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The End of the 13th baktun – From Maya to Aztec, From Norse to Star Wars

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posted on Nov, 17 2012 @ 08:13 PM
This is the Maya glyph that mentions the end of the 13th baktun. It’s from the Tortuguero Maya site. It reads, “It will be completed in the 13th baktun. It is 4 Ajaw 3 Kankin and it will happen a seeing[?]. It is the display of Bolon-Yokte in a great investiture.”

Tortuguero, Maya site
2012 Phenomenon

The Maya don’t mention an ending age with these periods. The ending age idea comes to us from Aztec legends.

The Aztecs believed that four worlds had existed before theirs and that each of these worlds had been destroyed in some way. In the first period, the world was destroyed by a great flood and men were turned into fish. In the second, the world was destroyed by violent winds and men were turned into monkeys. In the third, the world was almost destroyed by fire. And in the fourth, the world was almost eliminated by famine, or lack of food.

The Aztecs believed they were living in the fifth and last period, which they called the Era of Movement. They believed that their current world would someday be destroyed by a giant earthquake.

However, this mention of Bolon-Yokte in the glyph shown above is very interesting. Stelae at the ancient Maya site called Palenque mention him as a god of war, conflict and the underworld. His name also contains elements of the word nine, which is Ok-te. There are a number of ancient cultures that believe the number nine is associated with the gods. One of those cultures is the Norse and they have a doomsday prophecy similar to the Aztecs. That day is called Ragnarok, which means “Fate of the gods”.

Numbers in Norse mythology

The Poetic Edda poem of Norse mythology describes a Mighty Weaver that mentions Ragnarok. This Jotunn weaver told the leader of the gods, whose name was Odin, that he and his fellow gods would all be killed by their enemies, who were in the form of dogs, serpents, wolves and a black flame wielding giant called Surtr.

Who knows, the flame sword could be a Star Wars lightsaber? When the stars were in certain positions in the sky the Maya were known to go to war with their enemies. They called these heavenly signs, star wars.

Lintel 2 of Tikal Temple 4 records a "star war" attack in 744 against Wak Kab'nal, which was probably the capital of the Naranjo kingdom since it is referred to as the city of Naranjo's patron deity, the "Square-nosed Beastie";
star war

Interestingly, George Lucas used the pyramid temples of Tikal for his Rebel base in his Star Wars- A New Hope film. Maybe the black flame wielding giant is Darth Vader or Obama with a lightsaber?

This is an artist depiction of the Ice giant called Surtr. He appears to be holding a lightsaber. He is not black in this picture because Surtr can mean "the swarthy one".

This is a terracotta urn discovered from the Maya site called Monte Alban. It has the appearance of Darth Vader.

This is Darth Vader from Star Wars.

This is the rebel base of the alliance, which is located on a moon orbiting the planet called Yavin 4. The flying object in the sky is the Millennium Falcon. It’s a live action shot in Guatemala, Tikal for Star Wars IV.

The well discussed topic of Nibiru on ATS is probably associated with the Death Star in George Lucas’s Star Wars.

If you ask George Lucas about December 21, 2012 he will tell you he believes something is going to happen. I forgot where he is quoted on this matter from another thread on ATS.

edit on 17-11-2012 by lostinspace because: added word and changed word

posted on Nov, 17 2012 @ 08:26 PM

If you ask George Lucas about December 21, 2012 he will tell you he believes something is going to happen. I forgot where he is quoted on this matter from another thread on ATS.

George Lucas believes he will make another billion dollars on December 21st.

posted on Nov, 17 2012 @ 08:41 PM

Originally posted by TFCJay

If you ask George Lucas about December 21, 2012 he will tell you he believes something is going to happen. I forgot where he is quoted on this matter from another thread on ATS.

George Lucas believes he will make another billion dollars on December 21st.

I found the thread mentioning this statement from Lucas.

George Lucas Says World Will End In 2012

Now Disney hopes to get some of those billions in the coming years from the next three movies which are in the years after Return of the Jedi.

