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GOP civil war: Herman Cain calls for third party

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posted on Nov, 8 2012 @ 01:33 PM
Herman Cain, besides suffering from a severe identity crisis, does not get it, the vacuum he lives in and others thinking like he does is shrinking by the minute, the only way you can expect his views to be the majority and win is far beyond starting a third party, wasn't the bumbling failure of the tea party enough ? he seems very much to be a glutton for punishment.

The verdict is that, exclusion, hate and divisiveness are not what people want to hear from any party, the electorate is turned off by narrow minded utopian thinking that really does not include everyone, the simple solution is to start their own government, find their own country and make Herman or Rush Limbaugh their king.

The fact supporting that is that the United states is actually becoming a very different place made up of people who do not share 1960's- 80's era conservative world or domestic view of how they think the U.S should think and look, resembling Mayberry or Ward Cleavers neighborhood, where you only see one type of person, thinking and looking the same and anyone else is an outsider.

The real truth is and the handwriting has been on the wall for some time, the time is approaching where this ultra conservative thinking as a party basis and cornerstone will not be able to support or hold a majority position of power at any level, especially the presidency, because the majority of people they will seek to lead will not share those radical views .

edit on 8-11-2012 by phinubian because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 8 2012 @ 01:37 PM

See, no need to be a psychic to do predictions.

posted on Nov, 8 2012 @ 01:50 PM
reply to post by bacci0909

I'm loving this. It makes up for all the gloating Obama-lovers I was coming across last night and today.

Excuse me? I don't know why you dislike Obama so much, but Romney would have made him look like a saint. No good can come of a traditionalist Republican system - not in this day and age. The time for change has come, and the Democrats are best known for embracing the necessity of change.
edit on 8-11-2012 by AfterInfinity because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 8 2012 @ 01:56 PM
reply to post by BobbyTarass

Kal Penn, is that really you?

What was up with that 3-D Christmas movie? Okay, the WaffleBot was pretty cool.

I agree with your assesment. Option #2 you've outlined seems the most logical, sensible and has the highest probability of being succsesfull.

posted on Nov, 8 2012 @ 01:59 PM
The GOP will have to decide which path it wants to take its party faithfuls to:-
1. Progressive, or

2. Conservative, if so which:-

a,b, & c are the traits of a civilised society, and often, only progressives can master by compromise of all three. Unfortunately, Conservatives cannot, as they don't believe in compromises and holds stubbornly to their strict, dogmatic and rigid beliefs.

Do allow me to share an analogy of the Tree and the Grass.

The grass bends to the wind, no matter how light or strong, and cares not if it was trodden, as in time, it springs back up. Even if it was cut down, it grows back up again. It holds firm to its humble core beliefs - only grass and are resiliant, winning in the end despite all odds..

The tree, however, grows from a root and stretches to the sky, strong, upright and tall, believing in itself to above all and perfect. It can withstand breezes, but with strong winds such as superstorm Sandy had proven, it will topple down.

The grass however, will only grow so much, but reaches out to other grass, and over time, adapting to terrians, it covers hills, mountains, skycrapers and pyramids, reaching far higher than that supposedly strong tree.

No prizes for guessing which political party is the tree or the grass.

Conservatism, in its superiority beliefs, presumes itself strong and inviolate,..and deluded. Progressives bend with the winds, but yet holding firm in its core beliefs of survival... and survives.

I salute the Democrats for the past 2 elections, and hope to know who were the wise ones guiding them.

edit on 8-11-2012 by SeekerofTruth101 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 8 2012 @ 02:06 PM
Its all good folks. Atleast they'll evaluate and re-group. Hopefully they'll learn a thing or two as per what not to do during a presidential campaign or find the right candidate/representative.

posted on Nov, 8 2012 @ 02:51 PM
While I don't doubt the Republicans need to take a long hard look in the mirror, Cain's suggestion is political suicide.
What a great idea, lets take our 48% of the vote and split it into 2 parties each of who will get 24% of the total vote. That sounds like a road to being wiped out electorally speaking.

