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Here we go again - Gun Bans are on the way

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posted on Dec, 17 2012 @ 10:42 AM
We'd all best be careful. Now the Conn. sheriff or officer in charge of the investigation is threatening to either investigate or prosecute ANYONE who posts alternative information to that that doesn't come from his microphone -

Want your 2nd Amendment rights - HAH! Want to exercise your 1st Amendment rights - double HAH! You WILL believe what WE have to tell you or else!

posted on Dec, 17 2012 @ 11:46 AM
I don't think it will really matter if you remove guns or not. There is something wrong with American culture, obviously.

posted on Dec, 17 2012 @ 12:02 PM
Coming from the UK it is hard to understand why 80% of the US have a gun. In 2008 there were 39 murders by firearms here and over 9,000 in the USA. Yes you are five times bigger in population but that would make our figure 195 in comparison.

Even our regular Police Officers do not carry a gun. There is a trained Armed Division which in London gets called out twice a day but rarely fires a weapon in anger.

What worries me is that if someone in the US has an argument with someone, has a few drinks then decides to use a gun against him a murder could easily arrise. The worst that could happen here is that a brick is thrown through their window or someone gets into a fist fight over the argument. The temptation to use your gun in the US seems too great?

posted on Dec, 17 2012 @ 12:15 PM
reply to post by Ollie769

Its time to follow the moeny----we need a list of ALL people involved in ownership or control of ANY major or minor MEDIA ENTITY,we need to DIG DEEP and flush out the NAMES of these people and we need to sort through all the legal corporation and other roadblocks until we have NAMES of people responsible for colluding to supress the people.

The one single link to everything from JFK to todays issues is THE MEDIA and it overt manipulation of the public,we need to go WAYYYYYY back to the beginnings of these media entitys and forensiclly track who has been owning ,influencing and running these entitys.

The internet is the only representative of "freedom of speech"and "freedom of the press"traditional media sources are tools and the only good thing they do is let us find the collusional links to the crimes against humanity media has been used to facillitate,so first we follow the money,then we apply pressure and then we keep repeating ntil something breaks.

In fact one might think a good laywer could find a crime in that threatening statement.

Anyone intentionally providing false data to sidetrack the investigation is of course comitting a crime,they are interfering with the judicial process,however intent MUST be to do exactly this,the blanket statement is like media terrorism,trying to make people believe they need to bow down and lick the ground to some official garbage.

Someone rich get a lawyer and sue someone for doing this--for threatening an entire country---the obvious truth is that they couldnt claim a National Security interest to validate stomping on peoples rights so they had to make veiled threats,and enough of this executive order crap,how does this get stopped???This is blatant and it is very scary.

The ONLY public forum not controlled by manipulative media is the internet,and this is because it is simply to big,but they are sure trying to control it,in fact right here on ATS I have many posts that simply delete,they dont post,and others talk of the same problem,so TPTB already have massive resources committed to internet control,and it seems they are automated by series of key words and updated 24/7 to keep up with current news.Someone realised that even doing this delete crap will discourage many from reposting and this makes the method effective.

The sooner mainstream western media is challenged and restructured the sooner we will see global change for the better.The freedom of the press deal is old news now,and we are very aware of how it is now being used against the people to further the causes of TPTB.

You want to know what the people really want then you need to see them say it online or you cannot believe anything you see or hear.Its that bad now.

You can watch news reports online and see massive coverups by our Western media outlets in collusion with our governments and industry,it is absolutely sickening to watch happen,.

It is through media manipulation and corrupt government that we are suppressed,find the industry money that supports the media outlets and then the governmental influences connected to these people and you have a great start.Do NOT believe the crap your TV spews out,most of it is controlled and manipulated with intent.It isnt that hard to illustrate either.

Things are changing slowly for the better and each time we see something like these threats we need to take names and numbers and remember and repost these things for everyone else to see before they become suppressed.

Media has always historiclly been the best method of controlling and supressing the people,for thousands of years----the internet changed all of that and we are just learning to use it to hunt down corrupt non-humanitarian liars and frauds.People are getting better and better at doing this every day,it was only a few years ago that I wondered if people would see the internets value in allowing them to personally help make honest change happen,well today I KNOW IT IS WORKING because I see so many vids telling the OBVIOUS TRUTHS we are all seeking and EACH TIME i see a vid like that it is one more nail in the coffin of the old system of doing things globally.We truly need to see some historical research into who owns controlls and influences the mainstream media outlets.We need to look for "affilliations"and then we need to paint these people with the brush they deserve.

