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Israel admits Ethiopian women were given birth control shots

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posted on Jan, 29 2013 @ 12:00 PM
Racism will NEVER end. It is a proven fact that "birds of a feather flock together". Just look at the Animal Kingdom for the answer. Complain all you want but every single human I know while maybe not racist, is prejudiced. Want proof? Show me a white guy comfy walking down the street in a black neighborhood at night and I will show you a black guy comfy walking down the street in Beverly Hills at night....

Racism exists and IMHO we will not evolve past it. Besides it keeps us all fighting each other instead of fight those that need to be fought. Want proof of this statement? Just look at the length of this thread compared to, say a thread about body scanners, or the one I posted about China, Russia and Iran's plan for the USA. It got three flags and barely two pages.

As long as people fight each other over color The Powers That Be, win.

posted on Jan, 29 2013 @ 12:04 PM

Originally posted by wujotvowujotvowujotvo
This doesn't stem from economics alone.

Racism against Russian immigrants still exist.

Religious Shas party had to withdraw a propaganda ad on TV this election cycle because it was racist to former Soviet immigrants.

Women cannot sing in public in front of men - a 17 year old suspended for 2 weeks from religious girls' high school and her parents didn't protest

Known as kol isha to religious extremists.

There is caste system hierarchy and sectarian fights within Judaism

Jewish Daily Forward, linking to a Maariv newspaper news article

Ben-Shetreet is essentially being punished for having an exceptionally beautiful voice and wanting to share it with the world. The 12th grader has been suspended (with the agreement of her parents) for two weeks from her religious girls’ high school in the seaside city of Ashdod. Her offense? Singing in public.

As we know from news coming out of Israel in the past few years, enforcing kol isha, the prohibition against a woman’s singing in public (particularly in front of men), seems to be a top priority of the religious establishment.

Google Translate for Maariv|en&u=
edit on 29-1-2013 by wujotvowujotvowujotvo because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 29 2013 @ 02:25 PM
Sounds like population control -- keep the majority the majority.

The Israelis government has been off the rails for some time -- but it's not epic when compared to our Government, the USSR or some others.

Just self-serving crimes like the rest; no better and no worse.

posted on Jan, 29 2013 @ 02:36 PM
reply to post by Mamatus

Saying that Racism will never end is a copout. I've seen plenty of communities that don't practice racism -- they just aren't authoritarian and they don't worship sports heroes and they aren't religious and they don't have an attitude that the winner can take all.

If you don't know people who aren't slaves to prejudice, then you need new friends.

I don't believe the world's great problems CANNOT be solved. It's the people who preach the status quo who now say we can't go to the moon (again). Or get off fossil fuels. Or stop war or end hunger of control populations. It's the BIG LIE.

We never get told that evil can be beaten, or that we will do anything but relive the same stories. You take all the great problems and stress that people endure, and for each one of them, you can track them back to some rich SOB who is profiting.

There is enough grain right now to feed everyone. So why don't we? Why are church organizations preaching agains birth control in some of the most starving, tormented countries? More people means more competition and people willing to do anything. Desperation is the fuel of greed. And understand, that Futures contracts bid up the price of grains, and stories are seeded to cause wealthy nations to horde it -- and a good portion of the grain rots in storage silos.

That's just one big issue.

Just an example; why is it we've got Fox News showing the one church in the country burning a Koran -- and yet the biggest investor is a Saudi man who funds Wahabbist schools? It's likely the anti muslim push on some of these news organizations ends up on the news in Saudi Arabia -- as PROOF of our racism towards Muslims. Who benefits from that?

War is the most profitable way to separate commoners from opportunity. Create the turmoil, steal the resources and sell both sides the weapons.

You'll find big money backers fueling the controversy about "anchor babies".

Racism keeps gettings stirred up so that the robber barons can pick the pockets of the people who fight over silly differences. I'm a white man and I don't get to sit in at the dinners of the country clubs -- but I'm not going to fall for blaming any group of people that can't afford a private military for problems in this world. I'm not going to support the BIG LIE.

posted on Jan, 29 2013 @ 02:53 PM
reply to post by WaterBottle

I am so disgusted with this. I wish I never saw this story.

posted on Jan, 29 2013 @ 03:20 PM
Imagine if America were doing this. Instead of Mexicans, Hondurans and Guatemalans coming here and gaining free citizenship by having a child in an American hospital.

I don't think that forcing the Ethiopians to take a birth control is necessarily bad. Look at the world. We have a country for Pashtuns (Afghanistan), a country for Tajiks (Tajikistan), one for Uzbeks (Uzbekistan, the Kazhaks, Turkmen, Hutus, Tutsis, Koreans, Khmer (Cambodia), etc etc. But make a country for the jews and everyone goes bat crazy when the jews have a problem with allowing millions of nonjews into their country the size of Connecticut.

