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Schizophrenia is a lie told by the Establishment

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posted on Feb, 5 2013 @ 01:23 PM
reply to post by atlasastro

I highly agree to most of your points.
A schizophrenic seeking treatment should, in my opinion, be simply focused upon living a life as healthy and normal as s/he can, as the posters here who have or had this illness do.
I also think that the "herbal intoxication" I allude to is actually paralleling this mental illness, thus I never encourage anyone to engage in it regularly, I myself have stayed away from anything like that for over a decade now, preferring to rely upon natural altered states of dreaming, active imagination and Ericksonian trance (I am an NLP professional). Research is out now to prove that the earlier people try this intoxication, the harder it is for them to adjust to consensus reality. (Luckily I had all my experiments in my twenties, not earlier). Also, it has been my experience that you can replicate all pleasant or interesting altered states in Ericksonian trance, however, it is self-limiting - normal people will return to an everyday state when their conscious and unconscious minds see it fit, and profit as much from the experience as they see fit. Indeed, in meditation I have had much more interesting states of mind, contrary to what McKenna asserts.

The "filter" theory is tentative at best, it is interesting to consider from a theoretical point of view for psychologists and others in the helping profession.
One useful aspect of all this research in therapy and altered states is that the verbal side of our life should match the nonverbal side. Now this is notoriously out of whack for people diagnosed with schizophrenia, and (along with the meds) the more they can express their feelings, and the more they can understand what others say in consensus language, the better their everyday status is.

The scientific understanding of time and space etc. however is knowledge that is transmitted via words. People learn it at school. However, time to time, science is dazzled by certain abilities of mentally unstable or maladjusted individuals, for instance the mathematical calculating abilities of certain autistic people. Also, there have been significant contributions to the arts by people who had mental illness, such as Van Gogh.

Philosophically, you can say that there is not one "alternate reality" of perception, cultures and individuals differ on how to interpret the world. The hard sciences work with equations and specific descriptions to circumvent this problem. Yet it is a "soft science," linguistics, which is my home field, that proved (not everyone adheres to this theory) that different languages shape our thinking slightly differently.

While language does work only by agreement of a group of people, and in reality each one of us interprets the same words slightly differently (the more abstract they are, the more differences can be observed in the actual thinking process), the mentally ill sometimes live too much in their own world of interpretations, and turns of language are interpreted by them in a radically different way than by average speakers of the same language. Frequently personal or family trauma lies behind this, but humanistic psychology only answers for a part of this problem - it is possible that everything from vitamins to genetics comes into the large picture.

So just because shamans or people exploring, let us say, out-of-body experiences by binaural sounds (as in the famous Monroe Institute) actively seek altered states for healing and inspiration (and in the case of inventors, even concrete scientific solutions are found in naturally altered states - naps etc.), and schizophrenics have very special and individual explanations, which sometimes also go together with altered states (usually unhappy ones, I must add), the two are not IMHO the same, they bear similarity only in that intuition and a mythic-archetypal type of understanding is more important than reasoning and consensus reality. Other than that, there are more differences than similarities...

posted on Feb, 5 2013 @ 06:36 PM

Originally posted by paxnatus
I have been a member here since 2007. I certainly know the t&c so I will refrain from just coming out and asking, are you a dumbass or what?

Im gonna go out on a limb here and share what only a few on ATS already know about myself. I am Schizophrenic. I was diagnosed when I was 35, misdiagnosed as classic bipolar, you know that other illness
us crazies have ( rolling eyes). I am happy, healthy, been married for almost 19 years and the mother of a a 17 year old girl, and a 16 year old boy. I go hiking, rock climbing, as well as write music and sing. I'm funloving, "crazy at times" loving, compassionate, sexy, bright and honest. I am an R.N. and have 17+ years exper. in trauma nursing as well as several different areas in the field.

I am not trying to tell you every detail of my life, but I am trying to show you that having a serious mental illness does not define someone, it is only part of that person. It makes up ALL the good, the beautiful, the bad and the ugly.