TPTB cannot keep jailing innocent people without massive change,they are in a catch-22 the older Boomers are really the only people who watch mainstream media and as a result the younger generation cannot be manipulated as easily,and when you combine that with the fact that several generations have been taught first hand just how crooked and non-humanitarian the Boomers are and you have the makings of a perfect storm.Or change.


posted on Dec, 17 2012 @ 12:36 PM
I thought Garth Jernigan of West Virginia State University had a lot to say that make sense along with some of my views:
If you want to really reduce murder, eliminate abortions, because as of January, 1973, there have been 50,000,000 plus unborn babies that never had a chance in this world. They didn't have the protection of the 14th Amendment.
Also, if you look at countries controlled by dictators that took away the guns of the people, like Hitler did, and then he killed 11,000,000 people, and not just with guns either. Look at the countries in Africa that have dictators running them. They don't want the people to have guns as it makes it easier to kill their opposition.
Ironically, in England, a man's house was broken into and the owner killed one of the two burglars. The other one was slightly wounded and got 4 years for breaking and entering. The homeowner, interestingly enough, was given life in prion for defending himself in his own home. Gun control doesn't work, and benefits dictators, or want to be dictators and criminals as it's much easier to rob from an unarmed person.
If you don't like guns, don't buy one, and then put a picture of a handgun with the universal symbol for no, in your window to tell people you don't have a gun. How long will it be before you get robbed?
edit on 17-12-2012 by wulff because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 17 2012 @ 12:47 PM
reply to post by Halfwayline

An egg-sized rock launched from across the room will definately kill you.

In Canada we used to carry guns in our trucks and you DID NOT see people shooting it up,never--not at all.

People are people all over the world and statistics can be manipulated,murders are murders,in the UK maybe poison is used but the result is the same,or 20 bucks worth of padlocks chain and gasoline is used,your rational is flawed and the numbers are misrepresentative of the entire issue.

Gunshot deaths are only one way of killing,22 kids were stabbed in a school in China and the list could go on.There are always and will always be sick humans,and always be a need to execute them to protect the public.

It is easier for one good person to shoot a murderer on the spot than to have twenty trying to get a headshot with their egg-sized rocks,sure eventually someone will get a lucky one in there but think of the damage in the mean time.

On that note the UK is a VERY VERY dangerous place when you consider assaults with knives and other weapons,homemade ones,in fact the UK is notorious for that.

This is really about good people being trusted and bad ones not being trusted,we need to trust good people to do the right thing,and we need the bad people to FEAR this retaliation by good people----we need to let the population become the deterrant because the Police just cant seem to get the job done right.

Criminals fear good people you know,and everyone knows there is nothing more dangerous than a pissed of christian!!

Lets the people protect themselves,most wont bother carring guns and WE NEED THE ONES THAT WILL desperately.

Criminals avoid gunfights and sick people dont need guns to mass murder----BUT WE DO NEED GUNS TO STOP THE SICK PEOPLE.Criminals want money --not to be killed by Granny with a Glock in her purse.Regular people carrying guns will simply protect themselves and all of us from the SICK minds who dont care if they are shot as they are killing others.

Police do NOT stop crimes,they come to investigate them and press charges AFTER the fact.

If you follow the law in Canada and are not carrying it for self-defense you can carry a knife in the open unconcealed,but you better join a Whitteling Club online and fast or you will be arrested.I used to carry a knife as I was born in a rural area and was just used to having it as a tool,not for self defense,but living in a city means I actually NEED it to just go shopping to the store,I do not feel I am required to bare my throat to the wolf just to be Canadian.

Four egg-sized rocks in my coat pockets and my knife and I can hit a threat from medium range enough to be able to run away and if they get closer and I run out of rocks then its the cold steel and things get personal.

For the record,I have cast several stones in my lifetime at moving targets and the results are absolutely astounding even with enraged people.In fact If I had the drop on you at all one rock to your beanbag and I promise you are sleeping on the ground,just one well placed stone.I would wager that your odds of surviving a knife thrust to the head are much better than surviving an egg-sized stone to the head.

My point is that if I am pissed off and drunk all i need to do is step outside and grab a few stones and you could potentially be deader than a doornail.

