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Detecting the Soul.

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posted on Nov, 29 2012 @ 07:34 AM
reply to post by Itisnowagain

Eternally present? So life never ends? It just goes on forever and ever? There is no death? How do you explain the millions that die every day? You've peaked my interest, so death is an illusion, and so is life?

You've blown my mind! Blown it right into the loony bin.

posted on Nov, 29 2012 @ 08:07 AM

Originally posted by Hijinx
reply to post by Itisnowagain

Eternally present? So life never ends? It just goes on forever and ever? There is no death? How do you explain the millions that die every day? You've peaked my interest, so death is an illusion, and so is life?

You've blown my mind! Blown it right into the loony bin.

Have you ever known another 'time' but now? Have you ever experienced anything but 'this'. This always looks different but it is always 'this'.

You will see appearances appear presently and you will see disappearances. You will see people disappear but you will never encounter your own disappearances.

posted on Nov, 29 2012 @ 08:08 AM

edit on 29-11-2012 by Itisnowagain because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 29 2012 @ 08:10 AM
reply to post by Itisnowagain

I do, I've just grown frustrated with others attempting to skew and derail the thread. If you wish to contribute to the conversation with out attacking others I have no problems. I have however grown impatient with the members attacking and shattering the opinion of others.

posted on Nov, 29 2012 @ 08:11 AM

Originally posted by Hijinx
I have however grown impatient with the members attacking and shattering the opinion of others.

Pot kettle black.
Then don't do it yourself.
edit on 29-11-2012 by Itisnowagain because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 29 2012 @ 08:29 AM
reply to post by Wertdagf

I'm actually a big fan of the concise and efficient way your posts drive straight into the issue at hand, along with the dark humour which sometimes accompanies them…

…although I disagree with just about everything you say.

We live in a universe where the fundamental building blocks of all matter are essentially energy, an energy which may or may not be a particle or a wave. A universe where these buildings blocks blink backwards and forwards in time, and can be in many places at once. A universe where these particular particles are shown to be responsive to the presence of human consciousness. Following this logic one can infer that human consciousness is not bound within the human body, and can in some way effect things beyond the confines of the body. We cannot even define exactly what ‘consciousness’ is, let alone where exactly within the brain it sits. If human consciousness is not bound within the body, it is not actually a great stretch of logic to assume that this consciousness does not require a body at all.

And…. after all this scientifically proven time travel and teleportation of the fundamental building blocks of everything within the known universe and proof that the presence of a human mind can actually affect these building blocks of the universe, I do not think that it is totally unreasonable that a little ‘magic’ may exist out there.

Science is edging ever closer to what the mystics of many belief systems have been saying for thousands of years. It is simply framed and presented using an entirely different vocabulary.

posted on Nov, 29 2012 @ 09:04 AM
reply to post by Hijinx

The soul could be anything, and seeing as we are unaware of it's Scientific existence at this time, where would we begin?

You may find this article useful to your research.

edit on 29-11-2012 by PrimeLight because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 29 2012 @ 09:44 AM
Many people think they have a soul; this we must agree on. So perhaps rather than dismissing the theory altogether, as so far we have discovered nothing tangible we can call the soul, maybe we can speculate on why people think this?

We know when the body dies, all energy seeps into the immediate environment. That energy, or whatever keeps the body alive, may be a likely candidate for what we call the soul.

When someone dies, we can visualize and imagine them still existing perhaps in another plane of some sort, but truth be told, only an image of that someone exists within our thought, and could have easily been deified in more ancient times as proof of an afterlife. Maybe the memory is the soul?

The ego or the personality, is still merely what one remembers about himself, but also how that memory is applied expressively and outwardly. It is how one wants to be remembered. Perhaps this costume or way of dress is what we call the soul?

If there is a soul, it must also include and extend to the surface of the entire body, for without the body, its skin, its tissue, its organs, its nervous system, its skeletal system etc. we wouldn't be able to conceive of anything, let alone the possibility of souls. Could the body be our soul?

Is it our inward and outward expression? Could it be our instinct? Could it be our intuition or intellect? There's many likely candidates. The theory does not have to be dismissed.

posted on Nov, 29 2012 @ 09:51 AM
That's what I love about this forum, anything that is put up always a attracts an argument from someone like flies around a light bulb, regardless of content. Never fails ......

posted on Nov, 29 2012 @ 10:02 AM
I have posted on this topic before. I suppose I just need to keep it on my hard drive so I can post it over and over.

It starts with the Book of Genesis. God made man, breathed into the lifeless body the Breath of Life, and man became a living soul.

