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what are amercans being spoon fed in school????

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posted on Nov, 25 2012 @ 10:52 AM
reply to post by pikestaff

Right, And Stalin had the gall to say the Allies weren't "doing their share".

posted on Nov, 25 2012 @ 12:45 PM
You do know when you talk some smack, factual details are not really needs. I am sure your mother really doean't do those things and they have never seen your sister naked.

That being said, it is very possible that the people knowledge of history is subpar.

posted on Nov, 25 2012 @ 01:07 PM
Makes total sense. One of the great things that I found to really learn about American History is to go back and read the history book taught in school in the early days of the american school system. Such amazing information with heart of the american spirit.

posted on Nov, 25 2012 @ 02:08 PM
I really wouldn't worry about what a bunch of kids say online during a game, American ones especially.

Before, when I played online games and used the provided public voip options, all you got were Americans poking fun at our British accents and eventually calling us "f*gg*ts" and the N-word when had a go at them. Which, invariably, made us laugh as my mates and I are white.

Nowadays we limit our chats to friends online to ensure we don't have to listen to the harsh rhetoric of the American teenager

On a side note - I don't get the whole N-word thing in America - I thought only black people used it to each other. Apparently, white and hispanic kids use it too. If I were black I'd be annoyed that a specially reserved racial epithet has been hijacked.

posted on Nov, 25 2012 @ 03:33 PM

Originally posted by birdyat101

3) we saved you in 2 wars then

wrong in ww1 you did not want to join us the gremans sank a boat full of americans then you joined us for 1 year 1918 - 1919 just in time for the ticker tape parade. better late then never

some times ignorance really does anoy me

Well the Americans actually joined the war in 1917.

You have to remember Russia had pulled out from the war in the same year and the German troops on the eastern front moved to fight on the western front.

One could argue if America had not joined the war, it could have gone in Germany's favour.

But, one thing they will never teach in history class is that the British brokered a deal with the Zionists for America to enter the war on the side of the allies- (this was later confirmed as the Balfour Declaration as part of the deal was to set up a Jewish homeland in Palestine).

posted on Nov, 25 2012 @ 03:59 PM
reply to post by birdyat101

I worked with a brit for awhile...we were good friends...the only jab id ever take at her was to ask her to celebrate the 4th of July of with me haha...its the internet....everyone is an A Hole these days while be comfy, cozy and all safe behind their screen.

And you're are stupid these days...not just the American ones.
edit on 25-11-2012 by cosmicexplorer because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 25 2012 @ 04:03 PM

Originally posted by birdyat101
1) we beat your battle hardend soldiers in the American Revolution

2) we beat you in 2 world wars

3) we saved you in 2 wars then

4) the declaration of independence means we own you!

We aren't all mentally challenged, us Americans. You must have been playing with the American Special Olympics Black Ops 2 Team of 2012.

As for me, I was a valedictorian and received a degree in my Vocational school before even graduating from my High School, and I didn't even study.

See? That's like saying all Brits are Queen-humping Tea Drinkers.

posted on Nov, 25 2012 @ 04:30 PM
reply to post by birdyat101

Looks like brit's with a holier than thou attitude got trolled on a video game.
Then at same time the brit's couldn't realize they got trolled..and spamed on a conspiracy board about how they wanted a intellectual conversation on the ps3 or xbox360 lol

Either way we have ZERO proof of said Americans..But we have proof brit's play ps3/xbox360 and consider themself smart and hate on Americans.
I think you started the dumb Americans conversation on them and then they trolled you counter style lol

and proof is in you was so mad you started a post on the subject

posted on Nov, 25 2012 @ 04:53 PM
reply to post by mcx1942

Exactly. There are uneducated people living all over the world. Despite what you Brits think, America is not the home of stupidity. If that were so, how stupid would that make the rest of the world considering how much we've influenced the rest of the world?

posted on Nov, 25 2012 @ 10:41 PM
reply to post by birdyat101

I'm not going to argue with any of the points you made, they all seem rather accurate to me. I will ask the question as to why Brits still seem to defend King George? The man was an obvious tyrant, yet Brits still seem to worship the ground he (and other British tyrant Kings) walk on. Why is that?

