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The beezzer Principle/Party

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posted on Nov, 11 2012 @ 12:09 AM
reply to post by charles1952

I think a good parent should contemplate deeply before making two additional children,to the one that I asumme was already a mistake since the father is nowhere to be found.But that is just me, a conservative Eastern European.I beleive people should be responsible for their own decisions,if you want to be sexually irresponsible no one has to pay for it but you.

posted on Nov, 11 2012 @ 12:17 AM

Originally posted by adnachiel21
reply to post by beezzer

You know what?I don't think you are what you seem to be.No member is more important than the others, this is not a popularity contest,this is a conspacy forum.Why are you given so much attention Beezzer, what makes you so special?I have been here for a loooooong time and no member ever for the last seven years here on ATS has garnered so much attention,I think you are full of ####, and I don't know why so many people give a #### your wife is on ATS (with all respects to the lady)it's a conspiracy, not a family forum,but that is just my humble opinion.
edit on 10-11-2012 by adnachiel21 because: (no reason given)

You're right. I'm just some mouthy opinionated SOB. I'm no-one special.
The beezzer principle?
It should be common sense.

The conspracy? Why isn't it common sense.

Thanks for playing.

posted on Nov, 11 2012 @ 12:19 AM

Originally posted by LostPassword
reply to post by beezzer

Wait a minute candidate beezer, hold on a minute

What is you stand on Iran issue, do you support pre-emptive wars
and if you do can you comment on financial and human costs of such wars

Thank you.

War sucks.

posted on Nov, 11 2012 @ 12:19 AM
reply to post by adnachiel21

Dear adnachiel2,

I have to agree with you generally, but we have a problem in the US. On occasion, someone really needs the extra help. Our government has decided to take it upon itself to do the helping. Once our government starts spending it doesn't know how to stop. Now, instead of family, friends and charities helping out, the government is throwing money at the problem left and right so that the parents no longer feel any responsibility for their acts. They count on the government to take care of all their problems.

With respect,

posted on Nov, 11 2012 @ 12:33 AM
reply to post by Donkey_Dean

My point is that we can do so much without government intervention. We can apply common sense and help people without all the programmes.

And I'll be switching avatars every week until my debt is paid off.

edit on 11-11-2012 by beezzer because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 11 2012 @ 12:37 AM

Originally posted by EarthCitizen07
I personally do not fear the government at all. What I fear is not having a job because business speaks chineese and I only know english. I fear not making a pay check. Should I learn chineese? What if business then moves to india...should I learn indian?

Where does free trade insanity stop and business come back? Why have we allowed business to get away with free trade? Why does no one talk about free trade and why it is bad? Does wall street own our government? Yes I think so.

Beezer's diagnosis is wrong, and thus the medication will only make the patient worse.

Same #. Conservatives only know one god. The money god! What is good for business is good for conservatives. Plus many wars based on the bogey men al-cia-da. ATS is no longer a serious conspiracy site, it might as well be called fox news 2. Fox news expanded!

Then don't help people that need it.

Allow the government to do it.

Thisreally is a non-partisan idea I'm endorsing here.

Helping people break free from the chains of government slavery.

Don't want to participate?

Then don't.

posted on Nov, 11 2012 @ 12:39 AM

Originally posted by jaynkeel
Ok I will bite. I am currently on workers comp and social security disability, have 5 kids, mortgage payment, bills etc. I am going for round 2 of back surgery this coming friday. How does your plan help me? I cannot work, I have plenty of skills, training. I have been in this boat for 4 yrs now, the fiance is almost finished with school and will be entering the workforce within a couple of months with a degree which will help I hope. Somehow I have managed to scrape by and save us from losing our house etc , and pay for food, considering we don't qualify for public assistance, yea what a joke that one is. So I am all ears for these plans people talk about because when I say we have no buffer zone in our budget we really don't. We are one blown out tire, broken furnace away from being at level with the bills and being behind. And to add I have to laugh when I see people "thinking" about survival, our family lives it everyday, we have learned to get the most out of everything and how to spend wisely, while watching others being foolish.

What do you need?
What do you want?

posted on Nov, 11 2012 @ 12:40 AM
reply to post by beezzer

Hey wait a minute beezz. Sure I don't want government running my life, we all know that's bad but suggest that someone, an unknown someone come in take over the whole show. Talk about your nanny. and you don't even mention a paycheck anywhere. I'm sure that's coming later. Oh it won't be much to start. But if you work out you'll get steady increases and Beezz, where are you going to get funding for all this education and counseling and stuff. sure let's give 'em a fishing pole and show 'em the pond. should work. Of course they are going to have to pay rent on that pole.

posted on Nov, 11 2012 @ 12:44 AM

Originally posted by beezzer
Here's what I'm thinking.

Under the current management, we are economic slaves. We are heading towards more economic slavery. There is no light at the end of the tunnel. We're doomed!

Well, not yet.

Currently, the government defines where you live, what you eat, where you shop, what you have, by the size of the check they send you every month.

Be it medical, disability, unemployment, welfare, social security checks, that dollar amount determined by the gvernment, determines how you live your life.

