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The All Seeing Eye In The Star of David. Taglit-Birthright. High On Ziocaine!

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posted on Jan, 13 2013 @ 07:59 PM
Is that what I see on this RealNews highlight of the Taglit-Birthright behind Benjamin Netanyahu? That star sure looks suspiciously Masonic. All Seeing Eye?

What are your thoughts on this ATS?
edit on 13-1-2013 by sirjunlegun because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 13 2013 @ 08:10 PM
it does have a resemblance to it.

Thumbs up to the reporter for having the balls to ask those questions there.
edit on 13-1-2013 by buster2010 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 13 2013 @ 08:31 PM
reply to post by sirjunlegun

Doesn't surprise me since the "Magen David" never had anything to do with King David at all. That symbol predates back to the sumerians and has been found in ancient cultures all over the world. It's the symbol of Moloch and also thought by the jews in Solomon's time to be the footprint of a type of demon called a Trud. It's the symbol Solomon used to conjure demons and force them to do his bidding when he fell into idolatry. He had a ring with the hexagram on it. That symbol was also known as the talisman of Saturn, and is hidden in the hexagonal storm on the northern hemisphere of Saturn.

posted on Jan, 13 2013 @ 08:39 PM
reply to post by sirjunlegun

It does look somewhat masonic. We weren't asked for permission when he used it, so it's not sanctioned.
Good eye to catch it. We will have to send him a bill.

posted on Jan, 13 2013 @ 08:41 PM
reply to post by buster2010

This is a great exposè into Zionism. Or as the young man admitted being high on "Ziocaine!"

He does ask some great questions. His conversation with the major contributor and hedge fund manager about Palestinians being an invented people 45 years ago was WOW!!??

posted on Jan, 13 2013 @ 09:06 PM
Nice find! It really does look masonic and like the all seeing eye.
Actually it doesn't surprise me since its Israel and there crazy zionists sponsoring this festival or whatever.
Know what is noticing me ever since ive been working at festivals and going to them. There is almost always a flag or a picture or a big as$ display on the screen with a PYRAMID or an EYE. It's freakin me out man for real i see it everywhere. DONT LET THE EYE TAKE CONTROL OF UR MIND!!!


posted on Jan, 13 2013 @ 09:32 PM
Well if you want to go down that road.

The girl in black around 1:45 of your video is throwing up the horns.
As well as the one in a jumpsuit around 1:56.

Israel Supreme Court

The Israel Supreme Court is the creation of one elite family: the Rothschilds. In their negotiations with Israel, they’ve agreed to donate the building under three conditions: the Rothschilds were to choose the plot of land, they would use their own architect and no one would ever know the price of its construction.

Jerry Golden wrote several years ago on the Israeli Supreme Court, appropriately pointing out its occult concepts. When you study those types of buildings, you quickly realize that the same themes inevitably reappear: illumination, pyramid, ascent, the number 13 or 33 , phallic/yonic symbols, etc. This building has it all and more.

Also note that the 'eye' is presented with a 13 next to it. 13 is a solar number representing the 12 constellations of the zodiac and the Sun, essentially meaning an 'illumined' being a.k.a. enlightenment.

Interesting find OP S&F for sharing, thanks.

posted on Jan, 14 2013 @ 06:57 AM
reply to post by FriedBabelBroccoli

What do the horns have to do with the symbol?

posted on Jan, 14 2013 @ 11:41 AM

Well it's obvious (to me at least), that the symbol is being conveyed as the "Star of David", though it's actually many symbols tied into one. At the heart of it lies the "All Seeing Eye" within two equilateral triangles that together forms a crudely over drawn hexagram which can be identified as "The Star of David".

The number 13 next to this symbol, is also perplexing if not down right ominous. Yes 13, being short for 2013 is the current year...using the Gregorian calendar system. While this system is widely used across the world, I would think a Jewish heritage summit would preferably use 73 or 5773 which is the currently year within the Hebrew Calendar (16 September 2012 to 4 September 2013).

According to many biblical and Occult websites, the number 13 has highly esoterical meaning:

As we have repeatedly stated, the Satanist believes that numbers contain inherent power. Thus, they literally order their lives by occult numerology - such numerology also is a key component in astrology, another system of divining that Satanists observe very closely. The occult calendar is divided into four (4) segments of 13 weeks each.

