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My first experience of "contact"

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posted on Nov, 22 2012 @ 12:59 AM
The following is my first experience with what would be considered "contact". Before you read the following, I want to make something clear. I do not ask you to believe any of this. If you could in some way place yourself into my mind, you would see even I doubt my experiences. The hardest part for me doubting my sanity.

Since joining ATS, sharing experiences with others does ease this feeling somewhat. I have been back and forth about creating this thread. Two times I have began typing this ~ and two times I have erased it. It wasn't until speaking with a fellow reader (thank you EnochWasRight) have I finally decided to follow through. I am not trying to garner attention with this thread, in all honesty part of me hopes it will sink to the bottom and hardy get seen. The level of embarrassment~humility is high. It is not a pleasant feeling I can assure you. These things are very personal in nature and some things will be left out for now at least.

When you encounter certain things in life (especially when you are not prepared), your reality is forever altered. It has taken a lot of hard work for me to hold my consciousness together. I do not believe I am "bi polar" "schizophrenic" or "epileptic" as psychiatry has labeled me. The shear fact that I am aware of my insanity disproves the "insanity", even my former therapist agreed with this assessment.

The experience I want to share happened roughly two years ago. It has forever changed me. Or to say another way, it has forever changed me into the person I have always been.

I was always a very logical minded person. Religion has never been my thing, but I have always enjoyed reading many religious text. I could have considered my myself spiritual at the time of this encounter, but even then it was simply the attitude of loving/respecting others and doing my best to put them before myself when possible.

Although some of the following will sound alien, I do not claim this was an alien contact. For one the word "alien" has always bugged me. Two, our culture has been saturated with images of what an "alien" is expected to look like. What I describe may indeed mimic the typical Grey Alien.. but part of me feels I may only "see" that because my brain has no reference point, other than what it has been supplied. The brain loves to fill in the blanks so to speak. See Your Eye / Brain Relationship This is just one line of reasoning I have attempted to explain what I see, to myself. I assure you it doesn't make me feel anymore comfortable with certain encounters.

To explain the months leading up to this encounter would take to much time for now, so I will try to give you a general idea.

It started with a dream.

It was the first dream in my life I have ever felt it important to write down. This dream led to me researching a certain symbol, this dream led to certain "strange" events during my waking hours as well. I began writing my dreams down if I could remember them in the morning.

After another dream (as detailed as the first) I happened to stumble (synchronicity?) across a box of drawings I had made as a child. Other than discovering I had a thing for drawing ships (old ships that sail on water) as a kid, I found a near replica of the ship from the previous nights dream. I had also drawn detailed symbols on the flags of these various ships. I was roughly 4-5 years old according to my mom.

Flash forward roughly a month, and I believe something is "directing" me you could say. These things are very hard to put into words.. not controlling my thoughts at all.. but a level of communication I was not used too. More like a communication through your environment with yourself, but I would also see this "communication" between others too ~ they were not aware of it. Even part of me started to "speak" back to that part of them. I would notice it, they wouldn't.

The world around me changed instantly.

It seemed like everything looked and felt different. For instance.. every single "logo" or "design" had a purpose. My subconscious my was understanding the world around me in a new way. Advertising or packaging logos by companies seemed (at times) almost overpowering to look at. Any attempt at trying to explain this to others made me look crazy, I believe it was because for them it was happening at a subconscious level ~ thus below their awareness. Also the fact that this was new to me did not help, I was nowhere near as calm or articulate at expressing these "things".

At some point I made (or think I made) a choice. I knew something was going to happen.. I just didn't know what. Later that night "something" happened.

More communication was happening like I mentioned above. At this point in my life I had began meditating, but only at its most basic level. Laying on my back (not sleeping), fully aware and meditating like a newbie, I felt a presence in the room with me. Fear instantly enveloped me, and the presence went away. I would resume my newbie meditation and the presence would return. This "back and forth" exchange went on at most five times, until I heard the first "voice" other than my own inside my head.