I have some pretty severe symptoms when I have a break through, meaning when my meds need to be adjusted.
If you have seen A Beautiful Mind or know the story of John Nash, well that has been me at times! I am not ashamed of this illness. I thank God everyday that there are medications that can control the symptoms.

Schizophrenia, is not glamorous, fun, enlightening or controllable. It is not some mind control game played by the government such as Mk ULTRA, nor is it a gift where we have super natural powers! Big pharma is not behind it nor are we possessed by demons!

Schizophrenia is a chemical imbalance that causes distortions in one's perceptions. It can affect all senses but not always. It does usually involve delusions and/or hallucinations. very seldom are schizophrenics violent but they can be!

Please spend some time educating yourself and learning how the brain functions it will help you understand all mental illness.....Do not further stigamatize schizophrenia by being ignorant to the subject matter. Many on ATS as well as myself would appreciate it.

Am I ashamed of having schizophrenia? No I am not; that would be like me being ashamed of just being me.
I would like to encourage anyone who has a mental illness to step forward and help educate the people whom just don't get us......

Thanks for letting me share,

One more thing, most of us are brilliant!

Dear paxnatus,

As we are laymen or "normals" seeking to interpret experiences such as yours, and you so bravely described what the trauma was that led to your diagnosis of schizophrenia (which you seem to be handling the best way you could), I was wondering if you gave us a brief list of your symptoms from the realm of your less good experiences.

Did you have auditory and visual hallucinations? If yes, can you give us details of perception? Altered way of meaning? Ideas of reference - that means, some outside happening in the world seems to point at your personal world. Overwhelming emotions of fear or distrust or emotional pain unexplained? Did you ever entertain paranoid ideas? What were they? Since you seem to be really in control of this disease (and I read the OP of your thread describing the trauma that was the onset, you say), you can be a better judge of what happened at a

You don't have to answer any of these questions if you do not feel safe. But to do so it would be helpful to us civilians' understanding. Details like, walking in a sunny street, I heard an inner voice over my left shoulder - about a middle aged male person - saying, he's coming back! Or, seeing secret message in unrelated stuff.
You already described your traumatic event in courageous detail and even gave advice to future rape sufferers. I am in the helping professions and details interest me because that is how we help normal patients with severe emotional problems like unsolved grief etc.

The film about Nash shows a political paranoia: he is delivering secret messages and he has an inner companion who seems real to the watcher in the beginning and is exposed towards the end of the movie as a hallucination. We don't know much about what goes on inside Dr. Nash - about the precise nature of the idea that he was an agent against a Communist takeover of the world, I think. When we simply face a roomful of ghosts trying to involve him in intelligence work with obviously 1940's style equipment - in the 1950's - we viewers are frightened, but if we heard all he heard and thought inside, the effect would be different. I think the movie creators made this distance between the objective and the subjective because they wanted to portray schizophrenia as frightening.

How different is this from my childhood nightmares when tigers stalked into the room? I had a slightly schizophrenic schoolmate at 7, he was telling me with all seriousness that knives able to cut through asphalt would come up any time on the streets while we were walking

posted on Feb, 6 2013 @ 02:05 AM
reply to post by Kokatsi


Great post. I am a little pressed for time so forgive my lack of a reply, I will try and get back later and add something to your post.

Thanks again for your reply. It is great to read interesting and considered replies such as your own.

posted on Feb, 23 2013 @ 01:02 PM
Is your view point that schizophrenics should be only focused on living a normal life really based upon self interest?The last thing people want is successful schizophrenics making all the normal people look bad. Would you like a schizophrenic who could do your job better than you, or a boss. Is it not more acceptable to help people who have no disadvantage like people of minority races, aid to other countries. At least if they succeed, we do not have to deal with the fact that maybe some of these people could be better at our job or interests than you and I, maybe be your boss. So instead you decide they should be happy with less than you are.

