Vol. 12, Page 54 reports:

In an interview with the committee on March 14, 1978, Moore stated that he did interview de Mohrenschildt in 1957 after the Yugoslavia trip.(90) At that time Moore also indicated he had "periodic" contact with de Mohrenschildt for "debriefing" purposes over the years after that.

So De Morenschildt did not necessarily attribute the assurance to Moore. The rest of the HSC report is as Posner described it. In a CIA memo dated April 13, 1977 Moore reported that according to his records the last time he talked to De Morenschildt was the fall of 1961. In an earlier CIA memorandum, dated May 1, 1964 Moore reported that he had known DeMorenschildt and his wife since 1957, when he contacted him as part of the overt Domestic Contacts Division (a division that contacted as many as 25,000 Americans who traveled abroad, annually between 1959 and 1963). The contact was a result of De Morenschildt's trip to Yugoslavia. In that memo Moore stated he had seen De Morenschildt several times in 1958 and 1959. There is nothing in the HSC report to indicate that Moore admitted to being a frequent guest in the De Morenschildt home, or that from 1957 on, he met with De Mohrenschildt for "debriefing purposes.", unless you consider 1957 on to mean 1957 to 1961 which is consistent with Moore's statement of over the years, and his memo's, and is exactly what Posner said.

Here is George De Mohrenschildt's WC Testimony. And here is the HSCA report on George de Morenschildt. And here is the manuscript I am a patsy - a manuscript by George de Morenschildt.[/url]

Number 4 of Five lingering unsolved mysteries of the JFK assassination. Cross posted by Marc McDonald.

4. What happened in the mysterious death of Oswald's friend, George de Mohrenschildt? A noted member of the Russian emigre community in Dallas, De Mohrenschildt became an unlikely friend of Oswald in 1962. He testified at length before the Warren Commission in 1964. In later years, he became increasingly depressed and distraught and believed the CIA was persecuting him. On March 29, 1977, de Mohrenschildt was contacted by an investigator with the House Select Committee on Assassinations, asking for an interview. That same day, de Mohrenschildt was found dead from a gunshot wound. De Mohrenschildt's death has been called a suicide, but its timing does seem mysterious.

What is this HSCA they keep talking about?

HSCA - House Select Committee on Assassinations

The Committee investigated until 1978 and issued its final report, and concluded that Kennedy was very likely assassinated as a result of a conspiracy. However, the Committee noted that it believed that the conspiracy did not include the governments of the Soviet Union or Cuba. The Committee also stated it did not believe the conspiracy was organized by any organized crime group, nor any anti-Castro group, but that it could not rule out individual members of any of these two groups acting together.

5 September 1976

Here is part of a letter to the CIA Director from John H. Waller, Inspector General.
If I'm not mistaken, this is in reference to Mohrenschildt's letter to CIA Director George H. W. Bush because Mohrenschildt felt he was being followed, tagged, harassed by the CIA. Bush looked into it and in another letter he informed Mohrenschildt that he had not been a subject of investigation for quite some time.

From the Russ Holmes Work File

10. Both the FBI and this Agency, however, had dropped their interests in Mr. de Mohrenschildt's activities by mid-to-late 1960's. We speculate that any attention he is now receiving could either be from local authorities in Dallas or from media representatives on the trail of a warmed over story concerning the assassination of President Kennedy. We offer no proof of this conjecture beyond Mr. Moore's reports attached at F. What we can say is that we have found no indication that either CIA or the FBI has taken any active interest in Mr. de Mohrenschildt in recent years.

On the Suspicious Death of Mohrenschildt

Mohrenschildt supposedly committed suicide. The YouTube video mentions a "medium" mode on the alarm system which went off some 23 seconds before the shotgun blast sound on the recording. The death investigation document presented on the mcadams website does not mention various alarm modes.
G.DeMohrenschildt - The Security Alarm

A report from the Sheriff's Office of Palm Beach County as posted on the Kennedy Assassination website.
Death Investigation

If Mohrenschildt wasn't killed by FBI or CIA (any American Intelligence agency) as they had lost interest in him years before, and if he didn't actually commit suicide, then who is left? I have my ideas; but, that's not on the table here now. Suffice it to say, it's not related to a CIA or FBI hit. Celebrity often carries a heavy price. The price was probably too much to pay.

