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Why I am an atheist

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posted on Dec, 5 2012 @ 07:50 PM
reply to post by AfterInfinity

That only applies if you disregard all religion and then don't attempt to convert others to your line of thinking. If you are part of an association that is determined to 'educate' people on why your 'belief' or 'logic' is the correct one...then you start to sound awfully similar to a church.


posted on Dec, 5 2012 @ 07:59 PM
reply to post by AfterInfinity

Can't view video where I am at at the present time. So please enlighten me to the evidence of no God.

posted on Dec, 5 2012 @ 08:07 PM
reply to post by tothetenthpower

That only applies if you disregard all religion and then don't attempt to convert others to your line of thinking.

I don't convert people. I introduce them to the stuff I've found and researched, the stuff that resonates within me, and if they don't like it, I try to talk them through it. I try to free them of false preconceptions. If it doesn't work, I leave them alone.

Above all things, I keep in mind that a horse can be lead to water, but you can't make it drink. And I would never take anyone's free will away.

posted on Dec, 5 2012 @ 08:20 PM
reply to post by guitarplayer

Can't view video where I am at at the present time. So please enlighten me to the evidence of no God.

I highly recommend you watch it when you are able. You will more fully understand when I say that SHerlock Holmes, using musical theory, created order out of chaos by using only a guitar to organize a swarm of flies. And - they flew in concentric circles. That is particularly significant when you take into account that a lot of mysticism indicates a cycle in everything. Even as one cycle ends, another begins, feeding from it. The universe itself could be said to be a spiral feeding into itself through a gargantuan loop, a never ending spiral of spiritual growth.

With that said, please don't misunderstand. I am not atheist. I do not claim the nonexistence of a divine principle. I simply state that YOUR god is impossible. And if, by some diabolic miracle, it is NOT impossible...well, then, we're all screwed. First off, omniscience in the Christian sense would essentially mean that all of existence, from the first instant of the birth of this universe right up to the last instant of its death, exists in one hyperintense moment in the mind if "God". If this is the case, we are all a simultaneous dream, our entire life a millisecond of ephemeral wonder drifting across his cerebral cortex. An afterthought, maybe. Or perhaps an extremely complex notion that bursts into glorious light for less time than it takes to notice it. Perhaps he hasn't noticed. Perhaps he's a child, and simply unaware of the creations that are born with every whim.

Regardless. Omniscience essentially negates all form of thought, because every thought that would occur has already occurred due to the ability to know EVERYTHING.

But again, don't get me wrong. I don't claim to know there is no "God". I cannot prove that to you. I can show you how such a being would be much different that the popular imagining, and I can show you why, even if he does exist, I wouldn't even consider following such a being. But I cannot prove his nonexistence. It's a logical fallacy, and not even our best scientists have proven it. Or maybe they have. Maybe it's being kept a secret for fear of the repercussions. We are such a frightened species, and religion is such a powerful tool. History shows this, again and again and again.

But I can tell you this: the divine principle I believe in is based on vibration. And as Sherlock Holmes will show you, if you decide to watch the video (I highly recommend that you do so), even the most chaotic of elements can be tamed with vibrations.

posted on Dec, 5 2012 @ 10:16 PM
I was agnostic, came close to being an atheist...

...but then rational thought led me to conclude that disbelieving in something you could not prove did not exist, was just as illogical as believing in something you could not prove does exist.

However faith doesn't operate on logic, it operates on hope.

Atheism operates on hopelessness. All that you are means nothing, from the moment you are born to the moment you die, you exist for no purpose. Your life means nothing, you're but a cruel joke of the universe and when you die all that you have become, all you ever were or could be is lost forever.

The natural human rejects this thought, because somewhere deep down inside, we know it's a lie.

posted on Dec, 6 2012 @ 06:34 AM
Why, cause your a dumbass.

posted on Dec, 7 2012 @ 12:22 AM

Originally posted by Jauk3
This is just a short example of why I don't believe in a God.

Why God doesn't believe in atheism:

God Doesn't Believe in Atheists

"...atheism is an intellectually illogical position to hold. The reason for this is that only an all-powerful, omniscient, omnipresent being could know for certain that God does not exist. Simply put, only God could know without a doubt that there is no God. However, God can certainly know that atheists do not exist. He knows this because He has made Himself obvious to them, so much so that they are without excuse.

Fourth, although no atheists actually exist, there are still plenty of people out there who either deny God's existence or just don't care about Him. If we approach people like this by trying to argue them into the kingdom, it is not going to work no matter how solid our arguments are. Instead, we should try loving and serving them. This kind of behavior is (sadly) shocking to them because they are usually shunned by Christians.

So, even though there are no real atheists, let's love and serve them anyway. Some might actually respond by listening and eventually believing."

God Doesn't Believe in Atheists

"Of course, there are human beings who claim the title atheist. They exist. I have met them. My point is, according to Scripture, that every human being KNOWS that there is a God. Ergo, in that respect, there is no such thing as a true atheist because at the deepest level every one does believe in God.

Yes, I know, the Bible says so and you may not believe it, but there goes that faith thing again. We are each placing our own faith in something or maybe nothing in your case."

Atheists Dont Exist

Originally posted by Sablicious
Atheism is an idiot's belief as much as any other religion is. Why? Because it's a belief--it's based on nothing factual or empirical. One must be open to the idea of a god - as asinine as this concept, as it's portrayed by religion, tends to sound - in the same way one must be open to the idea of no god.

Atheism is more than disbelief; it is a well-financed Illuminati movement with a stealth agenda designed to control you. If not why is their goal to have a world without a god?

posted on Dec, 7 2012 @ 09:13 AM
reply to post by Murgatroid

God Doesn't Believe in Atheists

"...atheism is an intellectually illogical position to hold. The reason for this is that only an all-powerful, omniscient, omnipresent being could know for certain that God does not exist. Simply put, only God could know without a doubt that there is no God. However, God can certainly know that atheists do not exist. He knows this because He has made Himself obvious to them, so much so that they are without excuse.

That in itself is an illogical position to hold. "God" would have to exist to know that atheists exist. So simply using the knowledge that atheists exist does not make "God" real. The world is not round simply because some think it is flat.

"Of course, there are human beings who claim the title atheist. They exist. I have met them. My point is, according to Scripture, that every human being KNOWS that there is a God. Ergo, in that respect, there is no such thing as a true atheist because at the deepest level every one does believe in God.

Yeah. Okay. How many people here would let this man tell them how they feel? How many would let him look them in the eye and say, "There's a god and you know it," with you arguing? The fact that you would argue says this man knows nothing.

Who is this person, this Ralph Barker, to put words in anyone's mouth? Hell, he's using the words of a mythical figure to prove the existence of a mythical figure! Just like the other quote I posted above!
edit on 7-12-2012 by AfterInfinity because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 25 2019 @ 05:11 PM
Hello everyone.

I made this thread when I was 14 years old.
I want to say, now at 20, I do believe in Christ, the Son of God, as my redemption.

These last 6 years, have been lifechanging. I take back the things I said in the OP.
edit on 25-1-2019 by Jauk3 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 25 2019 @ 05:15 PM
a reply to: Jauk3
Congratulations. I moved in the same direction- atheist at 17 (decision made in the middle of Midnight Mass on Christmas Eve- in the middle of the sermon, in fact).
Christian at 20.
I made a thread about how it happened. Perhaps you can do one?

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