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posted on Nov, 7 2012 @ 09:18 AM

YOU must understand by now that the american political system is a complete farce, It seems the american ATS folk have completely disregarded the fight WE stand for. Your vote meant nothing, Your country and the corporate elite is the reason we are in the global financial mess in the first place $Petrodollar$. YOU people which seem to still believe that your circus democracy has a legitimate voting system.

Did you fail to notice the biggest names in pop and rap music supporting Obama? Do you understand the music and videos the satanic music industry implements to the people? I believe not as many of my fellow ATS members still voted for Obama.

You have fell for the lesser or two evil for decades, What do you Americans do? complain about the administration for four years and join the puppet wagon again.


The bankers will not stop until they have 100% control of the global financial system.

As far as I see it, your country is in desperate need for a revolution. Without a revolution and educating as many as you can, remember KNOWLEDGE IS POWER.

I can not emphasize the word 'Desperate'

From an English perspective all I see is uneducated masses voting for one of two choices;

First option : Choose me if you would like me to sell your country to the elite, oh I forgot to mention I support the Zionist controlled banking system therefore I will be raging another war against another Islamic nation. I know that we are the only country to drop an atomic bomb on another country but please do not let Iran make an atomic bomb.

Second option : Same as the first but I have a different religious and ethnic background therefore your brain gets the idea that I am different from your first option.

Here is the bottom line and I mean BOTTOM LINE:

(1) Your dollar is on the verge of collapse, the bankers know this and are scrambling to attempt to put it right, to maintain overall control and military might of the united states. If the dollar collapses, the occult banking elite loose control of the petrodollar controlled nations across the middle east. The east then will rise beyond any countries expectations.

(2) Revolt, this is your only option that has a hopeful outcome. If you question this then your countries days are numbered. Revolutions are messy and often puts you and your fellow countrymen in a bigger mess, This is part of the process. F>Y>I> Libya is in a worse state than it was before the uprising..... the blame is not on the rebels....the UN and NATO have to answer for this.... They happily take down aggressive regimes when they are not benefiting from it..... but destabilising a regime and re establishing a democratic nation is not a "few months work" as the UN seem to think.

I can guarantee you reply harshly towards this thread rather then supporting the facts that have been in your face since Richard Nixon made deals with the Arab leaders. A revolution is indefinitely needed.

edit on 7-11-2012 by The0nlytruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 7 2012 @ 09:20 AM
All CAPS will change nothing.

posted on Nov, 7 2012 @ 09:25 AM
reply to post by Komonazmuk

Its called emphasising something that needs emphasis. Why Dont you read it? Or do you just like to click on threads in capitals and post your sarcy remark.

posted on Nov, 7 2012 @ 09:28 AM
reply to post by The0nlytruth

I read it, it was not all that much to read.

Revolt? How about you Revolt in England?

posted on Nov, 7 2012 @ 09:29 AM
A revolt isn't needed. People just need to stop buying into it—something all westerners are guilty of. Close the wallet for a little while and see what happens.

posted on Nov, 7 2012 @ 09:35 AM
reply to post by Komonazmuk

Typical american, blinded by the patriotic illusion..... Why dont you do it man.... why do i have to do it...... My country is fine.

posted on Nov, 7 2012 @ 09:39 AM

Originally posted by The0nlytruth
reply to post by Komonazmuk

Typical american, blinded by the patriotic illusion..... Why dont you do it man.... why do i have to do it...... My country is fine.

Typical? Patriotic Illusion?

Why don't I do it? I'm not for a violent revolution. Why would you have to do it? You are the one screaming about revolution is the only answer.

Your country is fine? See; Patriotic Illusion, perhaps look up the word hypocrite and let it ferment in your head for a moment.

Sounds like we got a lvl 99 hater.

Thanks for adding me as a foe

posted on Nov, 7 2012 @ 09:54 AM
Gandhi defeated an empire with compassion and temperance.

Revolution doesn't need to always mean killing. There are other ways.

posted on Nov, 7 2012 @ 09:56 AM
"Typical american, blinded by the patriotic illusion..... Why dont you do it man.... why do i have to do it...... My country is fine."

Everything you've said about America, the same is true for the UK. If you can't see that...I don't know what you're even doing here...But you've lost any legitimacy you might have had if you can't see the truth in your own back yard.

posted on Nov, 7 2012 @ 10:00 AM
You are 100% correct in your OP. America fails to see that it is sliding down a slippery slope that we have been blind to for a long, long time. We're getting towards the bottom of this death slide, and unless we collectively yell STOP! and grab on, we'll be going straight down the toilet.

I had a philosophy professor, long ago in the 1980s, who said that this is the direction we were headed, but that the majority of Americans would do nothing about it, as long as they have a roof over their head, a working TV, a six pack in the fridge, and a car / truck in the driveway. He was right, unfortunately. However, the minute you take away the dwelling, TV, six pack, and ride, things will get ugly in a New York minute.

So TPTB are very careful to make sure that people have these few things to keep them complacent, until the very end.....and then, they'll be outta here with the remainder of our wealth, and we can tear each other to pieces in frustration, it won't matter. The damage will be done.

posted on Nov, 7 2012 @ 10:07 AM
reply to post by The0nlytruth

I see this win as a good thing.
Maybe now the Republican party will wake up and kick out the crazy, racist and just plain dumb members out of it's party. And actually bring in some people who have some common sense.

