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Release the Akin! Bill Mahar warns voters if you elect Romney...

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posted on Oct, 28 2012 @ 10:30 AM
I might have put this in the jokes section if it were not all unfortunately TRUE.

Bill Maher used his final New Rule of the night to warn voters unhappy with President Obama of the political and social consequences of the other guy winning. Maher argued that Mitt Romney winning the presidency would not just be a victory for him, but for every Republican extremist Romney has ever supported in his recent political career. Maher said Romney "may seem like a nice fella," but he's "a compulsive liar whose whole life is secret" and would bring too much unwanted baggage into a relationship with America.

Please keep in mind I do not agree with Bill Mahar on everything. However in this clip he describes the many science challenged individuals we have holding high office in the land.

These ignoramus OCCUPY WASHINGTON.

They take good jobs from more qualified individuals. More qualified individuals are anyone who can pass a basic math science test, wants the job and has a scrap of integrity.

These cretins hold offices and jobs with health insurance and a guaranteed retirement. These are almost the only jobs left in our whole corporatized country that DO!
And these crackpots are among those FIRST fighting to take away peoples guaranteed health insurance. Retirement benefits! That's a joke. Employers show no compassion gratitude or responsibliities to their workers like they did once upon a time in this country's history. That is because those companies grew so big, so quickly. The CEO has a corner office and are so far removed from the day to day. The person determining wages no longer has to look you in the eye or hear about your sick wife, your hungry kids.

We are in desperate times and helping the "small business" is a euphemism. That means helping corporatist to get bigger. GREAT if you are an investor!

Everyone loves no regulations and the opportunity for American enterprise to blossom and grow more profitable everyday...that's the entrepreneurial spirit! But the way to do that is NOT TAKE MORE AND MORE FROM THE COMMON LABORER. STRETCH THE "WORKER" TO THE BREAKING POINT AND WHEN BROKEN REPLACE IT WITH A NEW "WORKER" FROM THE COMMON POOL - and hopefully those in the pool are starving and will work cheap. Don't worry! Your GOP congressman is working hard to keep minimum wage stagnant and see that they ARE!

Unfortunately these workers are not figures in an equation.
These are human lives and families.

They are 3/4 of America. By anyone but the GOP's calculation, that's most of it.

The GOP has a tradition of passing legislation, bills and amendments that TAKE MORE FOR FREE from workers and the environment and they give the compensation to the corporate industry head and CEO instead of the people affected by the change. They bribe coerce, and litigate AWAY MORE FROM the public sector whom it rightfully belongs to and then turns the advantage and profit from these shady dealings and corporate loopholes directly over to the bosses CEO's, owners (and yes in trickle down the INVESTORS) in corporate industry. But those investors don't make enough of a return to justify bankrupting MOST of the country to make it happen. Only about a third of America has enough money to call themselves INVESTORS
They are a minority. It is a classic case of the tail wagging the dog.

"We the people" (the other 2/3) can't pay senators and congressmen of the GOP (hired thugs on the take, who presently OCCUPY WASHINGTON) enough bribe money to work for "the people" or "the workers" - so they work for our bosses. Romney is promising "higher wages" That will be the day. They bow and scrape to millionaires and billionaires. WE THE PEOPLE concern them very little. It is pretty darn simple although they will give you charts and graphs to tell you it ain't so...THAT IS THE REAL LIE.

Bill also reminds us in this what bizarre offices and news we miss now that we entertained during the Bush years. So many of these I'd forgotten but in retrospect wonder why they were all issues in the first place. I think the takeaway, or a good first rule should be... "don't let religion tear us apart."

edit on 28-10-2012 by newcovenant because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 28 2012 @ 10:40 AM
reply to post by newcovenant

Not Usually a fan of Mahar.. but.. everything he stated was true.

The GOP can pull out a lot of nutjobs ona whim, heres a classic explanation of GOP Foreign Policy.

It might make you Spew your Coffee.

posted on Oct, 28 2012 @ 10:51 AM
We are screwed either way, so I don't care.

posted on Oct, 28 2012 @ 10:56 AM
Don't think even Bill Maher knows just how bad Rmoney will be for USA and the world.
Think there's a 40% chance of war with Iran or n.Korea with this guy in power.
There will be a war of sorts to make sure he gets his 8 years. Prob. Syria.

But I haven't heard from Obama how he is going to deal with the debt and deficit.
Time to kick out all the old - in with the new... Dr. Jill Stein!
(You need a doc to heal USA and you all know it.)

posted on Oct, 28 2012 @ 11:07 AM
reply to post by Tw0Sides

OMG I had forgotten about that clip. How did those people stay in power for so long? I think they just purposely tried to confuse everyone until people just gave up trying to understand them. Could you imagine if someone gave that speech on Benghazi?

