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Iran sends missiles to Gaza:

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posted on Nov, 19 2012 @ 11:08 PM
I know the sources are RT and DEBKA file, but if true, this will be justification for an Iranian strike would it not. Would this be an act of war?

A bulk consignment of short and long-range Iranian missiles is en route to Gaza to help the Palestinian defense against Israel, DEBKAfile reports. An Iranian 150-ton freighter is loaded with 220 short-range missiles and 50 long-range Fajar-5 rockets with 200-kilo warheads, the agency learned. The cargo, according to DEBKAfile, is to be transferred at sea to four Sudanese shipping boats. Later, it is alleged that the weapons will be transferred via the Sinai coast and then through smuggling tunnels into Gaza. This at a time when the international community is trying to broker a peace deal in the crisis which so far has taken the lives of more than a hundred Palestianian civilians and left almost a thousand injured.

ETA: I do not support war with anyone, just curious if this would indeed be considered an act of war. I mean Israel and the US are just itching to pull the trigger on Iran as it is. There are already reports of Turkey amassing tanks and weapons on the syrian border, its all falling together like a puzzle now, Peace all

edit on 19-11-2012 by thesmokingman because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 19 2012 @ 11:11 PM
reply to post by thesmokingman

Seems a bit convenient to have so much information. Not sure I would believe it.

posted on Nov, 19 2012 @ 11:12 PM
Only as much as America funding Israel's war efforts is a declaration of war. Basically, it is, yet, officially, it's not. Iran has been funding Israel's enemies for some time now.

posted on Nov, 19 2012 @ 11:12 PM

Originally posted by thesmokingman
I know the sources are RT and DEBKA file, but if true, this will be justification for an Iranian strike would it not. Would this be an act of war?

A bulk consignment of short and long-range Iranian missiles is en route to Gaza to help the Palestinian defense against Israel, DEBKAfile reports. An Iranian 150-ton freighter is loaded with 220 short-range missiles and 50 long-range Fajar-5 rockets with 200-kilo warheads, the agency learned. The cargo, according to DEBKAfile, is to be transferred at sea to four Sudanese shipping boats. Later, it is alleged that the weapons will be transferred via the Sinai coast and then through smuggling tunnels into Gaza. This at a time when the international community is trying to broker a peace deal in the crisis which so far has taken the lives of more than a hundred Palestianian civilians and left almost a thousand injured.

Not criticizing you, but this seems like a steaming pile of BS to me. First, the sources are crap. Second, Iran would not let out that much info if this were true. "Hey all, were going to put some missiles on a boat, the ship number is #1234. Then we're gonna stop off and transfer our cargo to these ships, found here. etc etc". Seems to me likes its a more convenient way for Israel to drag Iran into this. Look for reports in the coming days saying things like "Israel stops massive arms shipment from Iran to Gaza", etc.

Hamas is only equipped with home made rockets, that just shoot out randomly and then go boom. That's the extent of their firepower.

edit on 19-11-2012 by DerekJR321 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 19 2012 @ 11:12 PM
So i guess the weapons the US has supplied to Syria and Israel and Turkey and and and justification for Iran or Syria to strike Isra?USA?..
The finger goes full circle on this issue i'm afraid.
edit on 19-11-2012 by all2human because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 19 2012 @ 11:15 PM
reply to post by thesmokingman

On CNN earlier tonight, Israeli Pres. Perez and former US envoy to the middle east George Mitchell both stated that Iran's assistance to Hamas is fact. This shouldn't come as any surprise to anyone following events...

But the connection being increasingly tossed around the public forum is concerning because more and more would support a strike against Iran. This is exactly what Hamas wants. They are attempting to start a grand war.

Or is it the West attempting to start a grand war?

posted on Nov, 19 2012 @ 11:17 PM

Originally posted by PatrickGarrow17
reply to post by thesmokingman

On CNN earlier tonight, Israeli Pres. Perez and former US envoy to the middle east George Mitchell both stated that Iran's assistance to Hamas is fact. This shouldn't come as any surprise to anyone following events...

But the connection being increasingly tossed around the public forum is concerning because more and more would support a strike against Iran. This is exactly what Hamas wants. They are attempting to start a grand war.

Or is it the West attempting to start a grand war?

Israel knows that they WILL NOT get the United States to back them on a military strike against Iran without solid reason. To me, I believe Israel is looking to create that solid reason.

posted on Nov, 19 2012 @ 11:18 PM
I guess this gives Israel more reason to keep firing.

posted on Nov, 19 2012 @ 11:19 PM

Originally posted by DerekJR321

Originally posted by thesmokingman
I know the sources are RT and DEBKA file, but if true, this will be justification for an Iranian strike would it not. Would this be an act of war?

A bulk consignment of short and long-range Iranian missiles is en route to Gaza to help the Palestinian defense against Israel, DEBKAfile reports. An Iranian 150-ton freighter is loaded with 220 short-range missiles and 50 long-range Fajar-5 rockets with 200-kilo warheads, the agency learned. The cargo, according to DEBKAfile, is to be transferred at sea to four Sudanese shipping boats. Later, it is alleged that the weapons will be transferred via the Sinai coast and then through smuggling tunnels into Gaza. This at a time when the international community is trying to broker a peace deal in the crisis which so far has taken the lives of more than a hundred Palestianian civilians and left almost a thousand injured.

Not criticizing you, but this seems like a steaming pile of BS to me. First, the sources are crap. Second, Iran would not let out that much info if this were true. "Hey all, were going to put some missiles on a boat, the ship number is #1234. Then we're gonna stop off and transfer our cargo to these ships, found here. etc etc". Seems to me likes its a more convenient way for Israel to drag Iran into this. Look for reports in the coming days saying things like "Israel stops massive arms shipment from Iran to Gaza", etc.