The number, "13" is considered divine by the occultist for a couple of reasons:

1. The Bible assigns '13' the meaning of "rebellion against constituted authority", plus the depravity that caused Satan to rebel against God.

2. The occultist assigns '6' to represent the number of man, and the number '7' to represent the number of divine perfection. Thus, as a person climbs that "Jacob's Ladder" toward self-perfection in the realm of the occult, the number '13' represents the state of divine perfection, self-achieved perfection, and Illumination (6+7 = 13).

Thus, the occult calendar is comprised of four periods of 13 weeks each. We list these periods for you, below.

Then, after listing them, we shall come back to talk about each of them in detail.

1. Winter Solstice - 13 weeks - Minor sabbath
a. December 21 - Yule
b. December 21-22 - Winter Solstice/Yule. One of the Illuminati's Human Sacrifice Nights
c. February 1 and 2 - Candlemas and Imbolg, a.k.a. Groundhog's Day. One of the Illuminati's Human Sacrifice Nights
d. February 14 - Valentine's Day

2. Spring Equinox - 13 weeks - Minor sabbath but does require human sacrifice
a. March 21-22 - Goddess Ostara - Note: Easter is the first Sunday after the first new moon after Ostara. March 21 is one of the Illuminati's Human Sacrifice Nights
b. April 1 - All Fool's Day, precisely 13 weeks since New Year's Day!
c. April 19 - May 1 - Blood Sacrifice To The Beast. Fire sacrifice is required on April 19.
d. April 30 - May 1 - Beltaine Festival, also called Walpurgis Night. This is the highest day on the Druidic Witch's Calendar. May 1 is the Illuminati's second most sacred holiday. Human sacrifice is required

3. Summer Solstice - 13 weeks - When the sun reaches its northernmost point in its journey across the sky
a. June 21 - 22 - Summer Solstice
b. June 21 - Litha is one of the Illuminati's Human Sacrifice Nights
c. July 4, America's Independence Day, is 13 days after Day of Litha and 66 days from April 30
d. July 19 - 13 days before Lughnasa
e. July 31 - August 1 - Lughnasa, Great Sabbat Festival. August - One of the Illuminati's Human Sacrifice Nights

4. Autumnal Equinox - 13 weeks - Minor Sabbath but does require human sacrifice
a. September 21 - Mabon - one of the Illuminati's Human Sacrifice Nights
b. September 21 -22 - Autumnal Equinox
c. October 31 - Samhain, also known as Halloween, or All Hallows Eve. This date is the Illuminati's highest day of human sacrifice

Link to above found here

Synopsis: (choosing my words wisely as I can)
My gut feeling (which is based upon insights I have gained through years of researching many mysteries including the Occult, Secret Societies, Historical Biblical Accounts, Ancient Prophecies and links to Current Events...etc.), has led me to contemplate the idea that many of Jewish people today are not directly related to the ancient Hebrews of the past and maybe, being used in a Grand Deception.

What is this Grand Deception?
Many of you already have an idea what this may be. One day, when I have the courage and the time to gather my sources. I will create a thread that I hope will logically articulate what I believe is afoot, while providing ample sources and visuals. Until then, on to the next one...

posted on Jan, 14 2013 @ 03:25 PM
reply to post by iwan2ski

Let me know when you have constructed your thread. I probably share some of the same beliefs.

posted on Jan, 14 2013 @ 07:37 PM
reply to post by sirjunlegun

Will do! Thanks for your thread btw. This story has added to my resources that is building my knowledge and understanding of what is truley going on in the world today.

posted on Jan, 15 2013 @ 11:32 AM
...... Illuminati .......

posted on Aug, 12 2013 @ 06:47 AM

Originally posted by iwan2ski

Well it's obvious (to me at least), that the symbol is being conveyed as the "Star of David", though it's actually many symbols tied into one. At the heart of it lies the "All Seeing Eye" within two equilateral triangles that together forms a crudely over drawn hexagram which can be identified as "The Star of David".

The number 13 next to this symbol, is also perplexing if not down right ominous. Yes 13, being short for 2013 is the current year...using the Gregorian calendar system. While this system is widely used across the world, I would think a Jewish heritage summit would preferably use 73 or 5773 which is the currently year within the Hebrew Calendar (16 September 2012 to 4 September 2013).

