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Adam Lanza did not use an assault rifle, hand guns only.

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posted on Dec, 23 2012 @ 10:22 AM
reply to post by tjack

Either way the weapons are heavily restricted, even if they are allowed you still have to pass BGC, Register the device with BAFTE and only legally transferable devices. It is not as easy as you guys are making it sound, we are taking 20K(after all is said and done) for a military grade M16 vs. 1.5k for a civ model. I have been doing this stuff most of my life, I survived that last "assault" ban.
"Once the seller is satisfied with the payment plan and has his funds, he will begin the paperwork. This requires a little bit of work on your end. You will need to get a few things in order for the process to be complete. You will need to get two sets of fingerprint cards done, two passport photos, and fill out a Form 4 (to include the signature of the CLEO of the area you live in) and write a check to the Department of the Treasury for the $200 transfer tax. It is this special tax that will allow you to legally own the weapon. Once you have all this together along with the required paperwork from the seller, you will ship it all to the BATFE who will then have one of their 10 or so inspectors sit down and review it. Any little error will cause it to be rejected and sent back. This is where the frustration begins as the wait starts. It generally takes anywhere from 50-90 days for them to process an application. The main thing that they will be doing is running an extensive background check on you through the FBI criminal database using all your information as well as your fingerprints."

posted on Dec, 23 2012 @ 10:33 AM

Originally posted by Grimpachi
The only question that needs to be asked is why some of you feel the need to turn this tragedy into a false flag, conspiracy, or whatever it is you are trying to prove.

This was a horrific tragedy carried out by a screwed up 20 something year old. I just hope the families of the victims never see the crap you are pushing. News reporters are not infallible they never have been. I find the efforts of those who are trying to make this a conspiracy disgusting those of you doing this should be ashamed of yourselves.

I don't think it is so much a need to turn this tragedy into a false flag or conspiracy, but more a need know what really happened in the face of so many anomalies and unanswered questions, when we see that things are not adding up. It is only then, when the questions do not get answered and lead only to more questions, that the 'need to know' starts to unveil a cover-up, which then may reveal a conspiracy and perhaps finally become a scandal if/when the truth is outed.

What I see, is the ATS 'collective' doing more detective work than the authorities are doing over this case (and other cases too). Yes, in the confusion reporters can make a mistake, but this is not just small mistakes on the number of injured or killed, or spelling someone's name wrongly. This is serious mistakes, like quoting from the school Principal after the shooting (the local news paper knew the Principal very well, so how could they mistake someone else as the Principal?) and then changing their page about 4 times on the same article, with the later 'time stamp or numerical stamp' not being the version where the statement was removed. Also it is not just the local news paper that is getting things wrong, it is lots of news feeds. So either ALL the news crews are totally inept and so we have to ask how many other mistakes do they make on a daily basis that goes unnoticed or something is really amiss here.

Regarding the parents, if it was my child, I would not be satisfied until I knew EXACTLY what went down especially in the face of what looks like some sort of cover-up, in which case I would want justice from ALL those involved.

posted on Dec, 23 2012 @ 10:36 AM
so now we are believing the lame stream media and the OS ?

how convenient

posted on Dec, 23 2012 @ 10:48 AM
Considering this was just a YT video and there is no airdate associated with the video, and the fact that when you search for this video or something associated with this video on the web you get nothing - it really feelings like it was Pete Williams reporting from the day of the shooting. Pete looks pretty uncomfortable when speaking those words, which also tells me the story is still fresh.

I think the video was Pete making an early report from Dec. 14th

Anyone have evidence to the contrary?

posted on Dec, 23 2012 @ 10:57 AM
reply to post by ParanoidAmerican

good info
people are under a misconception about full auto weapons..i think most are thinking that ANY weappon that looks like a 'military style weapon' is full auto...a true full auto wepon is very very expensive to buy to begin with..let alone getting a FFL license to own it...a semi auto can be fired quickly but 1 shot per trigger pull..(not including burst firing if available..probably not)

good info

posted on Dec, 23 2012 @ 11:00 AM
reply to post by ParanoidAmerican

Going to a broader interpretation of Title II of the National Firearms Act is a real possibility (as outlined in my thread. "GUN CONTROL: Here is how it will go down").

posted on Dec, 23 2012 @ 11:37 AM

He shot in the front door, buzzed himself in and started shooting.
reply to post by esdad71

Could you explain a little more on what you said above please? After he shot in the front door then he buzzed himself in?