Disney-Lucasfilm and Star Wars episode VII

posted on Nov, 17 2012 @ 08:45 PM
Well I guess there would be an upside to the world coming to an end.

No more lousy Star Wars movies. Should have left the awesomeness of the originals alone.

posted on Nov, 17 2012 @ 09:21 PM
Im glad you posted this, which IS WHAT THE 2012 DATE IS ABOUT. most people still think its some solar flare LOL

posted on Nov, 17 2012 @ 09:26 PM
reply to post by TFCJay

My thoughts exactly. The first three have no equal.

The reason why Lucas handed the rights over to Disney is because he was angry of the criticism he received from the last three. He was fed up due to the fan insults over Jar Jar Binks and horrible plots. He said he would never make another movie again. However, he chose to pass the torch to someone else.

posted on Nov, 17 2012 @ 09:45 PM

Originally posted by jazztrance
Im glad you posted this, which IS WHAT THE 2012 DATE IS ABOUT. most people still think its some solar flare LOL

I'm glad you enjoyed the topic. It's fun finding these hidden eggs in Lucas' work.

It appears the star wars saga will never end unless something really happens on that big date.

posted on Nov, 17 2012 @ 10:57 PM
reply to post by lostinspace

wow i was getting impressed until you pulled out star wars... seriously.. you had a great thread until then

posted on Nov, 17 2012 @ 11:34 PM
reply to post by gnosticagnostic

Sometimes it takes entertainment to get some people interested in history.

posted on Nov, 18 2012 @ 02:52 AM
reply to post by lostinspace

Wow I'm not gonna lie I came for the title (because you mentioned star wars) and stayed for the content. Woa that was some mind blowing material pretty scary with the star wars stuff, I kinda wanna watch the whole series now.

But now after seeing this and the recent news of lucas selling star wars I think it all makes sense now.

You gotta ask yourself why would someone sell one of the most beloved, fan crazy, profitable et etc series/ franchise of all time? Well I think the answer is someone who thinks its not gonna matter pretty soon so hes getting all the money he can now so he can prepare for whats to come. because cmon lucas has more than enough money its not like he needed to sell star wars and get $ 4.5 BILLION

So after reading your op I'm thinking either one he sold it so he can get prepared or two he sold it to get peoples attn on starwars and uncover what you just did either way S n F!

posted on Nov, 18 2012 @ 10:12 AM
It always makes me laugh when people go on about the Mayans or aliens when there are more important things that are real and face us all. Do you know that in for the last 12 years 1 year in 2 we have ate more food than we produced. we have no stocks left and this year we had drought in america and floods elsewhere. The madness in all of this is that they are still using crops for bio fuel. By Feb 2013 you will hear little moans about the cost of food but the availability of it, You will be happy to work for a bag of rice your car you will be happy to sell for a 55 pound bag of potatoes. If you can grow grow food now. The stock worldwide are down to a few weeks and in most place 1 week. Imagine if your supermarket got no deliveries this week how long would it be before you had to go out searching for food where there is none, would you take a gun a knife along with the other thousands out there looking. So forget Iran, Israel, aliens, Niburu, Obama. and stop depending on information they release and do research yourself,. Our Ancestors would never had approached winter without enough food to get them to spring thats how most of them survived but now we have not even enough food in our cupboards to see us into December. At the very least you should have stocks of lentils as you can survive on soup nd add plants to it porridge is another item, no milk use rain water in if water goes, These are cheap are there is no excuse or are you happy to let the lives of your family be in the hands of others.

posted on Nov, 18 2012 @ 10:29 AM
Ragnarok is a map in the new halo game, they also have a game called regicide (latin for death of a king) there is also an armour progression named wetwork ( is a euphemism for murder or assassination)

Not sure these have enough thing to do with your thread, which is a good one by the way, but I thought Id add this to it as you mentioned the name ragarok

S=F mainly because I love star wars

posted on Nov, 18 2012 @ 12:47 PM
reply to post by ThePeopleParty

Lol, game developers have access to the internet too, you know. Games are usually riddled with mythology from various ancient cultures, like take WoW having a raid boss named Ragnaros, or the spaceship in Final Fantasy VIII being named Ragnarok. People borrow from mythology all of the time.

posted on Nov, 18 2012 @ 11:02 PM
The only thing that seems to threaten our solar system currently is comet C/2012 S1 (ISON). It will approach Mars around October 2013 and will enter into earth’s orbital path November 2013.

