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Possibilty of why there are multiple criminal shooting and killing acts with the younger generation!

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posted on Dec, 19 2012 @ 10:49 AM
I am just thinking out loud here, but ever since the laws have changed toward parenting I have noticed a very large increase in not only laziness, but criminal activity amongst our nation's youth!

Think about (if you are at least 30 years old) back in the day, if you were bad in school.....Guess what?? You got a beating from a wooden paddle at school! Not to mention the beating from dad when you get home for him having to take the call about you while at work!

So you would get the epic butt beating (with the wooden paddle with holes in it) from the school principal, then again at home...

Now a days, you can't even smack a kid without going to prison!

Lack of discipline in my eyes is one of the main reasons for the youth to act like an idiot that can't get in trouble for anything they do!

If you are raised as no matter what you do or how bad it is, the worst you get is yelled at......What kind of upbringing is this?? You are aware 100% that no matter how bad the situation, or how bad you are, you will get nothing worse than someone telling you not to do it anymore!

Now I am no advocator of beating the crap out of a child, just a smack on the butt to embarass the child (not in public, and not in front of others) so your child knows that this kind of behavior is not tolerated and will not be tolerated no matter what that young immature mind believes!

The change in the youth has completely shifted, from playing outside and any kind of physical activities to playing on their new tablet, cell phone, laptop, video game system, etc!

I know technology is great, and this is how we advance as intelligent species, but why does this mean that kids no longer have fun doing things outside or with people?

So if you actually raise your child better than you were, why wouldn't you do all the things your father did with you and more??

Take your child outside to go hunting, this isn't so the child learns how to kill.....This teaches a child how to be responsible with a gun......Teach him/her of the dangers and show how powerful guns actually can be!

Raise a child to respect people.....This is where parents really lack! Children should always show respect for others.....Yes sir, thank you, simple things that go a long way! If you raise a child to show nobody any type of respect, then what do you think will happen in school or even further down the road?

If you don't want society to raise your kid (which you shouldn't) then you need to parent up and raise your child appropriately!

Sorry about my rant, but I feel this is one of the major factors with the youth we are having......People killing kids?? How can someone raised with morals and ethics even think about doing something this barbaric? They wouldn't is the answer!

Please open up any discussions about what you believe is the reason. I think parenting is the only CHANGE we need to be more successful in stopping these kinds of actions from happening! Banning guns is not going to change a thing, criminals will find a gun......There is a law against killing people, yet criminals still do it....!
edit on 12/19/2012 by Chrisfishenstein because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 19 2012 @ 10:59 AM
I believe if you show a child violence (spanking) this will only teach them that violence is an answer to a problem.

This study, which includes over 60 years of research, would agree with that.

Gershoff found "strong associations" between corporal punishment and all eleven child behaviors and experiences. Ten of the associations were negative such as with increased child aggression and antisocial behavior. The single desirable association was between corporal punishment and increased immediate compliance on the part of the child.

Every generation is drastically different than the last in developed countries. The world is changing at an ever increasing rate. Parents never understand their kids.

posted on Dec, 19 2012 @ 11:00 AM
Words right out of my mouth, glad more and more people are starting to feel the same way. People these days are calloused monsters. We are truly like Rome before it collapsed, they brought the coliseum out to distract to people from the real worries. Now we just have "American Idol", "The Voice" and other such garbage.

Now with kids, I am in the middle, sometimes, some kids need to be beat with a boat. But that isn't their fault, a lot rests on how they are raised and raised up with.

"America has become a cruel and vicious place. We reward the shallowest, the dumbest, the meanest and the loudest. We no longer have any common sense of decency. No sense of shame. There is no right and wrong. The worst qualities in people are looked up to and celebrated. Lying and spreading fear is fine as long as you make money doing it. We've become a nation of slogan-saying, bile-spewing hatemongers. We've lost our kindness. We've lost our soul. What have we become? We take the weakest in our society, we hold them up to be ridiculed, laughed at for our sport and entertainment." ~From "God Bless America"

edit on 19-12-2012 by th3onetruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 19 2012 @ 11:03 AM
reply to post by Chrisfishenstein

Physical communication is how we get ourselves into wars!
So needless to say, I disagree with your position but respect the right for you to feel it

posted on Dec, 19 2012 @ 11:05 AM
I VERY much agree.. when I was younger I was a full on hell raiser and my mom would pop me in the mouth or beat my ass if I was being bad and it straightened me right out, now I went to live with my grandmother when I was about 13 and I did nothing but get into trouble from then until I was 18 because I did whatever I wanted.