But Israel does need a way of making sure the Ethiopians don't get pregnant when the state isn't even sure which ones or how many they will allow to live in Israel.

posted on Jan, 29 2013 @ 03:20 PM
Imagine if America were doing this. Instead of Mexicans, Hondurans and Guatemalans coming here and gaining free citizenship by having a child in an American hospital.

I don't think that forcing the Ethiopians to take a birth control is necessarily bad. Look at the world. We have a country for Pashtuns (Afghanistan), a country for Tajiks (Tajikistan), one for Uzbeks (Uzbekistan, the Kazhaks, Turkmen, Hutus, Tutsis, Koreans, Khmer (Cambodia), etc etc. But make a country for the jews and everyone goes bat crazy when the jews have a problem with allowing millions of nonjews into their country the size of Connecticut.

But Israel does need a way of making sure the Ethiopians don't get pregnant when the state isn't even sure which ones or how many they will allow to live in Israel.

posted on Jan, 29 2013 @ 03:27 PM
reply to post by FlyersFan

He doesnt know how to word it, because different news reports are saying different things about the immigration authorities and what was said.

Equally the immigrants themselves are saying different things. So the story isnt clear. The fact is the human rights people picked up on this and ran with varying stories .

posted on Jan, 29 2013 @ 03:30 PM
reply to post by SaturnFX

Its a tough one. Really I remember when first turning hormonal I got sent straight to the sexual health doctors lol..
And I was abit resistant. But my family sat down with me and explained to " Have children you need life experience, you need a steady job, some savings, and a good partner".

posted on Jan, 29 2013 @ 03:42 PM
I will just post this article from June 7, 2012

"52% of Israeli Jews agree: African migrants are ‘a cancer’
Peace Index finds 33% condone anti-migrant violence, establishes a direct correlation between racist attitudes and religiosity"

posted on Jan, 29 2013 @ 04:47 PM
OK, just offering a different viewpoint. The Ethiopian culture was infamous for starvation, poor social structure, no education and would result in having very low or absent parenting skills. The infant mortality rate was astronomical.

I don't see the injections for birth contol as being a means of genocide at all. Although it may not have been the best choice, I can see actual reasons for it that do make sense. If the women are prevented from getting pregnant for a given period of time, they would be able to provide care for the children they already have, they would be able to move forward in life, they wouldn't be endangered due to health concerns with being pregnant and undernourished.

They were getting aid from many nations all over the world due to starvation. The constant reproduction increased the need for aid both in food and medical assitance. By preventing pregnancies in some of the population, that burden was eased. They didn't give them surgery, tying their tubes or preventing them from ever giving birth again, they used birth control, not absolute birth prevention.

No, it may not have been the best idea in the long run, but I can see the justiication and reasoning behind it.

posted on Jan, 29 2013 @ 05:30 PM

Originally posted by FreedomEntered
reply to post by SaturnFX

Its a tough one. Really I remember when first turning hormonal I got sent straight to the sexual health doctors lol..
And I was abit resistant. But my family sat down with me and explained to " Have children you need life experience, you need a steady job, some savings, and a good partner".

Wise guidance...yes. Now if only everyones family was like that, we wouldn't be in such a mess.

posted on Jan, 29 2013 @ 07:36 PM

Originally posted by OccamsRazor04

Originally posted by WaterBottle
reply to post by OccamsRazor04

The Israeli gov released this message;

Health Minister director general instructs all gynecologists in Israel's four health maintenance organizations not to inject women with long-acting contraceptive Depo-Provera if they do not understand ramifications of treatment.

Haaretz reports that the Health Ministry Director General Prof. Ron Gamzu, has instructed the four health maintenance organizations in the country to stop the practice immediately. The Israeli ministry and other state agencies have for long denied allegations that the government-funded health facilities were targeting Ethiopian women for selective use of the contraceptive.

Israel admit it selectively targeted Ethiopian women to take the shot. That is racist and a proponent of Eugenics.

European, American, or other immigrants were NOT targeted to be given the shot. They were also not given the option of take the shot or be denied entrance to the country. What don't you understand?

I understand everything. It's their country. They can do as they like. If they wish to ban all immigration from Ethiopia they can. There is no problem. The people chose to move there knowing about the injections. Do you think every country allows just anyone in? No. Certain countries have more restrictions than others.

The U.N., and the United States, need to make Israel have open borders and make it an international state. That would put an end to a lot of problems. Anyone from anywhere should have the right to live there, just like in the good ol' U. S. of A.. Forced birth control is racist. Could you imagine if jews were forced to get this shot before entering America and told as long as they live here, they have to keep getting it??? Oh, I can hear the cries now.
edit on 29-1-2013 by Fylgje because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 29 2013 @ 08:19 PM
This argument has grown tiresome, It is circular and not going to EVER be settled. Idealism is great but reality is a bitch.

posted on Jan, 29 2013 @ 10:07 PM
"And Miriam and Aaron spoke against Moses because of the Ethiopian woman whom he had married; for he had married an Ethiopian woman" (Num. 12.1).