If you've just shot the door lock to open the door, then you are in, where does the buzzing bit come into it?

Also, if he was shooting the front door then there would be empty bullet casings outside? those would be circled and marked up as crime scene evidence fairly quickly, has anybody seen any pictures of casings marked off outside the front door? I would have thought that media helicopter pictures would pick up on something like that

posted on Dec, 23 2012 @ 11:48 AM

Originally posted by ParanoidAmerican
reply to post by tjack

Either way the weapons are heavily restricted, even if they are allowed you still have to pass BGC, Register the device with BAFTE and only legally transferable devices. It is not as easy as you guys are making it sound, we are taking 20K(after all is said and done) for a military grade M16 vs. 1.5k for a civ model. I have been doing this stuff most of my life, I survived that last "assault" ban.
"Once the seller is satisfied with the payment plan and has his funds, he will begin the paperwork. This requires a little bit of work on your end. You will need to get a few things in order for the process to be complete. You will need to get two sets of fingerprint cards done, two passport photos, and fill out a Form 4 (to include the signature of the CLEO of the area you live in) and write a check to the Department of the Treasury for the $200 transfer tax. It is this special tax that will allow you to legally own the weapon. Once you have all this together along with the required paperwork from the seller, you will ship it all to the BATFE who will then have one of their 10 or so inspectors sit down and review it. Any little error will cause it to be rejected and sent back. This is where the frustration begins as the wait starts. It generally takes anywhere from 50-90 days for them to process an application. The main thing that they will be doing is running an extensive background check on you through the FBI criminal database using all your information as well as your fingerprints."'re changing your story? Because you berated dc4lifeskater, quite clearly and unequivocally, with your following statement:

Originally posted by ParanoidAmerican

You clearly don't really know much about one legally possesses automatic weapons.


And now you claim to have been doing this "stuff" most your life?
Defending your original position for most of this thread, and now you're saying it's just "less easy" than other posts in this thread are making it sound?

Sorry bro, you've been called out AND exposed in this thread. As to what, I'm not sure, but it's pretty clear that, well, just check my sig.

edit on 23-12-2012 by tjack because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 23 2012 @ 12:21 PM
reply to post by clearmind

Burst fire weapons fall into the Class III NFA weapons as well.

posted on Dec, 23 2012 @ 12:27 PM

Originally posted by clearmind
reply to post by ParanoidAmerican

good info
people are under a misconception about full auto weapons..i think most are thinking that ANY weappon that looks like a 'military style weapon' is full auto...a true full auto wepon is very very expensive to buy to begin with..let alone getting a FFL license to own it...a semi auto can be fired quickly but 1 shot per trigger pull..(not including burst firing if available..probably not)

good info

Not necessarily good info.

Yes, clearly people are under many misconceptions regarding full auto weapons, as well as other class 3 devices.

No, an FFL is not a requirement to own these devices.

Don't trust anything you read on the internet without looking into it yourself.

edit on 23-12-2012 by tjack because: deleted snarky comment

posted on Dec, 23 2012 @ 12:31 PM

Originally posted by syrinx high priest
so now we are believing the lame stream media and the OS ?

how convenient

I have said from the very beginning that I do not believe the OS, at all and I still don't. The point I'm trying to make is this. The representation of facts from authorities and officials to media outlets has been purposefully constructed to cause confusion and chaos.

While the crime may have been committed with only hand guns, the mention of the words assault rifle, high capacity magazines, hundreds of spent assault style shells was completely enough to send your average fox / cnn zombie American to start screaming for gun legislation and that legislation is ALREADY in motion now, this short after the shooting.

All of this and now it is said that federal and state officials never found an assault rifle, long gun or anything else besides hand guns? Those were the only weapons used? How convenient for them that the story was portrayed and told a completely different way for just long enough to get the ball rolling on new gun legislation.

Btw, anyone see Holder lately? He in jail yet? Didn't think so.

posted on Dec, 23 2012 @ 12:39 PM
reply to post by tjack

I stand by that origional statment. It is not as easy as people are making it sound, and there is a huge misunderstanding what real assault weapons are vs the "assault weapons" most civs have access to. Most states have either NFA bans or selective bans, federal law has heavy restrictions, wealthy people have access, people with very clean records. but very few people, and then time...
The registration or transfer process (to an individual or corporation) takes approximately 3–6 months to complete as of October 2011. Additionally, the firearm can never be handled or transported by any other private individual unless the firearm's registered owner is present. Corporations which own NFA firearms can loan them to any employee of the corporation with a letter of permission on the corporate letterhead.