The Raleigh Call and John Hurt

A phone call from Oswald while in the Dallas jail has vaguely suggested a possibility of an Intelligence connection between Intelligence and Oswald. The phone call in question is called "The Raleigh Call". The suggestion is that this call was to Oswald's "cut out", an Intelligence procedure for agents to phone in case of emergency. A series of suspiscious events in the unsuccessful processing of this call, combined with omissions in official reports, leaves unanswered questions.

JFK Specialist Dr. Grover Proctor talked to John D. Hurt (former military intelligence) but was unable to contact John W. Hurt.
The Raleigh Call
Dialogue and Other Documentation

Another Link on the Raleigh Call
JFK, Oswald and the Raleigh Connection by Randolph Benson


The question as to whether Oswald had any connections to intelligence remains open. Since the CIA does edit Wiki ( and others on Wiki Talk pages concur), and since some have said the CIA was involved in keeping material out of the official investigations, and since some have said the CIA had as many as 9 infiltrators feeding disinfo into one JFK author's research ... that which we choose to accept or believe may be just as tainted as the official investigations themselves.

Part II will continue with Post #2, specifically about Oswald's connections or lack of connections to Cuban exiles.


Before you decide, you may wish to look into the KKKlanish South as it was during the JFK time period, the Milteer-Somersett tapes which are about a planned JFK assassination (taped discussion) in Miami before the President went to Texas and then watch these 7 videos featuring conspiracists such as Jesse Ventura, Alex Jones and Jim Marrs, including a deathbed confession that seems to invalidate at least one if not more of the conclusions from the original official investigation (Warren Commission) which concluded there was no conspiracy.

Did the CIA have JFK assassinated?
There are 7 videos in this group.
If you can watch only one, see this one
JFK Conspiracy - Oswald's CIA Connection (part 3 of 3)

See also on page four:

In 2007, a man named Saint John Hunt gave an interview to Rolling Stone magazine. He said his father had made a startling deathbed confession, which Saint John tape recorded. His father was E. Howard Hunt, CIA spy and convicted Watergate burglar. The elder Hunt told his son he had knowledge of the plot against Kennedy, and revealed the operation was code-named “The Big Event.” Once again, no matter how you feel about the myriad theories of the assassination, you have to ask yourself: Why would an 88-year-old man, dying in a hospital bed, lie to his son? To this day, the mass media ignore the story and the direct evidence of E. Howard Hunt’s deathbed confession. And so, even as the evidence grows, the mystery remains.


While the reader awaits coming posts in this thread, here are general JFK videos and channels you may enjoy.

Evidence of Revision
There are 65 JFK videos in this group.

The JFK Conspiracy Channel
There are 126 JFK videos in this group.

List of Free Documentaries from ATS Rising Against who has linked roughly 118 or so JFK videos individually!

edit on 4/2/2013 by Trexter Ziam because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 7 2013 @ 02:14 AM
Part II - Post #2

In Part II - Post #1 we followed Mohrenschildt up to 1945 when he got his geology degree in Texas and we'll pick up there now. George de Mohrenschildt worked at an oil company in Venzuela then became an American citizen in 1949 and helped set up a firm in the US. By 1952, he was in Dallas, Texas - the nexus of our story, working for an oilman, mingling with other prominent oilmen, and establishing himself as a prominent figure in the Dallas area's Russian immigrant community. After some geological survey work in Yugoslavia in 1957 for the US, he returned again to Dallas and married his fourth wife in 1959. This couple, Jeanne and George de Mohrenschildt, toured the Caribbean and Central America until 1961. Oswald and his Russian bride Marina met the Mohrenschildt family during the Summer of 1962 in Fort Worth, Texas. Fort Worth is so close to Dallas, Texas that it is often referred to as Dallas/Fort Worth.

George de Mohrenschildt, dubbed Oswald's "babysitter" by Jim Garrison - turns out to be just an outgoing geologist in the Dallas area's Russian community who tried to make the Oswalds feel at home in the neighborhood.


Oswald's trip to Russia between October 1959 and the Summer of 1962 are being detailed by co-team member Daedal so we will pick up where Oswald returns to the U.S.A. in 1962, bouncing between Fort Worth, Texas then New Orleans, Louisiana then back to Texas; eventually residing in Irving, which is in the Dallas area of Texas with his wife, mother and brother.