Think bout it, this was three thousands years ago. What has humanity achieved in terms of personal growth since then? The demons of racism won't let many go free.

It's primitive, boring and disgusting to read some individuals, who actually seem to have no knowledge of Ethiopia and Ethiopians blindly defend the racist action of the Israeli health officials who I am sure are, knowingly or unknowingly betraying the Israeli nation. I know there are many self-hating Israelis who try to promote Israel in a bad light. Some 15 years ago this was done to the same group of people: Ethiopian In Israeli Riot Over Dumping of Donated Blood

Are ye not as children of the Ethiopians unto me, O children of Israel? (Amos 9:7)

posted on Jan, 30 2013 @ 05:07 AM

Originally posted by Methusalem969
It's primitive, boring and disgusting to read some individuals, who actually seem to have no knowledge of Ethiopia and Ethiopians blindly defend the racist action of the Israeli health officials

This. I am shocked that people are actually defending this stuff. I know, some people's eyes glaze over when they hear the term "racist," and I agree it is cried far too often, but this is some paint-by-numbers racism right here and if you can't see that, you're in denial. (I actually think, similar to the "shill" concept, some people are placed in public places to cry racism on everything to render the word impotent, but thats another topic)

I can even see you guys' argument about "where they are coming from" in some twisted way, although I disagree-- if it were for economic reasons, you would see this targeting other poor groups as well, and no, Ethiopians and Russians are not the only poor people in Israel. For that reason it seems to me more borderline eugenics. But even if you're gonna say they did it for the economy, you are insane if you want to actually defend THIS as "sound economic policy." You do realize there are powerful people who honestly believe the world would be a significantly better place if a MASSIVE population reduction occurred, particularly you and me, not just Jewish Ethiopians... right? Is that sound economic policy too?

Finally, why in God's name are some people in this thread comparing an entire ethnic group with Honey Boo Boo? WTF???

posted on Jan, 30 2013 @ 05:54 AM

Originally posted by solarjetman
But even if you're gonna say they did it for the economy, you are insane if you want to actually defend THIS as "sound economic policy."

1 - Israel has a right to decide whatever laws it wants for immigration.
2 - Ethiopians have a right to decide to agree or not agree with the laws.
3 - If they don't agree with the laws .. they have a right not to immigrate.
4 - No one is sterilizing Ethiopians .. if they immigrate, they are being required to take a break from pushing out kid after kid after kid after kid ... all of whom they can't take care of. This is good for Israel and it's good for THEM.
5 - Israel is under no obligation to take in the human baggage of the world and support it. NONE. It has a right to protect it's country and it's economy from being sucked dry.
6 - To say that this is racism is what is 'insane' (to use your word). If Israel didn't want black people in it's country, it would cut off all immigration of blacks into it. But it hasn't. So the 'racism' charge is what is 'insane'.
7 - The educated Israelis who run the country of Israel understand their political and economic situation much better than you do. If they say this is needed to keep the economics of their country stable, then I'm willing to bet they understand it better than you do.

posted on Jan, 30 2013 @ 08:07 AM

Originally posted by FlyersFan

1 - Israel has a right to decide whatever laws it wants for immigration.
2 - Ethiopians have a right to decide to agree or not agree with the laws.
3 - If they don't agree with the laws .. they have a right not to immigrate.

Could you show us the law or policy which states that these Ethiopian immigrants must agree to receive birth control before being allowed entry into Israel ?

posted on Jan, 30 2013 @ 04:31 PM

Originally posted by OccamsRazor04

Originally posted by reeferman
reply to post by WaterBottle

Interesting picture. When did most of the middle east survive a genocide?

weak attempt @ being a smart ___..

hows that working out for you elsewhere?

because you failed miserably here.

you know whos flag that is & who is being discussed in the OP.

keep your jokes directed to the short bus students...

your ego will appreciate it more..

here are some more hard truths for you.

Urban Moving Systems 911 involvement.
look at the side of that van.

Israel is the only rogue nation with Nukes.
the "Sampson" option is a threat to kill everyone.

IDF uses children as human shields.

this population control by israel is just another unjustifiable & disgraceful

action by a two faced lying state who supposedly came into existence because of oppression

who now oppresses other by any means possible.

edit on 30-1-2013 by reeferman because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 30 2013 @ 04:34 PM
Late to the convo, so all the folks that are all OMG that is TERRIBLE... you fan of Sheriff Joe in NM and his tactics? How about the GOPs "southern strategy"?

I typically am the first to find fault with the original middle eastern sponsor of terrorism, but this isn't one of those times.


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