BTW S&F OP what he said is sad and true. I only hope the nation chooses science over religion this election.
That Voodoo that they do.

posted on Oct, 28 2012 @ 11:29 AM

Originally posted by Tw0Sides
reply to post by newcovenant

Not Usually a fan of Mahar.. but.. everything he stated was true.

The GOP can pull out a lot of nutjobs ona whim, heres a classic explanation of GOP Foreign Policy.

It might make you Spew your Coffee. [yvid]/QaxqUDd4fiw/yvid]

LMAO! Coffee all over the place.
Thanks for adding that crazy bit of political madness to this thread!

posted on Oct, 28 2012 @ 11:33 AM
reply to post by newcovenant

Unfortunately the alternative to Akin, the guy who thought women have magic anti pregnancy juice, is Claire McCaskill, the lady who wants a 15 person panel to limit my medical choices and thinks the federal government can mandate that I buy a product. I'd probably vote for Akin.

posted on Oct, 28 2012 @ 11:34 AM

Originally posted by Grimpachi
reply to post by Tw0Sides

OMG I had forgotten about that clip. How did those people stay in power for so long? I think they just purposely tried to confuse everyone until people just gave up trying to understand them. Could you imagine if someone gave that speech on Benghazi?

BTW S&F OP what he said is sad and true. I only hope the nation chooses science over religion this election.
That Voodoo that they do.

You are so right Grimpachi and it would be comical if it weren't so true.

posted on Oct, 28 2012 @ 11:49 AM

Originally posted by snusfanatic
reply to post by newcovenant

Unfortunately the alternative to Akin, the guy who thought women have magic anti pregnancy juice, is Claire McCaskill, the lady who wants a 15 person panel to limit my medical choices and thinks the federal government can mandate that I buy a product. I'd probably vote for Akin.

That's you.

Is it possible you are getting some unflattering spin on what might be a practical, sound and money saving option that adds to quality of life and good medical care for seniors in the process?

You could take something simultaneously COST EFFECTIVE (saving consumers money) AND LIFESAVING and apply words like "death panels" and "committees" to make the public believe a lie. Make them believe propaganda that is very different than what actually is the case.

Now who would bother to SPIN something positive into a negative?

How about the pill mills who are affected when people start to look at CONTRA-INDICATIONS with a computerized program that would tell when drugs might interact badly? It is a money and life saver preventing death by prescription overdose and it costs a little more at the outset but drug companies lobby against what to the rest of us is common sense - because it cuts into their territory

How about hospitals who call for unnecessary surgeries and procedures,

poking, cutting and testing over and over

because they see the person has insurance?

This is what Clair Mc Caskill is trying to prevent.

You are for it? Good to know.

How about insurance companies who stand to lose because they've layered on a bunch of (useless to consumer) administration fees and medical boards who do nothing but collect a paycheck?

If you get rid of waste you are going to start hearing from the waste complaining about losing their jobs.

So what lengths do you think they (folks with skin in the game, like Rockefellers and Koch Bros) will go to try and keep all those useless positions collecting a paycheck? Hire lobbyist? Make up SPIN?

Think about it before you swallow that story they are feeding you, hook line and sinker.

edit on 28-10-2012 by newcovenant because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 28 2012 @ 12:07 PM
reply to post by newcovenant

Claire may be trying to do all those things, but she's failed. She's placed medical decisions in the government's hands. Hands down. The power to 'eliminate waste' is the power to pick and choose what's necessary and what's not. There's no getting around that.

I am pro-life but agree with a rape exception to abortion. That means, despite the fact that he's never apparently had a science class, me and Akin disagree on about 95% then.

Outside of procedures that may or may not involve the ending of a human life, I say let the contraception fly. Birth control should be everywhere, it's good for society and good for individual freedom. But I don't live in bizarro world where BC is apparently the ONLY medical decision that is sacred.

I'm picking between the lesser of two evils here, but that still makes Claire more evil.

posted on Oct, 28 2012 @ 12:18 PM
reply to post by newcovenant

I don't always agree with Bill Maher either, but this time he hit the nail on the head. The modern day GOP, which has been hijacked by Tea Party mentality and currently under contract with Grover Norquist, has been dragged down a sh#t hole and Mitt Romney has proven that he is more than willing to take the rest of us down into that sh#t hole in order to get votes. He's not only out there endorsing the nut jobs, he picked one as his running mate! The very one who co-sponsored Akin's bill in congress, go figure!

