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Awesome find in Northern Kentucky, Help identifying this picture please

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posted on Dec, 22 2012 @ 08:08 AM
reply to post by OptimusSubprime
I thought of it as the small triangle is another Earth because it is the same shape and there is a connection made between the triangles with a line.

edit on 22-12-2012 by TRUELIES11 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 22 2012 @ 09:11 AM
hahoTexthahoHello, You know when some important person has gone on to the spirit world, they bury many objects with the deceased and many customs that that particular person may have been a warrior, seer, or some form of medicine person.
I too, have a similar stone, it is part of my bow and drill instruments. I have a board with notches, a arrow used as the drill, a bow with bowstring and a rock that has many meanings(depending on what clan you was from had certain designs, the sky clans and ground clans) like mine is pretty close, mine has markings that show a story.
For me, the Constellation Orion has many meanings for me and my clan. Its taboo, to discuss or hold such items and this item is part of a set of instruments.
Someone fasted(with out food and water) and was blessed, this sacred being that blessed this person gave him instruction to even find that type of rock, the time of the year to even make this instrument, How to use this and even have personal names. Then if that person was part of a group(same as this person) then it is handed down with instruction, word of mouth to the next in line, like his son or nephew.
Main reason, i made the effort to be a member of this site, to read posts like this and see what those find on my Turtle island, now if we was in , lets say France or Africa then I would not be able to understand what some objects are or what they are used for, I am not saying the person who come across this sacred item , was grave digging for artifacts(happens all the time) or maybe this person just found it.
Thanks for posting a picture and have a nice day!

posted on Dec, 22 2012 @ 09:36 AM
The stone I meant.

posted on Dec, 22 2012 @ 10:17 AM
Explanation: S&F!

And star for kdog1982 for doing this ...

Originally posted by kdog1982
I think it was meant to be seen like this as if it's hanging as a pendent.

So that I could discern the following ...

My apologies for resizing for aesthetic reasons.

Personal Disclosure: I hope this helps and please forgive my poor mspaint skills.

posted on Dec, 22 2012 @ 02:18 PM
It's a rock someone has crudely scrawled on and you've believed what you want to believe about it.

I did something similar 30 years ago. Trouble there weren't enough loonies to be sucked in by what I had done.

My carvings were 10x better than this amateurish attempt as well.

posted on Dec, 22 2012 @ 02:32 PM
Triangle pointing down - FIRE

Triangle pointing up - WATER

Circle - WATER

Disc with a dot/Solar - Sun/Gold/Apollo/Sulphur/Salts of Ammonia

The six pointed star is the conjunction of the two triangles of Fire and Water. The Star of David and a choice symbol of Judaism. The ancients believed these two things to be the building principles of all that exists. The triangle denotes this, it being the least sided shape.

posted on Dec, 22 2012 @ 04:06 PM
First off thank you everyone for all of the work and theories. A lot of good information!!

I was wrong about the backside I haven't seen it yet I thought he said it was just the stone but he described it looking like a leaf or fish ribs... as soon as I can get a picture I will post it. It is posted on an archaeology facebook site. The area is Old Copper Complex and Ancient Waterways of North America. There are a lot of mound builders in the general area.

Something posted there says the circle and dot also refers to the holy Arctic Circle, at 67 degrees N. - It also refers to the 3rd king Nefererkare (c.2498-2478 BC) of the Fifth Dynasty, who discovered the Northern Crossing of the Ocean.

Someone also said it was upside down and that it represents a comet hitting the earth.

I still haven't found the size of it yet. I am waiting for him to message me back.

The area it was found in is the Buffalo Trace area so there were many different Native American tribes in the area, including the Iroquois.

There is a hotbed of artifacts in the area. The holes in the stones are common here and throughout the midwest, even with some megalithic stones. There have been a lot of speculations but as far as I know there hasn't been a definitive answer to why they were made.

As I find out more I will post it here.

posted on Dec, 22 2012 @ 04:24 PM
It looks like it was badly done with a Dremel.....There are some very obvious toolmarks.

