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Reptilian Hybrids of the Illuminati

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posted on Nov, 12 2012 @ 11:12 AM
Just found an interesting "article" for my fellow ATS'ers

some will like this and some will not

Maybe it is true .. maybe it is not
so you will make you own thoughs on this

We are the Illuminati Bloodlines (also known as the Secret Government, the New World Order, the NWO, Blue Bloods, the Royal Families of Earth, etc.). We are a large secret society network that controls planet Earth and have existed for about 6,000 years.

Oh .. this will be an interesting story

are you prepare for more ?

Our logo/symbol is on the United States dollar bill ($1), it is a pyramid with an eye that has Reptilian-like wrinkled skin around it. We were genetically created in Sumer or Sumeria; which then became Babylon, by the Lemurian surviving Draconian Reptilians who live secluded in the inner Earth; which is hollow, by mixing their own Reptilian genetics with the Lyraen/human Caucasian genetics of those who colonized Sumeria from the planet Mars.

We are hybrids of human and Reptilian genetics, and those of us who have the direct 50/50 split between both genetics; have the ability to shapeshift between either our human or Reptilian form. This is because Reptilian and Mammalian genetics are not compatible with each other, so when you mix them together the being takes on the physical characteristics of whichever genetics are predominant in it's physical body. There are also other factors like the Mind-pattern/Soul-personality.

This hybridization project took several generations for the Draco to perfect, they consulted the help of the Sirians who are located in the star system of Sirius A. We quickly learned that in order to hold our human form we needed to consume human blood, organs, and/or tissue; preferably that of blonde-haired and blue-eyed Caucasian people, since those genetics are the original Lyraen/human genetics which go way back to the star system of Lyrae; the original home to all human life in the galaxy. We became known as Blue Bloods because we have a copper-based blood. When copper-based blood oxidizes, it has a blue-ish/green color, thats where the term Blue Blood comes from and is still used to describe us royalty and the elite of society.

We became the legends of vampires on planet Earth, including the Romanian ruler; Vlad III Dracul (Vlad The Impaler) himself, who was apart of our Reptilian/human hybrid bloodlines. The legends of vampires say that a vampire can shapeshift into a bat, this is a misinterpretation of how some of us hybrids and fullblood Draco have wings. The Sirians eventually helped us yet again by creating a hybrid animal that contained human genetics, which we could eat; holding us off temporarily until we could get around to sacrificing a human in Satanic ritual ceremony. The Sirians chose the wild boar and mixed it's genetics with human genetics to create the domesticated pig, which is why pigs are used in the medical field because it is the most compatible with humans, since the pig is a human/wild boar hybrid. The Ancient Hebrews would not eat pork for this reason; they knew it was a human/wild boar hybrid and is considered a form of cannibalism to eat. This secret is long kept hidden from you slaves, because you idiots don't question anything. You believe what you are told and whatever fake version of history we present to you.

So Vlad the empaler was a hybrid reptilians

and some hybrids have wings .. not bat like wings but more dragon like wings

maybe the infamous mothman is a reptilian flying hybrid
just a though

We were originally created to serve the Reptilians and rule over the Earth's surface slave population for them in secrecy as your kings and queens of royalty. However, we now have our own agenda to conquer and spread our tyranny across the galaxy, using Earth as the home-base of a tyrannical galactic empire. We call our agenda the "New World Order", you may have heard of it. You can purchase our shirts in our Satanic Macy's store. We are ready for you to know about us because we are tired of hiding, we want all of you slaves on the same page and there is nothing you can do about it. We kicked off the New World Order by staging terrorist attacks on September 11th, 2001 when we demolished the twin towers in New York by controlled demolition and sacrificed thousands of you slaves to harness the energy to use for our goals.

Controlled demolition ?
ah be damn .. there is no such thing has controlled demolition

why would they create such big lies ? for a war ? .. nah
there is probably more behind the big picture that are behind another more bigger picture

We shot a missile into the Pentagon building, which is literally lighting that Satanic Pentagram on fire, and we also shot down Flight-93 in Pennsylvania. Donald Rumsfeld even slipped his tongue and said we did this in a few speeches, that moron. It doesn't matter though because you slaves will believe whatever official information we present to you. We also did 9/11 to start a war with a fake non-existent enemy of terrorists and World War III that you slaves would support. As soon as the fear of terrorists dies out amongst you slaves, we will stage another attack, but this time it will be much bigger;

a Staged Alien Invasion. This time you worthless slaves will really be in fear from this non-existent alien threat and we will trick you all into coming together under a global government, global military police force, global currency credit system, a microchipped population, and martial law by putting the planet on complete lockdown to protect and defend yourselves from this outside alien threat. We will create chaos to restore order and make you think this is the End-Times.