I love the British culture and history, but I don't understand why Brits can't separate themselves from their monarchy. For such a proud people, they willingly grovel to this old woman as if she is Jesus Christ reborn. I don't get it.

posted on Nov, 26 2012 @ 12:02 AM
The teachers more than likely know even less about history. The American education system has been dumbed down so that they can move them through like cattle and the teachers generally only care about their uncalled for retirement benefits. They do not educate, they indoctrinate them with their personal/political beliefs. Maybe 10% of Americans actually know the true history. That is only because they actually took the initiative to educate themselves. It will not be getting better. It is actually caused by our political system. The agenda is to create as many Liberals as possible to create Socialism.

posted on Nov, 26 2012 @ 12:42 AM
Not all that is taught in schools is garbage, but most kids only listen to the smallest portion of the lesson so they can barely manage to pass a quiz or test. They probably only hear just a little bit of any lesson and fill in the rest with guessing. But lets be fair, I don't believe much of the history taught in the American schools anymore than I would believe the English version of it. History is written by the victors and often has only a thread of truth holding it together.

I home schooled my kids for a few months to fill in some gaps left by the public schools and while studying history I found that our history is nothing to be proud of. Things get glorified and changed along the way, hell Lincoln wasn't even 'Lincoln' if that makes much sense. Many of our founding fathers were English and they sort of came in with the might makes right attitude. Look at what they did to the native people, the REAL Americans. Slavery, stolen land and more.. yes indeed our history is not one that should be looked upon with pride. I had to teach myself not because my school didn't teach me a decent history, but because it was boring, glorified and I didn't care. I may have if there were more truth involved.... maybe. LOL

Is it any wonder that the real history isn't taught very well or that kids don't actually hear it? It is glorified garbage! If we taught the real truth of our countries history it would be a bloody, nasty story to be heard. One that would not put our founding fathers or any of the invading countries in very a good light. Everyone would see our founding fathers and other countries for who they really were.

posted on Nov, 26 2012 @ 01:13 AM
reply to post by birdyat101

completely agree, it is sad, but we Americans are dumbed down by the PTB, if you are not educated in a private institution, you are subjected to the worst propaganda, more importance is put on social clicks and current cultural pop reference than historical facts and common sense, since I've realized this I've questioned everything ever told to me, in the news on television, the papers, everywhere sad because this is what makes people paranoid, but its how we need to live here. I use to manage a theater where I worked with a bunch of high schoolers in Texas...on the border of Mexico...and Mexico came up in casual conversation...two of the younglings did not know if Mexico was a country, a state, a city...they were clueless...WTF?!!!! that was my only response!

posted on Nov, 29 2012 @ 02:22 PM

Originally posted by noonebutme
On a side note - I don't get the whole N-word thing in America - I thought only black people used it to each other. Apparently, white and hispanic kids use it too. If I were black I'd be annoyed that a specially reserved racial epithet has been hijacked.

Yes black people used and still use that word to each other, but it wasn't always just something between blacks. My family is from the southern US and it was a derogatory remark said from whites to blacks or about blacks. Sometimes it was just ignorance and not meant in a hateful manner even. My great granny used to get so dark in the summer time. She lived down in Texas and they were farmers. She would get so dark being in the sun all day long that everyone called her "Nig" as a nickname. Hell, even the hired hands ( often times black or Hispanic) called her that. It wasn't a hateful thing in that case, although admittedly it was ignorant. Back when there was still segregation in the US it was a term often used by whites towards blacks. Not exactly a proud part of our history, but I think every single nation on earth has a part of their history that they can't be proud of.

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