It's time to return those checks.

A singe mother with three kids can't just return her check, however. That single mother lives paycheck to paycheck, she votes for whomever will keep her and her kids fed. No matter how poorly. And she has every right to think of her family first.

This is where the beezzer Principle comes in.

That single mom needs an outside impetus to help her get out of the box the government has secured her in. We need to step in and provide guidance on her education, job possibilities, housing possibilities.

Does she want more for her little family?

If yes then we step up and step in, aid her in networking. Aid her in education. Aid her in internships. Aid her in getting out of this box that the government put her in!

Yes, it'll take work on our part. But if we do this one person at a time, one block at a time, one town at a time, then we can start returning those government checks.

The more checks we return, the less power the government will have over us. The stronger we, the people, will become.

The beezzer Principle embraces everyone.

Liberal or conservative.
Young or old.
Poor or wealthy.
Fat or thin.
White or black.
Bunny or non-bunny.
The 47% that Romney ignores and the 1% that Obama abhores.

We can do this. If we want it bad enough, we CAN take our country back.

Beezzer--I don't always agree with you,but I think you have a good idea.I also admire and respect the fact that you are honoring your word regarding your avatar (It's cute,btw!) and your wife seems like a good woman.
Sometimes I think that all of us just get too wrapped up in things on the internet and if we were to meet in person,maybe things would be different.All I'm saying is props on your idea.

posted on Nov, 11 2012 @ 12:45 AM

Originally posted by okyouwin
reply to post by beezzer

Hey wait a minute beezz. Sure I don't want government running my life, we all know that's bad but suggest that someone, an unknown someone come in take over the whole show. Talk about your nanny. and you don't even mention a paycheck anywhere. I'm sure that's coming later. Oh it won't be much to start. But if you work out you'll get steady increases and Beezz, where are you going to get funding for all this education and counseling and stuff. sure let's give 'em a fishing pole and show 'em the pond. should work. Of course they are going to have to pay rent on that pole.

I'm not talking grand scholarships, I've dismissed the idea of LLC's and non-porprofits in this thread.

I'm talking about spending a few hours time (maybe not even that much) helping people. Seeing what they need. Trying to help.

Many of us have a variety of resources at our beck and call thet we don't ever use.

Maybe someone else can.

posted on Nov, 11 2012 @ 12:48 AM

Originally posted by amrith777

Beezzer--I don't always agree with you,but I think you have a good idea.I also admire and respect the fact that you are honoring your word regarding your avatar (It's cute,btw!) and your wife seems like a good woman.
Sometimes I think that all of us just get too wrapped up in things on the internet and if we were to meet in person,maybe things would be different.All I'm saying is props on your idea.

We get too wrapped up in the internet, political ideology and we lose focus on things that should be common sense.

Thanks for the kind words.

posted on Nov, 11 2012 @ 01:09 AM
So really all that is needed is a bill that is passed to enable redistribution of wealth.

posted on Nov, 11 2012 @ 01:26 AM
reply to post by Ghost375

But they give you free food and housing in prison. It's not like it's the end of the world for a starving hobo. I'm mostly joking.

I had a friend once. He preferred living outdoors to being cooped up in four walls. He would laugh when the cops would harass him in the bushes.

"What, I like to sleep outside and look up at the stars and they're going to take that from me? They're going to cuff me, give me a free ride downtown so I can take a shower with three hots and a cot? Lets go." He would hold his wrists out clapped together in a gesture of compliance. Rent and utilities are expensive. Hotel rooms even more so.

Cops would kick him loose, he meant no harm and they knew it. Besides, they'd have to clean the back of the patrol car afterwards.

By the way, "Hobo's" aren't starving. They are free.

posted on Nov, 11 2012 @ 01:38 AM
reply to post by beezzer

I'm talking about spending a few hours time (maybe not even that much) helping people. Seeing what they need. Trying to help.

Many of us have a variety of resources at our beck and call thet we don't ever use.

I totally get that. If anyone really wants to help, heres how. Locate one of these tent cities. If you work at a company that has a shipping dock and a truck, load one with wood pallets and sheets of cardboard and dump them nearby one of these places. Pallets get broken down into firewood to cook their food and the cardboard covers the ground to lay their bed roll on.

Instead of giving people money, give them a handful of candles or a poncho. A cheap poncho keeps the rain off them while they're walking. Plastic garbage bags keep clothing dry and insects off of stored food. Most people have a garage full of camping gear that they never use. Wool caps, gloves and socks are going to come in handy this year. A small flashlight or a handful of AA batteries is a godsend.

Think along those lines. You'd be an angel for a day. One damn day out of your busy, selfish schedule.

posted on Nov, 11 2012 @ 01:53 AM
reply to post by beezzer

It's possible, but I'd like to lend my experience to the issue. It's not just hard work, it's constant work.
You have to be careful not to be labeled a soft touch, or the people you are trying to help will be at your door night and day for every little thing.
A case in point, A teacher at the high school I went to tried to help out a family. They had no car, and their house was on the way to school.
One small charity. Soon they were calling for rides everywhere, groceries, clothes, the list grew according to their 'needs'. They needed uniforms for sports, they needed shoes.
Finally, he couldn't give any more, and had to cut it all off. He was accused of sexual imposition by one of the daughters. I knew one of the girls, and she told me in confidence that the accusation wasn't true. They were just angry that the gravy train stopped. When I went to someone with the facts, I was dismissed. The teacher was fired and disgraced.