It was very subtle at first, and I could not distinguish my thoughts from "its" thoughts. Then a clear "voice" (possibly my subconscious?) said

"Do not worry, everything will be ok"

The next thing I know I feel a sudden rush of (what felt like] electricity through my body. It happened fast. One sudden jolt, I freaked. Opened my eyes, looked around my living room and wondered what the #### just happened. Again I felt the presence come back. This time I was not meditating in the least.. more like flipping the #### out. The voice came back

"Everything will be ok, this will only take ten seconds"

I figured I may as well "go with it". The fortune cookie I received at lunch that day was brought to my mind "Fear is just excitement in need of an attitude adjustment." I laid back down on my couch, closed my eyes, and began "meditating". More like trying not to scream like a little girl.. If any "little girls" are reading this I mean you know disrespect.

I am not sure why (possibly my own fear), but I asked if I was allowed to see it. A clear reply came through

"Not yet"

Shortly after that reply the "electricity" came back. I am not sure how long it took.. but it was longer than the first. It could only be described as sticking your finger in a light socket, mixed with screeching loud noises. Like being ripped apart and then put back together.. but it didn't "hurt". If you have been shocked before and afterward kinda enjoyed the rush, it felt like that. Just lasted way longer.

I opened my eyes and looked around the room, however there was a "filter" you could say. It is very hard to describe.. Like a prism or mulch-colors that could be "seen" through. This next part is going to sound ridiculous but I assure you this is what I saw. Please remember I do not ask you to believe me here.. I have a very hard time with this as it is.. I do not claim I am an "alien".. I understand you may not believe me, but I only request you show me respect when replying to this thread.

I looked down at my arm and could see my regular "human" arm, but also underneath/behind my arm was something else. I can only describe it as the "normal" looking "alien" arm/hand. Long creepy fingers, grey colored, etc.

At this time the communication returned.

posted on Nov, 22 2012 @ 01:00 AM
(This took way more space than I intended, I apologize for being so wordy. Again I am not trying to convince you ~ the reader ~ of anything. I honestly hope this message can find its way to someone who has experienced something like this too. The worst part is feeling alone with everything. After the above encounter ~ and other experiences the following day ~ I was taken by my family to a mental health facility. After spending seven days inside I finally came home, and my life is going extremely well)


However, it was different than the first "voice". This was more of a "symbolical" communication, and less "vocal" in my mind. "It" showed me my bloodstream, and certain images flashed through my mind. The communication happens on MANY different levels. The "jest" of the message was clear, it was showing me "it" was in my blood.

As mentioned above, the following evening I found myself in the "nut house" trying to make sense of what happened. I also experienced a full blown episode of "psychosis" in the "hospital" that lasted a few days, I will not go into details now , but I will say that experience and certain things I have seen/see after changed the way I see the world around me. It also helped me make sense of many experiences and things I encountered as a child. You could say "I see the pieces fit" now.. well a good majority of them at least.. My life makes a lot more sense, while at the same time becoming more perplex.

If you have read all of this.. thank you for doing so.

I hope (at least part of you) you can understand this is not for you ~the reader~ this is for me. I know that comes out sounding selfish, but I am tired of hiding behind my own fear of these things I encounter. By sharing these experiences it helps me continue this path I am on with less fear. Because of the way I handled things previously ( I scared the #### out of those that love me), I do not speak with my family or friends about these things because I know they would be concerned.

Again thank you for reading.

Hopefully I decide to post and not erase all of this


I want to add prior to this experience I had not researched much on the topic of "aliens". I didn't find ATS until a year or so after the mentioned encounter. I have always read the worlds "religious" text though, some considered canon, some not. I began reading about the Sumerian culture in my youth, and worked outwards from there.
edit on 22-11-2012 by SyntheticPerception because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 22 2012 @ 01:33 AM
I believe you.

Even though I have not had an experience like yours', I have read many accounts of other people who have. You definitely have more awareness than most people, and have the ability to perceive things that other people couldn't. This tends to make one think that they are crazy when, in fact, they are just perceiving things others cannot.