Comet C/2012 S1 (ISON)

C/2012 S1 (ISON) near Mars October 2013

C/2012 S1 (ISON) crossing the orbital path of Earth November 2013

It will pass by Mars with a distance of 6,500,000 miles (10,000,000 km). This is the closest it will come to a planet. Not too much to worry about unless it gets knocked off course.

Sitchin believed certain Sumerian texts contained a story relating an account about a roving planet called Nibiru.

Sitchin had interpreted some ancient Sumerian cuneiform texts (the earliest known form of writing) as a literal translation of the origin of humankind. These 6000 year old texts apparently reveal that an alien race known as the Annunaki travelled to Earth on a planet called Nibiru.

Zechariah Sitchin did not claim Nibiru would be here December 21, 2012. Before he died he said Nibiru was still 1200 years away in its outer orbit.

If a planetoid space station is slowly approaching us I doubt astronomers will be able to detect it until its right on our doorstep. A race with this kind of technology would clobber us humans because we’re still using bottle rockets to get into space.

posted on Nov, 19 2012 @ 01:39 AM
reply to post by lostinspace

idk if nibiru will but I am definitely banking on somting crazy happening that day cmon the mayans,aztecs,chinese,nostradomus,bible, and the list goes on all correlates to this event itts just a matter of time and its almost HEEERRE!

posted on Nov, 19 2012 @ 01:42 AM
reply to post by gnosticagnostic


I was like, yes this is familiar information, I approve, yes, OHH you killed it. Vader.

posted on Nov, 19 2012 @ 08:46 PM
reply to post by gnosticagnostic

reply to post by zedVSzardoz

I think Star Wars is an appropriate comparison here. The Maya, Aztec and Norse mythology are all imaginative works of the human mind. Lucas just borrowed some of their stories because they sell. Some of these legends are probably based on some sort of facts but these are likely boring by themselves.

Maya, Aztec and Norse mythology is entertainment for the imagination.

Star Wars and every sort of movie is entertainment to pass the evening. is entertainment that consumes our time.

posted on Nov, 19 2012 @ 08:50 PM
Cool post. Was NOT expecting the shift to Star Wars, blame my A.D.D. for not reading the full title. lol

I've heard numerous others draw parallels to ancient mythology and the Star Wars films, including one of my favorites Joseph P. Farrell. Micheal Cremo also shows the small metallic sphere found in VERY old strata of rock that bares an odd (though probably coincidental) resemblance to the Death Star. I think Hoagland also talks about the death star relating to a moon on Jupiter if I recall correctly.
Either way, considering Lucas' other films like Indiana Jones, the dude is obviously into mythology and metaphysics as well as sci-fi. Most likely he drew heavily on these things to create his world, I mean, the Force is pretty much the akashik field (or aether), I'm sure there are many other instances of this.

posted on Nov, 19 2012 @ 08:54 PM

Originally posted by lostinspace
reply to post by gnosticagnostic

reply to post by zedVSzardoz

Maya, Aztec and Norse mythology is entertainment for the imagination.

Maybe it's entertainment for OUR imagination, but I think THEY took it very seriously, whether strictly literal or not.

I like to give these guys some credit, it doesn't seem like they did things without a distinct and useful purpose, I have to at least reserve the possibility that there is at least some truth in the myths.

posted on Nov, 19 2012 @ 09:54 PM
reply to post by 7Visionz

Thanks for reminding me about that death star shaped moon. It’s a moon of Saturn named Mimas.


This is another piece of evidence that shows Lucas was drawing from material beyond his own imagination.

edit on 19-11-2012 by lostinspace because: added word

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