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Liposomal Vitamin C This Stuff is Amazing - Thread Summary

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posted on Jan, 7 2013 @ 03:53 PM
Thank you for bringing this back to my attention. Im going to purchase the raw materials for making my own this week. just out of curiosity, are there any other vitamins that would benefit from liposomal encapsulation besides vitamin c? Thanks again!
edit on 7-1-2013 by lordpiney because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 7 2013 @ 03:57 PM
I thought this might help anyone looking to buy the ingredients. I bought them on Amazon last night, and I typed in the prices for each. I'm pretty sure I got all the right stuff.

posted on Jan, 7 2013 @ 04:01 PM

Originally posted by Skywatcher2011

Originally posted by Julie Washington
Ask your doctor before taking supplemental vitamin C.

Isn't the point of this thread to NOT see your doctor????

The reason I say this is that doctors DO NOT want you to go and use Vitamins to boost your health. They want you to buy drugs to support big Pharma!

I would say go see your doctor IF you see adverse problem by taking this supplement. If the guy in the video had not taken vitamin C supplement to rid of his pneumonia he would be a dead man under doctor's orders.....

Edit: If increased levels of Vitamin C increase the risk of Kidney Stones, then increase your intake of concentrated cranberry juice. This helps reduce the size of these stones so they can easily pass through the urinary tract.
edit on 7-1-2013 by Skywatcher2011 because: added note

Yes, true - we don't want to have to go to the doctor if we don't have to.

But like the poster above who was having an adverse reaction based on his diabetes it is important that he consult with the doctor about the issues that he was having.

As with anyone who might be in poor health and on many prescriptions.... the goal is to get off the prescriptions and you are going to need blood work to monitor your progress.

This is what I'm doing - I'll be curious to see what's up when I go in for my annual next month.

By the way - I'd be willing to bet that most of your general practictioners have never even heard of Lipo Vit C mega dosing. I mentioned it to my mother's doctor and she said what is that?

posted on Jan, 7 2013 @ 04:03 PM

Originally posted by Julie Washington
I mentioned it to my mother's doctor and she said what is that?

Because doctors are NOT supposed to know these things....

posted on Jan, 7 2013 @ 04:08 PM

Originally posted by lordpiney
Thank you for bringing this back to my attention. Im going to purchase the raw materials for making my own this week. just out of curiosity, are there any other vitamins that would benefit from liposomal encapsulation besides vitamin c? Thanks again!
edit on 7-1-2013 by lordpiney because: (no reason given)

Yes, use the same recipe to make Liposomal Glutathione!

posted on Jan, 7 2013 @ 04:09 PM
haha lets all going into business and make our own batch and share it with the masses! This seems like a really wonderful cure-like material

posted on Jan, 7 2013 @ 04:10 PM
Julie, thank you for putting up this very nice summary, which I will read later. The importance of Vitamin C (as well as staying hydrated, drinking lots of water every day) should be shouted from the housetops, or at least from news programs and outlets, television dramas and comedies, teachers on every grade level, and from the bully pulpits of politicians, on a daily basis. It should be proclaimed by all people in positions of large-scale commication, and keep being proclaimed until these people are satisfied that everybody in their country knows the information. Prisoners should legally be given several grams of Vitamin C, just as captive primates must be given (my last figure is from the 1990s) a human equivalent of 3,600 mgs of ascorbic acid a day.

The fact exists that all monkeys and great apes (including the human ape) are the only animals, besides guinea pigs and a species or two of bat, have a major and now curable genetic disease - because we can't make ascorbic acid in our body. Every other animal, vegetable, insect, fish, and your own dog or cat, can make it in their bodies, and are doing so at every moment. This is one of the most scandalous things in public life - that the public is not made aware of this. On a daily basis, if need be.

Julie, and the others who've worked on these threads, thank you.
edit on 7-1-2013 by Aleister because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 7 2013 @ 04:10 PM


posted on Jan, 7 2013 @ 04:12 PM
reply to post by Aleister

Thanks Aleister - I totally agree!
edit on 7-1-2013 by Julie Washington because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 7 2013 @ 04:42 PM

Originally posted by jaws1975
Has anyone else had a skin reaction to the lipo c? I made the mix after reading the original thread, the first day I took it I rode my bike 20 miles, after about a week I started to get these deep systic type outbreaks over my body. Not sure if this was from the lecithin not agreeing with my body or what, but I usually have very clear skin. They didn't act like normal pimples and get a head, they would stay deep in the skin. The location was not the typical place to break out, like the side of my shoulder and arms. Any thoughts, cause I would like to be able to start taking it again.