Why waste time helping people who should be able to help themselves. When most of us are unhappy with our lives it is our fault. So we help people like us so we can convince ourselves that our lack of achievement is really not our fault.
edit on 23-2-2013 by werewolf99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 23 2013 @ 02:36 PM
Do you see a face no matter whether the mask is forwards or reversed?
People with schizophrenia tend to see a concave face when it's backwards. Normal functioning brains will interpret a backwards mask as a face, rather than what it actually is.

To cite the research further, I've added this link: - Schizophrenics see through hollow-mask illusion...

Telling the front from the back of a mask can be more difficult than it seems. Thanks to an effect called the hollow-mask illusion, the brain can have trouble deciding if the image is convex or concave.

But, it seems, not everyone struggles to correctly determine the mask's orientation. New research shows that people with schizophrenia are immune to the effect – a finding that means the illusion could provide a diagnostic test for the condition.
People with schizophrenia, which affects about 1 per cent of the population, are already known to be immune to certain visual illusions. Immunity to the hollow-mask illusion, says Danai Dima, of Hannover School of Medicine in Germany, suggests that the "bottom-up" process of collecting incoming visual information from the eyes, and the "top-down" process of interpreting this information is different in people with schizophrenia.

This is an example of something schizophrenics can do that normal people can't. Ironically, it appears this is the case because the higher functioning areas of the brain are incorrectly networked with the lower functioning areas. This prevents the higher functioning areas from filtering the information or routing it correctly. This can very easily lead to problems. In this case, the effect is immunity to certain visual illusions. But in other cases, I'm sure it's not as harmless and mostly unwanted.

See here: - Hollow-Face illusion...

Says Richard Gregory, "The strong visual bias of favouring seeing a hollow mask as a normal convex face is evidence for the power of top-down knowledge for vision".[1] This bias of seeing faces as convex is so strong it counters competing monocular depth cues, such as shading and shadows, and also very considerable unambiguous information from the two eyes signalling stereoscopically that the object is hollow. (Lighting a concave face from below to reverse the shading cues making them closer to those of a convex face lit from above can reinforce the illusion.)

Here's another example to demonstrate the power of this illusion:

edit on 23-2-2013 by jonnywhite because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 23 2013 @ 02:52 PM
Yes but the question is how about those that can do things, work etc.... It seems very unfair to help the more able than the less. But this is normal after all the rich screw the poor.

posted on Mar, 14 2013 @ 03:15 PM
reply to post by smurfy

I do have a response to a comment or inquiry of yours, but that'll be for tomorrow, pressed for time. Great thread OP!
Blessings and Peace All! Semper Fi!

posted on Feb, 1 2022 @ 08:13 PM
a reply to: boymonkey74

Why I can't give a star to you dear boymonkey :p

posted on Feb, 1 2022 @ 09:10 PM
I learned that the Nazis developed psychology in order to label Jews and others as inferior. Modern psychologists continue that tradition by labeling others as inferior in order to make themselves feel superior.

I have lived with schizophrenics and believe that it is caused by poor nutrition and double mindedness. It is my experience that most mental disorders are caused by accepting lies. For example, a person will accept and speak the truth but will also accept a lie that they have seen in the media that is the complete opposite. I have been around many people who do this constantly. We know the truth but then we also accept the lie. This double mindedness makes people sick.

I also strongly believe that mental disorders are spiritual problems. Psychology needs to accept and integrate spirituality in order to heal people’s spiritual wounds. I believe that psychology starts in the spiritual realm that then affects the mind and body. Some believe that we have an eternal soul that is connected to our spirit that then affects our minds and bodies. When we accept a lie in our minds, that causes a wound in our spirits and possibly souls. Any decisions that we make that lead to physical, mental or spiritual death also affects our eternal souls. In my opinion, schizophrenia is the result of a wounded soul.

posted on Feb, 1 2022 @ 09:22 PM
a reply to: cameos

Thank you for the post. You seem to know where I, as a schizophrenic, am coming from. It is spiritual in nature.

posted on Feb, 1 2022 @ 09:38 PM
a reply to: Grifter42

no it isn't.

i know a few people with it and i know one guy who killed himself because he couldnt take it anymore

there are real conspiracies and this is just a sad human condition, a brain out of control.

pity them and help them, if you believe the government is messing with these people go volunteer somewhere and help them out, they could all use a friend.

posted on Feb, 1 2022 @ 10:02 PM

originally posted by: ventian
a reply to: cameos

Thank you for the post. You seem to know where I, as a schizophrenic, am coming from. It is spiritual in nature.