While in New Orleans, Louisiana, Oswald worked three months for the Reily Coffee Company which was owned by William Reily. Bill Reilly backed an anti-Castro organziation called the "Crusade to Free Cuba Committee", a group that raised support and funds for two CIA backed anti-Castro, Cuban exile programs ( the Cuban Revolutionary Council and the Cuban Democratic Revolutionary Front ) which culminated in the Bay of Pigs, April 1961. FBI's - Guy Banister - had his office in the Cuban Democratic Revolutionary Front until July 1960. The CDRF merged under the banner of the CRC in 1961 and moved to 544 Camp Street for a few months in 1962. This famous location was used by FBI Guy Banister, and the street address was later co-opted by Oswald for his Fair Play for Cuba Committee leaflets. FBI ex-agent, Guy Banister, was rumored to be a member of the militant Minutemen, the John Birch Society and other anti-Castro, and/or anti-communist organizations.

The Fair Play for Cuba Committee was organized in 1960 in New York as a grassroots organization opposed the American embargo against Cuba and opposed the Bay of Pigs invasion. It may have sympathized with Cuba during the Cuban Missile Crisis. It was suspected of being a Soviet front. Oswald was the only member of the Fair Play for Cuba Committee in New Orleans. Oswald and all three of the anti-castro Cuban exiles were arrested for disturbing the peace.


HSCA Appendix to Hearings - Volume X
XIII. 544 Camp Street and Related Events

On August 9, 1963, Lee Harvey Oswald was arrested on Canal Street in New Orleans and charged with disturbing the peace. (1) The arrest was the result of a confrontation with anti-Castro Cuban exile Carlos Bringuier and two of his associates. ...

Jim Garrison

Garrison's key witness against Clay Shaw was Perry Russo, a 25-year-old insurance salesman from Baton Rouge, Louisiana. At the trial, Russo testified that he had attended a party at anti-Castro activist David Ferrie's apartment. At the party, Russo said that Lee Harvey Oswald (who Russo said was introduced to him as "Leon Oswald"), David Ferrie, and "Clem Bertrand" (who Russo identified in the courtroom as Clay Shaw) had discussed killing President Kennedy. The conversation included plans for the "triangulation of crossfire" and alibis for the participants.

Above, we see Guy Bannister again after the assassination as one of the accused in a triangulation theory by Jim Garrison, a New Orleans DA, and of setting up Oswald as a "patsy".

Guy Banister

The alleged activities of Banister, Ferrie and Oswald reached New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison who, by late 1966, had become very interested in the New Orleans aspects of the assassination. In December 1966, Garrison interviewed Martin about these activities. Martin claimed that Banister, Ferrie and a group of anti-Castro Cuban exiles were involved in operations against Castro's Cuba that included gun running and burglarized armories.

As Garrison continued his investigation, he became convinced that a group of right-wing activists, including Banister, Ferrie and Clay Shaw, were involved in a conspiracy with elements of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) to kill Kennedy. Garrison would later claim that the motive for the assassination was anger over Kennedy's attempts to obtain a peace settlement in both Cuba and Vietnam. Garrison also believed that Banister, Shaw, and Ferrie had conspired to set up Oswald as a patsy in the JFK assassination.

Jim Garrison Refuted - Was Jim Garrison Part of the Smoke and Mirrors Cover-up? - J Edgar Hoover Involved? (includes J. Edgar Hoover) (includes J. Edgar Hoover)


Was Oswald connected to Intelligence?
Was Oswald Connected to the Cuban Exiles?
Was Oswald a Patsy, a Lone Assassin, a Red Herring, or Part of an Assassination Team?

YOU decide.

Coming in Part III - Oswald's Connection or Lack of Connection to Jack Ruby and/or the Mafia

edit on 7/2/2013 by Trexter Ziam because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 10 2013 @ 03:12 PM
Errata - My Research Error Spotted

I am new to the JFK topic and chose this project as a learning experience, which it has been. It's a learning process with a steep curve for a newbie faced with a mountain of material to sift through.