I suggest of one intends to help someone, that there always must be another trustworthy person in the room, and not a family member of who you are trying to help. Keep on guard at all times, Never! Never! Lend money. Never do a favor beyond what you are teaching. Never accept a hug. Never touch the other person in any way, and do not! above all things, ever babysit the kids. You have to be aware of the motivations of some people.

I once taught art in an inner city area, in a community art center. If a parent didn't show up to take the kid home, I would call until I reached a relative, or otherwise arranged a ride from someone else in his group. I never drove a child home, even if it took me two hours longer. I never accepted phone calls, I never lent them money. People will beg, plead, get angry, and call names. Don't give in. Do not establish any sort of relationship beyond the intended goal.
There has to be firm line drawn, or else you'll get sucked down a rabbit hole.

posted on Nov, 11 2012 @ 02:14 AM

Originally posted by beezzer
Here's what I'm thinking.

Under the current management, we are economic slaves. We are heading towards more economic slavery. There is no light at the end of the tunnel. We're doomed!

Well, not yet.

Currently, the government defines where you live, what you eat, where you shop, what you have, by the size of the check they send you every month.

Be it medical, disability, unemployment, welfare, social security checks, that dollar amount determined by the gvernment, determines how you live your life.

It's time to return those checks.

A singe mother with three kids can't just return her check, however. That single mother lives paycheck to paycheck, she votes for whomever will keep her and her kids fed. No matter how poorly. And she has every right to think of her family first.

This is where the beezzer Principle comes in.

That single mom needs an outside impetus to help her get out of the box the government has secured her in. We need to step in and provide guidance on her education, job possibilities, housing possibilities.

Does she want more for her little family?

If yes then we step up and step in, aid her in networking. Aid her in education. Aid her in internships. Aid her in getting out of this box that the government put her in!

Yes, it'll take work on our part. But if we do this one person at a time, one block at a time, one town at a time, then we can start returning those government checks.

The more checks we return, the less power the government will have over us. The stronger we, the people, will become.

The beezzer Principle embraces everyone.

Liberal or conservative.
Young or old.
Poor or wealthy.
Fat or thin.
White or black.
Bunny or non-bunny.
The 47% that Romney ignores and the 1% that Obama abhores.

We can do this. If we want it bad enough, we CAN take our country back.
until americans stop being emotionally driven children and learn the theory of rational justice, nothing is going to change.
and the first step is to start producing 'men'.

posted on Nov, 11 2012 @ 02:30 AM
reply to post by beezzer

That single mom needs an outside impetus to help her get out of the box the government has secured her in. We need to step in and provide guidance on her education, job possibilities, housing possibilities.
and what about making the society single mom free as much as possible,uh???
you know the problem is that people like you who care for the society can't identify the root cause of the issue and even if they do,don't have the courage to speak it loud.
read carefully- ''if people are shielded from the consequences of their bad choices, they would continue to make mistakes and would drift towards their protector.''
now if you analyze the voting trends, most single white women voted for obama.

edit on 11-11-2012 by deepankarm because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 11 2012 @ 02:39 AM

Originally posted by deepankarm
reply to post by beezzer

That single mom needs an outside impetus to help her get out of the box the government has secured her in. We need to step in and provide guidance on her education, job possibilities, housing possibilities.
and what about making the society single mom free as much as possible,uh???
you know the problem is that people like you who care for the society can't identify the root cause of the issue and even if they do,don't have the courage to speak it loud.

Treat the cause all you want. I'm just concerning myself with people that we as a society can help now.

posted on Nov, 11 2012 @ 02:49 AM

Originally posted by beezzer

Originally posted by deepankarm
reply to post by beezzer

That single mom needs an outside impetus to help her get out of the box the government has secured her in. We need to step in and provide guidance on her education, job possibilities, housing possibilities.
and what about making the society single mom free as much as possible,uh???
you know the problem is that people like you who care for the society can't identify the root cause of the issue and even if they do,don't have the courage to speak it loud.
and what good it will do??
you seriously believe that people would work for something which they can get for free???
the measures you propose might have some value in theory but nothing in reality. next time you will see there will be more single moms.

Treat the cause all you want. I'm just concerning myself with people that we as a society can help now.
and what good it will do??
you seriously believe that people would work for something which they can get for free???
the measures you propose might have some value in theory but nothing in reality. next time you will see there will be more single moms.

posted on Nov, 11 2012 @ 02:52 AM

Originally posted by deepankarm
and what good it will do??
you seriously believe that people would work for something which they can get for free???
the measures you propose might have some value in theory but nothing in reality. next time you will see there will be more single moms.

Many won't accept help. But some will. Why disregard them?

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