I recommend Katie Souza. She talks in depth about soul wounds and how to overcome them:

posted on Feb, 2 2022 @ 06:26 AM
I was just informed that the pineal gland in the brain contains peizoluminescent crystals. Perhaps schizophrenics are more sensitive to electromagnetic stimulation of those crystals.

What this means is that any energies that produce an electromagnetic response in relation to the Pineal gland could alter energy patterns within the body and brain from the central nervous system to sexual function, sleep cycles or sleep deprivation and hypersensitivity to electromagnetic stimulation through one's environment.

Some people believe that our eternal souls are connected to our minds and bodies by our spirits. Therefore, perhaps piezoelectricity is associated with our spirits and the spiritual realm. Perhaps the pineal glands in schizophrenics are more sensitive to electromagnetic fields. My research indicates that most schizophrenics suffer from malnutrition but perhaps that malnutrition causes the crystals in their pineal glands to be more reactive.

Also, according to scientist Dr Grahame Blackwell, a large number of small crystals have been found in the gland called calcite micro-crystals. They bear a striking resemblance to the calcite crystals in the inner ear, that have been shown to exhibit the qualities of an electric field known as piezoelectricity. If the Pineal Gland [ Penial Gland ] crystals exhibit the same qualities, then this would provide a means whereby an external electromagnetic field might directly influence the brain.

I believe that we are connected to our higher self through the pineal gland which acts as a sort of wireless transmitter, enabling us to be connected to multiple dimensions.

edit on 2-2-2022 by cameos because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 2 2022 @ 07:00 AM

originally posted by: dc4lifeskater
use to be you were crazy to think the world was round, you were crazy for using plants to make medicines to make people feel better, ect. people fear what they do not understand. Its sad and I feel sorry for most people for being so stupid and easily manipulated.

We've known that the world was round for about 3000 years and herbal remedies were the norm for about 10,000 years before there were any other kind.

posted on Feb, 2 2022 @ 07:02 AM
a reply to: Grifter42

you know the so called schizophrenics back in the days of hunter gatherer tribes would be taken to the shaman and trained to become a shaman as their state of consciousness was such that they had to do very little to go through the veil according to shamanic teachings and recorded history of shamanic practice.
Well at least that is what I have read about in various books.

So there is most definitely evidence that this happened. Now schizophrenics are drugged up and out of sight out of mind.
Shamans would give them purpose and treat them as unique individuals with natural abilities to heal and support their community rather than being outcast or exiled for being "crazy"

yes I do think that there are things that we cant perceive with our baseline consciousness
and it requires training and acclimatisation to those environments , science barely understands the nature of consciousness and so how can it be the arbiter of perception , the minds eye sees more than the naked eye in this reality

it most likely this way by design , as if we were all tuned to the natural rhythms of the universe and the world around us then we would have very little need for the control systems designed by those who benefit from the suffering of other sentient life , if we had the keys to our own consciousness then we would be entirely free beings and wouldnt need any of the current ways of life consumerism , statism , all of it would be pretty useless

my friend barry trained as a shaman in lendrick lodge in the trossachs in scotland
he was there for 7 years I think , the guys name was stephen mulhern if I remember correctly
my partners mother also went to lendrick lodge for a sweat lodge after her divorce and she loved it.