That part i agree .. there is no end of the world
its 100% fearmongering busyness

After this we will top it all off with a staged second coming of the Christ figure by using a clone of Emmanuel, the person you know of as Jesus, and he will proclaim the New World Order as his New Holy Empire and we will merge all of our mind-control and programming religions into a global "New World Religion". We got the blood to create the clone of Emmanuel during the Montauk Project, which ran from 1970 to 1983. During Montauk we programmed someone and sent him 2,000 years back in time to get a vile of Emmanuel's blood and bring it back.

Emmanuel was actually not the son of God but an alien creation; a manufactured being. His mother was abducted by a group of Lyraen humans and Sirians from Sirius A, where she was implanted with a programmed fetus designed for a specific function. Emmanuel was taken from his mother at the age of 9 and trained for 20 years at the Giza Pyramid in Ancient Atlantean and Egyptian principles and Magick. We staged the crucifixion and sent him to India where we placed him under Reptilian control. He died of natural causes at about 117 years of age. Emmanuel's real grave is actually in India in the province of Kashmir, he did not rise from the dead and float into the clouds.

Wait .. is everything really that staged ? cant say that would surprise me
if powerfull people could go back in time .. many would use it at their own advantage
to do whatever they want

True or not ? .. it is for YOU to decide
connect your own pieces of the big puzzle
just wanted to share this link with you guys
so we can share our thoughs in the thread

edit on 11/12/2012 by Ben81 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 12 2012 @ 11:16 AM
reply to post by Ben81

I can trace my roots back to William the Conqueror......all I can say is I'm no hybrid, but I sure don't back down from a fight easily.

I bet if you trace your own roots, you are related to a blue blood, somewhere, too!

posted on Nov, 12 2012 @ 11:23 AM

Originally posted by Sissel
reply to post by Ben81

I can trace my roots back to William the Conqueror......all I can say is I'm no hybrid, but I sure don't back down from a fight easily.

I bet if you trace your own roots, you are related to a blue blood, somewhere, too!

I have German encestors .. its all i know lol
tried to search my last name it is very unique and it mean small bird in german
but there is nothing i can find .. we have been living or hiding in Quebec for 400yrs
came in during the Wolf war .. Wolf was apparently a General
everyone history have big secret .. it is fascinating but it is so hard to find our real roots

Maybe my grand grand grand grand father was Jesus himself
and Jesus was a great great great uncle of your great great grand father
its all theories and speculation .. the only way to decipher everyone is with our DNA
then making comparison with other DNA strand
edit on 11/12/2012 by Ben81 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 12 2012 @ 11:25 AM
reply to post by Ben81

Which is why the hybrids have pursued the humans throughout they systems like Arizona Wilder said and mars, and that coloring is the coloring I recalled in my past life memories from mars, as a child that had to leave behind family who perished. And I recall a much longer journey back to Lyra. This Lineage is also from Michael, through pleiades. He has the Lyra connection and Michael is connected to Christ and all humanity.

I'm aware their hybrids from Sumar, but thought the shape shifting was more akin to soul overlay. However, its irrelevant.

Dracos have been feeding off Light for a long time and with regards to humanity, they seem to be very upset that humans have Love potential and progression. They should ask for better body suits capable of more Love themselves but apparently too much ego to drop the error, the wrong cloning project. Any genetics not capable of a Loving heart is an error.

Don't have that coloring in this life, blond hair darkened to golden brown, chesnut auburn streaks underneath, but keep it blondish and brown eyes, but very few brown eyed genes, most are blue, green and hazel, my grandmothers even aqua, and 2 children blue, 2 children green hazel, and only 1 brown eyed, oddly enough.
So body suits on earth and Lyra souls are not the same thing. Also Lyra is an era, time, we're not from one system, but when I look at the queens family in England, I sense they are opposites to me, I do try to avoid words like adversaries and pray for all of them.