This is a special time on Earth, as times go, and there are many special people here right now. And you are one of them. Congratulations, my friend


posted on Nov, 22 2012 @ 02:08 AM
I think Byron once said that "Truth is stranger than Fiction", So why not.
I believe anything you can imagine exists somewhere, or you wouldn't be able to imagine it.
All we do is plug into the source and get our ideas from there.
I have also had some strange experiences while meditating, but not like your one.
The Electricity like feeling is common and on one occasion I heard a screech and felt like I had been hit by electricity between the eyes. That shook me up quite a bit I must say, I didn't meditate for a week or so after.

posted on Nov, 22 2012 @ 02:41 AM
To the OP,

What you describe, the 'electric' being walking through you, I will continue to tell you how I describe the feeling, as these very same type of beings have walked through me on a regular basis, the fact that you can even 'feel' them is proof that you have a gift, the gift is the ability to discern or at least be aware of spirits, 'feel spirits'. What walked through you was a spirit not an E.T.,

How I describe the same event, as it has happened to me many times,

Like putting your hand in honey, molasses, that's how they walk through you, there is some resistance because we have our own electric force field aka spirit, they can walk through our body with no problem, it's walking through our spirit body which give a little friction, the 'electric' feel is short or long depending on their purpose, if it's quick it is perhaps to say hi, if it's long it's more for intimidation, I do not believe a long walk through a living being is ever meant to be anything other than intimidating, unless it is a feeling of pure love, if it is a feeling of pure love you know it is a spirit of pure love, but if it feels sort of terrifying, even for a split second, and a little weird, or very unsettling then it is not a spirit of love but a spirit of evil, trust me on this, I've experienced it hundreds of times.

What are they doing when they walk through your body to begin with?

I do not claim to have all knowledge concerning this, but this is my best guess.

* Intimidation
* Testing to see how the vibration of your spirit differs from theirs (If their spirit is a very very very low frequency vibration they are likely an evil spirit, the more you sin, the more you are evil, the more you will sync up, line up and be comfortable and feel less friction to an evil spirit, the same goes for a spirit of love, if you are a loving kind peaceful person your spirit vibration will rise and thus be more synced to a spirit of love)
* Why testing? To possess your body or to say hi and see if you can even acknowledge their existence, because 90% of humans can't even 'feel' do not have the gift to discern them they likely walk through thousands of humans before they find one not only with the gift but ones as willing as you.
* Possession, when your spirit and their spirit are full synced up, equally in the same mindset, love or evil, the evil spirit will attempt to possess your body, the spirit of love will *never* attempt such, spirits of peace and love will usually only walk through humans to say hi, if they are a loved one etc, but evil spirits have 1 purpose, 1 goal, to possess the bodies of mortals, for they never had a body and it's the #1 thing they covet, wish they had.

The fact that you have communicated with this spirit verbally is a bad sign, you've made every possible mistake concerning this evil spirit, I would cease all communications with it, and not only not do your little 'meditation' experiment again, but I would highly recommend the next 1,000 times an 'uncomfortable' spirit walks through you to not give any slightest of signs that you 'felt' or acknowledged it's existence, when you do this, it will eventually go away. But know this, because you have spiked it's interest, it will stalk you for the coming years, and if you are unlucky, it has accidentally or purposely mentioned your potential host, evil spirits are jealous, covetous, they want a perfect possession host and they can possibly even fight over you, in other words, 1, 2, 3 or more may attempt to do the regular frequent 'tests' to see how synced up and compatible you are to their spirit.

It is rare for verbal communication to take place, if such happens they are *really* interested in you. Again I highly recommend, and even warn, that you do not entice them back, this is what entices them the most.

* Talking back (They love attention, because up to 99% of humans don't acknowledge their existence they are very happy when someone does, attention is not something you want to give to an evil spirit).

* Showing any signs that you 'felt' them walk through you (Almost as bad as talking to them, their first test will be if you can feel them, if you can they are more likely to come back).

* Welcoming them (Meditation in and of itself is not a bad thing, but the type of meditation you describe I would say is not ideal, it literally lights up your spirit and points a 'this way' for all spirits in the area).

Again you can discern an 'evil' spirit from a 'good' spirit based on how loving/peaceful or uncomfortable/cold/awkward the spirit feels.

