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A LightWorker's Request - Come and ASK

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posted on Dec, 29 2012 @ 11:32 PM
reply to post by GreeneLight
The voices in my head say that the voices in your head are trying to mess with you. If you would like I can send my voices to set them straight.

posted on Dec, 30 2012 @ 12:35 AM
Oh my GODESS, I love your energy.

I SO know you from a past life...

posted on Dec, 30 2012 @ 02:49 AM
reply to post by GreeneLight

You make me ANGRY, not for who you supposedly are Human fraud, or some real entity

You make me angry for lack of morality that is so obvious.

If you are human fraud, it is obvious you should be ignored and flamed to eternity

If you are some outside entity you display your lack of morality by not protecting
us from ET Abductions, torture, mind control, genetic manipulation, harvesting

You come here spitting love and nice words, but your actions show you to be a
hypocrite and at best an incompetent worth nothing entity

I am not saying help us with our politicians and bankers they are our mess,
but you won't even do jack Sh^& when it comes to ETs we can't do anything about


Does it give you moments of pleasure, to know that some stranger on internet
thinks of you as a failure.

edit on 30-12-2012 by JewAgainstZionism because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 30 2012 @ 04:13 AM
I wasn't going to dignify this thread with a reply.

But basically I could watch kung fu panda and get the same answers

Hang on let me guess.

I may find my answers wherever I choose to seek them, as long as in my soul I know the truth behind them.

How did I do ?

edit on 30-12-2012 by cody599 because: crap at typing

posted on Dec, 30 2012 @ 06:05 AM
reply to post by GreeneLight

Once you let go, theres no going back?
How deep is the rabbit hole?

posted on Dec, 30 2012 @ 06:46 AM
I have a few questions.

1. What do you bring with you?

2. There is much confusion in the air, what do you hope to expect from clearing it?

3. The path lies from listening to the true self, but what more do should I know?

4. Have you found what you seek in yourself, or do you find it first in others?

Just wanted to add my 2 cents to the naysayers of this thread:

1. Stop closing your minds.
2. Listen to your heart, not your mind,
3. You are capable of boundless possibilities, don't ever doubt yourself
4. True peace comes from seeing the happiness of others
5. Stop, listen to the sounds around you, be in the moment, relax. The italians call this "the sweetness of nothing"
edit on 30-12-2012 by dadank because: (no reason given)

edit on 30-12-2012 by dadank because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 30 2012 @ 09:28 AM

Originally posted by ZeussusZ
reply to post by GreeneLight

Once you let go, theres no going back?
How deep is the rabbit hole?

Greetings, if your intentions are meaningful, then your questions lack specificity. Please rephrase.


1. What do you bring with you?

'I' bring with me the Love and Light that our One Creator has offered to 'me', of which is offered to all; most choose not to accept it.

2. There is much confusion in the air, what do you hope to expect from clearing it?

'I' expect nothing, my friend.

It is not the confusion "in the air" that 'I' put effort forth to "clear". The mission given to 'me' is that of Love, to raise the vibrations of those who choose to do so. That is all. There is no 'quota', for those who are out there that wish to find 'meaning' will come and seek help.

3. The path lies from listening to the true self, but what more do should I know?

In a nutshell , this is all one needs to know. However, we understand the 'complications' that one meets when attempting to do so, for we ran into these same "confusions".

The more complex and descriptive the question is, allows us to give more meaningful answer. For we answer whatever question you ask. Giving more than what the question asked for, would be swaying ones mind/thought process from where it should be (wherever 'you' placed it, based on the quality of the question).

We try to hold true to this 'rule, if you will, however we do get caught up in the moment and tend to get off track.

4. Have you found what you seek in yourself, or do you find it first in others?

This is a great question.

'I' have found much from seeking within. However, if one asked 'me' to describe the starting point, it would take 'me' a while to gather 'my' thoughts.