For we are Michael's children.
edit on 12-11-2012 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 12 2012 @ 11:27 AM
Ben... interesting article. Except for one thing. There is no proof that really defends are solidifies any of the things mentioned in your link. Nothing at all. It's a collection of theories that many people have provided over time - the main conspirator being David Icke, who in my opinion, is a money hungry sleaseball who has done everything he can to push this paranoid and unsubstantiated theory to make himself money, and a lot of it. As far as saying that that the son of God is a manufactured alien is almost the height of pure heresy. There is nothing that proves or cements any of these stories as solid fact in any regard. It all comes down to belief and what we as people want to believe. With no proof of such claims ever being presented before my eyes, I cant take any of the links theories as anything remotely truthful.

posted on Nov, 12 2012 @ 11:29 AM

Originally posted by Rubicant13
Ben... interesting article. Except for one thing. There is no proof that really defends are solidifies any of the things mentioned in your link. Nothing at all. It's a collection of theories that many people have provided over time - the main conspirator being David Icke, who in my opinion, is a money hungry sleaseball who has done everything he can to push this paranoid and unsubstantiated theory to make himself money, and a lot of it. As far as saying that that the son of God is a manufactured alien is almost the height of pure heresy. There is nothing that proves or cements any of these stories as solid fact in any regard. It all comes down to belief and what we as people want to believe. With no proof of such claims ever being presented before my eyes, I cant take any of the links theories as anything remotely truthful.

Yes i agree
even if i had a reptilian hybrid right before me .. showing me his real face
my mind would think .. nah its an hologram or a cool halloween mask lol
nice trick buddy

posted on Nov, 12 2012 @ 11:31 AM

Originally posted by Ben81

Originally posted by Sissel
reply to post by Ben81

I can trace my roots back to William the Conqueror......all I can say is I'm no hybrid, but I sure don't back down from a fight easily.

I bet if you trace your own roots, you are related to a blue blood, somewhere, too!

I have German encestors .. its all i know lol
tried to search my last name it is very unique and it mean small bird in german
but there is nothing i can find .. we have been living or hiding in Quebec for 400yrs
came in during the Wolf war .. Wolf was apparently a General
everyone history have big secret .. it is fascinating but it is so hard to find our real roots

Maybe my grand grand grand grand father was Jesus himself
and Jesus was a great great great uncle of your great great grand father
its all theories and speculation .. the only way to decipher everyone is with our DNA
then making comparison with other DNA strand
edit on 11/12/2012 by Ben81 because: (no reason given)

LOL, I hear ya, my Germanic name is so odd, even the meaning can't be deciphered and I still have relatives I have asked in Germany. I do know that in my heritage of past that many were involved in the Knights Templar, and also in Freemasonry. I have relatives in Missouri who have it stamped on their tombstones........Thing is, I bet most of us have some sort of Illuminati roots. On the English side of my family, I am related to the Spencer's.

I don't think I have any reptillian in me though, other than loving a nice warm climate.

posted on Nov, 12 2012 @ 11:36 AM
Afraid it all reads like fan fiction to me.

Not very original, and not remotely convincing either.

posted on Nov, 12 2012 @ 11:37 AM
reply to post by Ben81

Love it! I don't know if I believe it yet but it is certainly a good yarn and a good read, right up there with the rest of the simply unbelievable stories of our creation. Thanks for putting the ATS back in ATS! S&F!

posted on Nov, 12 2012 @ 11:41 AM
reply to post by Sissel

Im part of no group and never will
but people can join ME with the TSOTAC

"truth Seekers Of The Awaken Community" lol (made that name myself)

but my official group/community is ATS

posted on Nov, 12 2012 @ 11:47 AM
reply to post by Ben81

I think our relationship to the earth and animals on it tells how closely related to "her" we are. If you care about the trees as more than "lumber" and the animals as more than "food" and in many cases a nuisance, (like the Buffalo) you are probably not reptilian. LOL

The Queen...I think we are waiting for the Dragon Lady to die before we see the end of her era. Don't most of those crests have Dragons on them? I think they were trying to tell us something with the coiling snakes and dragon motifs. Once I looked up Heraldry by accident and found there is a vast underpinning to these customs and symbols...Where could this have stemmed from? These were the most imaginative people

posted on Nov, 12 2012 @ 11:51 AM
reply to post by Ben81

thats a nice peice of fiction you found there haha. i like how its wrote. we all know that the reptiles were the deep ones and that the new world order is just cthulhu influening are world governments. and that this "alien invasion" will be his spawns and the ragging legions of deep ones and the re subjugated shogoths to rid the surface world of the ancient star headed beings little plauge called the human race.

posted on Nov, 12 2012 @ 11:52 AM

Originally posted by namine
Afraid it all reads like fan fiction to me.

