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To Be A State Or Not To Be A State, That Was Once the Question.

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posted on Dec, 1 2012 @ 05:10 PM
Sometimes it seems as if the people running the world have always been overgrown children playing King of the Hill and Keep Away, always tricking and using and taking from one powerless group, keeping the cream for themselves, while giving the dregs to another powerless group in an endless cycle of destruction. Mandated charity has always failed and will always fail, yet this philosophy forms the very underpinnings of America. It hides in plain sight.

There is no way to avoid resentment and generational bitterness when land or labor or money is taken from one group and given to another group with strings attached and history, going back at least as far as Abraham, has been built on exactly that premise. Might makes right, especially if you can first sling a good line of bull to lull the less mighty into complacency. “We come bearing gifts”.

All across the USA, long before most of the newer states had joined the union, territorial boundaries were drawn up by the federal government covering lands it had acquired by fair means or foul (heavy on the latter) where, for the most part, territorial governors were appointed by presidents, not elected by the people. Why? Well maybe because specially selected Washington insiders would be in a better position to sway the people toward statehood, a more centralized government and to lead them in the directions the US government wanted them to go.

Jump in your time travel gizmo and set the date for 1815 and zero in on the prairies of the mid west. Zap, you’re in Kansas, Dorothy. You find yourself sitting on a three legged stool in your barn resting your forehead against the warm flank of Molly the cow listening to the comforting sssssh, sssssh, sssssh of foamy milk filling the pail. Out in your field, the corn is already knee high. The missus is in the kitchen cooking up ham and eggs and home fries and biscuits for breakfast. Life is good.

You walk out of the barn being careful not to spill a drop of milk and whistling a happy tune to find a stranger standing in your yard. You ask him his business and he tells you he’s a representative of the territorial government looking for supporters of statehood to sign his petition. You ask him how Kansas being admitted to the union would change your life for the better and he gives you the breakdown.

First of all, he says, congress would then have the authority to borrow even more money on the credit of the United States using your labor and your farm and your state as collateral (Article 1, Section 8, Clause 2). He goes on to explain that there is no specific limit on how much they can borrow, or from whom they can borrow it, or how the money will be spent, but you don’t need to worry about the minor details, it will be good for you and you will be taxed in various ways to repay those loans including the interest. (Article 1, Section 8, Clause 1)

Seeing the frown forming between your eyebrows the agent hurriedly explains that you have nothing at all to fear, you’ll be part of a strong country that can protect you from all harm and the experts who’ll be doing the borrowing and spending and taxing are all upright and moral men who will automatically limit themselves to whatever is “necessary and proper” at any given moment in time (Article 1, Section 8, Clause 16). Besides, he says, they’ll always balance the budget and spend the taxed and borrowed money to build roads and bridges and railroads so you can transport your milk and corn to faraway places and make a fortune. Then he whispers the as-yet unsung Hotel California lyrics, its a lovely place but you can never leave.

You scratch your head for a moment wondering why, if they have the authority to borrow money at interest, they don’t have the authority to print up a cart load of debt free money and use that to build highways and bridges etc. What higher power said ix nay to that plan? You tell him not to move a muscle, that you’ll be right back and you high tail it for the house. The question is, will you come back out with a quill and ink pot ready to sign his petition, or will you bring out your double barreled shotgun and tell him to get on down the road before you singe his shiny black feathers with bird shot?

Why, you might ask, were there no protesters and anti-staters making their feelings known at the time? Oh, you can bet there were, plenty of them. And just like OWS today, they were threatened with financial ruin and in some cases with physical harm and ignored by media until they were overwhelmed and silenced by well heeled powerful promoters of a strong central government.

Even a cursory look at extortionist shenanigans that went into drawing states into the net is where the secessionist movement should aim its complaints, at the fraud and deception that took place at the very beginning of statehood instead of being blindsided by silly partisan frustrations over one recent election that didn’t go their way. The history of statehood is, in many cases, a sordid tale of legalized slavery and abuse and should be an embarrassment to anyone who wants to believe this country ever stood for freedom and justice for all, even long after the words proving it had not were altered and smudged out by later amendments.

The original intent of many statehood documents and stories leave an indelible stain on the fabric of America which even in its fiscal extremity gives to some and takes from others at will, enslaving all. The words made civil war inevitable but the war didn’t make the country civil, it just killed hundreds of thousands of non slave owning people and destroyed the lives and property of hundreds of thousands more as the government rolled over all, centralizing and federalizing everything in its path. The more recent civil rights act is merely words on paper having nothing to do with the moral or immoral inclinations of any particular group toward another, it merely further limits what people have come to believe (foolishly) are their unalienable rights. But as long as we’re fighting each other over crumbs, the law makers will remain safe from accountability because they’ve made sure the laws and courts are on their side.

Maintaining the status quo vs. secession won’t soften the coming blows because there’s only one sure way to secede from the land you’re standing on no matter what its called. Its all hot air anyway because the US is already well over the cliff financially, morally and spiritually. We’re in free fall and the idea that this long broken system could be patched up with the same tired old philosophies that it was built on is insane (doing the same things over and over and expecting different results.)

There is still a ways to go to before we hit rock bottom and some will survive the fall, many by sheer chance, and I wish them all great good fortune and offer this warning: If the people who inhabit the earth in the aftermath ever again allow themselves to be schmoozed by a new crop of would-be Kings of the Hill, they should expect the same old results, and whenever someone says they’re looking out for your best interests, feathers need to fly.

Be watchful of the grinning toothless black birds who serve the new world order’s would-be Kings of the Hill who hawk the tungsten core blessings of Agenda 21 to your city council. In many cases they are your city council. They come bearing gifts.


posted on Dec, 1 2012 @ 05:16 PM
reply to post by frazzle

Money (and POWER) is the root of all evil!

You did a great job explaining it in very well written and different way my friend!

posted on Dec, 1 2012 @ 05:20 PM

Originally posted by seeker1963
reply to post by frazzle

Money (and POWER) is the root of all evil!

You did a great job explaining it in very well written and different way my friend!

Thank you for the kind words.

posted on Dec, 1 2012 @ 05:33 PM

Originally posted by seeker1963
reply to post by frazzle

Money (and POWER) is the root of all evil!

You did a great job explaining it in very well written and different way my friend!

The Love of money & power is the root of all evil!
thats like saying guns kill ,moneycan be used for the good.
Yes your thread very well written..
edit on 1-12-2012 by madenusa because: more info

posted on Dec, 2 2012 @ 08:26 AM

Originally posted by madenusa

Originally posted by seeker1963
reply to post by frazzle

Money (and POWER) is the root of all evil!

You did a great job explaining it in very well written and different way my friend!

The Love of money & power is the root of all evil!
thats like saying guns kill ,moneycan be used for the good.
Yes your thread very well written..
edit on 1-12-2012 by madenusa because: more info

Thank you. I wonder where the secessionists went? You could hear a pin drop.

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