MY mate barry says that once you are aware of these things you cant un see them
he doesnt talk about it much , i think he prefers not to give it much thought , but he says he was been through the veil a few times, and I believe him.
He says its just like this reality but slightly different and there are other beings there , I assume he meant the dead

the Scots were great believers in the thining of the veil between worlds during Samhain
there is a lot going on mythically with the daoine sith , the people of peace , the fae
they inhabit the world as well. Ive never personally seen them or had dealings with them and id rather keep it that way in case of any mistakes on my part. Ill still respect their turf , i have a hawthorn tree at the boundary of my garden and I wont touch the thing , I did put up a tent in the summer and the branches were sticking over the roof so I had to cut one and I got a nasty scar down the back of my left hand, it was bad for a few weeks , its feint now but Im not touching that tree again.

Yes there is definitely more to meets the eye with the earth than we are led to believe and what we can perceive with our bassline consciousness. Its as if this reality we take for granted is a filter for whats really going on , and if that filter was turned of then we'd maybe be overwhelmed with the actual nature of reality

the majority of people would maybe overload and burn out with the idea of these things if the switch was flipped and the filter gone !

posted on Feb, 2 2022 @ 07:04 AM
a reply to: Grifter42

A man not to far away from where I grew up bashed a mother and her two children's heads in with a hammer because voices in his head were talking to him.

He was very upset by it and begged to be put in to a mental institution and drugged so he couldn't do it again.

He didn't see this as some kind of vision quest. Neither did the father whose family became yet another mental health static

posted on Feb, 2 2022 @ 08:10 AM
a reply to: AaarghZombies

I also know an schizophrenic who heard voices and killed a man. If it is true that our spirits connect our eternal souls to our minds and bodies then it is certainly possible that interference of the nefarious kind in our spirits can affect our minds and bodies. The voices that he heard could certainly be caused by nefarious interference in his spirit that affected his auditory perceptions.

David Icke claims that nefarious entities occupy low frequencies and try to diminish our frequencies to a level in which they can influence us. Our frequencies can be diminished by poor nutrition, the acceptance of lies, etc. I understand that some musicians claim that we are more receptive to or resonate with lies if those lies are delivered musically.

God, however, occupies a higher frequency, therefore, those who purposefully seek God or draw near to God tend to resonate at higher frequencies and are protected from entities that resonate at lower frequencies.

posted on Feb, 2 2022 @ 09:22 AM
Belief in God is considered a socially accepted psychosis, belief in something with zero evidence.

Problems with religion is very common in the mentally ill and can make some so fearful they want to die.

Mental health and religion are best kept apart.

posted on Feb, 2 2022 @ 09:31 AM

originally posted by: Nexttimemaybe
Belief in God is considered a socially accepted psychosis, belief in something with zero evidence.

Problems with religion is very common in the mentally ill and can make some so fearful they want to die.

Mental health and religion are best kept apart.

Your lack of validation of the beliefs and experiences of others is revealing. Negation and/or a lack of validation causes mental illness. The assertion that the experiences that mentally ill people have should be negated or denied if those experiences are attributed to spirituality or religion is part of the problem. Furthermore, just because we may believe something different than mentally ill people does not mean that mentally ill people are not having experiences that we are not having. Obviously, schizophrenics may have experiences and knowledge that you don't have or that you simply refuse to accept.

edit on 2-2-2022 by cameos because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 9 2022 @ 07:36 PM
a reply to: Grifter42

I am with you to a certain extent.

When you know about other dimensions, interaction between realities, even if you just think about the dull theories of this planet's so-called 'scientists' with string theories and parallel Universes and whatnot, especially after familiarizing yourself with the truly strange behaviour of particles on the quantum level..

(quantum entanglement, predicting the future among other things, is a fantastic behaviour indeed! Not to mention wave-particle-duality that I explain by particles simply behaving as wave because of the Primal Spirit of the Universe influences them from higher plane(s) - after all, we're talking about the 'most fundamental building blocks of physical reality that has ALWAYS been described in sacred texts to simply follow the higher-level blueprint - and quantum quirks (or even quarks) seem to prove this to be true)'d have to be CRAZY to simply accept the obsolete, archaic, purely mechanistical, nihilistic and physical worldview of the established 'mind experts' that call themselves 'psychiatrists' and 'psychologists' and have written thick manuals about how crazy everyone fundamentally is, now wouldn't you?