I could forward the pictures to a couple of archaeologist friends if you'd like.....But I suspect they'd just laugh!

edit on 22-12-2012 by squarehead666 because: s&p

posted on Dec, 22 2012 @ 04:28 PM
It really looks like it was made by the same people who
did the world map stone.
If someone could embed I'd be very appreciative.

posted on Dec, 22 2012 @ 09:33 PM
reply to post by chachonee
The Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA), Pub. L. 101-601, 25 U.S.C. 3001 et seq., 104 Stat. 3048, is a United States federal law enacted on 16 November 1990.

The Act requires federal agencies and institutions that receive federal funding[1] to return Native American "cultural items" to lineal descendants and culturally affiliated Indian tribes and Native Hawaiian organizations. Cultural items include human remains, funerary objects, sacred objects, and objects of cultural patrimony. A program of federal grants assists in the repatriation process and the Secretary of the Interior may assess civil penalties on museums that fail to comply.

NAGPRA also establishes procedures for the inadvertent discovery or planned excavation of Native American cultural items on federal or tribal lands. While these provisions do not apply to discoveries or excavations on private or state lands, the collection provisions of the Act may apply to Native American cultural items if they come under the control of an institution that receives federal funding.

Lastly, NAGPRA makes it a criminal offense to traffic in Native American human remains without right of possession or in Native American cultural items obtained in violation of the Act. Penalties for a first offense may reach 12 months imprisonment and a $100,000 fine.

The Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act is a law that establishes the ownership of cultural items excavated or discovered on federal or tribal land after November 16, 1990. The act also applies to land transferred by the federal government to the states under the Water Resources Department Act.[3] However, the provisions of the legislation do not apply to private lands. The Act states that Native American remains and associated funerary objects belong to lineal descendants. If lineal descendants cannot be identified, then those remains and objects, along with associated funerary and sacred objects, and objects of cultural patrimony belong to the tribe on whose lands the remains were found or the tribe having the closest known relationship to them.[3] Tribes find the burden of proof is on them, if it becomes necessary to demonstrate a cultural relationship that may not be well-documented or understood. Nowhere has this issue been more pronounced than in California, where many small bands were extinguished before they could be recognized, and only a handful, even today, have obtained federal recognition as Native Americans and descendants of Native American bands.

Congress attempted to "strike a balance between the interest in scientific examination of skeletal remains and the recognition that Native Americans, like people from every culture around the world, have a religious and spiritual reverence for the remains of their ancestors."[4]

The act also requires each federal agency, museum, or institution that receives federal funds to prepare an inventory of remains and funerary objects and a summary of sacred objects, cultural patrimony objects, and unassociated funerary objects. The act provides for repatriation of these items when requested by the appropriate descendant of the tribe. This applies to remains or objects discovered at any time, even before November 16, 1990.[5]

Since the legislation passed, the human remains of approximately 32,000 individuals have been returned to their respective tribes. Nearly 670,000 funerary objects, 120,000 unassociated funerary objects, and 3,500 sacred objects have been returned.[5] NAGPRA serves as a limitation, sometimes restricting excavation of American Indian remains and cultural objects, thereby potentially limiting the possible study of these objects.[6]
Map of Native American reservations

The statute attempts to mediate a significant tension that exists between the tribes' communal interests in the respectful treatment of their deceased ancestors and related cultural items and the scientists' individual interests in the study of those same human remains and items. The act divides the treatment of American Indian human remains, funerary objects, sacred objects, and objects of cultural patrimony into two basic categories. Under the inadvertent discovery and planned excavation component of the act and regulations, if federal officials anticipate that activities on federal and tribal lands after November 16, 1990 might have an effect on American Indian burials—or if burials are discovered during such activities—they must consult with potential lineal descendants or American Indian tribal officials as part of their compliance responsibilities. For planned excavations, consultation must occur during the planning phase of the project. For inadvertent discoveries, the regulations delineate a set of short deadlines for initiating and completing consultation. The repatriation provision, unlike the ownersh

posted on Dec, 22 2012 @ 09:45 PM
Indian money.

posted on Dec, 22 2012 @ 09:51 PM
It reminds a great deal of Judaculla Rock here in Western NC. The Cherokee claim the rock was already there when they settled the area, the glyphs looks very similar in style and the name Judaculla was associated with a red headed people eating giant they battled and killed.

posted on Dec, 23 2012 @ 12:14 AM
Why does it say former mod on your mini profile?