Did I already mention that if you plan to use the rocks for self-defense in Canada you will be charged with a criminal offense for just possesing them.So you see this is much deeper than a gun issue,this is about keeping us defenceless ,unarmed,and absolutely vulnerable.

Simply taking away guns doesnt solve anything for regular people,it just means the criminals cant shoot at the police thats all.And we all know you can go online and find directions to build your own gun from scrap metal and it is as deadly as any gun out there,you can do this in an hour or two.

This is about trusting good people and it is about condeming and prosecuting bad people on the spot and in the moment.

posted on Dec, 17 2012 @ 12:49 PM

Originally posted by wulff
I thought Garth Jernigan of West Virginia State University had a lot to say that make sense along with some of my views:
If you want to really reduce murder, eliminate abortions, because as of January, 1973, there have been 50,000,000 plus unborn babies that never had a chance in this world. They didn't have the protection of the 14th Amendment.
Also, if you look at countries controlled by dictators that took away the guns of the people, like Hitler did, and then he killed 11,000,000 people, and not just with guns either. Look at the countries in Africa that have dictators running them. They don't want the people to have guns as it makes it easier to kill their opposition.
Ironically, in England, a man's house was broken into and the owner killed one of the two burglars. The other one was slightly wounded and got 4 years for breaking and entering. The homeowner, interestingly enough, was given life in prion for defending himself in his own home. Gun control doesn't work, and benefits dictators, or want to be dictators and criminals as it's much easier to rob from an unarmed person.
If you don't like guns, don't buy one, and then put a picture of a handgun with the universal symbol for no, in your window to tell people you don't have a gun. How long will it be before you get robbed?
edit on 17-12-2012 by wulff because: (no reason given)

If you don't want a gun dont buy one, but we should eliminate abortion altogether? What about...ahhh, nevermind, that is just a ridiculous attempt to make this about a subject that has NOTHING to do with this tragedy. Push an agenda much?

For shame

posted on Dec, 17 2012 @ 12:51 PM

Originally posted by Jameliel
reply to post by captaintyinknots

I need mine to DEFEND myself and my FAMILY. I also need mine to STAND UP AGAINST TYRANNY. There is your reason. If you have a problem with it, then place all your trust in the government and huddle down in your hole taking whatever they give you, and giving whatever they take.
edit on 17-12-2012 by Jameliel because: (no reason given)

Im not sure what you need to defend your family against that requires a 50 round mag on a high powered rifle. But if thats what you think you need, fair enough.

As ive said many times, I am a gun owner, and will stay that way. I have no problem with guns.

posted on Dec, 17 2012 @ 12:55 PM

Originally posted by GambitVII
reply to post by captaintyinknots

Uhhh... after a friend of mine was invaded by a group people posing as people from a cable company, she eventually picked up an AR15. People can be messed up, seriously. I don't even need to make up the details for you to get how effed up the whole thing was. What ever it is your thinking happened, your most likely right.
So please, don't go about pretending that terrible circumstances in life and death circumstances are exclusively 1v1 encounters.
edit on 17-12-2012 by GambitVII because: (no reason given)

edit on 17-12-2012 by GambitVII because: (no reason given)

edit on 17-12-2012 by GambitVII because: (no reason given)

I'm all for ones right to protect themselves. In all honesty though, an Ar-15 is a terrible home defense weapon. She could have as easily picked up a shotgun or a handgun and defended herself just the same.

posted on Dec, 17 2012 @ 02:27 PM

Originally posted by johncarter
reply to post by seabag

Good, it was about friggin time something drastic happened to stop these murderers and guns crazy people with a mindset equal to a slobbering redneck.

It is time children can go to school without fearing for their lives , or sit in class drowning in anxiety of imagining the class room door being kicked in and facing a damn yokel, pro.gun, NRA fanatic, armed to the teeth and ready to snuff out their small innocent lives for lunch while gun crazy maniacs debate 2nd amendment till end of time. It is high time to close this loophole in the law.

It is time Obama persuade or by executive order or send his heavy duty boys to kick some ass in the congress and senate and force them to deem gun ownership equal to terrorism which should warrant these perps 30 days to hand them in or face life in prison. Or make them 2nd rate citizens with no rights as normal citizens.