Unless the Democratic party fragments too, all this would do is benefit the Democratic party.

posted on Nov, 8 2012 @ 08:40 PM

Originally posted by phinubian
Herman Cain, besides suffering from a severe identity crisis, does not get it, the vacuum he lives in and others thinking like he does is shrinking by the minute, the only way you can expect his views to be the majority and win is far beyond starting a third party, wasn't the bumbling failure of the tea party enough ? he seems very much to be a glutton for punishment.

The verdict is that, exclusion, hate and divisiveness are not what people want to hear from any party, the electorate is turned off by narrow minded utopian thinking that really does not include everyone, the simple solution is to start their own government, find their own country and make Herman or Rush Limbaugh their king.

The fact supporting that is that the United states is actually becoming a very different place made up of people who do not share 1960's- 80's era conservative world or domestic view of how they think the U.S should think and look, resembling Mayberry or Ward Cleavers neighborhood, where you only see one type of person, thinking and looking the same and anyone else is an outsider.

The real truth is and the handwriting has been on the wall for some time, the time is approaching where this ultra conservative thinking as a party basis and cornerstone will not be able to support or hold a majority position of power at any level, especially the presidency, because the majority of people they will seek to lead will not share those radical views .

edit on 8-11-2012 by phinubian because: (no reason given)

You said a mouthful there and I quoted you to make sure more people read this or re-read this.

The holier than though, superiority complex having, bible thumpers are a dying breed.

Thank God.

posted on Nov, 9 2012 @ 03:03 AM
the tea party is to neo-con to really succeed, America has quickly seen thru their sham, the GOP needs to be more libertarian, that's the "new right" the young people are either democrats or really seem to believe in libertarian values and ideas. But as I said the GOP is not inclusive enough, and will die a slow death. the rush limbaugh way is the dead way.

posted on Nov, 9 2012 @ 06:32 AM
reply to post by seabag

Republican turnout was lower this year than for McCain in 08’ because of the weak GOP candidate and the weak message. I’m done supporting moderates and I’m not alone. The GOP is dead to me!

"Not Conservative enough" is exactly the wrong lesson to have learned from all this. The majority of America cannot resolve itself to further Right. Conservative is all well and good and truthfully we could use some strong Conservative voices but not if you're going to keep marching Right. If you're going Libertarian that would be a different story but keep in mind anyone expecting for a message to carry across the nation is going to have to come to Center with their Religion silently in their heart.

It wasn't Romney's Moderate(ness) that lost, it's that he played Far Right in the beginning and people saw right through his Moderate script after the second debate and didn't buy that he was a Moderate, if America had bought it, he probably would have won.

It's also important to note that your fiscally Conservative message is never going to get anywhere without a transition plan, austerity did not work in Europe and it won't work here. The people affected didn't cause the mess we are in and should not have to pay for it in blood (and honestly that is what it comes to). Immediate and drastic cuts to entitlements will destroy this country, when people start dying of hunger or continue to be thrown out into the cold or can't afford to even look for work... you will have a revolt like never seen before. Cutting back on entitlement will have to be your end game, not your kick off. Keeping America warm, fed and housed needs to be the opening play.

Get a plan that gets people back on their feet with steady jobs to go, long term and then talk about ending entitlements. You guys are going to have to learn to not look at the desperate with scorn, and you're going to have to ask the super rich to roll up their sleeves and dig into joining the rest of America in getting ourselves the hell out this mess.
edit on 9-11-2012 by Kali74 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 9 2012 @ 06:55 AM

Originally posted by Jeremiah65

Originally posted by Mike.Ockizard

Originally posted by sonnny1
reply to post by Bilder

I tend to agree.

The Tea Party was also a voice, that the GOP didn't want to listen to. I believe they thought the Tea Party was a threat to their existence also.

Ironic that the GOP created the tea party to beat Obama. GOP is seriously f'd up.

Not exactly. The Tea party began in outrage of the Bailouts of the banks and TARP. People were highly pissed that their tax dollars were going to the institutions that preyed on them for decades. The problem was, that the shadow walkers saw the rising success of the Tea party movement and hijacked it.
edit on 11/8/2012 by Jeremiah65 because: (no reason given)

I stand corected. Thanks for the clarification. Still ironic tho.

posted on Nov, 9 2012 @ 08:17 AM
reply to post by phinubian


Yes, Vacuum....

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