What 'we' has humans tend to do, in this age, is focus on what answers 'we' wish to have. 'We' have been trained to focus on the end result, and not the path that leads/could lead to this result. Therefore, 'we' fill our mind with 'wants';
What 'I' had to learn, was that to truly find the meaning within (what 'I' sought), 'I' needed not to focus on where 'I' would be once I found "it", but HOW to get there.

What 'I' also learned, was the concept of Teach/Learn & Learn/Teach. 'I' had read about this before, however it took 'me' lots of meditation/thinking/analyzing to truly understand what 'it' meant. This was where 'I' learned that the information/understanding of other-selves, may in fact be extremely helpful in the efforts of seeking the true meaning within 'my'-self / 'your-self.

Coming back to 'your' original query..

'I' will never stop seeking within, for we are ever lasting. However, have 'I' "found" what 'I' have sought in the past?..we would say yes, this is correct. The time/space of which one chooses to seek the understanding of other-selves to analyze and compare/contrast to the understandings of within, is completely and utterly up to that self.

Just wanted to add my 2 cents to the naysayers of this thread:

1. Stop closing your minds.
2. Listen to your heart, not your mind,
3. You are capable of boundless possibilities, don't ever doubt yourself
4. True peace comes from seeing the happiness of others
5. Stop, listen to the sounds around you, be in the moment, relax. The italians call this "the sweetness of nothing".

We thank you for your kind words, brother. Love and Light to you, my friend.


posted on Dec, 30 2012 @ 11:44 AM

Does it give you moments of pleasure, to know that some stranger on internet
thinks of you as a failure.
edit on 30-12-2012 by JewAgainstZionism because: (no reason given)

Not in the manner of which you speak.

Love and Light to you, brother. May our One creator guide you toward harmony and peace.

edit on 30-12-2012 by GreeneLight because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 30 2012 @ 06:32 PM
reply to post by GreeneLight

It starts to get crazy. Nothing makes sense.
Does it all piece together, or is it like it seems, total out of control?

posted on Dec, 30 2012 @ 07:15 PM
reply to post by GreeneLight

GreeneLight, how many families or colonies exit within and near the Pleiades star system?
Are they all of the same physical body form or a VARIETY. Like are some of flesh some of concentrated Light type material some both flesh and Light and interdimensional as well?

These are just a few questions 1 ask of you if you can, thanks for your time.
edit on 12/30/12 by Ophiuchus 13 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 30 2012 @ 08:44 PM

Originally posted by GreeneLight
We understood what you meant, dear friend. However, we speak in the manner of which we speak so that those who would understand, would; by means of analysis. Every annotation made by us, through GreeneLight is to be analyzed by one's own thought process. If one wishes to take these sound complexes as literal, then by all means do so. However, if one try's to see the underlying meaning, by means of his/her own thought/analyzation process...then this would please us, for this was our intention.

Our intention is sound, however we do not expect an outcome, for that outcome lies within that who makes the choice.

"Read between the lines"

What a load.

If you can't give a clear answer then why even bother with the questions and answers? Nobody needs you to say anything to analyze life on their own.

posted on Dec, 31 2012 @ 12:58 AM
reply to post by Ophiuchus 13

We are unable to answer these questions.

posted on Dec, 31 2012 @ 12:59 AM
reply to post by daskakik

If the questions are "clear", and the "answers" would instill knowledge useful to other-selves to raise their vibrations, then these "answers" will be clear and meaningful.

posted on Dec, 31 2012 @ 06:57 AM

Originally posted by GreeneLight
reply to post by daskakik

If the questions are "clear", and the "answers" would instill knowledge useful to other-selves to raise their vibrations, then these "answers" will be clear and meaningful.

You should read what you posted over carefully until you realize why it is absolute nonsense.