Then maybe we can go back to the Republican party of the 60's that believed in racial equality and fiscal responsibility.

posted on Nov, 7 2012 @ 10:08 AM
reply to post by AdamsMurmur

Couldn't agree more. IMO now is the time to acknowledge and move on... in a peaceful and positive manner. My candidate did not win but I'm ready to move on in a positive direction.

posted on Nov, 7 2012 @ 10:11 AM

That may all be true, I think it is. The point is though, the same is true for the UK. No question.
He may have had a valid argument until he said, essentially, "Dumb blind Americans! Don't point the finger at me! My country's fine."

posted on Nov, 7 2012 @ 10:23 AM
reply to post by curiouscanadian777

You missed the point, I understand my country is in a complete state. We however are making progress, America are falling more and more everyday. Everyday I see more and more waking up in England, I am targeting my generation (0 - 30). I despise parliament however Mr Cameron is making progress with the deficit and has lifted us out of the double dip recession. He also denied the american military the rights to more troops here ahead of the imminent war with Iran.

America however are not even close to waking up, another 4 years and you will do the same again.

posted on Nov, 7 2012 @ 10:25 AM
reply to post by curiouscanadian777

I ignored that aspect, as it wasn't part of the original post. If I were to give up my American citizenship and bail to another country, the last place I would go would be the UK. Everything that we're doing wrong, they're ahead of us by years. This is not a slam on the people there. I make the distinction between a people and their out-of-control governments.

However, my parents immigrated to this country, I was born here, and unless something catastrophic happens, I plan on dying here. We're living in a very painful time in American history. It was a noble experiment, and should have worked, had we not let in that Trojan Horse known as the federal reserve. Central banks are always the fifth column that destroys a country from within.

posted on Nov, 7 2012 @ 10:27 AM
reply to post by AdamsMurmur

Violence is the final resort in a revolution, However the world was in a very different state when Gandhi led the people.

What made you all think I meant violence? That my friends is a option to be taken when all other lights go out.

posted on Nov, 7 2012 @ 10:33 AM

Originally posted by tiremanken
reply to post by AdamsMurmur

Couldn't agree more. IMO now is the time to acknowledge and move on... in a peaceful and positive manner. My candidate did not win but I'm ready to move on in a positive direction.
That's not quite what I meant. My comment was more in line with these two:

Originally posted by FissionSurplus

Originally posted by LesMisanthrope
I agree with revolution, but it doesn't need to be a stereotypical bloodbath. People need to just stop feeding the dragon.

Faith in candidates is recessive imo. At least 10 years of political failure should be a major alarm to the American people. Still, I praise your willingness to let it go peacefully.

edit on 7/11/12 by AdamsMurmur because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 7 2012 @ 10:37 AM

Originally posted by The0nlytruth
reply to post by AdamsMurmur

Violence is the final resort in a revolution, However the world was in a very different state when Gandhi led the people.

What made you all think I meant violence? That my friends is a option to be taken when all other lights go out.
I know. Things are way different today, but money makes the world go 'round and the people control that. Funny.

Violence came to mind because I feel that's how most Americans will respond when they finally feel cornered.

posted on Nov, 7 2012 @ 10:40 AM
"Everyday I see more and more waking up in England, I am targeting my generation (0 - 30)."

Well, I will give you that. Just the UKUncut movement, I don't know of others, have demonstrated/protested a lot. You see it all over Europe, and all over the world really. Citizens in the hundreds of thousands out protesting against their gov't. The only thing we had here, in North America, was Occupy, and though they did a lot, they were infiltrated and derailed. Divide and conquer, just like always. It just will not be allowed here. Only if people get together, in hundreds of thousands and millions, and refuse to leave, will their voices be heard.
Besides for that though, I don't think the UK is 'fine' at all. Not at all. Same # as here.

posted on Nov, 7 2012 @ 10:45 AM
We just had a revolution yesterday...hell, florida, they are still counting the bodys (votes).

Thats how civilized people revolt now. Should someone completely different come forward and have a popular stance, well..then people will fight (vote) for him.

All the stuff you said though initially, movies and music and whatnot being satanic.
Ya, we reject religious lunacy and even the pretty hardcore fundys over here don't want a theocracy...

Look over to the middle east to see how wonderful theocracy is.

As far as the differences of party. There are some aspects that are simply too close..pretty identical and annoying..but typically there is some basic understanding in some areas as to where there is little choice.
Both parties for instance think its not a good thing to kick may wonder where the pro-kitten kicking party is...well, it doesn't really exist because its unpopular.
That sort of thing
But, there are differences. Be it agendas on womens rights, environmental regulations, tax rates, etc.
You may suggest these are just the fluff bits that ignore the greater issues overall. But in reality, the government doesn't actually do -that much-. They don't force (normally) companies what to sell, where to sell, etc. Government role is infrustructure and defense. The debate is what is considered those two.

They do some other bits also..sometimes it is cheered by most, sometimes its cursed (see NASA).

Revolution: Check..happened, and the incumbant party's force was stronger than the insurrection. Will have another mini one in 2 years, and a big one in 4 years.
Theocracy: Rejected (as usual)
JayZ: Relevant to politics
Jesus: Relevant to you personally, not politics.

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