It still blows me away that this election is even close at all. F&S for the OP!

posted on Oct, 28 2012 @ 12:19 PM
reply to post by snusfanatic

And you have a right to your opinion.
Thanks for explaining your point of view. I suppose from your position you could see mandating options for birth control and abortion as a negative. People who think the world is virtually teeming with unwanted, trafficked and abused children simply because other people want to hold sway over right to their own body. They believe a collection of human cells constitutes a human. I disagree and I think many others including scientist and doctors in the medical field even some groups of religious women and even nuns also disagree.

posted on Oct, 28 2012 @ 12:19 PM
reply to post by snusfanatic

And you have a right to your opinion.
Thanks for explaining your point of view. I suppose from your position you could see mandating options for birth control and abortion as a negative. Others see it differently. Some people think the world is virtually teeming with unwanted, trafficked and abused children. Simply because other people want to hold sway over women's bodies and even though live birth is always a risky business for a woman they insist on forcing every conception to term. They believe any collection of human cells constitutes a human life, thus preventing stem cell research and the potential to cure many afflicted individual lives living in the here and now, as well. I disagree and I think many others including scientist and doctors in the medical field even some groups of religious women and even nuns also disagree. We have a right to our opinions as well and in a democracy - especially when it is supported by educated opinion and facts rather than suspicion and dogma....majority rules.

edit on 28-10-2012 by newcovenant because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 28 2012 @ 12:41 PM
As of late I am seeing left media do their best Rush Limbaugh impersonations, and not just a few, but many are basically saying everything and anything no matter how extreme.

We are talking here full blown RANTS with frothy spittle and

posted on Oct, 28 2012 @ 01:22 PM

Originally posted by Xtrozero
As of late I am seeing left media do their best Rush Limbaugh impersonations, and not just a few, but many are basically saying everything and anything no matter how extreme.

We are talking here full blown RANTS with frothy spittle and

Rush actually does the best job of impersonating himself. More right wingers gone crazy and here he finds himself befuddled when a caller, an ex Marine actually calls him and asks why Ronald Reagan is so revered among right wingers when he increased everyone's taxes to bail out social security, tripled the deficit, granted amnesty to 2 million illegals and negotiated with terrorists. There is no bigger Kraken than Limbaugh. LOL

posted on Oct, 28 2012 @ 02:23 PM

Heres one where a Republican veteran puts Rush in his place. Rush is caught completly off guard. The guy blames him as part of the reason why the party is so screwed up.

There are some sane Republicans out there. Actualy there are a lot but Rush gives the party a bad name.
edit on 28-10-2012 by Grimpachi because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 28 2012 @ 02:25 PM
The Founding Fathers of the United States would be turning in their graves if they saw the amount of influence that Religion is having over the election cycle in 2012.

posted on Oct, 28 2012 @ 04:57 PM

Originally posted by snusfanatic
reply to post by newcovenant

Unfortunately the alternative to Akin, the guy who thought women have magic anti pregnancy juice, is Claire McCaskill, the lady who wants a 15 person panel to limit my medical choices and thinks the federal government can mandate that I buy a product. I'd probably vote for Akin.

I hear ya...and I've personally agonized more than a little over this. I've spent 6 long years looking forward to casting my vote AGAINST Claire and her loony lefty bunch. Missouri is NOT a lefty state.....despite her.

Imagine my disillusionment and horror then, to hear this imbecile Akin and his glorious celebration of ignorance at a level I'd shake my head at from Middle School students.

For those who ARE partisan this season to the point of outright ugliness....he's a good example of how not everyone is. It took THAT stupidity...but after 6 years of dreaming of helping to throw her OUT..I have to vote for Claire and I hate Akin for it. I cannot in good conscience vote in a man with the level of literal intelligence and education Akin appears to posses.

^^ I'm not even trying to be insulting. I see Akin as a true example of poor education and TRUE ignorance. Fine...I don't hold it against him personally...except he was ALSO too stupid to drop out like a MAN. That I do hold personal. Outside of that? He can educate himself and solve the ignorance, but NOT 'On the Job Training'. The U,S. Senate isn't the place for dumb on steroids, whatever party affiliation they are.

Damn Akin for making me and many like me vote a split ticket in a year NO ONE really wants to.

posted on Oct, 28 2012 @ 05:48 PM
Wow.. what a piece of......

He is oversimplifying so much

"You can't control what god does... so why use an umbrella?"

Maher is a dangerous man, because comedy makes you laugh
and as long as you laugh the person is correct
laughing becomes a sign of agreement

Let's say you don't believe in HAARP
But let's say it exists, Maher is saying HAARP is good!
No he's not?
Well he is because he's oversimplifying it!!!

If I was on his show I would end his career in a debate

posted on Oct, 28 2012 @ 07:46 PM

Originally posted by ModernAcademia
Wow.. what a piece of......

He is oversimplifying so much

"You can't control what god does... so why use an umbrella?"

Maher is a dangerous man, because comedy makes you laugh
and as long as you laugh the person is correct
laughing becomes a sign of agreement

Let's say you don't believe in HAARP
But let's say it exists, Maher is saying HAARP is good!
No he's not?
Well he is because he's oversimplifying it!!!

If I was on his show I would end his career in a debate

Ahh...truth comes out.... Mahar is a dangerous man.

So was Kennedy.
So was Martin Luther King
So was Menachem Begin
So was John Lennon

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