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Wording in H.R.21 NRA Members' Gun Safety Act of 2013 (Introduced in House - IH)

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posted on Jan, 8 2013 @ 09:25 AM
I hope this is in the right location. Was not sure what
forum to put it in.

I was browsing the new bill's introduced recently and the
wording on this one jumped out at me...

The bill was introduced into the house HR21. It is a bill
on CWP Permit's...
We may have a heck of a time getting one in the future.
I have coniderd getting one myself, but money just is not in my
favor right now. With my health going down hill, it would be a good
ease of mind if i had a cwp, since there is no real way i could defend
my family physically. But so far we just have not had the extra cash
needed for me to get one.

But i do NOT like the way this is worded, it leaves WAY to much open
for the ones against gun's to use it against us.

SEC. 501. CONCEALED FIREARMS PERMITS. (a) In General- Chapter 44 of title 18, United States Code, is amended by inserting after section 926C the following: `Sec. 926D. Concealed firearms permits `(a) In General- Each State that allows residents of the State to carry concealed firearms in or affecting interstate or foreign commerce shall-- `(1) establish a process to issue permits to residents of the State to carry concealed firearms in or affecting interstate or foreign commerce; and `(2) require that each resident of the State seeking to carry a concealed firearm in or affecting interstate or foreign commerce in the State obtain a permit through the process established under paragraph (1). `(b) Requirements- In establishing a process to issue permits to carry concealed firearms under subsection (a), a State shall-- `(1) ensure that a local law enforcement agency participates in the process; and `(2) at a minimum, require that an applicant for a permit to carry a concealed firearm in or affecting interstate or foreign commerce-- `(A) be a legal resident of the United States; `(B) be not less than 21 years of age; `(C) demonstrate good cause for requesting a concealed firearm permit; `(D) demonstrate that the applicant is worthy of the public trust to carry a concealed firearm in public; `(E) complete a firearm safety training course certified by the State; and `(F) not have been convicted of a crime of violence. `(c) Law Enforcement Agency Report- If a State establishes a process under subsection (a) that allows for an agency other than a law enforcement agency to issue permits to carry concealed firearms, the process shall require that-- `(1) a local law enforcement agency submit to the agency responsible for issuing permits a written report that describes whether the applicant meets the standards of the State to carry a concealed firearm; and `(2) the agency responsible for issuing permits maintain a report submitted under paragraph (1) in the file of the applicant. `(d) Definition- In this section, the term `local law enforcement agency' means a law enforcement agency of the unit of local government with jurisdiction of the area in which the applicant for a permit to carry a concealed firearm resides. `(e) Compliance- Not later than 270 days after the date of enactment of this section, each State described in subsection (a) shall be in compliance with this section.'. (b) Technical and Conforming Amendment- The table of sections for such chapter is amended by inserting after the item relating to section 926C the following: `926D. Concealed firearms permits.'.
Hmm hope the format comes out right...

(C) demonstrate good cause for requesting a concealed firearm permit;

What is the definition of "Good Cause" ? ? ? ?
And who makes this judgment call?

It looks like that just to protect one's self is not going to cut
it as things progress, but one will have to show a valid reason
as to why a cwp would be needed.
This could drastically restrict anyone recieving a permit, all
depending on what the person on the other end thinks a good
cause is...

Now being i always try to think outside the box, there are way's around
even the worst of this wording.

Check your local area and internet for classes on "Bodyguard" or
"Private Investigator" School's.. sure many of these are bogus and
they charge a few hundred for some stupid books to read through or
online courses, but being it is what it is, you will have a certificate saying
you are, say a trained body guard, thus being a reason of "good cause" to
carry a weapon.

Not sure how this is going to play out, and how they are going to
use the wording. But it could very well be used against us.

This could very well turn out to be nothing and not even effect
the way things are going, but i thought i'd post it for a head's up
just in case.

I have spent a bit of time the past few day's browsing the new bill's
introduced in the house/senate and my state so far nothing to alarming
but if i should find one, i will post it here.
edit on 8-1-2013 by severdsoul because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 8 2013 @ 09:30 AM

This if passes will not allow anyone to sell a gun to anyone else without going
through a background check and FFL.

So gun show's and even selling a gun in the news paper would be illegal
unless a background check was ran on the person wanting to buy it.

It would totally change the way guns are sold right now. And make it a
real pain to sell a used gun to anyone.

edit on 8-1-2013 by severdsoul because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 8 2013 @ 09:35 AM

Interesting section... So the Govt says, since you are aginst the system
and are speaking out on facebook or ATS or where ever that
you are on a list now.... you soon become considerd a
terrorist threat since you dont go along with the flow.
So they move you to the black list, put you on the no fly
as well as others, and with this, it gives them the power to
keep you from buying any weapons.

posted on Jan, 8 2013 @ 09:54 AM
This is already the law for the most part, certain states accept other states permits generally on an equal or stricter requirement basis. SD already requires "good cause" to obtain a permit, but because it would be illegal to carry a gun in its case in your vehicle on the way to the range that is a good enough reason (many states will allow the gun to be visible in a vehicle w/o a permit). The AG also already has the ability to regulate sales and transfers if needed, especially w/ controlled weapons and explosive licensing. This really would not change much from what I read.....
edit on 8-1-2013 by ParanoidAmerican because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 8 2013 @ 10:38 AM

Originally posted by severdsoul

(C) demonstrate good cause for requesting a concealed firearm permit;

What is the definition of "Good Cause" ? ? ? ?
And who makes this judgment call?

For the sake of perspective all those women in India trying to get permits after yet another brutal gang rape and murder in public are being told they do not have "good cause."

I imagine the only people who will have "good cause" will be politicians and tax collectors.


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