It could very well be a detox, toxins will have exited your body through sweat and caused spots. Give it a couple weeks see if they clear up first!

posted on Jan, 7 2013 @ 05:04 PM
Thanks OP and thanks to the author of the original thread. S&F.

It's threads like this thats the reason I finally joined after years of lurking. When ATSers cooperate it's a beautiful thing and makes trudging through all the ignorance worthwhile.

This is a subject area I've been meaning to explore for a while and you've all made it easy for me. Thank you to all contributors. I just hope it's as affordable in the UK as it seems in the US.

Edit to add: happy anniversary OP.
edit on 7-1-2013 by merkins because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 7 2013 @ 05:41 PM
reply to post by Idonthaveabeard

That's a possibility, however I have gotten detox outbreaks before and they would usually work their way to the surface and be gone within a day or two. These would just sit under the skin and not go away, which seems contrary to the whole idea of the skin pushing these toxins out of the body.

As a precaution I purchased raw sunflower lecithin, it is more expensive than soy lecithin but it will be worth it if the outbreaks cease and desist. As a side note this particular sunflower lecithin is raw, so it has not been pasteurized or overly processed, which may give even more healthful benefits. Those interested can find this product here

posted on Jan, 7 2013 @ 05:59 PM
reply to post by Destinyone
Thank you Des & Julie. Ordered mine today!!!
It will take until at least Jan 11th to get here, but I have high hopes after reading the many testimonials of folks right here on ATS-- many of whom I have come to regard as reputable sources of information.

I shall keep you posted.

posted on Jan, 7 2013 @ 06:11 PM

Originally posted by jaws1975
reply to post by Idonthaveabeard

That's a possibility, however I have gotten detox outbreaks before and they would usually work their way to the surface and be gone within a day or two. These would just sit under the skin and not go away, which seems contrary to the whole idea of the skin pushing these toxins out of the body.

As a precaution I purchased raw sunflower lecithin, it is more expensive than soy lecithin but it will be worth it if the outbreaks cease and desist. As a side note this particular sunflower lecithin is raw, so it has not been pasteurized or overly processed, which may give even more healthful benefits. Those interested can find this product here

Thanks for the link Jaws - I'm going to order that when my soy lecithin runs out.
edit on 7-1-2013 by Julie Washington because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 7 2013 @ 06:20 PM

Originally posted by new_here
reply to post by Destinyone
Thank you Des & Julie. Ordered mine today!!!
It will take until at least Jan 11th to get here, but I have high hopes after reading the many testimonials of folks right here on ATS-- many of whom I have come to regard as reputable sources of information.

I shall keep you posted.

Good luck Destinyone - come back if you have any questions and share your results!

posted on Jan, 7 2013 @ 06:38 PM
S & F for this - awesome and at least in my case timely...

Is it possible to use the same process for encapsulating other water soluble vitamins or would it potentially destroy them? How would I be able to tell if it is possible?

posted on Jan, 7 2013 @ 06:53 PM

Originally posted by JimmyNeutron
S & F for this - awesome and at least in my case timely...

Is it possible to use the same process for encapsulating other water soluble vitamins or would it potentially destroy them? How would I be able to tell if it is possible?

I'm not sure. I'm only familiar with the liposomal Vitamin C and Glutathione.

posted on Jan, 7 2013 @ 07:21 PM

Originally posted by Julie Washington


Mind clarity
Easier to stay focused
Better Vision
Feeling of peacefulness
More Energy
Reduced hunger levels
Weight Loss
Prevents Radiation Damage
Improved Joints
Improved Hair
Improved Skin
Decreased Chronic back pain
Decreased depression
Decreased allergies
Decreased PMS
Lowered anxiety levels
Better sleeping
Easier to Wake in morning
Hangover Cure
Cures Flues and colds
Cures Bird Flu
Cures Cancer
…and more

Sounds great but I laughed at the list of benefits....
Shouldnt it read from bottom to top??

In terms of AMAZINGNESS??
Cures cancer.....

posted on Jan, 7 2013 @ 09:36 PM
Cool thread, but I really don't understand why this would be necessary... Vitamin C is incredibly easy to get. Why not just drink a glass of juice? Most juices are loaded with Vitamin C.

posted on Jan, 7 2013 @ 09:51 PM

Originally posted by fictitious
I thought this might help anyone looking to buy the ingredients. I bought them on Amazon last night, and I typed in the prices for each. I'm pretty sure I got all the right stuff.

Thank you for this. I'm running a little short after Christmas but ordered some Lipo C premade
to see how I fair and make my own judgements before I invest in anymore hardware.

While I was researching I came across a ton of really good info HERE and encourage all of you
to give it a look.

Here's to our health!

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