I guess this is why so many shrinks delete themselves; after all, they have to become living contradictions filled with incongruency and inconsistency. They can't fit what they experience to be true together with what they have been told is the truth (although it really isn't).

So when we can realize people can talk to us from beyond the veil in our dreams and meditations, when we realize ghosts are just spirits of people that are currently 'between physical bodies', as the 'jobless' euphemism goes, when we realize even systematic remote viewing has been done by governments (the SAME governments that try to convince people they're crazy if they say they have experienced telepathy, and should be drugged out of their minds by big pharma neurotoxic chemicals!), it's not so easy to know anymore, HOW to label someone crazy.

I guess that's why they wrote those incredibly think, all-encompassing manuals so they can still do it. If the 'big book' says you're crazy, it's a relief because now you can be 'officially labeled as crazy'.

The other problem is, that a human mind - as human soul - is extremely versatile. There is vast diversity between people, not only in physical level, but faculties of the mind, as well as the 'age of their soul' (which I hesitate to use, because people often try to use 'someone told me I am an old soul and indigo' to pat themselves on the back and expect to be taken seriously - the only thing worse than this kind of nonsense is of course people that proclaim themselves to be 'empaths', and then get unempathetically angry if anyone questions them about it)..

Now, the human psyche is usually relatively weak. Some people might really 'snap' if they see things or parts of the existence or reality they are not yet prepared to encounter. If an atheist sees an angel, a denier (they call themselves 'sceptic', it sounds more neutral) sees a 'Flying Saucer' beamship, or a 'magician' encounters an actual 'ghost', their psyche might crumble under the weight of the cognitive dissonance and incongruency between their now shattered beliefs and the new reality. They might not come back to the world of sanity until their body releases their soul.

Mental disturbances exist, of course, even in better worlds than this, but there, they can usually heal those people.

In this world, no one even tries, it's just 'pump them full of drugs and then 'treat them forever' until they develop tardive dyskinesia' here.

In any case, I have thought about this question a lot. For some, simple-minded, 'educated' people, it's simple; your symptoms are described in the 'Big Book' (all hail big pharma), and your brain is imbalanced and this means you are crazy, and these pills will .. well, not cure you, but you have to eat them because my stock options will be worth more that way.

If you claim ANYTHING extraordinary, you're labeled crazy. You 'hear voices', you're immediately crazy.

But hold on. You can hear voices for MANY reasons, in many ways, from many sources.

You can hear the voices of actors in television. You can hear voices of singers in a song. You can hear the voice of a friend you're calling on your phone. You may hear the voices of people having a conversation in your room I hate when people just say 'hearing voices' and leave it at that, without clarifying that it's not the voices everyone else hears, too, but voices only YOU hear, that might not even BE voices at all, but just 'thoughts' or such.

Why wouldn't it be possible for some prankster on the other side to talk to you, to make you hear voices?

There's even a 'scientific term' for you hearing some words as if yelled or whispered right into your ear just before you fall asleep, I forgot if it was something like 'exploding head' or whatever.

They don't have explanation for it, wiki just says 'it's not a great health concern'. They don't even take it as a POSSIBILITY that someone IS actually screaming into your ear, but they're in a different dimensional shift or frequency, so they can ONLY do it when your soul and astral body has begun to rise a bit out of your body, and your body has fallen asleep or is waking from sleep (the TWILIGHT moment, which I find fascinating, but a bit scary as well, because you don't always feel fully conscious, but not aware of how deep a sleep you still / already are at that point).

In any case, when we think about the vastness (just sheer physical size) of the Universe (as evidenced by the 'Tribal People React to the Size of the Universe' video - it has a bit of propaganda and patronizing lies in the beginning, and the scale display is done really badly and un-intuitively, and even confusingly, but it getst the point across eventually), that alone should humble us a bit and make us realize we don't know -everything-, and thus should leave room for different kinds of experiences instead of RUSHING to explain everything nihilistically and physically.

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