Hamas is only equipped with home made rockets, that just shoot out randomly and then go boom. That's the extent of their firepower.

edit on 19-11-2012 by DerekJR321 because: (no reason given)

I know the sources are RT and DEBKA file, but if true

That is why I added this disclaimer. Just throwin out the article I came across, not trying to claim any validity to anything. Was actually more of a question, is this an ACT OF WAR?

posted on Nov, 19 2012 @ 11:21 PM
Can i ask everyone.....what source is credible? i mean.....a reliable source other than RT?......

posted on Nov, 19 2012 @ 11:23 PM
Is this a surprise to anyone? An yes, the United States will stand for Israel if directly attacked by Iran.

Indirectly, could also cause an eventuality of "the U.S. Involved".

Welcome to the back-blow of "Arab Spring".

Thanks incredibly weak Obama and no comprehension of the Mid-East. Hey, just call Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and have a beer in the rose

edit on 19-11-2012 by missed_gear because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 19 2012 @ 11:24 PM

Originally posted by thesmokingman

I know the sources are RT and DEBKA file, but if true

That is why I added this disclaimer. Just throwin out the article I came across, not trying to claim any validity to anything. Was actually more of a question, is this an ACT OF WAR?

Oh I know. I wasn't criticizing you at all. I was just stating my opinion of the article. That's why forums are difficult sometimes. Tones and inflections get lost in translation. But no... I was 100% not going against you, and I'm glad you brought this article to our attention.

posted on Nov, 19 2012 @ 11:25 PM
reply to post by DerekJR321

Maybe so, but from what I gather the US also believes Iran is supplying long range rockets to Hamas. Whether or not this is cause for US to back Israel in a strike, who knows? I tend to think Obama is more sympathetic to Palestinians than any previous US pres, and they'd much rather assist in brokering a cease fire.

The best strategy may be for the Obama admin to reach out to the Egyptian government, and try and get them to reason with Hamas. Maybe devote a percentage of Israel's aid to poverty assistance in Gaza, promise to publicly support a two state solution. Heck, anything to prevent a war between Israel and Iran that could easily develop into a war between Islam and the West.

A big part of my vote for Obama was my opinion that he was more likely to negotiate our way out of the big conflict. Hope I'm right about that one.

posted on Nov, 19 2012 @ 11:29 PM

Originally posted by PatrickGarrow17
reply to post by DerekJR321

Neville Chamberlain comes to mind. Nothing better than an Ostrich with its' head in the sand to start a war....oddly, everyone in concerned about the Hawks.

edit on 19-11-2012 by missed_gear because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 19 2012 @ 11:39 PM
reply to post by PatrickGarrow17

I'm afraid we're probably going to see the same war now as would have happened with the other nitwit. Policies don't seem to change much lately no matter who is in office, eh? This fight was decades in the making, IMO. Realistically, about 3 decades to the part of the policies out of the Camp David Accords of 1979 that had the U.S. giving about a billion each direction to Egypt and Israel. Buying them off for peace was never a very good idea as a long term solution and it would seem to have backfired in the worst way after 30 years of it. This was pretty much a predictable outcome regarding war after Mubarak was taken out. He was the pin holding peace all these years, IMO.

As far as the Fajr-5 and whatever else they have....of course it came from Iran on one hand. I mean, where exactly are the factories producing them otherwise? They're coming from somewhere and Iran is the only player in the game with the strength to actually support Hamas in a link-able way. They always have. Hamas sure isn't home brewing the longer range ones today.

This doesn't make sense though. Not at all. Either Iran was throwing a ship away for nothing but a P.R. thing..... This didn't happen (anyone have more sources?) or it was a set up. Iran would never, for a 100 different intelligent reasons, try a shipment of ordinance through the Suez Canal and through the Israeli blockade at this moment in time. The idea they would is almost insulting to them to suggest. lol..

(for ships out of Iranian ports, the Israeli Blockade starts about the Indian Ocean I'd imagine..)

edit on 19-11-2012 by Wrabbit2000 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 20 2012 @ 12:37 AM
That Iranian ship will be at the bottom the ocean before you can say

rub a dub dub.

posted on Nov, 20 2012 @ 01:34 AM
The ploy has always been Iran..............
The only force capable of tipping the balance of power besides Ysrael
The Iranians very likely already have nuclear weapon....
It certainly looks like they will get to try it out.....

posted on Nov, 20 2012 @ 02:53 AM

Originally posted by BrokenAngelWings33
reply to post by thesmokingman

Seems a bit convenient to have so much information. Not sure I would believe it.

My thoughts exactly...... that just doesn't make sense.

Depending on who RT is routing for, it's either disinfo to distract the US and Israel imperialistic invasion forces or it is feeding the public a lie to "justify" making a first move against Iran.

posted on Nov, 20 2012 @ 05:22 PM
reply to post by thesmokingman

the way RT described that in detail, it sounds odd ! but without any doubt Iran-Syria-Lebanon will do something but of course covertly ! may be Israel is waiting that Gaza runs out of missiles finally and then starts ground attack !
when your enemy is Israel you should be prepared unless it will drink your blood until something stops it for example public opinion or.... they are after leveling Gaza, this year , next year ! they will never live in peace ! never !!! they want to annex Gaza to Israel.

posted on Nov, 21 2012 @ 01:10 AM
Israel's blockade of Gaza is so tight that crayons and musical instruments for Gaza's children cannot get through. The Fajr-5 is 6 1/2 meters long, and weighs 915 Kilograms. It requires a launcher, which is 10 1/2 meters long.

Think something that big and heavy gets smuggled in through a tunnel?

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