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Anyone wanna do a palm read?

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posted on Jan, 1 2013 @ 09:29 PM
reply to post by Computron

i could be mistaken on what you refer to, and if so, my apologies in advance.

i think you are inquiring about the conjunction of line of head/line of heart towards the right side of your right hand, and then the way they spread out, one straight to the left of your hand, the other dipping into the wrist.

this is their normal abode. line of heart is the lowest of the 3 lines, and curves into your wrist.
the line of head starts between the thumb and index finger, and may travel straight to the left, or dip into luna.

if this is indeed the Y you alluded to, then these are fairly normal and healthy. but i have a feeling you might be referring to the weaker lines which start at the base of your hand towards the left, and chart a spaghetti course upwards. right in the middle, i see what you could be referring to as Y or an inverted A. this is effectively your line of career. in its current state, it has a lot of transitions and "shifts". a contrast would be a line climbing solid and straight upwards, which will denote stability and a "tunnel vision" climb for the career.

if you clarify which one is it you asked about, i would be logging back in the morning, so might reply when i get the chance.
and you are most welcome !

posted on Jan, 1 2013 @ 09:34 PM
Yes I was talking about the less pronounced like to the left on my right hand. Thanks for the clarification. Also added pics of my whole hand at the bottom of the first page. I know how long it takes for long posts so feel free to wait till tomorrow if you're done explaining for the night/day.

posted on Jan, 1 2013 @ 09:40 PM
reply to post by Computron

I shall, and thanks for accommodating the wait.

where i am (UK), it is close to 4 a.m, so i am overdue for a warm shower and the bed.
but i shall be back to post a reply tomorrow.

cheers !!

posted on Jan, 1 2013 @ 09:44 PM
reply to post by Computron

Hum mm,

you either have an on hand job or lifts weighs without gloves.
many calluses in the hands.

posted on Jan, 1 2013 @ 09:55 PM

Originally posted by marg6043
reply to post by Computron

Hum mm,

you either have an on hand job or lifts weighs without gloves.
many calluses in the hands.

Both of my former jobs were stocker @ dollar general, and a local grocery store. I also do lift weights without gloves. Be fearful of my very manly hands. BE FEARFUL!

posted on Jan, 1 2013 @ 10:04 PM
reply to post by Computron

Actually, I used to read hands but the way I did it was more by touch and observation than reading actual lines and such.

I still do that sometimes, for fun, but still have to touch the hands of the other person I do the reading, to get their energy.

Anyway, I do weight lifting and do so without gloves and sadly I also have calluses in my hands.

BTW you forgot to turn the hands on the side to see the marriage and children lines.
the larger lines in the side of the hand means how many times you will be wed or be involved in love affairs that will produce children, the small lines means how many children you have or will have, larger lines follow by small lines means offprings from each individual affairs and so on. So take a good look at the side of your hand and find out how well you will or are doing in love.

edit on 1-1-2013 by marg6043 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 1 2013 @ 10:13 PM
reply to post by marg6043

Ahh you lift weights too huh? Would you happen to frequent fourms aswell? Also, Im not too advid on the wedded life, so I can wait on finding out about that. Especially the kids part
Im under 25 so its not like Im running out of time soon. Well.....Hopefully not...

posted on Jan, 2 2013 @ 11:54 AM
reply to post by Computron

in order to get an accurate reading you would need to show your entire hand. the side view as well. it does not appear you have been married or that you have any children. thickness of hands is an indicator of certain characteristics. as well as the over all shape of the palm. i am not a palm reader but i have read books about it. and i know certain things. not going to explain all of it to you but there was another poster who at least gave you some information. really if you are that interested in it there are plenty of articles & web sites on the internet that can give you information. also, it does help to be able to touch the person to get a feel for their energy.
edit on 2-1-2013 by DoubleEE because: Edit

posted on Jan, 2 2013 @ 03:48 PM
reply to post by Computron

Hi once more,

i have had a look one again. basing it strictly on what i can visibly discern, what i advised you the first time still holds, in my opinion i.e.
the mount where the line starts is usually the inception for lines related to travel, or health. career/fate and sun/fame usually start closer to the wrist & the middle.
i can make out the line of health shoot in the direction of your pinky finger,

but coming back to your question. as i said in the last post, the career line has transitions/shifts, whether that is due to circumstances or lack of consistency on your part, i cannot gauge without numerology. the line does have a companion that travels alongside it, which is usually the case if you have are pursuing multiple interests. usually, the point where the line becomes free of islands/chains (confusion), becomes solid & deep, is the age where you settle into a role/province/disposition which lasts. in your case, comparative stability emerges around 37~38.

just as FYI, if a distress to your career is caused through agencies of love or thought, this would manifest in your line of fate/career hitting the line of heart or head, respectively, and changing its trajectory.

if you are already planning ahead, being consistent, & not looking for exits when u run into hardships career-wise, there is no further advice that u need.

Lastly, please be mindful that i dont do this professionally. it is just a hobby; one, which i seldom put to use these days.
good luck with your life and endeavors.

posted on Jan, 2 2013 @ 05:13 PM
Here's what I see...