She would at most yell at me, she wouldn't spank me and I knew it, I knew I was a kid so for the most part unless I killed someone I wouldn't get in trouble for anything really so I pretty much did what I wanted, I talked to teachers at school however I wanted because I knew they couldn't do anyting but send me home which is what I wanted to do. I left school whenever I wanted I would ride the bus to school, leave and walk about a mile to my friends house who had a half pipe and we would skate all day. Then walk back to school and ride the bus home at the end of the day.

I feel like easily if I knew my ass was going to get beat like when I was younger or when my dad was around and I would get the belt I would have thought twice.

Obviously you shouldn't beat your children and maybe that is the problem sometimes to many poeple take it to far but idk I never felt like i was going to die or like beat with fists or anything like that. My mom would slap me right in the face if I would curse but its not like she punched me in the eye or broke my nose. My dad would beat my ass with a belt but never like black or bloody but i would say pretty well red lol

posted on Dec, 19 2012 @ 11:08 AM
reply to post by Chrisfishenstein
Heck, even if parents would lay down some restrictions and stick by them it would make a tremendous difference- but it's just too horrible for little Johnny or Susie to be the only kid without their (pick electronic device)- what will the other kids/parents say?

True story- when my kids were teens and started acting up in a bad way my husband had hit his limit. He cut the plugs off of every electronic device the kids had (video game systems. computers, DVD players, TVs, cell phone chargers,etc.). They couldn't use any of them until the "grounded" period was over and he replaced all of the plugs. It's amazing how well behaved they were after that!

Parents learn to stick to your guns! An empty threat carries no weight and does nothing to teach your children!

posted on Dec, 19 2012 @ 11:09 AM
reply to post by dc4lifeskater

Oh god the horrors that I remember lol. If i was a little demon, my mom had a "bunny paddle" and all she had to do was take that damn thing out and I was a saint lol.

posted on Dec, 19 2012 @ 11:12 AM
reply to post by littled16

That is the very thing wrong with us, the new technology is like freakin crack cocain to the youth. If they don't have it they lose their freakin minds. Now, I was ecstatic over a NES or a N64, but not to the extents like these kids are with Iphones and "Sweet 16"

BTW Sweet 16 needs to be killed with fire

posted on Dec, 19 2012 @ 11:18 AM
My childhood consisted of playing all sports, running around outside with my many friends, hiking,sledding, pickup basketball/football games. General mischief. We only had 3 TV stations. I spent my time outdoors. At dinner time i cleaned my plate within 5 minutes and was out the door until dark. I got spankings from my parents and at school. I knew i deserved it so it had no ill effects on me. Today you don't see kids outside playing. You don't see kids doing much of anything but playing X-box etc. They are bombarded with way too much info in my opinion. Bad things that happened when i grew up were kept to rumors passed around. Now they are forced onto us daily. The music of my day had meaning for the greater good of humanity for the most part. Not the ,I'll put a cap in your ass crap our kids listen to today. There is not a single thing we can point to to blame it on but if i had to choose the factor that effects kids and society the most it would be the information age has gotten out of hand.

posted on Dec, 19 2012 @ 11:18 AM
reply to post by th3onetruth
Agreed- death to Sweet 16!!!

Problem is nowadays parents are scared their kids aren't going to like them more than they're afraid of not doing what is necessary. Kids like anyone who will let them walk all over them, but they don't respect them! My kids are in their 20s and still respect every rule of my house when they are here. I'd rather they love and respect me than want to be my friend!

posted on Dec, 19 2012 @ 11:19 AM
I just want to bring up one point, it seems all these killers of late ALL (even Columbine) had extremely high IQ's bordering on genius. I think the research and parallels should start RIGHT there and nowhere else.
I always believed there's a very fine line between genius and insanity.

posted on Dec, 19 2012 @ 11:27 AM
reply to post by littled16

I am 22, that being said, I am not BFFs with my mom. We fight ( verbally lol) but I think it is better to get all that baggage out. When all is said in done, I normally slink over and say sorry. I respect her as a person and she instilled certain values onto/into my core ethnics that will never go away.

I know killing is wrong. My qualm with that, self defense is the only reasonable reason.
Don't hurt others, unless you want to be hurt.
Be kind to others and in turn, they will be kind to you. Kind of the rehash of #2

List goes on but in these trying times. Most kids are watching The Expendables and thinking that's how life should be and that that's normalcy. They think that music degrading women, other races and eagerly promote sex ( don't get me wrong, sex is great and necessary but only when your body is ready) is right and listen to it religiously.
edit on 19-12-2012 by th3onetruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 19 2012 @ 12:15 PM
reply to post by ZeroReady

Yeah, if you want to believe the test subjects they used! How many of you (including myself) did this help?