The above are a lifetime of 'secrets' I freely share to all, some would say mentioning them is throwing 'pearls before swine', I do not believe you are such, believe you are worthy to know the truth, but there are many on these forums I would consider to be 'swine' as mentioned in the analogy. Take it for what it's worth, but mark my words, I know for a 'fact' the experience you encountered was a spirit, likely evil.

posted on Nov, 22 2012 @ 04:23 AM
reply to post by SyntheticPerception

Greetings SyntheticPerception. Thank you for sharing and reflecting your unique experiences with us. The topic of contact fascinates me as an individual and is an experience I wish to take part in. Rather than encourage you, I wish to state the obvious (my personal belief). Your experience may seem crazy and awkward but from my perspective, it's quite "natural". The fact that many people feel alienated when strange things happen to them and feel there is no one to turn to can be attributed to the fact that many institutions as well as governments have kept things at a close and for the most part, dismissed the numerous accounts people have painfully told and retold.

I am willing to share a few personal stories with you if you’re interested.

Goodbye for now

posted on Nov, 22 2012 @ 04:41 AM
Schizophrenia is a mental disorder that makes it hard to: Tell the difference between what is real and not real.

This is not an insult. Instead of coming on ATS..where they have their fair amount crazies..(who will only support your delusions) maybe go see a professional.

posted on Nov, 22 2012 @ 09:40 AM
reply to post by SyntheticPerception

this is the first step in spiritual evolution, the feeling is like a rush of energy, probably from your hips too your brain, it is sexual energy, but can be used for the most beautyfull thing in the world, like an orgasm x100, keep practicing, google kundalini, and then merkabah, hope you understand, good luck

posted on Nov, 22 2012 @ 09:56 AM
reply to post by SyntheticPerception

I hope you find some peace as you carry this knowledge.

posted on Nov, 22 2012 @ 11:28 AM
I want thank everyone for the replies. I am in a bit of a hurry but want to respond to a few messages.

Originally posted by kerazeesicko
Schizophrenia is a mental disorder that makes it hard to: Tell the difference between what is real and not real.

This is not an insult. Instead of coming on ATS..where they have their fair amount crazies..(who will only support your delusions) maybe go see a professional.

No insult taken, thank you for your concern. I want to mention this first experience happened two years ago. My first diagnoses was schizophrenia. I accepted the it and began taking anti-psychotic medicine. From mt personal experience the meds made things worse.

For instance on the meds, my dreams turned into nightmares unlike anything I had ever experienced. I felt like a disgusting, horrible person. Instead of having beautiful dreams where I felt something teaching (for lack of a batter word) me, they were replaced my horrid things on the medicine.

I chose to quit taking the medicine. I was on three different kinds.. I cant remember the exact names but risperdal (or something close), depacote, and one other. I stopped them all at once after about a week of taking them. When the "hallucinations" started returning I decided to get help, or see a therapist. I got really "lucky" you could say. I was able to get the top therapist in my area by way of "charity care", I do not have insurance.

I was in therapy for roughly 4 months, twice a week roughly. This therapist was amazing.. he did not judge me or call me crazy. He actually helped me work with my dreams and hallucinations. He provided me no answers.. but gave me room to "work" on things myself. We discussed many different aspect of my "diagnoses". He would remind me many times "I have never once called you schizophrenic, or crazy".

After those months working together, he arranged for me to have another evaluation. He said the "label" schizophrenia, does not fit my symptoms (I was to aware my situation) and was a huge block for me (mentally it was making things worse). My next evaluation landed me with a "epilepsy" diagnoses, although I still disagree it was better than the original. After all they have to diagnose you with something to receive funds for the treatment they provide.

My life has improved 100% since these events. I have learned so much about myself and this world I live in because of these things.

Instead of coming on ATS..where they have their fair amount crazies..(who will only support your delusions) maybe go see a professional.

I am not looking for support by coming here. I am looking to raise awareness for others, or someone who may experience something like I went through. I follow my heart now, not my mind now.

Thank you for the reply.

edit on 22-11-2012 by SyntheticPerception because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 22 2012 @ 11:36 AM

Originally posted by kera1337
reply to post by SyntheticPerception

this is the first step in spiritual evolution, the feeling is like a rush of energy, probably from your hips too your brain, it is sexual energy, but can be used for the most beautyfull thing in the world, like an orgasm x100, keep practicing, google kundalini, and then merkabah, hope you understand, good luck

I have read many books and research stuff online about kundalini. When this first started I did not have the internet, so my local library was my only souce of information. They must have though I was a mad man with some of the books I would check out

The kundalini does sound similar, but from experience this was something totally different. It did not seem to start any certain place, or make its way up my spine clearing energy blocks. I have experienced sensations like "that" afterward however.

posted on Nov, 22 2012 @ 11:39 AM

I am willing to share a few personal stories with you if you’re interested. Goodbye for now
reply to post by Luckyxfactor

Please do! Although my heart knows this process has a "purpose" my mind still calls me insane some times.