In my initial post, I wrongly included the (FPCC) Fair Play for Cuba Committee as an "anti-Castro" organization. The former (CFCC) Crusade to Free Cuba Committee was correctly reported as an "anti-Castro" organization. It's only my inclusion of the latter (FPCC) Fair Play for Cuba Committee that was in error.

anti-Castro organizations called the Crusade to Free Cuba Committee and the Fair Play for Cuba Committee

The FPCC was more accurately reflected in my subsequent post. Part 2 - Post #2

The Fair Play for Cuba Committee was organized in 1960 in New York as a grassroots organization opposed the American embargo against Cuba and opposed the Bay of Pigs invasion. It may have sympathized with Cuba during the Cuban Missile Crisis. It was suspected of being a Soviet front. Oswald was the only member of the Fair Play for Cuba Committee in New Orleans

Further Addendum - Oswald claimed that the Fair Play for Cuba Committee was NOT on the subversive list.

OSWALD: Well we have a National Director who is Mr. V. T. Lee, who was recently returned from Cuba and, because of the fact that the U.S. government has imposed restrictions on travel to Cuba, he is now under indictment for his traveling to Cuba. This, however, is very convenient for rightest organizations to drag out this or that literature purporting to show a fact that has not been established in law. I say that the Fair Play for Cuba Committee has definitely been investigated. That is very true, but I will also say that the total result of the investigation was zero. That is, the Fair Play for Cuba Committee is not now on the Attorney General's Subversive List.

JFK Assassination - Last Words of Lee Harvey Oswald - part 4

"Can I get an attorney? . . . I have not been given the opportunity to have counsel. . . . As I said, the Fair Play for Cuba Committee has definitely been investigated, that is very true. . . . The results of that investigation were zero. The Fair Play for Cuba Committee is not now on the attorney general's subversive list.

Whether Fair Play for Cuba Committee was or was not listed, I do not know.
For further consideration on the FPCC, see also:
Fair Play for Cuba and the Cuban Revolution

Most reporters and researchers endeavor to preclude errors but errors still occur. I am neither; but, I too would like this research thread to be as error free as possible.

posted on Feb, 14 2013 @ 10:55 AM
Hey again all,

In my previous post in this project I chose to primarily touch upon the theory that Lee Harvey Oswald brought a rifle into the Texas School Book Depository building on the morning of the 22nd, a theory I looked at by specifically looking into the witness testimonies and Warren Commission claims in particular and a theory which was also quite critical to the case. I didn't try to be biased, I didn't try to sway, I simply tried to bring what we know about that incident forward, what information we have etc, and I tried to come to a rational conclusion based on the evidence we do indeed have. I would hope this would be not just the aim of my other participants in this project, but I would hope this would be the aim for all future user’s of this forum too.

But bearing this in mind, In this next post I'd like to spend some time on the next real, crucial part of this day - specifically the very incident which has not just shaped many nations around the world, but their respective futures too and all, allegedly that is, the result of one man's actions. That man, as I'm sure we're all aware of by now, being Lee Harvey Oswald. I am of course talking about the assassination of John F. Kennedy here - The infamous incident itself.

In this post in particular, this middle section of the case looking at the events of the assassination and immediate aftermath, one which is being split up into multiple posts, I plan to look at the events leading up to the assassination, the some crucial events during it, and of course, quite naturally, the events immediately afterwards, as well as witness testimonies of where the shots came from, how many occurred and so on. All of this geared towards coming to a conclusion ourselves, rationally and fairly, on whether Lee Harvey Oswald was not innocent, but was a likely/plausible shooter. If not, why not. If so, why so.

So without further ado and of course for those not familiar with this part of the case – The assassination can be summarised as follows: John F. Kennedy was shot at approximately 12:30pm on November 22nd, 1963. The exact time as confirmed to be 12:30 - this being when the shots were fired and the actual act of assassination took place - due to witnesses Special Agent Rufus W. Youngblood, David F. Powers, Roy Kellerman and according to Dallas police logs that day, such as when Jesse Curry reported the shooting and issued immediate orders at exactly this time also. Other’s reported different times, but we’ve conclusively established since the date that 12:30pm was as close to the shooting taking place as we know of

President Kennedy was struck, according to the official story, 3 times. One shot missed, a shot struck him in the neck exiting through his adam's apple and further continuing to strike Govonor John Connally causing injuries to his wrist, back, chest and thigh, but of course none of these proved fatal. And finally the third and final shot struck Kennedy in the head causing a small explosion, quite literally sending parts of his skull and brain flying in all directions. This was the fatal kill shot.

