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Red lights in pattern Over Tampa/Clearwater Area

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posted on Nov, 9 2012 @ 07:19 PM
I was just out walking my dog here in Clearwater area in Fl. I saw what looked like 5-7 Red spots that all made a pattern in the sky. I was not able to get any photos, or any proof of what I saw.. I am coming on here to see if anyone else just saw the red lights in the sky.. They where just over Tampa Area, like 5 mins ago.
By the time I got in my house to get my phone, they where gone.
Not sure what I just saw, but I know these where red dots of light, and they made a circle pattern, and then vanished by the time I came back outside..

Anyone else see this?
This was way up in the sky.. So other people HAD to have seen this too.

When getting back to my house. A kid that lives down the street was riding his bike.. I asked him.. Did you see all those red lights in the sky? He said yeah I saw them, but not sure what to think.. He said he saw them last night too.. But I did not see anything last night..

I am going back outside with my camera at the ready.. I hope I can catch a photo or two, and post them here.
I am never one to just post and make something up.
I know what I saw.. But do not know what it was.
Did not look like anything like a plane or helicopter. Really strange.. And the size and scope of this.. I am really hoping some other Florida members, where outside, and can validate this.

edit on 9-11-2012 by zysin5 because: (no reason given)

Are there any reports of a metor shower tonight? Still, what ever these where.. they where not falling to the ground, just hovering in pattern. I just have just stayed and watched what they did.. but like I said, I ran to my house, with dog in hand to get my camera.. and gone.. its frustrating to have seen something, but not able to prove anything that I just saw..
edit on 9-11-2012 by zysin5 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 9 2012 @ 07:30 PM
reply to post by zysin5

Came back inside, what ever they where, they are gone.
I just did a google search and found this here on ATS.
This is really close to What I just saw about 10 mins ago.

They where much more spread out.. But they made a big circle. And being the size of what I just saw.. Anyone living in this area. and where outside, had to have seen this..

This is one of my first sightings, and its very exciting to me.. I am like shaking here.. But I do not want to get to overly excited, but WOW.. Never seen something like this in person before.
It felt very surreal.

I also understand, I live very close to MacDill Airforce base.. Command center to the whole Airforce, and command center for the US military. Maybe this has something to do with MacDill.. But wow, I am still a little confused about what I just saw..
I do not wish to create hype, or promote any type of hoax.. But this was a first for me on such a big scale..
I really hope, other members or someone else saw this, and its on the web some where, I will do the research and report back with anything else I find that relates to this.

edit on 9-11-2012 by zysin5 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 9 2012 @ 07:39 PM
Were they moving? And, if so, which direction? I'm about 45 miles North of you on the I-75 corridor...I'll go out and look up!

posted on Nov, 9 2012 @ 07:41 PM
Possible flares?

posted on Nov, 9 2012 @ 07:48 PM
reply to post by GoOfYFoOt

They looked to have been not moving, from the distance I was at it was hard to judge. If they where moving I would be able to say for sure.. But they looked stationary. And by the time I got back outside they where gone.
However they did make a large circle pattern. If they where moving from my point of view they where either coming at me, or moving away from me, which would make them look like they where not moving.

Yeah take a look.. I saw them North of my position. I just hope someone can validate what I saw.. Or find a logical reason behind this. Just simply strange.
Ive been hearing lots of loud boom sounds as of lately around here.. But no lights or anything in the sky. This was a first for me.. So forgive me for my excited posts here.. I am sure this will be explained logically.
edit on 9-11-2012 by zysin5 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 9 2012 @ 07:50 PM
reply to post by Toxicsurf

I gave you a star for that post.. As simple as it may sound, it very well could have been flares.. But how long do flares last for? They where there, and by the time I got back outside they where gone, with no traces left of anything. Flares.. Possible, that I just saw the tail end of their lifespan. But I thought flares lasted a good 10-20 mins. And the pattern was a large circle.

Edit-- I would rather think of a logical, reasonable idea to what I saw. So flares shot up in the air, do they normally make large circle patterns in the sky? And just hover in one place?
As I stated, if they where moving, it was away or at me.. which would make it look like they where stationary.

Thanks for your replies.
edit on 9-11-2012 by zysin5 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 9 2012 @ 07:54 PM
I didn't see anything up this way. There are several airports in the Bay area plus McDill and the Coast Guard station. I have seen military stuff fly over, headed South that was out of the normal flight path for TIA. Many of which had unusual lights and markers. But if they appeared stationary, then that is interesting. I know that there have been sightings further South from you. What direction were you looking in and from which side of the bay? Also, approximately how many degrees up from the horizon? (horizon is 0 and straight up is 90)

posted on Nov, 9 2012 @ 07:59 PM
I'm in Tampa so I just went out and took a look. No read dots, but I did see Pegasus, at least the four main stars that make a big square. Directly overhead.

posted on Nov, 9 2012 @ 07:59 PM

Originally posted by GoOfYFoOt
I didn't see anything up this way. There are several airports in the Bay area plus McDill and the Coast Guard station. I have seen military stuff fly over, headed South that was out of the normal flight path for TIA. Many of which had unusual lights and markers. But if they appeared stationary, then that is interesting. I know that there have been sightings further South from you. What direction were you looking in and from which side of the bay? Also, approximately how many degrees up from the horizon? (horizon is 0 and straight up is 90)

Thanks for taking a look.. Yeah MacDill Base is close here, so its a BIG possible chance they where running flares, or something else to do with the base. It was in the direction of the base. Out twords the water of my position.
The degree, I would take a guess based on the number system you put out.. like 25-50 in the sky.. and the circle itself was a large circle. .the top red light at 50 horizon, while the lowest was at 25.