When people share stories it helps me feel less alone with this experience.

posted on Nov, 22 2012 @ 12:07 PM
reply to post by Razimus

unless it is a feeling of pure love, if it is a feeling of pure love you know it is a spirit of pure love, but if it feels sort of terrifying, even for a split second, and a little weird, or very unsettling then it is not a spirit of love but a spirit of evil, trust me on this, I've experienced it hundreds of times.

I had to leave out many other experiences I had. The one I spoke of here was the most "startling" so to speak. After this one events in my life started to make more since. This contact came months after I began noticing these things. I would be willing to speak more of these other contacts should anyone be interested. I am proud of myself for sharing this above message, I am not here to get attention at all but sharing these experiences does bring me peace inside. I feel like perhaps that could be one of the "reasons" I have them.

The very first "contact" was one of pure love.. I can't begin to do it justice with simple words. Warm, fearless, loved, protected, etc would be a few that describe it best. I attributed it to "God" but as time went on I began thinking I did not deserve this "love". For one I was never religious, also at the time I had a poor "self image" for lack of a better word.

* Intimidation
* Testing to see how the vibration of your spirit differs from theirs (If their spirit is a very very very low frequency vibration they are likely an evil spirit, the more you sin, the more you are evil, the more you will sync up, line up and be comfortable and feel less friction to an evil spirit, the same goes for a spirit of love, if you are a loving kind peaceful person your spirit vibration will rise and thus be more synced to a spirit of love)

These words to not resonate or "vibrate" with what I now know as "truth". On one level they do (some of them) but on another they do not. It does help me connect a few "dots" though. I realize I have lived my entire life on this planet in the spirit of "love". Always giving of myself when possible to benefit "others". This comes natural for me and is how I feel happiness.

* Possession, when your spirit and their spirit are full synced up, equally in the same mindset, love or evil, the evil spirit will attempt to possess your body, the spirit of love will *never* attempt such, spirits of peace and love will usually only walk through humans to say hi, if they are a loved one etc, but evil spirits have 1 purpose, 1 goal, to possess the bodies of mortals, for they never had a body and it's the #1 thing they covet, wish they had.

I did experience what could be considered "possession" by an evil spirit, however it was not the encounter I describe above. I think in some ways this "enemy" underestimated the extent of the "love" I carried within. I have learned I have no enemies now. I have grown sense that encounter for the best, I would imagine if I was "possessed" by a spirit, it has learned much about love from our encounter.

You could say I know certain "contacts" were agreed upon before "I" incarnated here.

The fact that you have communicated with this spirit verbally is a bad sign, you've made every possible mistake concerning this evil spirit, I would cease all communications with it, and not only not do your little 'meditation' experiment again, but I would highly recommend the next 1,000 times an 'uncomfortable' spirit walks through you

Again these words do not resonate with me or my heart (truth) at all. Quite the opposite actually. This wasn't a meditation "experiment". I still meditate and it has brought me much peace. The majority of fear was coming from within myself, not these "spirits" I am in contact with. It (fear) has been engrained into our minds to some extent, if only on a subconscious level. As I relinquish these old thought patterns of fear my life and "contacts" improve.

Take it for what it's worth, but mark my words, I know for a 'fact' the experience you encountered was a spirit, likely evil.

I agree with your words, although some of what I said above may seem "I disagree", I have grown past many of those thoughts. This happened two years ago, if not a little longer. It has been a heck of a journey for sure. I agree that one of the spirits I encountered was in fact "evil", however I put that in quotes because it is all relative. I have grown past the duality of the experience.
edit on 22-11-2012 by SyntheticPerception because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 22 2012 @ 12:11 PM


posted on Nov, 22 2012 @ 12:18 PM
reply to post by Noobody

How is that relevant to this discussion? Care to add more than a link to a few "songs"

This song explains the "process" much better in my opinion.