Officially Kennedy held onto life all the way till 1pm that day, this being when he was finally pronounced dead. Of course due to the severity of his injuries, attempts were always going to fail, and by 1pm fail they did. Kennedy died, America received a new president in the large presence of Lyndon Baines Johnson and a man by the name of Lee Harvey Oswald was now on the run and worse yet - He was free and on the loose.

But, of course, the question, especially in this project, begs.. was he guilty, or even in a position for us to assume that he was more than likely to be guilty? Well, firstly let's take a look at events prior to the assassination which includes the position of Oswald, and a mysterious encounter with a police officer by the name of Marrion Baker which I shall go into detail on.

So let’s firstly ask ourselves where he was prior to 12:30pm.

Information on his behavior that day is relatively scarce. From what we know, Oswald, who obtained the job 5 weeks prior, pretty much kept himself to himself. He was a shy guy, not out-spoken in anyway. It was, to the fellow employees anyway, who he was. Well, in the period just before the assassination took place, where was our claimed assassin? Well, according to most witnesses, he was spending most of his time on the lower floors of the Texas School Book Depository building, not the sixth floor in the shooter's nest:

For example, and from his official testimony:

William Shelley

Mr. BALL. On November 22, 1963, the day the President was shot, when is the last time you saw Oswald?
Mr. SHELLEY. It was 10 or 15 minutes before 12.
Mr. BALL. Where?
Mr. SHELLEY. On the first floor over near the telephone.

Also according to Eddie Piper upon official questioning:

Mr. BALL. Was that the last time you saw him?
Mr. PIPER. Just at 12 o'clock.
Mr. BALL. Where were you at 12 o'clock?
Mr. PIPER. Down on the first floor.

So, we have Oswald in close to the period of approximately 15 minutes prior to 12 leading up to 12 down on the first floor of the building. In my research through the documents on the Mary Ferrell foundation website in particular, I also found this document from Mr. Piper:


With-in Piper recalls his encounter who we know was Lee Oswald on the first floor at the time Oswald said he was there - and It was on the lower floors,not the upper one's. Carolyn Arnold, another witness involved in this and who was never called to appear before the Warren Commission, also claimed to have seen a fleeting glimpse of Oswald prior to the assassination on the 1st and second floor but the time of which is up for debate. The case for Oswald if she is indeed correct however is obvious as the time is approximately. 12:15 - 12:25. As the Presidential Limousine was also running 5 minutes late and was supposed to be travelling past the TSDB at 12:25, we can be safe in assuming, and giving doubt, to the Oswald assassin theory with this alone. Of course it's not enough to exonerate him, but it does give doubt if anything at all. Especially as a rifle hidden on the 6th floor will need to be found, and then assembled in time for the shots to be fired.

Carolyn was a secretary working at the TSDB, she claimed 4 days after the assassination the following as highlighted in a released document:


Mrs. R. E. ARNOLD, Secretary, Texas School Book Depository, advised she was in her office on the second floor of the building on November 22, 1963, and left that office between 12:00 and 12:15 PM, to go downstairs and stand in front of the building to view the Presidential Motorcade. As she was standing in front of the building, she stated she thought she caught a fleeting glimpse of LEE HARVEY OSWALD standing in the hallway between the front door and the double doors leading to the warehouse, located on the first floor. She could not be sure that this was OSWALD, but said she felt it was and believed the time to be a few minutes before 12:15 PM.

She stated thereafter she viewed the Presidential Motorcade and heard the shots that were fired at the President; however, she could furnish no information of value as to the individual firing the shots or any other information concerning OSWALD, whom she stated she did not know and had merely seen him working in the building.
on 11/26/1963 at Dallas, Texas
File # DL 89–43
by Special Agent Richard E. Harrison

After being interviewed once again, this time however in March of 1964 she claimed to have left the building at 12:25 that day in order to see the President go by as highlighted here.


Now, it does have to be said that we do have around 4 or so witnesses who place Oswald on the lower floors at, or close to, the time of the assassination. The last 2 will be discussed shortly, but one person however does seem to claim he as there too, and then elsewhere prior to the assassination. This witness was Charles Givens who, in all honest, confuses me. He claimed Oswald was indeed in the Domino room having lunch at 11:50, something fitting other witnesses it would seem, but his story changes rather dramatically as time passes. Or passed to be accurate. He's even supposedly claiming that he saw Oswald on the 6th floor when he went back up after 12.