If Europe and Japan can survive and have extremely low death rates due to strong antigun laws so can US.

edit on 16-12-2012 by johncarter because: (no reason given)

Send his heavy duty boys to kick some ass in congress?
It sounds like you want the members of congress to repeal the 2nd Amendment with
heavy duty boys shoving a gun in their faces! Pass the repeal or we will blow your heads off!

posted on Dec, 17 2012 @ 02:32 PM
reply to post by Halfwayline

We have the 2nd Amendment. It's not going away.
George Soros and his minions are just running around saying
"Never let a perfectly good crisis go to waste! Ban all guns now!!!"

Opportunistic thugs want to kick down our front doors and steal our guns.

edit on 17-12-2012 by TauCetixeta because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 17 2012 @ 03:05 PM
Oh good. Someone else turning this very important topic into a "left/right" issue. Which couldn't show some people's ignorance more. My views go so far to the left they wrap around to the right and touch. I'm so liberal I'd be completely comfortable with being called a pinko socialist commie. And you're damn right I support the second amendment. Using this issue as another way to slander an entire segment of society is ridiculous.

posted on Dec, 17 2012 @ 03:53 PM
reply to post by johncarter

Wow Seabag, blame the NRA and Rednecks for the killing of the innocent. That's a liberal line for ya, how about we address the immorality that is being propogsated upon the american people by the left wing. Let's time travel back before the days " removing God from the schools" personal responsibilty, it ok children don't need fathers, it's a womens thing. How about johnny has 2 mommies, parents and teachers can't discipline a child oh ya the small notion that sick people don't need mental institutions.

I say sir that people like you are responsible for the complete moral decay of this country, by normalizing everything we knew in the past as bad,evil unacceptable for society. All for the rights of a very few, the masses and yes those victims of the latest shooting are paying the price. When I grew up we often carried guns in our vehicles as we shot them on a daily basis, yet nobody ever thought to use one on another.

posted on Dec, 17 2012 @ 05:10 PM

Originally posted by johncarter
reply to post by seabag

Good, it was about friggin time something drastic happened to stop these murderers and guns crazy people with a mindset equal to a slobbering redneck.

I think you are the first I've seen cheering the death of innocents so openly, simply to promote a political agenda. Congrats on being the first.

Just what do you have against "slobbering rednecks"? Prejudiced much?

It is time children can go to school without fearing for their lives , or sit in class drowning in anxiety of imagining the class room door being kicked in and facing a damn yokel, pro.gun, NRA fanatic, armed to the teeth and ready to snuff out their small innocent lives for lunch while gun crazy maniacs debate 2nd amendment till end of time. It is high time to close this loophole in the law.

You know, I just can't argue against pure unadulterated emotion with simple logic. It just won't punch through that thick skull, so why bother? I just wanted to point out that you are entirely fueled on prejudice and emotion, completely devoid of logic. I would hate to live in the abject fear that you thrive on.

It is time Obama persuade or by executive order or send his heavy duty boys to kick some ass in the congress and senate and force them to deem gun ownership equal to terrorism which should warrant these perps 30 days to hand them in or face life in prison. Or make them 2nd rate citizens with no rights as normal citizens.

You know, I have no guns now. None. They were stolen, and the police had not even a slight interest in retrieving them. I gave it to ATF instead. THEY seemed interested. If I DID have any, however, in the scenario you describe I'd not see the first day in prison. A life sentence, perhaps, but that life would be woefully short - it would not extend to a prison stay.

They just bag you up when they're through with you. It's ok, though. Neither I nor my guns be around to keep them from shoving your overly emotional ass into a looney bin for going off like this with no forethought. I'm sure you do it in other areas of discussion as well. Overly emotional people simply can't help themselves. it's an illness. it need s to be treated. If you can't get help at NIMH or a "reeducation camp", please, get help SOMEWHERE!

posted on Dec, 17 2012 @ 05:28 PM

Originally posted by johncarter
reply to post by facelift

Just give it time and you ll see these things happen next year. US have had enough of the gun crazy NRA supporters slaughtering people every month at their leisure.

Staggering the level of ignorance of some people. Either that or certain people are on someone's payroll...

posted on Dec, 17 2012 @ 06:25 PM
reply to post by seabag

Per details that have been released. The Bushmaster rifle used shot .22 caliber rounds. The logic used to argue that this was a false flag to increase gun regulation is becoming more and more flawed given the details released. I realize that it could be argued that the details are being manipulated to decrease the link between the two while achieving the objective, however it is beginning to become a stretch. You have a mentally ill kid who live with his "prep-per" mother that stockpiled food and guns to create a "perfect scenario" for this event. The flaw is in the story about the Mom who seems totally normal in many aspects while dealing with a mentally ill kid. The issue seems to be around mental illness and our our lack of resources to deal with it. Let's focus on the need for treatment and access to resources for families dealing with mentally ill children. That would make a lot more sense and head way with the MSM than making some irrational argument about FF and the effort for taking weapons. Anyone that can create logical arguments can see that this does not open the door for more gun control.