On topic: very interesting indeed. I can't make out the symbols for sure but my money is on Egyptian or maybe something earlier.

posted on Dec, 23 2012 @ 12:55 AM

Originally posted by OmegaLogos

Explanation: S&F!

And star for kdog1982 for doing this ...

Originally posted by kdog1982
I think it was meant to be seen like this as if it's hanging as a pendent.

So that I could discern the following ...

same as you, but more detail is, The Hole near the sun is "Nibiri" with Massive Magnetic Field....

My apologies for resizing for aesthetic reasons.

Personal Disclosure: I hope this helps and please forgive my poor mspaint skills.

posted on Dec, 23 2012 @ 02:17 AM
reply to post by chachonee

Yeah but NAGPRA is not fair. They attribute hundreds, thousands of tribes down to a few and those actual aboriginal Northenr Americans sell out theyre heritage. Same as slave owners, you cant put full blame on the buyers when the African Chiefs were selling people.

I am descended from people on Earth (mostly). I am from the region I am from by whatever means brought me to be born here. If I find an artifact sitting on top of the ground THATS MY ROCK. If I so happen to throw a shovel in property I'm allowed to dig on THATS MY ROCK.

If I find human remains I will report them to the authorities immediately, unless of course I was an unlawful digger, in which case I would cover it up and move along.. JUST SAYIN'

Native American culture was decimated, all thats left are politically swayed claims. Chief Sly Fox here has accepted the obligations we will require in procuring this 200 acre reservation. THATS WHAT IS IS!

If you were born here your Native American, thats how the cards were dealt.

posted on Dec, 23 2012 @ 04:04 AM
It describes a period in time where the solar output increases to a point where the sweet spots in pyramids are all activated to become stargates.

posted on Dec, 23 2012 @ 05:34 AM
reply to post by kdog1982

Could be the sun (notice the blazing arms around it), and the triangle showing the direction of a solar flare. The moon blocks its path and protects the Earth from it.

TBH it could be anything, cool item though.

posted on Dec, 23 2012 @ 06:26 AM

Originally posted by 33vibe
Triangle pointing down - FIRE

Triangle pointing up - WATER

Circle - WATER

Disc with a dot/Solar - Sun/Gold/Apollo/Sulphur/Salts of Ammonia

The six pointed star is the conjunction of the two triangles of Fire and Water. The Star of David and a choice symbol of Judaism. The ancients believed these two things to be the building principles of all that exists. The triangle denotes this, it being the least sided shape.

I've worked a few archaeological digs back in my uni days and currently work as a geologist so I know my rocks...

The carvings are obviously quite modern so I think you can safety rule out any mound builder artefacts. As quoted above the carvings appear to of alchemical origin. I agree completely with the explanation as quoted EXCEPT for that of the plain circle being water. I believe it is probably meant to represent the Earth. The alchemical symbol for Earth is a circle with an upright cross through it (I've actually got it tattooed on my wrist as an ode to my love of the Earth) This is not however commonly seen and is also a later addition to the suite of alchemical symbols due to the fact that the Earth was not actually believed to be a planet as such back in the heyday of alchemy.

There is a particular significance related to the two triangles which make up the Star of David not yet merged together although I can't remember it off the top of my head. I'll post back when I figure it out.

edit on 23/12/2012 by 1littlewolf because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 23 2012 @ 07:17 AM
The object is just a little less than 26,000 years old. It represents the rogue planet Nibiru eating the sun and destroying everything. When it did not happen, as it did not in 2012, those who were very vocal adherents to the deoomsday mania were forced to wear these pendants as "badges of foolishness" that others may not take their prattling seriously. After all, there were no ATS threads around to properly chastise them, so they were forced to wear these things around their neck, thereby telling all who came across them that "here is a nutjob. Listen to him/her at your own peril".
It never ceases to amaze me how people can dismiss the obvious in favor of scientific expalanations.
Well, now ya know and knowing is half the battle.

posted on Dec, 23 2012 @ 09:36 AM
It is a rock with carvings on it. Every rock found is not a earth shattering prophecy stone.

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