There you have it. People have been searching for the "soul" for centuries, but it turns out that you don't have a soul - you ARE a soul. Solved.

posted on Nov, 29 2012 @ 10:08 AM
Kirlian photography basically shows the Soul. The aura is the energy given off from our light bodies.

posted on Nov, 29 2012 @ 10:14 AM
reply to post by Hijinx

i had sage once before it was taboo its what indians put in their pipes
(of the cow boys and indians type)
and i swear i felt my soul it was so fantastic and scary at the same time
now i know why they called it the peace pipe

anyway thats how i detected/believed in my soul
when you think about it maybe thats why they killed off
many of the indians and their way to live of the land
edit on 29/11/2012 by maryhinge because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 29 2012 @ 10:16 AM
reply to post by Hijinx

but I Imagine a huge portion of the religious world would call me the anti-christ or attempt to burn me for proving it to not exist. Imagine all the religious world having to grasp all their loved ones are gone for good, and there is no heaven or hell. It would be utter chaos. It's far too much for them to grasp.

I gotta say, I find it pitiful if people spend that much time worrying about the afterlife when they still have so much life left to live. After all, we can't really know for a fact - so why bother worrying? Just be a good person, love the people you care about, don't be afraid to dance for no reason, try to catch all the rain drops you can, and remember that if you only live once...MAKE IT WORTHWHILE.

Death is one of the things in life you can count on no matter what, so why worry about it? Live while you can.

posted on Nov, 29 2012 @ 11:01 AM

Originally posted by 1littlewolf
reply to post by Wertdagf

I'm actually a big fan of the concise and efficient way your posts drive straight into the issue at hand, along with the dark humour which sometimes accompanies them…

…although I disagree with just about everything you say.

We live in a universe where the fundamental building blocks of all matter are essentially energy, an energy which may or may not be a particle or a wave. A universe where these buildings blocks blink backwards and forwards in time, and can be in many places at once. A universe where these particular particles are shown to be responsive to the presence of human consciousness. Following this logic one can infer that human consciousness is not bound within the human body, and can in some way effect things beyond the confines of the body. We cannot even define exactly what ‘consciousness’ is, let alone where exactly within the brain it sits. If human consciousness is not bound within the body, it is not actually a great stretch of logic to assume that this consciousness does not require a body at all.

And…. after all this scientifically proven time travel and teleportation of the fundamental building blocks of everything within the known universe and proof that the presence of a human mind can actually affect these building blocks of the universe, I do not think that it is totally unreasonable that a little ‘magic’ may exist out there.

Science is edging ever closer to what the mystics of many belief systems have been saying for thousands of years. It is simply framed and presented using an entirely different vocabulary.

The above is quoted because this too is where I stand.

For me I have always had a knowing... a belief in a creator since I was very young. Im a Pisces. lol I love to dream about the unknowns but rationalize my reality with what I have learned over the years to form an opinion as an adult.

The Universe is a vast energy organism in my opinion filled with waves and particles called many things but composed of life.

Life does not end.... it transforms to another state of being.

My opinion, of course.

It is fun to ponder but I still try to live for today and don't worry about tomorrow. We all have the time ticking away via this life form... we will all KNOW one sweet day.

posted on Nov, 29 2012 @ 11:12 AM
reply to post by Hijinx

Duplicate someone in a replicator, down to every atom, across the room.

See if clone is:

1) Unique new instance of the individual with same memories/personality (a fork of the individual going forward).

2) Duplicate body/brain tuned into the same metaphysical "mind" (soul) at unknown location.

3) Unconscious pile of meat and bones, indicating something beyond our biology that gives us our "spark".

4) Something else.
edit on 11/29/2012 by AkumaStreak because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 29 2012 @ 11:20 AM

Originally posted by Hijinx
reply to post by The GUT

Could this not be attributed to gas loss through the lungs? Our lungs contain gas which has weight, when you let our your last breath, you would in theory weigh less than while your lungs were full would you not?

Wiki has a bunch of volumes ranging from an average of 6 liter total capacity, and then a whole bunch of factors.

Average inspiratory volume in (healthy)men is 3.3 liters 1.9 in healthy women.
Tidal volume .5 liters in men .5 liters in women.
Expiratory reserve volume in men 1 in men 0.7 in women
residual volume 1.2 in men 1.1 in women

Soooooo if you die and you let out your breath, would you not weigh less? This doesn't necessarily mean our souls have weight. As gas could be attributed to these weights. Including anything expelled from our lungs that was in our breath.