Much of this story as many have pointed out doesn't make sense, however it doesn't open the door many have created.

posted on Dec, 17 2012 @ 06:34 PM
Now I'm not sure if these stats are any good (they seem good?)... but stay with me:

Now I will try not to make generalisations, but I'll politely refer you guys down to education header. now I'm not saying those with post college degrees are smarter, and I'm not saying all those with highschool and less are stupid. I'm also not saying all those with post college are all anti-gun, and I'm not saying that those with less than highshool are all pro gun. The stats don't say that.

So what am I saying?

And please read the following very carefully.

It would seem apparent that there is a propensity for those with less education to own a gun, and therefore be pro-gun.

What did that guy just say!? Yep you heard me, those with a gun are more likely to be less educated. What does education have to do with using a gun safely? nothing really. But knowing that fact makes it a lot easier to consolidate some of the drivel spewed forth by a few members here.

calling anti-gun folks stupid, or unable to form a decent argument, when, in your own very nation those very same folks are more likely to be educated, doesn't seem very.. erm.. clever.

Now it's very difficult to analyse stats like this, and we tend to over generalise (like I just did), but we can deduce whether things are more probable. And it is more probable that gun folks haven't had to formulate solid arguments on paper (and be marked on those arguments) to the same extent (generally) as those who are against it.

Some one shoot me down! please!

So I'll leave with a sincere question: Why would there be a gulf between educated folks, and uneducated folks in relation to gun ownership?

posted on Dec, 17 2012 @ 07:53 PM
i]reply to post by seabag

Thanks for the update, Seabag. BUMP. After digging a little
(just a little) and getting some infamous faces in the CT crowd
plugged into some actors, we've got another psyop. It checks
out to be a televised drill, but you know me-- I'll get flamed 30 seconds
after I hit the . Doesn't even matter that the FEMA papers
describing the drill was out there for the reading... even actor's waivers.
Looks like Dallas Goldbug nailed it again, and busted everybody.
URL in blush purple, it should be:
Strictly to topic... they're getting desparate and this sore thumb is IT? If we
ban anything in the US next year it ought to be lying by the so-called Fourth
Estate on behalf of the Z-boys.
I'm old enough to remember this nagging mental image from a black and white
snap... showing us a teenager with a rock from the corner of a brick building,
getting a bead on a T-34 in Budapest. '53. It didn't go too well for him:
and that was no psyop.
I can only wonder how many bought into this one, and are handing in their iron now?
Bury 'em careful, Marine. With any good luck I'll be out there with you.

posted on Dec, 17 2012 @ 08:04 PM
Guns won't be taken until we are shocked by what we see. We saw 9/11 first hand, witnessed it play by play

Until we SEE a killing of this magnitude, the people on the fence will not get off and fight for gun control, which is what they need.

This is what they need to twist the arms of millions of American gun owners. Something that shocks the world and increases the pressure. This is not yet it.

posted on Dec, 17 2012 @ 08:19 PM

Originally posted by Halfwayline
Coming from the UK it is hard to understand why 80% of the US have a gun. In 2008 there were 39 murders by firearms here and over 9,000 in the USA. Yes you are five times bigger in population but that would make our figure 195 in comparison.

Even our regular Police Officers do not carry a gun. There is a trained Armed Division which in London gets called out twice a day but rarely fires a weapon in anger.

What worries me is that if someone in the US has an argument with someone, has a few drinks then decides to use a gun against him a murder could easily arrise. The worst that could happen here is that a brick is thrown through their window or someone gets into a fist fight over the argument. The temptation to use your gun in the US seems too great?

Your government treats you like a child to protect you from yourself.

How is that not demeaning for you? To be punished for the actions of others as if you wouldn't know better.

What's worse is that you allowed it and to this day even defend it, because you yourself believe that you cannot be trusted with a gun.

Orwellian Brainwashing at its finest. Millions of Americans prove that despite the size and different cultures people are adults and emotionally capable of owning guns and using them in a responsible manner when needed.

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