Why do you ask that questions be clear when the answers need to be analyzed? You're the one who claims to be enlightened so you should take the "unclear" questions, analyze them, have the "One Creator" show you what the questions are really asking and give clear answers.

posted on Dec, 31 2012 @ 07:42 AM

Why do you ask that questions be clear when the answers need to be analyzed? You're the one who claims to be enlightened so you should take the "unclear" questions, analyze them, have the "One Creator" show you what the questions are really asking and give clear answers.

We are all enlightened, to an extent.

If the questions are "unclear", by that we mean one which would not serve as a catalyst for other-selves, than it is of no importance, for it will only distort one's mind further.

Take a look at a few of your brother's/sister's past questions that we have answered, how do they differ from the one's we have not.

Attempting to "prove me wrong" further will end in failure, for my OP serves the purpose of explanation of "why" we posted this, and "what" we are accomplishing. If one took the time to actually formulate meaningful questions, and not question the fact that they exist, then progress (in one's "own world") may finally be made.
edit on 31-12-2012 by GreeneLight because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 31 2012 @ 08:10 AM

Originally posted by GreeneLight
If the questions are "unclear", by that we mean one which would not serve as a catalyst for other-selves, than it is of no importance, for it will only distort one's mind further.

I know that this is not true and that it is just an easy way to weasel out of answering tough questions.

Take a look at a few of your brother's/sister's past questions that we have answered, how do they differ from the one's we have not.

The one's you answered let you wax poetic about your love and light agenda.

Attempting to "prove me wrong" further will end in failure,

Can't end in failure because you have already proven yourself to be a fraud by taking on that lame yoda wanna be style.

for my OP serves the purpose of explanation of "why" we posted this, and "what" we are accomplishing. If one took the time to actually formulate meaningful questions, and not question the fact that they exist, then progress (in one's "own world") may finally be made.

I can only guess that the "why" is because you get a kick out of feeling like a guru, "what" you are accomplishing is actually nothing. I have yet to read a meaningful answer in this thread but you will probably try to get off by saying that I am not ready to understand.

edit on 31-12-2012 by daskakik because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 31 2012 @ 04:58 PM

I know that this is not true and that it is just an easy way to weasel out of answering tough questions.

What makes a question tough my friend, is not that which the question pertains too; but how one must formulate said question.

For if it was not, the question's would be simplistic in their very being; and simplicity - understood in it's own infinite Oneness - cannot be further simplified.

Therefore, if one cannot further simplify something, there is no excuse for not being able to solve 'it'..for it is and always was simple.. it just did not seem as simple at the earlier mentioned time, due too confusion upon said formulation.

The one's you answered let you wax poetic about your love and light agenda.

Please, do inform us of what is listed on this "agenda"; for it has never been shown to us. That of which has not been absorbed by this being's 3rd dimensional percepetive devices, would not exist in said being's "world of knowledge and knowing and understanding". Therefore, since it does not exist in said being's being, how would said being be able to "abide" by it; if that is what 'you' are implying, friend.

Can't end in failure because you have already proven yourself to be a fraud by taking on that lame yoda wanna be style.

A fraud of what, we ask? If this being is acting as a fraud, then he would in fact be "faking a faker, that is faking some-thing or some-One[/] (if that is how you would like to interpret it) "..therefore, I am

I can only guess that the "why" is because you get a kick out of feeling like a guru, "what" you are accomplishing is actually nothing. I have yet to read a meaningful answer in this thread but you will probably try to get off by saying that I am not ready to understand.

You would be correct in your guess my friend. What joy is there not to be found in that which brings understanding, expansion, raising of vibrations, and - in some cases, provided whatever is required by that other self; - truth.. but of course, One may only find truth in that he/she holds truth with.

What is meaningful to One, may not be meaningful to One-other. For if a being thought said "answer" was meaningful, then said being would - by the Law of "1+1 = 2" (simple fact, I guess) " - also think that question asked was meaningful. However, said being did not think of said question..therefore, it must have not been very important to said being, at that moment's present time/space.