For some reason your post made me wonder...
Does the electrical field of a living body attract any sort of surrounding particles to the body that would raise the weight of the living person, but disperse from the body when the electro-chemical functions cease at death?

posted on Nov, 29 2012 @ 11:29 AM
Very neat topic, I would be interested in knowing where you go with this.
What if they are on their death bed because their soul has already left their body? Strange thought I know but I think that most of us are so scared of death that we would jump out of our bodies before death actually consumed us (at least that's what I hope). I watched someone take their last breath but I remember thinking she was already gone, that it was just a body a shell I was looking at. So eventhough bodies can live hooked up to monitors for a very long time i'm not necessarily sure that the soul stays in it for the whole duration. The soul might already be out, wandering around looking at the whole picture. That saying "wandering souls" was coined for a reason. I think the place to start would be with people who have mastered the how to's of astral projection. Maybe try and find those people because I believe they would be closest to being on the same plane as the detached soul of those who have just died since their soul is detached as well.
edit on 29-11-2012 by brandiwine14 because: needed to clarify a point

posted on Nov, 29 2012 @ 11:34 AM
reply to post by AfterInfinity

my dad made a pact with his dad that if one died before the other
he would come back and tell the other so when granddad died
he never showed up so my dad always said when your dead your dead

then nan died last year and after the service had passed and
ashes put with granddads weeks had gone by when one day
he was sat watching the tv (now dads not got very good eyes
since his mini strokes)out the corner of his eye
he spots nan stood in the doorway to the living room
my mum was there she never saw nan
but he gets up walks up to nan and says its time to go now mum
and she vanished,sadly he thinks it was all in his head

when my mums dad died this was before i was born(im 42)
granddad haunted my mum for months the only place he
could not follow her was half way up the stairs
he never spoke and one day mum said dad just go please
and he never came back

just thought id put that out there

posted on Nov, 29 2012 @ 12:00 PM

Originally posted by maryhinge
reply to post by AfterInfinity

my dad made a pact with his dad that if one died before the other
he would come back and tell the other so when granddad died
he never showed up so my dad always said when your dead your dead

then nan died last year and after the service had passed and
ashes put with granddads weeks had gone by when one day
he was sat watching the tv (now dads not got very good eyes
since his mini strokes)out the corner of his eye
he spots nan stood in the doorway to the living room
my mum was there she never saw nan
but he gets up walks up to nan and says its time to go now mum
and she vanished,sadly he thinks it was all in his head

when my mums dad died this was before i was born(im 42)
granddad haunted my mum for months the only place he
could not follow her was half way up the stairs
he never spoke and one day mum said dad just go please
and he never came back

just thought id put that out there

Reminds me of a family story of my own...
My Mom's mother died 3 months b/f I was born.
Back then, when giving birth, the idiot doctors would put a woman under anesthesia and use forceps to deliver the baby. (Obviously they were men, or they would know that being unconscious would be helpful during the horrible contractions and NOT the pushing stage, but whatever.)

So anyway, after the birth (of ME!) but still while she was under... she had a vision of her mother materializing thru the window of the 2nd story hospital room. Reportedly, her mother said, "Come with me, Adell... it's beautiful up here..." To which my mother recounts saying, "No, I have this new baby to take care of, and my three other children."

Now this could well be chalked up to a dream-like state, were it not for the words of the lady who shared her room. She said the alarm went off, and people rushed in, and they had trouble getting my mother awake and/or keeping her conscious. At one point the lady said she heard a doctor say "We're losing her..." But suddenly she snapped out of it, and no more problems.

Also, when my mother got home from the hospital with me, she started to sit in the rocking chair with me, which is where my grandmother always sat; and my sister- two years old screamed "No, don't sit on Grandma!"

Things that make you go hmmm...

posted on Nov, 29 2012 @ 12:01 PM

Originally posted by PurpleVortex

Originally posted by Hijinx
reply to post by PurpleVortex

I would love to be the man who definitively proves it's existence. On the other hand I don't know I would enjoy disproving it as much. A remarkable discovery either way, but I Imagine a huge portion of the religious world would call me the anti-christ or attempt to burn me for proving it to not exist. Imagine all the religious world having to grasp all their loved ones are gone for good, and there is no heaven or hell. It would be utter chaos. It's far too much for them to grasp.

No need to prove anything to anyone, especially the ideas of spirituality/religion...We will all find out in time.

OP. You can always try to prove it for yourself with chakra meditation. If you get an changed body then it will be hard for you dissbeliving there is not something more.

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