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I wonder why Nudists only are preparing for this?

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posted on Dec, 3 2012 @ 03:34 AM
The reason I put that heading on here is because I watched all 12 of the USA Survival programs, and every family I see doing this program had no clothes taking with them. Can you honestly try to think how much clothing a family of 2 adults & 2 kids would need to take to a shelter,, or Bug Out as they called it? they were not thinking of just taking the clothes they had on were they? what about the pegs they would need for there noses? after 3 days the smell would be foul.
I wonder where they would put 6 months of spare clothes, let alone one year supply.
Tell me folks, what were they planning to do about what I see as a major worry?

posted on Dec, 3 2012 @ 03:39 AM
Water washes a multitude of stink away.

posted on Dec, 3 2012 @ 03:40 AM
reply to post by Alternative4u

Well, I think I would simply wash the clothes. Maybe take one extra set of clothes with me. Washing yourself, and your clothes goes a long way.

In a situation of survival, how you smell is the last thing I would worry about.


posted on Dec, 3 2012 @ 03:40 AM
When there's a scenario like that, clothes changing would be the last thing on your mind. Not changing clothes hardly stops you from living.

Look at homeless people, they are wearing raggy clothes and other poor people around the World, they are okay with it.

If change of clothes is a big worry for anyone, then they most probably die in 2 days, without being able to iron them etc.

posted on Dec, 3 2012 @ 04:07 AM
reply to post by Alternative4u

Because TV shows like those cater to the extremist mentality in attempting entertainment rather than practical thought and rational planning. That said, a spare change of clothes with a third pair of socks and underwear will last a person a considerable amount of time provided that it is practical clothing in the first place.

Assuming an end of modern civilization and convenience, these extremists won't be part of the rebuilding process for several years as they will shun outside contact. Their clothing needs will be met with buckskins mostly in their romanticized visions of survival. Most people with scavenge clothes from abandoned houses or even haphazardly make their own from bed linens, curtains, blankets and car seat upholstery for cloth as weaving is a rare to find lost art. Let alone finding someone to make a loom.
edit on 3-12-2012 by Ahabstar because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 3 2012 @ 07:49 AM
6 months supply of clothes? I've gotten by on the same two pair of jeans and three shirts for the past ten years. Actually, I think I might have replaced the shirts about 5 years ago.

Water is a wonderful thing. You can jump right in with clothes on and do your laundry while you bathe.

posted on Dec, 3 2012 @ 10:06 AM
You are correct, the "washing with water" crowd is wrong (here's a hint, you must soap your clothes and beat them against a rock to actually clean them. Failing to do so leaves dirt in between the fabric weave and will begin to form little holes which become big holes. Soldiers fighting in tropical areas and constnatly being ecposed to water can atest to this).

Most BOBs are absolutely useless because they lack clothing and toiletries. When I was a boy my mother kept two suitcases by the door. One had two days of food, some toys for us kids, and toiletries; the other had clothes. We lived in Europe and would be on front lines if NATO and Warsaw went to war, so we knew that we would have to evacuated and what we had on us was going to be it.

The point of a BOB is to have enough provisions and what not to get you to safety. Once at safety, chances are living out of a suitcase will happen.

posted on Dec, 4 2012 @ 11:14 PM
If I planned to bug out to an established shelter I would have clothing stored there already along with other preps.

Why would anyone assume if the have food, medicine & weapons in a bug out shelter they wouldn't also have clothing.

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