For, it is by nature, that you will find meaning in/with that which you would ever apply meaning too. If you were not ready to understand it, then it would not present itself to you in the matter of which it does. Everyone has always been ready, however how many are ready to perform.

Have we answered your question satisfyingly?

edit on 31-12-2012 by GreeneLight because: (no reason given)

edit on 31-12-2012 by GreeneLight because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 31 2012 @ 06:10 PM

Originally posted by GreeneLight
What makes a question tough my friend, is not that which the question pertains too; but how one must formulate said question.

What makes it tough for you is that you don't have an answer and you can't fake it so you have to blame the question itself.

Please, do inform us of what is listed on this "agenda"; for it has never been shown to us. That of which has not been absorbed by this being's 3rd dimensional percepetive devices, would not exist in said being's "world of knowledge and knowing and understanding". Therefore, since it does not exist in said being's being, how would said being be able to "abide" by it; if that is what 'you' are implying, friend.

It's run of the mill new age movement. Maybe you don't know it by that name but it sounds the same. Here is an idea of what that means but of course it might vary from group to group: What is the New Age Movement

A fraud of what, we ask? If this being is acting as a fraud, then he would in fact be "faking a faker, that is faking some-thing or some-One (if that is how you would like to interpret it) "..therefore, I am

Sounds like a whole lot of faking going on.

Have we answered your question satisfyingly?

No. You post too many words and don't really say anything. Typical of new age ramblings.

edit on 31-12-2012 by daskakik because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 1 2013 @ 07:43 AM

No. You post too many words and don't really say anything. Typical of new age ramblings.

We find this humorous, in an ironic sense; not in our place. For there will always be nay-sayers, this is something that is programmed into this world. One will always find opposition, for if there was none; what would be the point?

We have not come to "answer" questions, we come to raise vibrations through the relaying of a different understanding of things; whether or not one sees this "perspective" as answers, is completely up to that being.

The people of this paradigous reality are subconsciously tricked into believing that there 3rd dimensional perceptive tools are the only methods by which one may use to make sense of life. This is not one's fault, for this is the catalyst that is offered; and- sometimes..well, most often - is denied, and allowed to consume all that it may, within.

The "words", or sound complexes do not speak. It is that which is within you that applies the meaning.

We would like to propose a question, my friend.

Is the glass half full, or half empty?

posted on Jan, 1 2013 @ 12:23 PM

Originally posted by GreeneLight
We find this humorous, in an ironic sense; not in our place. For there will always be nay-sayers, this is something that is programmed into this world. One will always find opposition, for if there was none; what would be the point?

We have not come to "answer" questions, we come to raise vibrations through the relaying of a different understanding of things; whether or not one sees this "perspective" as answers, is completely up to that being.

Way to doge and deflect. The title is "Come and ASK" so you did come to answer questions even if the desired result is the raising of vibrations. Also, I am not really nay saying, I am just saying that you're techique is less than lackluster.

The people of this paradigous reality are subconsciously tricked into believing that there 3rd dimensional perceptive tools are the only methods by which one may use to make sense of life. This is not one's fault, for this is the catalyst that is offered; and- sometimes..well, most often - is denied, and allowed to consume all that it may, within.

The "words", or sound complexes do not speak. It is that which is within you that applies the meaning.

While they are not the only ones, they are the ones commonly available to those that you are trying to reach. Formatting the words in cliched "master" format doesn't make the words any clearer or cause them to carry deeper meaning.

Speaking to people in a language they don't even understand and hoping that the sounds, which don't come through on text based communications, cause a reaction not tied to the meaning that they will apply shows a bit of naviety on your part.

We would like to propose a question, my friend.

Is the glass half full, or half empty?

Sorry but I don't have a glass in sight and if by glass you mean something else then just say what you mean. I would think that thousands of years of people misinterpreting metaphors would have taught people to realize their limitations.

By the way "light and love" is just another level of control.

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