I have heard of many sightings in this area.. I just have never personally seen anything until tonight.
So I made it a point to jump on here and report what I saw.. Maybe some more stuff will roll in.. and I will keep an eye out on google, and the news.
Until now, its all been stuff I have not personally seen. And now that I have seen it with my own eyes.. I was taken back, and like I said, it felt very surreal.. And I was like.. Oh wow.. Very exciting feeling, and maybe those emotions are clouding my judgement on what I saw.

posted on Nov, 9 2012 @ 08:03 PM
reply to post by BogieSmiles

Thanks for taking a look.. But no I know it was no stars that I was see'ing. The more I think about it.. The better chance it could have been flares.. But flares normally last a bit longer than 3 mins. Literally saw them, ran back to my house for the camera.. By the time I got back outside, they where gone.
I want to keep my head level here, and not claim anything big.. Even if it was something big.. I have no proof.. Only my word based off what I saw..
Flares are a good explanation, but still if they where flares.. I would have had to caught the tail end of them, and these Red lights made a perfect circle, and was just up their in the air. Then gone.
Also, If they where flares, they would have to have been shot off a boat.. These where well off the coast and over the gulf of Mexico. I am only 5 mins from the water. So if I had to guess, they where a good 5-10 miles off shore over the water.
edit on 9-11-2012 by zysin5 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 9 2012 @ 08:06 PM
Look up some videos on military flares. They are easily discernable, once you know what they look like. Also, look up other sightings from Florida and compare them to what you saw.
And, whatever you do, keep writing about it. It will help you remember!

posted on Nov, 9 2012 @ 08:08 PM
reply to post by zysin5

I know, but go out and look at Pegasus, so you can say you saw it, lol.

posted on Nov, 9 2012 @ 08:10 PM

Originally posted by GoOfYFoOt
Look up some videos on military flares. They are easily discernable, once you know what they look like. Also, look up other sightings from Florida and compare them to what you saw.
And, whatever you do, keep writing about it. It will help you remember!

Thanks, I will look into it.. And get back to this later.. I will do the research, and follow up.. I must admit.. I did make a knee jerk post here.. I just wanted to post right away, Just for the slim chance other members close to me could get outside and look, or where outside and did see them.

I will compare it to what I saw.. and get back with a follow up.. Thanks for being nice and thoughtful about this.

Originally posted by BogieSmiles
reply to post by zysin5

I know, but go out and look at Pegasus, so you can say you saw it, lol.

Are you trying to be helpful here? Or are you just poking fun at me? I feel if you can not be helpful, why bother to come in here and post like I do not know the difference between Pegasus constellation in the northern sky, over something that was in our atmosphere that made a perfect pattern, a circle. and where red dots of light.
edit on 9-11-2012 by zysin5 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 9 2012 @ 10:29 PM
While researching flares. What I saw did not reflect what I was watching about flares.

I sent out something over social media, and I got this hit back.

Date: November 9, 2012 Time: Approx: 9:30 p.m. until 9:50 p.m. Saw as many as eight orange lights, seemingly in pairs or groups, hovering over and moving west in Seminole County, Florida at approx 9:30 p.m. until 9:50 p.m.

What I saw was red lights. I could have been mistaken, as the hue of red is very close to orange.

When I spoke to the kid on the bike, he said he saw them last night..
So I found this.
UFO (UAP) in Tampa, FL. BRIGHT ORANGE LIGHT moving across sky. November 8, 2012. ( Link seems like its got a typo, or I found something with wrong date.)
That video shows one of the orbs that I saw.. This looks Just like what I saw tonight. However there was a group of them tonight, and they made a circle pattern.

Kind of makes me think I should be keeping a camera on me at all times now when going outside the next couple days.
IF I could document this.. It would be much better for my case.

Trust me, I know.. I have seen people make claims, and I tend to roll my eyes at them.. And think to myself. "Yeah like I am just going to take "your" word for it."
Now that I have seen this with my own eyes, I may not be so quick to judge now.

As here is a video of a military flare. And what I saw.. was not a flare.. I can rule this out now. But again, its just my word. However I should add, I have been a member here for 6 years. I am well known on the board by some members, and I have never been one to start trouble, or pull anyones legs.
I've tried my best to bring information and something worth while to the ATS table. So consider that while reading my thread here.
Military Flare

Another type of flare is the fusee, which burns for 10–60 minutes with a bright red light.

This lasted for me, for maybe 3 minutes all together. But again as I said, maybe I caught the tail end of this. But then why would they be shot up in a circle pattern. And there where no reports of any big wrecks, for any need for flares this evening.
I am still looking for reports by the base for use of flares..
Again, when I get more information, I will report it here ...
Thanks for listening.-- Sin5
edit on 9-11-2012 by zysin5 because: edit1.2 to add reply

posted on May, 8 2013 @ 03:09 PM
Every night I go back out to walk my dog. No such sightings since that night.

Guess its one of those once in a lifetime type things.

What ever I saw, was out of the ordinary, and have not seen anything close to what I saw that night.
Just thought I would come in and update this thread.

See if anyone else had anything new to report? Florida area sightings or anything along the lines of what I was trying to explain.

Our system for making such claims has put me in a position where its not wise for me to talk about what I have seen. As I am still meet with this sense that I am either crazy. Or what I saw was not real.
Yet I never made the claim I saw ALIENS. I just saw something I could not explain. Even as flares, that did not fit my experience. Guess I can keep looking up, but chances of me getting another experience as such is very unlikely.

posted on May, 8 2013 @ 03:29 PM
reply to post by zysin5

I lived on base at mcdill afb in the mid 70's and that base has a lot of covert stuff going on you also have major drug drops out on the bay so strang lights are not uncommon . Good luck finding out what it was.


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