According to many biblical and Occult websites, the number 13 has highly esoterical meaning:

As we have repeatedly stated, the Satanist believes that numbers contain inherent power. Thus, they literally order their lives by occult numerology - such numerology also is a key component in astrology, another system of divining that Satanists observe very closely. The occult calendar is divided into four (4) segments of 13 weeks each.

The number, "13" is considered divine by the occultist for a couple of reasons:

1. The Bible assigns '13' the meaning of "rebellion against constituted authority", plus the depravity that caused Satan to rebel against God.

2. The occultist assigns '6' to represent the number of man, and the number '7' to represent the number of divine perfection. Thus, as a person climbs that "Jacob's Ladder" toward self-perfection in the realm of the occult, the number '13' represents the state of divine perfection, self-achieved perfection, and Illumination (6+7 = 13).

Thus, the occult calendar is comprised of four periods of 13 weeks each. We list these periods for you, below.

Then, after listing them, we shall come back to talk about each of them in detail.

1. Winter Solstice - 13 weeks - Minor sabbath
a. December 21 - Yule
b. December 21-22 - Winter Solstice/Yule. One of the Illuminati's Human Sacrifice Nights
c. February 1 and 2 - Candlemas and Imbolg, a.k.a. Groundhog's Day. One of the Illuminati's Human Sacrifice Nights
d. February 14 - Valentine's Day

2. Spring Equinox - 13 weeks - Minor sabbath but does require human sacrifice
a. March 21-22 - Goddess Ostara - Note: Easter is the first Sunday after the first new moon after Ostara. March 21 is one of the Illuminati's Human Sacrifice Nights
b. April 1 - All Fool's Day, precisely 13 weeks since New Year's Day!
c. April 19 - May 1 - Blood Sacrifice To The Beast. Fire sacrifice is required on April 19.
d. April 30 - May 1 - Beltaine Festival, also called Walpurgis Night. This is the highest day on the Druidic Witch's Calendar. May 1 is the Illuminati's second most sacred holiday. Human sacrifice is required

3. Summer Solstice - 13 weeks - When the sun reaches its northernmost point in its journey across the sky
a. June 21 - 22 - Summer Solstice
b. June 21 - Litha is one of the Illuminati's Human Sacrifice Nights
c. July 4, America's Independence Day, is 13 days after Day of Litha and 66 days from April 30
d. July 19 - 13 days before Lughnasa
e. July 31 - August 1 - Lughnasa, Great Sabbat Festival. August - One of the Illuminati's Human Sacrifice Nights

4. Autumnal Equinox - 13 weeks - Minor Sabbath but does require human sacrifice
a. September 21 - Mabon - one of the Illuminati's Human Sacrifice Nights
b. September 21 -22 - Autumnal Equinox
c. October 31 - Samhain, also known as Halloween, or All Hallows Eve. This date is the Illuminati's highest day of human sacrifice

Link to above found here

Synopsis: (choosing my words wisely as I can)
My gut feeling (which is based upon insights I have gained through years of researching many mysteries including the Occult, Secret Societies, Historical Biblical Accounts, Ancient Prophecies and links to Current Events...etc.), has led me to contemplate the idea that many of Jewish people today are not directly related to the ancient Hebrews of the past and maybe, being used in a Grand Deception.

What is this Grand Deception?
Many of you already have an idea what this may be. One day, when I have the courage and the time to gather my sources. I will create a thread that I hope will logically articulate what I believe is afoot, while providing ample sources and visuals. Until then, on to the next one...

reply to post by iwan2ski

Have you created the thread you mentioned? I'd be interested in having you follow up on this post.

posted on Aug, 12 2013 @ 11:20 AM
reply to post by this_is_who_we_are

Wow, how time fly's!

While I have enough data to start a thread, I still find myself chasing the "White Rabbit" down the many paths it's leading me! The more I look into one subject, three more pop up in it's place, which leads me to research them. Eventually, the original subject becomes blurred in the background of it all. However, every once in a while I come across something new or sometimes missed at first that causes an epiphany which ties it all back together.

In short terms: Thanks for the reminder!

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