There is someone in your life that you love very much [perhaps an animal] that is having a very hard time with life right now. I see a money involvement or maybe a sexual malfunction. The resolution to this problem can be found in a completely wooded area at least 1 mi. from the nearest habitation where the Great Spirit should be invoked with an offering of fruit and nuts. Stay calm and sit quietly and the answer will come within a few minutes.

Also you are a fine strapping lad used to physical exertion and you should seek this as your lifes work. Your life line reveals to me.... I see you either becoming a dock worker or a Shepard of sheep and goats.

People love to be around you and are constantly praising your intelligence and ability to climb stairs, ladders, and steps without having to resort to using sissy contrivances like elevators or escalators.

How did I do??

If you would like a more indeapth reading; my office hours are by appointment only.
edit on 2-1-2013 by olaru12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 2 2013 @ 09:37 PM
reply to post by olaru12

Thank you all for your imput, Its rather odd the timing of this, If i can recall in one of the earlier post, they said something/ someone will come into my life around 21, which is my age now, but today I finally got into contact with my sister that I havent seen or talked to since we first met at my dad's funeral about 5-7 years ago. Ive been trying to contact her since, and it finally happened. Also @ olaru with the relationship post, indeed there is my ex which is a close friend to me just had a baby a month ago, and she is induring tough times right now. And to think they say palm reading is bogus. Sorry if this all seems panicy typing, but Im rather excited about reconnecting with my sister.

posted on Jan, 2 2013 @ 09:49 PM
Im sorry. Im an expert palm reader... even the barker says so.. but I cant see lines very well past the hair on your palms. My spirit guides tell me you are going to seek a partner soon. If My spirit guides are lying again, then take your sig other out to a movie or dinner.
So Sayeth Advantage.

I left the pic large, in case youre going blind too..

posted on Jan, 2 2013 @ 10:04 PM
reply to post by Advantage

Nope, your spirit guide isnt lying.

posted on Jan, 2 2013 @ 10:14 PM

Originally posted by Computron
reply to post by Advantage

Nope, your spirit guide isnt lying.

Hmm.. what if *I* lied...
Hey, you posted pics of your palms.,. you had to expect a joke from us more juvenile minded posters. If you didnt.. well now you know we exist.

Unfortunately Frater was good with the whole palm reading thing.. but is no longer a member. Ugh. If Indigo Child is lurking and catches this thread... youll be in luck!

posted on Jan, 2 2013 @ 11:38 PM
reply to post by Advantage

Lol thats cool too. Im not a die hard serious answer only person.

posted on Jan, 4 2013 @ 12:38 PM
I see you will get married, have a white cat with a fluffy tail, have lots of fresh flowers around you, make things using a saw, carpentry? and the names mitch or mitchigan and freya or freyella.
Ring any bells?

posted on Jan, 5 2013 @ 03:58 PM
Very strong link between the energy body and spiritual body, so high probability of good health and a nice, long life; shown in the very nice deep lines and color/texture of the lines.

Very intelligent; you must have tested in the "gifted" zone at school.

The emotional side of your life was stinted in some way; maybe child of a single parent, or dealt with abuse in the home, or dealt with people who, um, weren't quite WELL in your early life (around you as a child.) Or, it's possible that you're just extremely empathetic and even very SMALL disturbances in your home left a huge impact on you. There's a need to develop strong psychic shielding; a stronger shell or barrier that separates YOU from THEM; along with this is unfortunately a tendency to take the advice/suggestions of other people too much instead of doing/thinking for yourself (yes, I get the irony of this, since I'm doing a psychic reading for you!
) But seriously, this is a YOUNG hand and you need to watch yourself against attracting people in your life who are overly controlling, overly dominant, narcissistic, draining, addicts, etc; you'll have a tendency to attract these people; learn the clinical definitions for psychopaths, narcissists, and so on so you can avoid the mentally ill as much as possible, especially in close personal relationships; you have such a fuccckkking kind heart, it's like there' s a kick me sign over your head asking for energy vampires to come in to your life! Because you'll just give, give , give, not realizing that you're being drained.

There's loads more here, but I thought I'd take a moment to just chime in with the biggest, broadest "take aways" that might be helpful to you.
Thanks for letting a strange lady read for you. ( I used to give palm and tarot readings full-time as my work for ten years; not an amateur; even so, take everything with a HUGE grain of salt.)

Best to you!

edit on 5-1-2013 by LipstickMystic because: spelling

edit on 5-1-2013 by LipstickMystic because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 5 2013 @ 04:12 PM
reply to post by LipstickMystic

Thank you mam, curious though, could you tell me more of the spiritual side of things that you see? Ive had many encounters with what Id call spiritual communication, but others try to put off as bs. Just a lil insight nothing extreme. Thank you for your time though. I must have very interesting hands haha being so many have taken the time to say their imput. And most of you have hit spot on without knowing me or my past. Its rather weird to say the least.

posted on Jan, 5 2013 @ 04:23 PM
reply to post by richter13

Can you (or anyone else) shed light on my 1 straight line across the palm? (Right hand)


posted on Jan, 6 2013 @ 01:19 AM
reply to post by woogleuk

u got dat dere simian crease

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