The error made, as far as I can see anyway, is blatant and proven in the Shanklin report written the day after the assassination giving it more credibility than a document wrote at a later time. See, the FBI report claiming he saw Oswald at 11:50 is a typed-up report taken from the notes created by the FBI agent interviewing Givens - thus there is indeed room for error. The original Shanklin report here is as follows:


However, upon being questioned by the commission, he claimed the following:

Mr. BELIN. Did you see him come into the domino room at all?
Mr. GIVENS. Not that morning, no, sir; I didn't.
Mr. BELIN. When did you leave the domino room to go up to the sixth floor?
Mr. GIVENS. 8 o'clock.
Mr. BELIN.. At 8 o'clock?
Mr. GIVENS. Yes, sir.
Mr. BELIN. So you don't feel he came in the domino room before 8 o'clock?
Mr. GIVENS. No, sir; not that morning he didn't.

So he claimed that he did not see him that morning. As investigators however I would feel that the 4 witnesses, to me at least, are the most likely to be correct. And I find it hard to include Givens in any investigation as he has shown over time to be subjective to changing his story at different, important stages.

Now, to pick up where I last left off looking at the events leading up to 12:30, the assassination period, I must go to the source which places him there at the closest possible time, which is of course Miss Carolyn Arnold. In her previous highlighted document she claime to have left the building at 12:25 and never returned. In an interview with Earl Gotz, the full article of which can be viewed at this link here: Was Oswald In The Window?

She claimed that “she saw Oswald in the 2nd–floor lunchroom as she was on her way out of the depository to watch the presidential motorcade …. She left the building at 12:25pm.” "Oswald “was sitting there … in one of the booth seats on the right–hand side of the room as you go in. He was alone as usual and appeared to be having lunch. I did not speak to him but I recognized him clearly.” She explicitly denied that her sighting of Oswald took place near the front doors: “Why would I be looking back inside the building? That doesn’t make any sense to me.” *

* she and her colleagues shared an office on the second floor, next to the lunch room;

* their most direct route out of the building would not have taken them past the domino room;

* there was a stronger reason for her to visit the second–floor lunch room, which contained running water and a vending machine, than the domino room, which contained only tables and chairs.

* In a statement to the Sheriff’s Department, Eddie Piper, a colleague of Oswald’s, claimed that he was on the first floor when, “at 12:00 Noon, this fellow Lee says to me, ‘I’m going up to eat’”

Later Oswald claimed that he was indeed eating where witnesses said he would – something he, nor them, could anticipate at this time. Upon questioning by police after his arrest “Oswald stated that … he had eaten lunch in the lunch room at the Texas School Book Depository, alone, but recalled possibly two Negro employees walking through the room during this period. He stated possibly one of these employees was called ‘Junior’ and the other was a short individual.”

This can be backed up in the notes of Captain J.W. Fritz, and notes are all we have as no audio or tape recording appears to exist, of the Dallas police, also have the words as read: “say[s] two negr came in. One Jr. + short negro.”

We now believe these 2 witnesses were called James Jarman, whom was known as ‘Junior’, and another shorter man by the name of Harold Norman. We know they were outside originally and then went back inside to obtain a better view. The route they would've taken would take them right past where Oswald is said to have been.

When they heard that the motorcade had reached Main Street, they decided to go back into the building to obtain a better view. Because of the crowd standing on the front steps of the TSBD, they used one of the building’s rear entrances. Their route took them close to the domino room. Oswald could hardly have known this unless he too had been on the first floor at the time.

According to police logs, the motorcade was on Main Street from about 12:23pm until 12:29pm, which places Oswald on the first floor just a few minutes before the shooting. Jarman narrows the time further: he was standing outside “until about 12:20, between 12:20 and 12:25.”

A plausible theory that I can see is that Oswald was indeed in the place where plausible witnesses placed him, and here he himself placed himself without any possible knowledge of where others would say, and vice versa. He was on the first floor, had his encounter with Jarman and Norman less than 5 minutes, or close to 5 minutes, prior to the assassination took place, he then moved to the second floor which had more facilities in the lunchroom.

