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Calling all Roleplayers :D Pen and paper etc

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posted on Nov, 26 2012 @ 05:28 PM
Blue Boxer all the way from the beginning.

The best story I have is that I normally DM my spouse. It takes me a good 80 hours of preparation for a session. I'm pretty thorough that way.

Anyway, my spouse enjoys "historical" more than fantasy so I tossed in a historical out of Version 2 - using the Viking handbook for specific stats. The rest is all storyline, made by me.

So, he was a young Viking who had just come of age with the other young men of the village and they had an initiation into manhood ceremony before their first voyage away from the home country.

The very first part of the initiation was the "shaving". The young men were separated and went into rooms where they had a choice - legs or head - to be shaved. It was all preset - all the men would shave their heads. But, a DM doesn't make the player's decisions and the player said he wanted his LEGS shaved? I asked why, trying not to laugh, and he said "Because it won't show."

Well, when the men gathered back together for the next part of the ceremony, the player noticed ALL of the young men had their heads shaved. It dawned on him!

Moral of the Story is - Sometimes, things that are hidden or "don't show" are strikingly clear and obvious.

edit on 26/11/2012 by Trexter Ziam because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 27 2012 @ 05:45 AM
reply to post by Trexter Ziam

I still write adventures for fun
even though I have no group I must have 30 or 40 to one day run.

posted on Nov, 27 2012 @ 06:10 AM

reply to post by Akragon

Im waitng on NWN 3 as well... I hope they don't bugger it up like they did NWN 2

Won't happen because NWN 2 was so limited in access to all terrain.

Comparing NWN 2 to Morrowind or Oblivion, there is no comparison in terms of realism.

NWN 2 will only be good for real true hard-core AD&D players.

Ah, those long lost days of playing White Dwarf mini-scenarios like 'Grakts Crag' in the early 80's brings back good memories.

Has anyone ever wondered if a real sort of 'survival' world could be set up where the adventures become the real thing like in the old classic film 'Westworld' ?

For me, i will stick with the old AD&D first edition classic adventures like 'White Plume Mountain'.

posted on Nov, 27 2012 @ 03:47 PM
My best friend from school used to play D&D. They even had a club at the school and all the geeks would meet on friday. Sometimes i accompanied him but it just wasnt my thing. I love the lore and creatures but the game itself is really boring imo.

posted on Jul, 11 2013 @ 03:18 PM
reply to post by TheGrandWarlock

...Said the Grand Warlock

posted on Jun, 17 2014 @ 10:10 PM
There was the "Tales of the Travelling Vagabond"
A comedy rpg by Avalon Hill....
ah, the messes we stumbled into....just entering the front teleporter..

a reply to: boymonkey74

posted on Jun, 17 2014 @ 10:41 PM
a reply to: Greywolf13A

posted on Jun, 18 2014 @ 03:02 PM
D&D 3.5 /d20 modern
A few local systems, known in my country

RPG fans? Good I hope, I was an outsider here. I actually joined this forum mostly to get a chance in to unique mindset (conspiracy theorist leaning) of people here for purpose of RPG scenario. How they behave if they had to rebuild after an apocalypse? (as they would be overrepresented among those who survive)

posted on Jun, 18 2014 @ 03:14 PM
a reply to: Shadow1024

That statement about being overrepresented in the aftermath of a disaster, etc, is a bit overstated, I think. Prbibility law, as well as Murphy would play no favorites, and I'm betting the Office geeks, as a demographic, would, like the poverbial cockroach, survive almost anything..

posted on Jun, 18 2014 @ 03:19 PM
a reply to: boymonkey74


posted on Jun, 18 2014 @ 03:24 PM
a reply to: boymonkey74

The Early Days..
edit on 18/6/14 by Greywolf13A because: wrong pic..

posted on Jun, 18 2014 @ 03:45 PM

originally posted by: Greywolf13A
a reply to: Shadow1024

That statement about being overrepresented in the aftermath of a disaster, etc, is a bit overstated, I think. Prbibility law, as well as Murphy would play no favorites, and I'm betting the Office geeks, as a demographic, would, like the poverbial cockroach, survive almost anything..
Under my RPG scenario the group of survivors are those who were able to follow a bunch of gurus who claimed being psions. The twist in the story is that instead of usual disappointment after another cancelled rapture / 2012 Mayan end of the world, this time they were 100% right.

You know, conspiracy theorist, people who see UFO or believe in alternative medicine make more interesting story than boring people who occupy offices. [malicious grin] Think in how interesting direction such society could evolve?

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