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Do you subscribe to the idea of Nationality?

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posted on Jan, 14 2013 @ 04:52 PM
Kind of, yes. I don't believe in borders, more cultural territories but a free and equal world. But until things like Fascism, Theologies, Bankers, Greed, Inequality of all Kinds, Fundamental religions, cease to be a problem on this earth, until all people are Free and Equal, have farms, eco farms and very green living spaces and food, without slavery, and no more patents and ownership of ideas, but true freedom, clean energy, and equality, choosing to volunteer, again, no theocracies, or fascism of any kind, we need to keep the borders.

posted on Jan, 14 2013 @ 05:06 PM
reply to post by Jykan

Nationality is more of legal term use by nations to have their citizens indentified by and for protection.

Nationality is the legal relationship between an individual human and a Nation state.[1] Nationality normally confers some protection of the individual by the state, and some obligations on the individual towards the state. What these rights and duties are vary from country to country.[2] It differs technically and legally from citizenship, although in most modern countries all nationals are citizens of the state and all citizens are nationals of the state.

Nationality affords the state jurisdiction over the Person and affords the person the protection of the state. The most common distinguishing feature of citizenship is that citizens have the right to participate in the political life of the state, such as by voting or standing for election. The term national can include both citizens and non-citizens. By custom, it is the right of each state to determine who its nationals are. Such determinations are part of nationality law. In some cases, determinations of nationality are also governed by public international law—for example, by treaties on statelessness and the European Convention on Nationality.

Individuals may also be considered nationals of groups with autonomous status which have ceded some power to a larger government, such as the federally recognized tribes of Native Americans in the United States. Spanish law recognises the autonomous communities of Andalusia, Aragon, Balearic Islands, Canary Islands, Catalonia, Valencia, Galicia and the Basque Country as "nationalities" (nacionalidades).

Article 15 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that "Everyone has the right to a nationality," and "No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his nationality nor denied the right to change his nationality

posted on Jan, 14 2013 @ 06:19 PM
It really is as simple as "I am not you" and "We are not they"

posted on Jan, 15 2013 @ 12:20 AM
In my 25 years of existing on this planet I have come to the conclusion that nationality or racial background don't shape your identity. I'm legally Canadian by nationality, Welsh by DNA, but at the end of the day I'm a global citizen, just like everybody else.

posted on Jan, 16 2013 @ 12:08 PM
reply to post by Jykan

I couldn't agree more. Since day one everything has been labelled/classified. Race, religion, class, states, countries, etc.

Yet we fail to realize that when viewing earth from afar the lands have no borders other than the ocean (which in my opinion belongs to nobody since a mere 5% of it has been explored).

These classifications have been around for hundreds of years and it happens to be now that people are starting to see the error of their ways. A divided kingdom will crumble from within. Sadly, such nonsense has caused us to wage war on eachother neglecting the health of our planet.
edit on 16-1-2013 by EL1A5 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 23 2013 @ 01:18 AM
reply to post by Jykan

Wow, I am in 100% agreement with you, nationality is nothing but another tool used by the elite to manipulate the people to their ends, such as taking over middle east precious metal/oil reserves. I personally do not ascribe to the notion of nationality, and I realize their are a ton of gun toting "real patriots" on here but in my opinion we are all human....just human! Nationality was useful to the elites at one time, but now like the dinosaurs it is going down hard and fast to make way for the NWO agenda. I am 100% positive their is even alot of higher prc government, and corporation members who are in on the game, and the next war will be engineered to initiate the NWO plan. I really hope they can find a way to do it peacefully though, and I for one would support population/birth restrictions such as a child per family [not like the elites won't have 90 though] in my country, but the real problems are India , and China so they probably feel a third w4r is warranted! *shrugs*

posted on Mar, 23 2013 @ 01:58 AM
To me, nationality is about deeply embedded values, morals, conceptions about reality. The kind that you are conditioned with very early in life, much of it in less than conscious ways. The culture of that particular society.

THAT is what we identify with or not, that is what clashes between peoples of different nationalities.

I was little during the Vietnam war, when being ashamed of our country was all the rage, and I did not develop a sense of patriotism. I was taught that all other parts of the world are better than the US.

But later, when I actually moved to another country, I realized that I had very American views and values that give me something in common with my own peoples and separate me from others.

_And these values are so deeply etched in me I cannot lose them. I can try, I can go into a full blown attempt to be opposite, but I am sure it would be denial and obvious to others, if not myself. Like the french people I know who are trying hard to become american, think they are, and yet have no idea how very french their thought processes and behavior actually are. (There are fans of nationalities everywhere, but they remain, fans)

I have two nationalities now, officially, but there is no doubt in my mind that I am American, not french. Only my kids can really claim to identify with both, and two of them were born in France.... but their values and morals that they picked up early came from me.

To give an idea- most americans value an idea of justice that means individual merit. We take it for granted, as a given, that everyone understands that is what "fair" is (whether they follow it or not).

The french have a conception of justice that is the opposite, and doesn't value individual merit. I can't even put it in one sentence, because though I understand it, I have a irresistible repulsion to it and will make it sound derogatory no matter how I say it. Something like everyone getting the same, regardless of their individual differences. They'd say "equality" I guess. Some of us Americans would snear "Communism".

The Statue of Liberty was probably not built with the same idea in mind that WE have of justice!

In these things, I feel the red, white and blue in my bones. My french husband feels his blue, white and red in his... it is just a matter of which color comes first, but believe me, that is a bigger difference than it seems!

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