Looking at this from an investigators point of view, and taking into consideration the fact he would've had to travel up the building without being seen by anyone, find and assemble a rifle prior to the Presidents arrival, fire 2 shots, hide his weapon on the other side of the room again under large, heavy boxes, travel down the building without being seen, be seen in the same place as prior to the assassination but now drinking a coke he got from a vending machine and this encounter be in approximately less than 90 seconds after the shots took place, I would assume that Oswald in fact never left this location at all. I would argue he was where he claimed he was.

In my next post I'm going to go into much more detail on this encounter, the time of 12:30, and I'm also going to look at witness testimonies from the day, such as those who claim to have seen a shooter in the 6th floor window, one of which was at approximately 12:15 thus casting more doubt on Oswald being a likely shooter here.

Thank you to those sticking with this.

edit on 14-2-2013 by Rising Against because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 15 2013 @ 02:57 PM
Part III.

In this shortest and final leg of my assigned research areas, we explore both Oswald's connection or lack of connection to Jack Ruby and also Oswald's connection or lack of connection to the Mafia. It should be made clear that this does NOT cover any theories of JFK's connection or lack thereof to the Mafia, nor does it cover in depth any of the connections between Jack Ruby and the Mafia. The focus is strictly on Oswald's connections of which there were little to none.


Oswald's Connections or Lack of Connections to Jack Ruby.
Crime Magazine

There's no hard evidence that he did, but numerous people say they saw Oswald at Ruby's club, The Carousel, weeks before the JFK assassination.

The night before the assassination, Oswald visited Jack Ruby's Carousel Club.
Connection Between Ruby and Oswald

... according to the testimony of several people, was in one of Ruby's nightclubs on Thursday, the eve of the murder of President Kennedy. It is also reported that when Oswald saw Ruby in the police station, his face contorted in horror and he instinctively covered himself with his arms. Obviously he know what to expect. ...

There ARE however many connections between Ruby and organized crime. Keep in mind that Ruby was a Schmoozer and seemed to draw few moral boundaries when it came to making a buck.

Possible Associations Between Jack Ruby and organized Crime

There were no SIGNIFICANT connections between Oswald and Jack Ruby.


Oswald's Connections or Lack of Connections to the Mafia.

He had an uncle in New Orelans who was loosely affiliated because he was a bookie in an area whose gambling was controlled by Mafia member Carlos Marcello. Theory: The Mafia

One Summer - Carlos Marcello, Jack Ruby and Oswald happened to be in New Orleans. Coincidence. Carlos Marcello: Biography

Simply put, there were no SIGNIFICANT connections between Oswald and the Mafia.

My Personal Research Project Summary

Oswald the wanna-be, was a man that nobody wanted. He floundered, trying to find a place in society. He denied being a Communist (Leninist-Marxist); but, admitted his beliefs were Marxist.

Finding no SIGNIFICANT connections between Oswald and Intelligence, Jack Ruby or the Mafia and that his feeble and impotent attempt to gain a foothold of notoriety in the Cuban arena was unsuccessful does not mean that's the end of the story. There are angles to explore within the Dallas Police Department, the KKKlan, and even within the Military and Secret Service that aren't touched upon in this thread and may well be nigh impossible to research, due to lack of material or lack of access to material.

Caution. Let NOT a finding of no SIGNIFICANT connections between Oswald and the main four elements I was assigned to research be construed to mean that any of these elements (Intelligence, Mafia etc.) were not involved in the assassination or cover-up. Those areas were NOT researched.


In the end, I have more questions than answers.

The Milteer-Somersett tapes are proof there was an extreme right wing KKKlanish-type conspiracy to assassinate in the rumour mill; but, were these connected to the Dallas, Texas extremists?

Marina his wife, said that Oswald loved President Kennedy though other aspects of her story changed as time went on because she too was looking for answers, listening to conspiracy theories, being hounded by journalist's questions and accepting things that seemed logical.

Oswald was indifferent to the subject of the arrival of JFK with both his landlady and carpool friend. If he loved the President, wouldn't he have jockeyed with his co-workers for a good view of the event? Did he know an assassination attempt was planned for that day?

The FBI discarded key material shortly after Oswald's assassination claiming they felt the material was no longer needed to prosecute a man who was already dead, is this true?