Not very original, and not remotely convincing either.

Well then...Right back at ya!

posted on Nov, 12 2012 @ 11:54 AM
reply to post by Ben81

Not quite.

and some hybrids have wings .. not bat like wings but more dragon like wings
maybe the infamous mothman is a reptilian flying hybrid.

Only 1 Rapha (plural:Rephaim) has ever been born with angel wings. He was classed as a freak amongst his fallen angel masters and laughed at.
Don't believe me if you don't want to. It doesn't matter.

Seraphs are serpents hence flying dragons.

Mothmen are fallen angels or other negative entities, not hybrids.

Hybrids are only, note only half angel, half human, a.k.a demons or nephil spirits. Hybrids will almost never have wings.

Even the Iyram or fallen watchers (8ft tall blue eyed pale skin blonde males) don't have wings and they are right at the bottom of the angelic ladder.

Fallen angel wings do not contain the light of Heaven and are therefore gray/black or even faded.

The Rephaim are often depicted with bird wings because in spiritual form they are often seen as a crow, raven or cormorant (black).

posted on Nov, 12 2012 @ 12:01 PM
reply to post by Rapha

Got a point there !
but i was talking about the mothman in particular

one of my animal connection is the Raven
but i cant fly .. someone must have cut down my wings

posted on Nov, 12 2012 @ 12:04 PM
The main site has a quite a collection of information and images

Having studied this area before and keeping an open mind to these possibilities, some of the information seems legit. The other aspect is that we are in an activation period where we are either becoming more light resonate or more focused perceptually towards a specific agenda. The light is defining the shadows with more detail and they think they have this game all but wrapped up. They have too few cards left to play now.
edit on 12-11-2012 by starshift because: add

posted on Nov, 12 2012 @ 12:06 PM
reply to post by Rapha

Who are the sephalim? And no they don't have wings.

Also while going to sleep the other night and after praying, this being showed himself in my mind's eye, and he tried to swipe my head with his claws. He had, assassins type long blade like thin claws, not animal ones. Whitish blonde or nearly white, severe hairdo, pulled back in a pony tail, a suit on. He looked human faced but I sensed bird about him, and when he spoke my soul blocked his voice, but the echo and sound was angel, what we associate with angel. The name Azariel was given me. So I jumped up and researched this and discovered his name (positive guardian angel in the Arabic, bu not in the Hebrew, connected to many things, and the moon, and destruction, Kabbala mentions in some research). I wrote to a friend, and he said he was fallen.

As a ufology person, not really into the whole angel thing by the way, and decided to pray and wanted to go to sleep peacefully.

I guess you could say this occurred inbetween sleep and wake, kind of, just as your drifting off. For both occasions.

So the second time his voice was clearer, and he said something about Terra/mother/ needing to be healed and cleaned up, ie. to work for nature kind of thing. The exact words aren't there now except for this, he said, "that is the get out of jail free card".

He did not have wings. And was not, and still am not, happy that praying for people and the world brought this kind of surveillance.

posted on Nov, 12 2012 @ 12:07 PM
reply to post by newcovenant


Although the onus should be on the one making fantastic claims. Or maybe I was wrong in thinking the author was trying for something more than fiction.

posted on Nov, 12 2012 @ 12:27 PM

reply to post by Ben81

but i was talking about the mothman in particular

one of my animal connection is the Raven
but i cant fly .. someone must have cut down my wings

Sometimes in Tartarus mothmen don't need wings.

In the spiritual world you can fly like this Raphah can.

posted on Nov, 12 2012 @ 12:32 PM

reply to post by Unity_99

Who are the sephalim? And no they don't have wings.

The seraphim are the dragons of old. They can have from 0 to 3 pairs of wings.

Azariel was given me.

i wonder if it was Azazel.

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