I am sitting here with my hand raised!

posted on Dec, 19 2012 @ 12:16 PM

Originally posted by Human_Alien
reply to post by Chrisfishenstein

Physical communication is how we get ourselves into wars!
So needless to say, I disagree with your position but respect the right for you to feel it

So you want or expect people to be a hermit to save from......War??

posted on Dec, 19 2012 @ 12:30 PM
reply to post by Chrisfishenstein

I agree, my parents disciplined me with a paddle or a belt. I am generally a nice person, I can't stand stupid though...and I mean stupid. Not this faux stupid that happens on the internet because you use the wrong words or get them mixed up. I mean, good ole faction, down to earth, dumb as rocks stupidity. Which seems to be affecting a lot of people in 'Merica.

posted on Dec, 19 2012 @ 12:43 PM

Originally posted by ZeroReady

Every generation is drastically different than the last in developed countries. The world is changing at an ever increasing rate. Parents never understand their kids.


Parents don't understand their kids? Pffft!

Parents understand their kids just fine, believe me. We see exactly the same actions occurring for exactly the same reasons. The only differences are the props that are used to justify the actions. TVs and computers, radios and mp3 players, teen phone lines and cell phones. It's all the same.

The only 'drastic changes' are in the kid's heads, and those are just names. Parents were all kids at one time. We've been there done that.

A good spanking when deserved can solve many of the behavior problems youth have. It always has.

posted on Dec, 19 2012 @ 12:55 PM
reply to post by Montana

I don't think parents nowadays, truly understand their kids as much as they might have say, three or four generations ago. Unless the kid conveys every thought and feeling unto their parent, it is impossible for them to catch onto everything. My mother doesn't know I am an Agnostic Atheist or that I believe that all men and women are truly equal. She stopped "instilling" morality after divorces and she became really bigoted and it was starting to rub off on me. I started becoming racist, I mean I didn't really hate the race I was slandering, it was just a acquired dislike. Though through "breaking" away from the filth that is forced feed to us on a daily basis. I realized that much of everything we watch is fear-mongering or meant to instill in you, hatred for a certain demographic.

Sorry kinda went off on a tangent

Maybe I should say I am not racist anymore, I have a pretty equal disdain for humanity as a whole
edit on 19-12-2012 by th3onetruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 19 2012 @ 01:08 PM
I'm sure you will get a decent amount of pain for thinking out loud on the topic...but kudos to you for putting it out there for conversation.

I got paddled at school...often I might add. Didn't kill me, didn't make me violent...but it did teach me that there are repercussions in this world if you do not follow the guidelines of a civilized society.

I do believe at a certain age, a "whooping" teaches a person to fear retribution...and from that fear of retribution grows respect for society....

Just my opinion. I have kids. I think both of them maybe got two spankings each when they were growing up. Most of the time it was grounding or no television, telephone or such. They grew up to be smart, clever and well behaved young adults.

edit on 12/19/2012 by Jeremiah65 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 19 2012 @ 01:11 PM
reply to post by th3onetruth

Do I really need to know all of that to know why you would be misbehaving? No, probably not. This is what we are talking about, not religion or equality or any other buzz words we want to toss in there.

I would still know that you hit Billy at school because he called you names. That you called the teacher a bad name because he embarrassed you in front of your friends. And that you vandalized the park bench to look cool to the girl next door.

None of that has anything to do with whether you happen to believe the world was made by a one-eyed snake rubbing two clouds together or not. Whether men and women are exactly equal in all things (they aren't. While having equal rights under the law, and being generally equal in intelligence, ability and morality each sex still has those area that they excel in.). Or what color of skin Joe has. All of these can be used as an excuse for bad behavior, but they aren't really the REASON for that behavior.

posted on Dec, 19 2012 @ 01:21 PM
reply to post by Montana

First off, I wasn't using my religious belief as a buzz word, it was stated that parents know nothing of their kids, to which you said the parents know more than the kids think. I simply provided a story to further both sides. I wasn't looking to recruit more atheists or to steal away the believers lol

And when I said men and women are equal, I don't men physically. That much should be apparent. Men are normally more broad and have deeper voices. Women tend to be slimmer and have higher voices. But your right that is a topic for another thread and another day.

And it isn't like I said anything really personal. But I do believe religious up bringing ties into how you perceive the world.

If you grew up being taught that only your religious people were the "right" people...then how does that effect you filter on life?

Parents or whoever is the care-giver needs to be a responsible person and teach core values. Core values that stretch beyond any belief system. Basic human values.

edit on 19-12-2012 by th3onetruth because: (no reason given)

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