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Eye opening stuff..

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posted on Nov, 12 2012 @ 05:28 AM
Several days a go I was given the recommendation for a documentary to watch. I was told it was a 'must watch' nature documentary, so I thought "Ok, it'll make a nice change from the doom and gloom political stuff I normally watch". What I saw in this documentary was amazing. It showed me how much of an effect we have on our 'Home', i found it to be the singularly most amazing perspective on what we have done to this planet.

I wanted to share this with ATS because I feel like all the political BS has taken our attention away from things that really matter. At the end of the day, if we cause the death of this world nature will not have mercy for the Rich. Watching this documentary has made me want to start campaigning with the Green Party here in the UK (I get they may not be the best but I believe they will take a lot of what's in this documentary into account). A lot of what's in this documentary you may already know or be aware of, but what this documentary does is show you it from a perspective that you've never seen before. This is without a doubt one of the most beautifully shot videos I have ever witnessed.

As a side note I would like to point out that I do not believe the melting of the ice caps to be a direct result of CO2 emissions. We're on the arse end of an ice age and the polar ice caps are meant to melt! However, I do not believe it was meant to happen this quickly, as a result we have royally messed up the balance of our planet.

Anyway enough ranting, enjoy the documentary. Peace.

posted on Nov, 12 2012 @ 05:36 AM
p.s. apologies that embedding is disabled on this video, works fine on youtube though.
edit on 12-11-2012 by iRoyalty because: Must learn to spell..

posted on Nov, 12 2012 @ 05:49 AM
Thank you TC, I will enjoy watching this with my favorite lady on my day off! We could use some inspiration, times are tough and Seattle's getting cold and dreary.

posted on Nov, 12 2012 @ 05:56 AM
reply to post by Socrato

This is exactly why I posted it, I hope you and your lady friend enjoy it as much as I did.

posted on Nov, 12 2012 @ 06:28 AM
reply to post by iRoyalty

It's true that industry...especially the Nuclear Power and Weapons industries have polluted our planet immeasurably and the recent incident at Fukashima is going to poison much of the world for decades...the ONE FACT that people fail to acknowledge is that EVERY PLANET in our Solar System is heating up. So somehow I doubt that you can blame humans for the Mars Ice Caps melting too..but I'm sure the United Nations will accuse us of that soon enough.

Our Solar System is now about to cross the Galactic plane which is causing our sun to be extremely overactive thusly bombarding all the planets with massive amounts of electromagnet energy along with x-rays, gamma rays and ultraviolet light. Couple that with the fact that the Earth's protective magnetic field appears to be waning and perforations in our ozone layer are allowing hundreds of times more Solar charged particles than ever before in recorded history to strike the Earth's surface thereby warming our planets oceans. And the same is happening with all the planets now.

Blaming us for warming the planet is just another ploy to justify instituting a new U.S. citizen robbing "Carbon Tax". The banksters want more of our money....and most people are too blind to see through the charade.

posted on Nov, 12 2012 @ 06:28 AM
reply to post by iRoyalty

Wonderful documentary. I've seen it twice before, and will properly see it again in the near future after being reminded of it.
It has the same kind of stunning images as stuff like Baraka, Human Planet or Life, but Home has a much more direct message, urging people to take action against the climat changes, before it is too late.

Beautiful! Should be watched in HD if avaliable.

posted on Nov, 12 2012 @ 06:36 AM
reply to post by GeneRom

Interesting stuff.
I have never heard that the rest of the planets in our solar system were also heating up. Where did you get this information? - could you share a link?

posted on Nov, 12 2012 @ 07:15 AM
That was brilliant, thank you so much for posting it.

Amazing and beautiful.

posted on Nov, 12 2012 @ 07:39 AM
Overpopulation lies at the heart of all our environmental problems. That simple fact is being ignored by almost everyone, and is a taboo subject for scientists and politicians alike. How can we ever start to tackle these huge problems facing us, when the root cause is being swept under the rug.....

We are not killing the planet by the way... The earth has 'and will continue' to recover from infinitely worse disasters than anything we can ever throw at it. We as a species are committing a kind of mass-suicide, at least in terms of civilization as we know it, and taking a good deal of the earth's biodiversity along with us for the ride.

posted on Nov, 12 2012 @ 07:41 AM

Originally posted by GeneRom
the ONE FACT that people fail to acknowledge is that EVERY PLANET in our Solar System is heating up.

So somehow I doubt that you can blame humans for the Mars Ice Caps melting too..but I'm sure the United Nations will accuse us of that soon enough.

Our Solar System is now about to cross the Galactic plane which is causing our sun to be extremely overactive thusly bombarding all the planets with massive amounts of electromagnet energy along with x-rays, gamma rays and ultraviolet light. Couple that with the fact that the Earth's protective magnetic field appears to be waning and perforations in our ozone layer are allowing hundreds of times more Solar charged particles than ever before in recorded history to strike the Earth's surface thereby warming our planets oceans. And the same is happening with all the planets now.

Do you have a source for all that info? I've read the exact opposite, for example here:

posted on Nov, 12 2012 @ 08:45 AM
reply to post by Atzil321

I totally agree, it doesn't have to be a taboo subject. 2 children per family, we sustain population with accidents, disease etc bringing a slow decline. No holocaust needed!!

posted on Nov, 12 2012 @ 09:45 AM
reply to post by iRoyalty

It says that the video is private

posted on Nov, 12 2012 @ 10:00 AM

Originally posted by Atzil321
Overpopulation lies at the heart of all our environmental problems. That simple fact is being ignored by almost everyone, and is a taboo subject for scientists and politicians alike. How can we ever start to tackle these huge problems facing us, when the root cause is being swept under the rug.....


It is far from taboo, comes up often enough in the media but that does not make it true.

edit on 12-11-2012 by XXXN3O because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 12 2012 @ 10:35 AM

Originally posted by UFCG2012AFHS
reply to post by iRoyalty

It says that the video is private

I too had this problem... can someone post a link that isn't private pls? I would love to watch the video. and BTW to the OP. I voted Jill Stein - Green Party during the presidential election in the USA. We need change and substantial change at that. Thanks for posting

posted on Nov, 12 2012 @ 10:37 AM
Thanks, I really enjoyed watching this.
Fantastic cinematography and plenty of sad, but true information about the damage we've done to our planet.
I see it this way: either we curb population growth voluntarily or we we face mass die offs from disease, famine and wars for resources.
On a happy note they showed a coal-fired generation plant that sequesters CO2 into the ground.
Clean coal?
You hear that Obama?

posted on Nov, 12 2012 @ 12:29 PM
My only criticism of 'Home' is the narration. I'm used to old British guys

posted on Nov, 12 2012 @ 12:32 PM
I just tried, it says the video is private

posted on Nov, 12 2012 @ 12:50 PM

edit on 12-11-2012 by Millennium00 because: I just saw that others have asked the same question as i did.

posted on Nov, 12 2012 @ 02:31 PM
Video is private so we cannot watch it with out the posters permission

posted on Nov, 12 2012 @ 02:32 PM

Here are just a few of the links relating to the solar system warming.

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