The President's brain disappeared from national archives, who took it and why? The autopsy discrepancies and body mishandling leave more questions.

The Nix tapes were altered and the Babushka lady's film was confiscated and lost. Will the original unaltered films ever be found?

The Secret Service "Stand Down" coupled with their lack of summoning Special Group 113* from San Antonio is suspicious but is not evidence it and of itself; but, why did that happen and was there an insider in the SS?

Oswald had seen Mr. Truly, the building manager for the Book Depository, bring a deer-hunting rifle into the building a day or two before Kennedy's visit. This was seen by the other workers and admitted by the manager. Was this deer-hunting rifle the same one found behind the boxes? Was there an investigation of Truly?

Who gave Oswald's description to the police and what specifics made him an immediate suspect? Oswald claimed he never owned a rifle himself - conflicts with the photo his wife took and with the IDs in his possession on arrest which connected him to the gun purchases. Oswald had the pistol and bullets in his pocket during his arrest at the theatre; and, matching pistol shells from the pistol were found near J.D. Tippet's body - were they planted or is Oswald a liar when he claimed he didn't kill anybody?


The main research question - Oswald, Assassin or Patsy?

In my opinion, he may have made the missed shot as I cannot rule that in or out. He couldn't have made the second throat shot because witnesses said the first two shots were close together. His lack of decent markmanship and the demonstrated awkwardness of the rifle blamed would have made that second shot impossible. The third shot is pretty well proven, established and accepted as a frontal shot from the grassy knoll by a second shooter (HSCA). A possible fourth shot (HSCA) was made simultaneously with the third which was the killing shot. So, I vote MAYBE he fired the first shot that missed, and MAYBE he didn't. It's improbable.


My Current Opinion

My opinion is more in line with the 1979 HSCA conclusions, but, I feel there was a great deal still left unexplored and much more still left unanswered. The profoundly tainted Warren Commission and its findings are a work of fiction.

Last, my opinion is subject to change. Ironically, my current opinions are in part reflected in a Soviet Broadcast that was made in 1963!

... At first, the provocateurs tried to depict Oswald as the agent of a foreign power and, under this pretext, to fan anti-Cuban and anti-Soviet hysteria. When this attempt was unsuccessful, they hurried to seal his lips.
More and more evidence is coming to light that the murder of President Kennedy was inspired and carried out by ultraright racist circles in the United States. ...

To see the truth of oneself, it is necessary to look at ourselves from the outside - looking in.




"The Men Who Killed Kennedy"
A series on EYE of CITRUS's channel
I like this series because it's heavily loaded with interviews.

Episode 1 - " The Coup d'Etat "
Episode 2 - " The Forces of Darkness "
Episode 3 - " The Cover-Up "
Episode 4 - " The Patsy "
Episode 5 - " The Witnesses "
Episode 6 - " The Truth Will Make You Free " - Special note is made that begins at the 17:45 mark to the 29:26 mark of Episode 6.
Episode 7 - " The Smoking Guns "
Episode 8 - " The Love Affair "

Episode 9 - "The Guilty Men" is missing. To understand why the final episode is missing, please see

*Special Group 113 is only mentioned in this video series and I find no official references elsewhere, other than Prouty's interview in this video series.

Links for Further Research and Researchers: and its sister site and - National Archives. or which are brief main site index pages. and which have a more specific list of their subdirectories like a Table of Contents. - Has handy links to source documentation. - Epstein's version that concludes that Oswald did it. - A chronological photo essay collection. - " The Day John Kennedy Died by Bryan Woolley (1991) " - Commentary on an addendum in Mel Barney's latest edition of "Four Wars" mentioning Jack Ruby's Security Clearance, Texas Instruments and Lyndon B. Johnson.

Videos to add to list at the bottom of my Part II - Post#1 - 1963 Secret Service Reconstruction Film
and - 1964 Secret Service Reconstruction Film
on DavidVonPein1's channel

edit on 15/2/2013 by Trexter Ziam because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 19 2013 @ 03:08 PM
Project closed at this time due to personal issues outside of ATS. I've had a lot going on which was sudden and I couldn't give the necessary time to this complete the project. It happens as unfortunate as it may be.

All points and applause's awarded to the participants of this project.

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