Something I can not find is the total number of registered Class III, anyone got an idea my net is seriously restricted atm.....
edit on 23-12-2012 by ParanoidAmerican because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 23 2012 @ 12:43 PM
reply to post by ParanoidAmerican

Thanks for confirming what I said, that you originally refuted. People CAN own full autos. All your other talk is nothing but an attempt to qualify your statement, and thats fine, because I never said a word about it being easy to get them. You are the one that jumped to that. And you're right. Its not easy. But it is very doable.

Thanks again.

posted on Dec, 23 2012 @ 12:47 PM

Originally posted by ParanoidAmerican
reply to post by tjack

I stand by that origional statment. It is not as easy as people are making it sound, and there is a huge misunderstanding what real assault weapons are vs the "assault weapons" most civs have access to. Most states have either NFA bans or selective bans, federal law has heavy restrictions, wealthy people have access, people with very clean records. but very few people, and then time...
The registration or transfer process (to an individual or corporation) takes approximately 3–6 months to complete as of October 2011. Additionally, the firearm can never be handled or transported by any other private individual unless the firearm's registered owner is present. Corporations which own NFA firearms can loan them to any employee of the corporation with a letter of permission on the corporate letterhead.

Something I can not find is the total number of registered Class III, anyone got an idea my net is seriously restricted atm.....
edit on 23-12-2012 by ParanoidAmerican because: (no reason given)

Sorry friend, the original statement was:

Originally posted by ParanoidAmerican
reply to post by dc4lifeskater

You clearly don't really know much about one legally possesses automatic weapons....

Which is completely false.

"no one legally possesses automatic weapons"

That's what you said, and that's what you said you stand by.

It's wrong.

Straight up.

So, do you still stand by that?

It's ok if you misspoke, just admit it and move on.

Or lose all your credibility.

With me, at least.

Not that it matters.

posted on Dec, 23 2012 @ 12:48 PM
reply to post by captaintyinknots

Out of all the gun owners and other store owners I have met in the past 30 yrs, not one has went through the process of getting an NFA weapon. I have met one trust that owned several but that was through a militia, not an individual. We agree it is not easy or cheap, but it is not even common. I would like to know registration numbers though.
edit on 23-12-2012 by ParanoidAmerican because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 23 2012 @ 12:50 PM

Originally posted by ParanoidAmerican
reply to post by captaintyinknots

Out of all the gun owners and other store owners I have met in the past 30 yrs, not one has went through the process of getting an NFA weapon. I have met one trust that owned several but that was through a militia, not an individual. We agree it is not easy, but it is not even common. I would like to know registration numbers though.

I know more than one person that has one. They can be owned. You dont need to qualify it anymore. We agree its not easy. But its possible.

posted on Dec, 23 2012 @ 12:51 PM

Originally posted by ParanoidAmerican
reply to post by captaintyinknots

Out of all the gun owners and other store owners I have met in the past 30 yrs, not one has went through the process of getting an NFA weapon. I have met one trust that owned several but that was through a militia, not an individual. We agree it is not easy, but it is not even common. I would like to know registration numbers though.

Nobody "you know" is a far cry from...may I once again quote:

Originally posted by ParanoidAmerican
reply to post by dc4lifeskater

You clearly don't really know much about one legally possesses automatic weapons....

so....what's up?

posted on Dec, 23 2012 @ 12:54 PM
reply to post by tjack

He was wrong, he should of admitted he was wrong but that's not the issue at hand really nor the point of the thread, there is a greater evil at work here than a member being wrong in his belief nobody can acquire an assault weapon.

According to the authorities most recent claim, no assault weapon was ever used in this crime, why is it again everyone is screaming to ban them? That my friend is the real issue.

edit on 23-12-2012 by Helious because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 23 2012 @ 12:54 PM
reply to post by Helious


I'll admit I get waaaay too worked up by this topic. Sorry to distract from the point of your thread, which ALSO has my attention.
edit on 23-12-2012 by tjack because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 23 2012 @ 12:55 PM
reply to post by tjack

Sure, I should have chose one word different "few" people can own them legally. You got me on being slightly wrong in one statment out of all that information. The .1% of the population that may own them have gone through a long, strictly regulated, and costly process.
edit on 23-12-2012 by ParanoidAmerican because: (no reason given)

edit on 23-12-2012 by ParanoidAmerican because: (no reason given)

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