You ####### Did It

edit on 22-11-2012 by SyntheticPerception because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 22 2012 @ 01:26 PM

Originally posted by SyntheticPerception
I am not looking for support by coming here. I am looking to raise awareness for others, or someone who may experience something like I went through. I follow my heart now, not my mind now.

edit on 22-11-2012 by SyntheticPerception because: (no reason given)

There's nothing wrong with the mind, for example how about the mind imagines the heart and a suitable situation for love to express itself?

Just wanted to wish you good luck with your contacts, take it easy and don't do anything which will get you into the 'nuthouse'.

posted on Nov, 22 2012 @ 02:23 PM
reply to post by SyntheticPerception

Thanks for sharing your experience. I'm a confessed die-hard skeptic and I have heard many things working for a psychiatrist however(back in the day) I believe you are quite sincere in your experience and i do hope you share more. It is really fascinating.

posted on Nov, 22 2012 @ 03:03 PM
reply to post by SyntheticPerception

It sounds as if you may have experienced a spontaneous release of '___' by your pinneal gland. The phantom arm and hand and the changing of your reality sort of fit with the symptoms of a spontaneous release. Many people who have near death experiences can relate to what you are saying even to the point of conversing with another being in your head. You don't have to be schizophrenic to hear voices or hallucinate. Both can happen naturally with no outside stimulus.

Who is to say if you are hallucinating or simply experiencing things on an uncommon level? How you react to it can make the difference between spending time in a nuthouse or becoming the more complete and sensitive human being you were meant to be.

Kundalini may be coming over you, as when it came over me the process was as close to being stark raving mad as I could possibly imagine, but the end result is that I spend much of my life in a rapturous and joyful state that others find very enjoyable to be around.

Good luck with your experiences and you don't sound crazy to me. You sound like you have more exploration to do before it all falls into place for you. You may be on a spiritual path and not even realize it.
edit on 22-11-2012 by Coopdog because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 22 2012 @ 03:56 PM
reply to post by SyntheticPerception

More communication was happening like I mentioned above. At this point in my life I had began meditating, but only at its most basic level. Laying on my back (not sleeping), fully aware and meditating like a newbie, I felt a presence in the room with me. Fear instantly enveloped me, and the presence went away. I would resume my newbie meditation and the presence would return. This "back and forth" exchange went on at most five times, until I heard the first "voice" other than my own inside my head.

It was very subtle at first, and I could not distinguish my thoughts from "its" thoughts. Then a clear "voice" (possibly my subconscious?) said

"Do not worry, everything will be ok"

The next thing I know I feel a sudden rush of (what felt like] electricity through my body. It happened fast. One sudden jolt, I freaked. Opened my eyes, looked around my living room and wondered what the #### just happened. Again I felt the presence come back. This time I was not meditating in the least.. more like flipping the #### out. The voice came back

"Everything will be ok, this will only take ten seconds"

I figured I may as well "go with it". The fortune cookie I received at lunch that day was brought to my mind "Fear is just excitement in need of an attitude adjustment." I laid back down on my couch, closed my eyes, and began "meditating". More like trying not to scream like a little girl.. If any "little girls" are reading this I mean you know disrespect.

I am not sure why (possibly my own fear), but I asked if I was allowed to see it. A clear reply came through

"Not yet"

I might be projecting but I have a few questions. Did you experiance the fear as extreamly intense and are you unable to feel real fear anymore, like that you are totaly fearless? I do not meant that you cannot be uncomfortable but the possability to experiance biological fear is gone?

The reason I am asking is to figure out if you have gone thru a amagydala fear overload.

posted on Nov, 22 2012 @ 05:58 PM
reply to post by SyntheticPerception

I've had similar experiences. Some would call it communications of the "illuminati."

Some would consider if insanity.

Who can say for certain at this point, we simply experience what we experience and make of it what we will. You have to remember, some people could get bitch slapped by an alien right across the face, and they'd still not believe in aliens. It's some kind of mental block thing, soul evolution, that kinda stuff.

As for me, I've had similar experiences, seeing for instants a person's eyes become big and black like a grey's, only for a split second.

I sometimes wonder If that is a stage of "dimensional" or astral self that many are in, and one that I may have been in.

I've had a similar experience with seeing myself as a different being, I was a purple-blue, semi translucent being with pointy ears.

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